The daily skills
Graduation thesis "Investigating how to enhance English reading comprehension for the English majored freshmen at Hai Phong Management and Technology University" aim to point out how important reading for all intents and purposes skill kind of is in study, in work or even in actually daily life and really find out some challenges in reading then specifically give for all intents and purposes several of ways to generally improve Reading Skills in a very major way.
69p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 7 3 Download
This article aims to introduce some methods to improve basic IT skills for the student of FLF along with the Technical English vocabulary for FLF studens, base on knowledge from the IT community along with personal experience. By the way of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Faculty Language Foreign students at present My research will outlined some general informations which are shortcomings of the IT skills for FLF student. Moreover this research will highlight the importance of Technical English knowledge.
49p dat2812 27-07-2017 68 8 Download
Adaptive behavior assessment system–II technical report provides a comprehensive norm-referenced assessment of the adaptive skills of individuals ages birth to 89 years. The clinician can use the ABAS–II to diagnose and classify disabilities and disorders; identify an individual’s strengths and limitations; and to document and monitor the individual’s performance over time. The ABAS–II provides for the assessment of an individual by multiple respondents (e.g.
5p thuytrang_6 04-08-2015 66 4 Download