The adjusting process
The scope of research: Study on pre-process before preservation. Study on sea grape preservation by MAP method. Study on evaluating the quality by preservation time. Propose the pre-process and prservation of sea grapes by MAP method.
32p tunelove 11-06-2021 19 2 Download
Objectives of the research: Analyzing the process and measures of integrating SDE into teaching Geography 10 in order to develop cognitive capacity and adjust attitude & behavior of students about SD that enhances the position and improves the quality of teaching geography at high schools.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 18 4 Download
The thesis provides additional scientific data on the nutritional and biological value of grape seaweed. On the other hand, the thesis has also built a process of preliminary processing, preserving sea grape by the method of adjusting MAP gas and assessing the change in quality of grape seaweed by storage time, ... Research results The dissertation is a new scientific data on seaweed, serving teaching and researching activities at Nha Trang University as well as a number of other schools and research institutes.
32p quenchua 30-09-2019 52 3 Download
The thesis aims to produce nanoparticles (dielectric, ferrites, ferromagnetic, metal) and their nanoparticles. Find the optimal technology process, suitable for making absorbent samples. Survey the basic properties of fabricated nanomaterials. Measuring and studying the effects of microwave absorption in magnetic-dielectric nanoparticles, absorption mechanisms and dependence of absorbing properties on the parameters of materials, thereby finding solutions Enhance absorption capacity as well as adjust absorption parameters.
28p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 29 4 Download
This study explains the effects of repatriates on managers returning from foreign assignments. The first chapter provides the reader with an introduction to my chosen topic, the justification of undertaking the topic and my research objectives. The second chapter explains the research methodology, my questionnaire design and the problems I encountered when gathering information. The study goes on to explain the expatriation/repatriation process in detail. It begins with the selection criteria needed for expatriation and goes on to criticize it.
85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 30 6 Download
Lecture "International accounting - Chapter 2: The adjusting process" has content: Accrual accounting versus cash basis, accounting, other accounting principles, why we adjust the accounts, two categories of adjusting entries, the adjusted trial balance, the financial statements, ethical issues in accrual accounting
17p bautroibinhyen12 07-01-2017 48 2 Download
Once re-weighted, the MEPS-HC respondents are then assumed to represent the population of California. However, MEPS-HC does not include data on immigration status, and until 2007 did not report whether an individual was born in the United States. We therefore constructed a regression model using CHIS 2009 confidential data to predict the immigration status of MEPS-HC respondents based on a variety of socioeconomic, demographic, and family characteristics.
10p thankinhphanliet 01-01-2013 53 3 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: A Process monitoring in intensive care with the use of cumulative expected minus observed mortality and risk-adjusted p charts...
9p coxanh_2 24-10-2011 52 4 Download
The analog input modules convert analog signals from the process into digital signals for processing within the PLC. The modules feature: Resolution from 9 to 15 bits + sign (for different conversion times), configurable Different measuring ranges; the basic current/voltage range settings are adjusted mechanically via measurement range modules. Fine adjustments are made with the STEP 7 Hardware Configuration tool on a PG.
5p hoandk4 25-03-2010 216 31 Download
Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom make a few adjustments in brightness and contrast during the process. The profile created then tells other applications (like Photoshop) how to convert or translate the color settings embedded from the capture device so that the image is displayed accurately on the monitor.
10p vongsuiphat 05-01-2010 165 26 Download