Soil pollution treatment
The aim of research: Determination of greywater characteristics from some buildings in Hanoi city; Explaination of the principle of removing the main pollutants out of greywater by using laterite with multi soil layering engineering; Determination of decomposition rate coefficients of BOD5, COD and NH4 + -N. The number of laterite layer is calculated based on these coefficients; Successful greywater treatment from building by using laterite with Multi Soil Layering engineering and the treated effluent meet up the National Regulations
27p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 20 9 Download
Pot and field trials were carried out using sediment dredged from the port of Bremen (Germany) and deposited in a settling basin near Bremen; the sediment is polluted with Cd and Zn. Five iron-bearing materials were added to the soil (1% pure Fe in soil dry matter) to immobilize the heavy metals: ‘Red mud from the aluminium industry, sludge from drinking-water treatment, bog iron ore, unused steel shot and steel shot waste.
8p tudoia 06-04-2011 116 6 Download