Sound and vibration
This research has raised the question of whether the vibration transmission at a wall junction depends on how the wall is excited (by either a sound wave or a mechanical shaker). The aim of this research is to investigate this question and hence contribute to the revision of the series of standards. Villot and Guigou-Carter (2000) have considered this problem but their equations (10) and (13) appear to be in error. This research will endeavour to derive the correct equations and r epeat Villot and Guigou Carter’s calculations.
162p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
The question sustained throughout the project, and developed into four key principal research aims or foci, framing my research approach and helping to define the field covered. These concerned: abstracting musical basslines into an environmental domain; articulating building materials through vibration; composing for a tactile sensation bodily experience; understanding the dialogue between hearing and sensation, and how felt and audible aspects affect awareness and perception of each other.
112p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download