Technical writing
The words and expressions below are often used by native speakers when writing to friends and relatives. Using them will help you write in an informal style and will also help you organise your letter into clear paragraphs. Starting your letter (Paragraph 1) Thanks for your letter. Lovely to hear from you. How are you? How are things? Hope you're well.
7p nhocbuonpkd 26-08-2013 696 57 Download
Dịch vụ soạn thảo và viết văn (freelance journalizm, technical writing, editing, vv...) Có thể thực hiện việc tham khảo nhanh tại một trong các danh bạ chủ yếu
6p noduyen123 25-06-2013 28 4 Download
We know that you all know the benefits of thorough, accurate, and understandable documentation. There may be some of you out there who wish that documentation wasn’t an integral part of a programmer’s job. There may be others of you who are thrilled to write documentation, to exercise a different part of your brain, to help your fellow programmers, to capture (hey you, in the back, stop laughing!) your company’s technical assets.
19p dmptit 04-11-2010 132 9 Download
Position utilizing writing and computer skills; special interests in technical writing and developing training materials for computer use
2p haibang_88 25-12-2009 139 10 Download