Quality of financial reporting
The research "Impact of carbon pricing on voluntary environmental disclosures of electricity generating sector: a multi country analysis" objectives include: 1) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of companies operating in carbon pricing countries; 2) To identify the voluntary environmental disclosure pattern of organisations operating in non-carbon pricing countries; 3) To assess the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures of companies from different countries; and 4) To assess the implementation of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines by the se...
141p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
The thesis studies the factors affecting the quality of information on the financial statements of companies listed on the stock market and recommends recommendations for influencing factors to improve the quality of information. on the financial statements of companies listed on Vietnam's stock market.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 42 2 Download
The study employed statistical techniques to address the subject matter of the research problem. Among other things, the study found that quality of financial reporting is very significant in enhancing financial accountability of Tanzanian local governments.
18p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 18 1 Download
Research objectives: The first research objective is to determine the factors of measurement quality of(financial reporting information) FRI of listed companies in Vietnam. The second research objective is aimed at determining the impact of CG characteristics on the quality of FRI. The last research objective is to assess the reality of quality of FRI and the impact of CG on the quality of FRI of listed companies in Vietnam.
24p change03 06-05-2016 67 3 Download
The topic’s focus is to identify factors affecting audit quality of financial reports of listed companies in the Vietnamese stock market by independent auditing firms. The research objects are joint stock firms with securities (stocks and bonds) listing on the Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi Stock Exchanges.
0p luanan014 17-07-2014 107 11 Download
Describe the purpose of the balance sheet and understand its usefulness and limitations. The Balance Sheet The purpose of the balance sheet is to report a company’s financial position on a particular date. Limitations: The balance sheet does not portray the market value of the entity as a going concern nor its liquidation value. p Resources such as employee skills and reputation are not recorded in the balance sheet. p Usefulness: p The balance sheet describes many of the resources a company has available for generating future cash flows.
13p babyhiepxu 05-10-2012 85 12 Download