Terminal monitoring
Search of accessible beams for monitoring in a reception poin. Reception and processing physical channels in directions "subscriber-satellite" and "satellite-subscriber". Primary processing of the received digital signal (extraction of data packages, demultiplexing, removal of scrambler, deinterleaving,removal convolutional codings).
24p lxtruonghn 18-03-2013 77 6 Download
Phytochromes are photoreceptor proteins that monitor the light environ-ment and regulate a variety of photomorphogenic responses to optimize the growth and development of plants. Phytochromes comprise N-terminal photosensory and C-terminal regulatory domains. They are mutually pho-toconvertible between a red-light-absorbing (Pr) and a far-red-light-absorb-ing (Pfr) form. Their interconversion by light stimuli initiates downstream signaling cascades.
10p awards 05-04-2013 46 4 Download
Standard Methods of Input • The Keyboard • The Mouse • Variants of the Mouse The Keyboard • If the CPU is the brain of the computer, then the input devices are its eyes and ears. • The keyboard was one of the first peripherals to be used with computers, and it is stil the primary input device. • The Standard Keyboard Layout • Ergonomic Keyboards • How a Keyboard Works
20p trada85 20-01-2013 44 2 Download
16.1. Terminal The keyhole into Mac OS X's Unix innards is a program called Terminal, which sits in your Applications Utilities folder (see Figure 16-2). Terminal is named after the terminals (computers that consist of only a monitor and keyboard) that still tap into the mainframe computers at some universities and corporations
5p daisuphu 28-07-2010 96 8 Download