Teaching english prepositions
In general, this study aims to make an insight into an understanding of the role of cognitive linguistics in instruction on English as a foreign language through an investigation of how basic concepts in cognitive linguistics should be applied in a classroom of English as a foreign language.
265p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 21 4 Download
This study aims to find out the effect of applying linguistics perception and teaching spatial and metaphorical meanings of English prepositions above, among, at, behind, beside, between, in, in front of, on and under.
52p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 28 3 Download
The findings illustrate that the group that was treated with CL-based instructions outperformed the traditional group in the posttest although they gained a comparable mean score in the pretest. Most participants also provided positive responses to the new treatment. The findings suggests that cognitive treatment could be employed to assist students in improving their understanding and retaining the metaphorical meanings of the prepositions.
13p queencongchua2 29-08-2019 65 8 Download
Mục đích đầu tiên của nghiên cứu cận thực nghiệm này là tìm ra hiệu quả của việc vận dụng ngôn ngữ học tri nhận vào dạy nghĩa không gian và nghĩa ẩn dụ của giới từ above, among, at, behind, beside, between, in, in front of, on, và under đối với sinh viên Việt Nam. Ngoài ra, nghiên cứu cũng nhằm tìm hiểu ý kiến đánh giá của sinh viên Việt Nam đối với việc dạy giới từ dựa trên quan điểm của ngôn ngữ học tri nhận.
26p phongtitriet000 08-08-2019 29 4 Download
Espresso English has fun, fast online English lessons every week! The lessons include reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar, and practice exercises. If you have a question, you can contact the teacher. This book teaches beginner-level grammar topics with links to grammar exercises on the website. Espresso English will publish intermediate and advanced level grammar books in the future – so sign up for the e-mails to get news about books, courses, and other products.
44p hnhp93 11-01-2013 141 35 Download