Skill development programmes
file:///C:/Users/dangt/Downloads/qhf_2In traditional listening teaching methods in general and, in particular, teaching listening tends to treat students equally. Teachers have tendencies to present the same in-class exercises and activities to all learners and expect the same outcome. In present, with the development of high technology, numerous techniques to teach listening are applied in listening lessons; however, dictation is still a good method to be used to teach listening when it has various implications for educators in terms of classroom instructions.
81p closefriend09 16-11-2021 59 9 Download
The study aims at investigating how students learn outside the classroom as well as the activities they focus on. The findings will be meaningful to English teachers in the school investigated because they can understand how their students learn English outside the class; therefore, they can design suitable strategies to improve their teaching skill as well as design various activities to help their students develop their English competence.
66p closefriend09 16-11-2021 34 5 Download
The long-term goal of the research is to develop a series of appropriate pre-listening activities that help my college‟s students in listening comprehension. However, within the scope of this action research, the author first tried out a variety of prelistening activities for diversification and see how they work, which works well and which not. B
84p closefriend09 16-11-2021 34 5 Download
This research aimed at studying how to apply CBI method in teaching Speaking skills for third-year students in Tourism Faculty effectively. With the expectation of being able to help those students improve their speaking skills, this thesis was conducted to evaluate how content-based instructions could help students to be better at speaking or making presentations.
86p closefriend09 16-11-2021 15 4 Download
In this paper, an attempt has been made to identify how far the skill development programmes have achieved success and what are the major problems faced by the youth in initiating the skill development programmes launched by government.
13p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 15 5 Download
Support the development of the functional food industry in Ireland. Create a new, internationally-competitive, interdisciplinary, industry-focused research centre developing skills and technologies that will lead to new products, processes and services. Develop research programmes that are jointly formulated and implemented by the participating academic and industrial partners with a view to providing the best solutions to the medium and long term issues facing industry in Ireland.
14p nhocbuonthich 18-06-2012 89 9 Download