Random sampling technique
The study was conducted in the state of Uttarakhand, with two purposively selected KVKs Dhakrani representing the plains region of Garhwal division and Bageshwarre presenting the hill region of Kumaon division. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents from eight villages from both KVK. Finding of the study revealed that, majority of the beneficiaries had middle age group, educated up to higher secondary, medium family size, marginal land holding, medium media ownership, extension contact, information seeking behaviour and social participation.
13p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 21 5 Download
The unique aspect of this study is that the researcher made an attempt to identify what are the factor leading to job dissatisfaction and also whether there is lack of affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment that can influence in their job of employees working in select public sector banks in Coimbatore.
10p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 30 2 Download
The research conducted was non-experimental, descriptive and quantitative research .The sample size is 150.The stratified random sampling techniques was used in this research. The feminist has different attitude towards green purchase. Customers who are older lack interest towards the green products.
6p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 15 2 Download
This study focuses on socio economic significance of women participation in tourism development and promotion in Bussa. Sampling techniques that were used in this research work include cluster and random sampling methods.
8p christabelhuynh 04-06-2020 26 1 Download
A correlated sampling technique has been implemented to estimate the impact of cross section modifications on the neutron transport and in Monte Carlo simulations in one single calculation. This implementation has been coupled to a Total Monte Carlo approach which consists in propagating nuclear data uncertainties with random cross section files.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 2 Download
Study on cost and income analysis was conducted in Bhanwarkola block of Ghazipur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. A sample of 50 respondent was chosen through purposive cum random sampling technique were categorised as marginal...
7p nguaconbaynhay5 16-05-2020 10 3 Download
Numerous gel-free proteomics techniques have been reported over the past few years, introducing a move from proteins to peptides as bits of informa-tion in qualitative and quantitative proteome studies. Many shotgun pro-teomics techniques randomly sample thousands of peptides in a qualitative and quantitative manner but overlook the vast majority of protein modifi-cations that are often crucial for proper protein structure and function.
13p media19 05-03-2013 38 2 Download