The impact of foreign direct investment
Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in promoting the development of emerging economies. This study evaluates the impact of differences in macroeconomic factors, institutional quality and culture between the country deploying FDI and Vietnam on FDI inflow of Vietnam.
12p viyamanaka 06-02-2025 3 2 Download
This examination explores the effect of foreign direct investment on the supply chain management and balance of payment in Iraq market. The study is conducted in Iraqi circumstances focusing on the time period of 2005-2017 by considering the supply chain management. Johansen-Juselius co integration technique has been employed to measure the association among variables of interest which is FDI, CAB and GDP. In this context of particular importance are management concepts such as supply chain and chain quality management concepts.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 12 2 Download
Global competition has intensified geographic repositioning of supply chain activities with implications for the economic prosperity of specific regions and geographies affected by such shifts. This study examines the relationship between the level of corruption and economic growth using the supply chain and ARDL bounds test method. The data used are GDP, the level of corruption, foreign direct investment, government spending and inflation from 2000-2018. The results of the study indicate a negative and significant impact on the level of corruption on economic growth in the long run.
11p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 6 0 Download
The thesis concentrates on measuring the benefits and losses of implementing regional trade agreements. In particular, the thesis analyses trade flow changes, foreign direct investment inflow changes, industrial total factor productivity changes and specific commodity trade flow changes in Australia and China. Four empirical studies are undertaken.
463p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to analyze the impact of institutions on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises, and at the same time focus on the indirect effects of institutions on spillover effects from state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises. FDI enterprises to domestic private enterprises of small and medium scale.
13p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 35 3 Download
The content of the thesis presents rationale and research overview on the impact of foreign direct investment on restructuring; the situation of attracting foreign direct investment and the process of restructuring in Vietnam.
12p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 13 1 Download
This study is expected to be a pace further over earlier studies which have been undertaken to analyse the impact of FDI on the export performance of Vietnam. Both analytical descriptive and regression model methods are used to obtain those objectives.
121p trananh2212 03-10-2020 23 3 Download
Assessing the Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community on attracting foreign direct investment in Vietnam when AEC officially came into operation in December 2015. - Proposing some solutions related to factors affecting FDI attraction into Vietnam under the impact of AEC, in order to attract FDI effectively in the context of implementation of AEC commitments.
33p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 2 Download
The thesis focuses on analyzing and assessing the real situation of the impact of FDI on import and export in Vietnam in order to create a scientific and practical basis to propose solutions to enhance positive impacts and limit negative impacts. polarity of FDI to import-export in Vietnam.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 38 1 Download
In addition to promoting domestic resources, taking advantage of foreign direct investment is considered as a smart to shorten the time of initial capital accumulation, creating a solid premise for economic development, especially for developing countries. Therefore, FDI is considered as the "golden key" to open the door of prosperity for nations. In recent years, the number of countries investing in Vietnam has been increasing, especially Korea.
28p vuikiki 17-04-2020 62 8 Download
The thesis aims to systematize the theory of FDI, macroeconomic fluctuations and the impact of FDI on macroeconomic fluctuations in an economy; analyze and assess the status of FDI attraction and use, the situation of macroeconomic fluctuations; propose solutions to attract, manage and effectively use FDI, taking advantage of the positive and drought effects of FDI on the macroeconomic situation in Vietnam.
0p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 64 4 Download
This study seeks to analyse FDI inflows into Laos and to investigate their impact on the economic development of Laos. The desired outcome of this research aims at confirming the linkage between FDI inflows in Laos and the economic development indicators including GNI per capita, financial capital, level of technology, human capital, energy and natural resources, transportation and communication.
28p change05 14-06-2016 112 11 Download
The main objectives of this dissertation are twofold as follows: To review the economic performance of Lao PDR before and after participating AFTA; to estimate the impacts in implementing the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme under AFTA on the Lao PDR’s government revenue, external trade (exports and imports), and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows.
165p change05 14-06-2016 56 7 Download
The main objectives of this dissertation are twofold as follows: To review the economic performance of Lao PDR before and after participating AFTA; to estimate the impacts in implementing the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme under AFTA on the Lao PDR’s government revenue, external trade (exports and imports), and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows.
27p change05 14-06-2016 42 5 Download