The replace operator
cacls /T /E /G administrator:F d:\users\*.* Cacls will add Full Control for the adminsitrator account all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. cacls /T /E /R Everyone d:\users Cacls will remove all permissions for the 'Everyone' group in all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. Be sure to use the /E switch when you are just making modifications to a specific account or group. Without the /E switch, your settings will replace the current security with only what is specified. ...
19p muathu_102 28-01-2013 28 2 Download
Chapter 3: Financial Audit The department also maintains demand deposit bank accounts, which are held separately from the State Treasury. Capital Assets Capital assets are not capitalized in the governmental funds used to acquire or construct them. Instead, capital acquisition and construction are reflected as expenditures in governmental funds, and the related assets are reported in the statement of net assets. Capital assets are recorded at cost on the date of acquisition, or if donated, at appraised value on the date of donation.
11p meobu4 13-01-2012 89 6 Download
MBR (Membrane Brio-Reactor) can be broadly defined as systems integrating biological degradation of waste products with membrane filtration. Set up of MBR plant is mainly utilizing a bioreactor and membrane filtration as one unit process for wastewater treatment thereby replacing, and in some cases supplementing, the solids separation function of secondary clarification and effluent filtration, resulting the possibility to eliminate the secondary clarification and operate at higher MLSS concentration....
7p phuongltht 06-04-2011 139 34 Download