Strategic management accounting
This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods by gathering data from 220 survey samples to identify and evaluate the influencing factors on the application of Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) in logistics companies in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) amidst Vietnam’s transition to a market economy.
8p viyamanaka 06-02-2025 1 1 Download
The board of directors plays a crucial role in corporate governance, overseeing strategic planning, executive management, risk assessment, financial decision-making, and ensuring transparency and accountability. This study investigates the relationship between board of directors' characteristics and financial performance of listed enterprises in Vietnam.
12p viyamanaka 06-02-2025 1 1 Download
This thesis focuses on the management control function in Australian small businesses. The main function of a Management Control System (MCS) is strategy implementation. It is the system used by management to plan and control the firm’s performance. Elements of the MCS include strategic planning, budgeting, resource allocation, forecasting, performance measurement and evaluation and the core management accounting system (Anthony & Govindarajan, 2007).
439p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Studying factors affecting the implementation of SMA and the impact on the performance of ME in Vietnam. Identify factors affecting SMA implementation of Vietnamese manufacturing enterprises; Measuring the influence of factors on SMA implementation of Vietnamese manufacturing enterprises; Measure the influence of SMA on the performance of Vietnamese manufacturing enterprises.
31p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 25 4 Download
This study investigates determinants of the adoption of SMA in VMEs and its impact on VMEs’ operating performance. The quantitative method is applied to test the proposed research model and hypotheses. In particular, in this stage, we collect data using questionnaires, then analyze the collected data by using SPSS and AMOS.
24p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 60 2 Download
This study examines the relationship between cost reduction strategies and the growth of manufacturing companies in Nigeria using data from annual reports of 40 manufacturing companies quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange within the period of 2012-2016.
8p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 36 2 Download
The primary objective of this study was to examine the role of strategic management accounting practices to enhance the profitability of the Malaysian logistics firms. Questionnaires were adopted to collect the primary data and they were distributed among the employees of the logistics companies.
12p tocectocec 24-05-2020 14 1 Download
A summary of dissertation submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting: Mediating effect of strategic management accounting practices in the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate performance Evidence from Vietnam
50p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 60 2 Download