Teaching chemical experiment
Study objectives: Study and propose the measures to develop the competence in teaching the experimental for pedagogical chemistry student to increasing the teaching competence and increasing the quality of training chemistry teachers of universities.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 42 5 Download
Đề tài: Phát triển năng lực tự học của học sinh thông qua sử dụng thí nghiệm trong dạy học Hóa học 8
Using experiments in chemistry teaching and learning is one of the most important methods to encourage the learning activities of students. Experiments in teaching and learning chemistry are used in different ways to achieve certain goals. That article mentions that the use of chemical experiments to be performed at student's house to develop ability to self-learning, self-study of students in teaching chemistry for 8th grade students in secondary school.
5p ngocanh1971 27-08-2015 89 6 Download