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Space complexity

Xem 1-16 trên 16 kết quả Space complexity
  • In this article, we will prove an algebraic dependence theorem for meromorphic mappings into a complex projective space sharing few moving hyperplanes with different truncated multiplicity.

    pdf10p vibenya 31-12-2024 8 2   Download

  • This thesis explores contemporary experiences of entrepreneurial knowledge work in emerging and rapidly changing areas of economy and society through a detailed ethnographic analysis of the motivations, social practices and changing experiences of a pioneering Coworking community in Melbourne, Australia. Coworking is a complex social phenomenon.

    pdf481p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3   Download

  • Parallel Implementation of MAFFT on CUDA-Enabled Graphics Hardware present a new approach to accelerat- ing MAFFT on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model. Compared with the implementations of other MSA algorithms on GPUs, parallelization of MAFFT is more challenging since the space complexity.


    pdf14p ducla78 30-07-2015 51 6   Download

  • The serpins are of general protein chemical interest due to their ability to undergo a large conformational change consisting of the insertion of the reactive centre loop (RCL) as strand 4 of the central b sheet A. To make space for the incoming RCL, the ‘shutter region’ opens by the b strands 3A and 5A sliding apart over the underlying a helix B. Loop insertion occurs during the formation of complexes of serpins with their target serine proteinases and during latency transition. This type of loop insertion is unique to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1).

    pdf10p system191 01-06-2013 42 4   Download

  • From the membrane fraction of the Gram-positive bacter-ium Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans,anenzyme complex catalyzing the conversionofCOtoCO2andH2was purified. The enzyme complex showed maximal CO-oxidi-zing:H2 -evolving enzyme activity with 5% CO in the head-space (450 U per mg protein). Higher CO concentrations inhibited the hydrogenase present in the enzyme complex. For maximal activity, the enzyme complex had to be activated by either CO or strong reductants.

    pdf10p tumor12 22-04-2013 38 2   Download

  • The aerobic archaea possess four closely spaced, adjacent genes that encode proteins showing significant sequence identities with the bacterial and eukaryal components comprising the 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase multi-enzyme complexes.

    pdf10p media19 04-03-2013 29 2   Download

  • For a transversal pair of closed Lagrangian submanifolds L, L of a symplectic manifold M such that π1 (L) = π1 (L ) = 0 = c1 |π2 (M ) = ω|π2 (M ) and for a generic almost complex structure J, we construct an invariant with a high homotopical content which consists in the pages of order ≥ 2 of a spectral sequence whose differentials provide an algebraic measure of the highdimensional moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorpic strips of finite energy that join L and L . When L and L are Hamiltonian isotopic, we show that the pages...

    pdf67p noel_noel 17-01-2013 60 7   Download

  • Characteristic classes for oriented pseudomanifolds can be defined using appropriate self-dual complexes of sheaves. On non-Witt spaces, self-dual complexes compatible to intersection homology are determined by choices of Lagrangian structures at the strata of odd codimension. We prove that the associated signature and L-classes are independent of the choice of Lagrangian structures, so that singular spaces with odd codimensional strata, such as e.g. certain compactifications of locally symmetric spaces, have well-defined L-classes, provided Lagrangian structures exist.

    pdf25p noel_noel 17-01-2013 60 8   Download

  • We prove that the classical Oka property of a complex manifold Y, concerning the existence and homotopy classification of holomorphic mappings from Stein manifolds to Y, is equivalent to a Runge approximation property for holomorphic maps from compact convex sets in Euclidean spaces to Y . Introduction Motivated by the seminal works of Oka [40] and Grauert ([24], [25], [26]) we say that a complex manifold Y enjoys the Oka property if for every Stein manifold X, every compact O(X)-convex subset K of X and every continuous map f0 : X → Y which is holomorphic in an...

    pdf20p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 6   Download

  • The Fourier transform of a C ∞ function, f , with compact support on a real reductive Lie group G is given by a collection of operators φ(P, σ, λ) := π P (σ, λ)(f ) for a suitable family of representations of G, which depends on a family, indexed by P in a finite set of parabolic subgroups of G, of pairs of parameters (σ, λ), σ varying in a set of discrete series, λ lying in a complex finite dimensional vector space. The π P (σ, λ) are generalized principal series, induced from P . It is...

    pdf44p noel_noel 17-01-2013 60 6   Download

  • By means of analytic methods the quasi-projectivity of the moduli space of algebraically polarized varieties with a not necessarily reduced complex structure is proven including the case of nonuniruled polarized varieties. Contents Introduction Singular hermitian metrics Deformation theory of framed manifolds; V -structures Cyclic coverings Canonically polarized framed manifolds Singular Hermitian metrics for families of canonically polarized framed manifolds 7.

    pdf44p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 51 7   Download

  • We give infinite series of groups Γ and of compact complex surfaces of general type S with fundamental group Γ such that 1) Any surface S with the same Euler number as S, and fundamental group Γ, is diffeomorphic to S. 2) The moduli space of S consists of exactly two connected components, exchanged by complex conjugation. Whence, i) On the one hand we give simple counterexamples to the DEF = DIFF question whether deformation type and diffeomorphism type coincide for algebraic surfaces. ii) On the other hand we get examples of moduli spaces without real points. iii)...

    pdf17p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 61 7   Download

  • Question 1. Reorder the following efficiencies from the smallest to the largest: a. 2n3 + n5 b. 2000 c. 4n+1 d. n4 e. (n-1)! f. nlog2(n) g. 2klogk(n) (k is a predefined constant) Solution: Efficiency: a measure of amount of time for an algorithm to execute (Time Efficiency) or a measure of amount of memory needed for an algorithm to execute (Space Efficiency). Non-decreasing order: 2000

    pdf5p dragonly 03-01-2013 40 2   Download

  • Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành hóa học dành cho các bạn yêu hóa học tham khảo đề tài: A Low-Complexity Approach to Space-Time Coding for Multipath Fading Channels

    pdf10p sting11 10-03-2012 37 3   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học ngành toán học tạp chí Journal of Operator Theory đề tài: Tính ổn định của các chỉ số của một phức tạp của không gian Banach...

    pdf29p matuot_266 26-08-2011 60 5   Download

  • Quicksort is a sorting algorithm developed by Tony Hoare that, on average, makes comparisons to sort n items. In the worst case, it makes comparisons, though this behavior is rare. Quicksort is often faster in practice than other algorithms.[1] Additionally, quicksort's sequential and localized memory references work well with a cache. Quicksort can be implemented with an in-place partitioning algorithm, so the entire sort can be done with only additional space.

    ppt16p locnp0209 11-06-2011 122 15   Download



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