Sample processing methods
Lecture Digital signal processing - Chapter 4: FIR filtering and convolution includes content: Block processing methods (Convolution: direct form, convolution table; convolution: LTI form, LTI table; matrix form; flip-and-slide form; overlap-add block convolution method), sample processing methods.
32p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 65 4 Download
The objectives of the present study are: Justifying the possibility of using laser cladding technology as a repair method for refurbishment of worn railway axles without jeopardizing their fatigue properties; Analysis of crack initiation and propagation in laser clad samples.
130p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
Aim of the thesis: Development of a new method for determining concentration of the radionuclides in enviromental samples by mean of gamma spectroscopy. Establishing a data set of the soil-plant transfer factor (TF) of radionuclides 238U, 232Th and 40K for some vegetables in Truong Sa island and that of 238U, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs for tea tree from Luong My farm, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam and evaluate the influence of natural radionuclide concentration to the soil-plant transfer process of artificial radionuclide 137Cs.
30p extraenglish 24-05-2021 26 3 Download
Developed a chemometric-photometric analysis process in combination with Kalman filter method to simultaneously analyze mixtures of 2 and 3 substances with molecular absorption spectra overlapping in pharmaceutical samples; apply the process has been built to simultanneously analyze mixtures 2 and 3 substances in some pharmaceuticals are on the market Vietnam.
26p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 23 3 Download
The aim and content of research: Establishing scientific basis and method of analyzing the law of sound velocity change in seawater in the Gulf of Tonkin region of Vietnam to complete the process of sampling sound velocity to effectively exploit hydroacoustics equipment.
20p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 29 4 Download
Proposing a model to classify by fuzzy decision trees and a method to select the feature training samples set for classification process. Recommending the linguistic value treatment method of inhomogeneous attributes based on hedge algebra. Proposing the algorithms by fuzzy decision tree in order to be effective in predicting and simple for users.
26p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 32 3 Download
This study already demonstrate the high potential of microfluidic technology to improve analytical operations on D&D samples. This method will further be validated with radioactive samples.
6p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 8 1 Download
Instead of running hundreds or thousands of neutronics calculations, we therefore investigate the possibility to take those many cross-section file samples and perform ‘cheap’ sensitivity perturbation calculations. This is efficiently possible with the NEA Nuclear Data Sensitivity Tool (NDaST) and this process we name the half Monte Carlo method (HMM).
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 0 Download
This paper gives an overview of the evaluation processes used for nuclear data at CEA. After giving Bayesian inference and associated methods used in the CONRAD code [P. Archier et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 118, 488 (2014)], a focus on systematic uncertainties will be given.
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 1 Download
Research objectives of the thesis: Study the process of simultaneous determination and evaluation of the method of analyzing 7 chlorobenzene, including 1,2- 4 dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB); 1,3-dichlorobenzene (1,3-DCB); 1,2,4- trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB); 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorbenzene (1,2,3,4- TeCB), 1,2,4,5-tetraclobenzene (1,2,4,5-TeCB); pentaclobenzene (PeCB) and hexaclobenzene (HCB) in trace and superficial content in flue gas samples and industrial waste (fly ash, bottom ash, input materials).
26p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 51 9 Download
SERVICE PROCESS KAIZEN: ADOPTING PROCESS STABILIZATION METHODS TO CONTROL SERVICE WORK FLOW AND TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE I drop MSAs that are not in SAT states or where available completion rate data cover less than two thirds of public enrollment. This leaves a sample of 931 districts from 50 MSAs. In spite of the serious limitations in the CCD data, the pattern of results in Panel D is quite similar to that in Panel C. Again, the student quality index is a strong predictor of completion rates, but its coefficient is (insignificantly) smaller in high-choice than in low-choice MSAs....
83p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 86 16 Download
A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM • Distributed computing or processing resolves around clientserver technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server applications.An RMI application has to expose methods, which remote clients can invoke. • These methods which are meant to be remote, should be defined in an interface which extends the java.rmi.Remote interface
19p blackfalconbm 07-11-2012 100 38 Download