Short term memory
Bài viết đưa ra phương pháp sử dụng mô hình học sâu Long Short-Term Memory trong dự đoán giá trị cổ phiếu và nghiên cứu tổng quan về mô hình này. Kết quả bài báo có thể dự đoán được xu hướng giá trị cổ phiếu của giá đóng điều chỉnh với sai số độ lệch bình phương trung bình gốc, sai số tuyệt đối trung bình lần lượt là 0,1387 và 0,1007.
9p tuetuebinhan000 23-01-2025 2 0 Download
This research paper focuses on the critical role of demand forecasting in FMCG, emphasizing the need for LSTM-based deep learning models to deal with demand uncertainty and improve predictive outcomes. Through this exploration, we aim to illuminate the link between demand forecasting and advanced deep learning, enabling FMCG companies to thrive in a highly dynamic business landscape.
8p vifilm 11-10-2024 3 1 Download
Short-term memory is the foundation of long-term memory, which greatly influences cognitive activities, especially in the field of education. Medical students contribute to showing an overview of the characteristics of short-term memory of medical students in particular and students in general in a developing country like Vietnam.
8p vinara 11-01-2025 2 1 Download
Forecasting stock index has been received great interest because an accurate prediction of stock index may yield benefits and profits for investors, economists and practitioners. The objective of this study is to develop two efficient forecasting models and compare their performances in one day-ahead forecasting the daily Vietnamese stock index.
16p tohitohi 22-05-2020 31 5 Download