The role of performance
This project is an investigation of melodic drum-kit practices in popular and contemporary music. The development of melodic drum-kit playing techniques has helped create a more inclusive role for drum-kit players within ensembles and has increased the potential for drum-kit players to present solo elements in performance. The project artefacts of my research are six compositions presented on CD. They demonstrate performance and compositional techniques that encourage a melodic approach to drum-kit performance.
111p runthenight05 01-03-2023 11 4 Download
The aim of the research for this thesis is to develop objective measurement techniques that relate to the perceived subjective functional performance of critical listening rooms. It is also hoped that the research will lead to an increased understanding of the role of the individual listener in respect to their preferred room acoustical configuration.
143p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 4 Download
Based on the extant literature, theoretical underpinnings and the context of Vietnam, the research aims to study why and how Vietnamese food and garment companies adopt CSR practices.
342p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The study examines how Small-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) demonstrate a range of innovation capabilities when they collaborate with a regional university research centre. This collaboration is shown to be important to create and exchange new knowledge to advance the firms innovation performance. The study demonstrates the ability of firms to acquire and exploit this knowledge, which is a business competency described as absorptive capacity (AC). AC relies on several antecedents or factors to engage with a collective learning process.
243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4 Download
The present study draws from two major bodies of literature: (1) research on leadership, which recognizes the important role of leaders in driving organizational performance and that leadership style may differ across individuals; and (2) the MCS literature, including RM concepts, in which control systems are viewed as mechanisms to “assist the organization in managing its risk and to promote effective governance processes” (Krogstad et al., 1999, p.
310p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 2 Download
This thesis develops a contingency-based model for competitive advantage, tested over time on a sample of rapidly growing small-to-medium enterprises. Incorporating two independent studies, the project addresses interactions between specific elements of strategic orientation, strategic behaviour, firm performance, while examining the moderating role of environmental turbulence.
243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This thesis provides solid evidence to support the notion that idiosyncratic volatility plays a significant role in Australian equity markets. Therefore, it should not be ignored but instead should be considered when evaluating the performance of Australian stock portfolios and pension funds. It can also be used to predict Australian economic conditions.
214p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
Many East Asian economies experienced rapid economic growth since the early 1960’s, with Singapore and Malaysia being two of the best performers. Various factors have contributed to this growth. They include export-orientated policies, capital investment, a market-friendly approach and an institutional regulatory framework that attracts foreign investors. Another factor is the role of human capital in the form of formal and informal education. Human capital has been researched at both the theoretical and empirical levels.
247p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The purpose of this study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of leadership behaviours on organisational outcomes within the context of organisations from the private industry sector in Australia. Specifically, this study was interested in examining the influence of authentic leadership and ethical leadership on perceived ethical climate, subordinates’ organisational citizenship behaviours, affective organisational commitment, and in-role performance.
235p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 4 Download
The aims of this thesis are informed by the limitations of existing research identified above. The overall objective of the thesis is to develop and test a framework of accountant identities (accountant subtypes) inferred from stereotypical perceptions and to identify the attributes that underlie the subtypes. The initial construction of the framework is based on the accountant stereotypes identified in existing research. The framework is constructed from two dimensions based on role (tasks performed by accountants) and character (perceived personality traits).
240p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
This thesis examines the influence of market (Narver & Slater, 1990), learning (Sinkula, Baker, & Noordewier, 1997), and entrepreneurial orientation (Lumpkin & Dess, 2001) as sources of competitive advantage in rapidly growing small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). The present thesis incorporates two studies (Study 1 and Study 2), utilizing a sequential explanatory design, which is characterized by undertaking quantitative data collection and analysis, prior conducting qualitative research (Cresswell, 2003).
391p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 4 Download
The thesis "Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Contemporary working capital practices in Australia" reports how fundamental factors such as firm size, company performance, credit ratings, industry, and education, gender, and age of the working capital manager play a vital role in the management of these areas. This paper’s major contribution lies in its examination of the behavioural aspects of working capital managers.
260p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
Master thesis "The impacts of supply chain social sustainability on supply chain performance, mediating role of supply chain integration the case of Vietnam" is to examine the relationship between supply chain social sustainability and supply chain performance, as well as explore the mediating role of supply chain integration on this relationship.
215p bigdargon04 24-11-2022 12 4 Download
Doctoral thesis summary "The impacts of supply chain social sustainability on supply chain performance, mediating role of supply chain integration the case of Vietnam" Identifies the relationship between supply chain social sustainability and supply chain performance, mediating role of supply chain integration; examines the impact of social sustainability on three dimensions of supply chain integration: internal, customer, and supplier; identifies the influence of supply chain integration on customer performance, supplier performance, and supply chain performance.
27p bigdargon04 24-11-2022 14 4 Download
The thesis aims to study the theoretical framework and the actual state of state management of the state bank for bad debts of the Vietnamese commercial banking system, thereby proposing views and solutions to help the SBV promote its role. State management role for Vietnam's commercial banking system in managing and controlling bad debts effectively.
25p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 23 4 Download
In the Vietnamese market, Tran and Luc (2018) stated that although reverse logistics is considered a fairly new concept, plays a very important role in a sustainable business strategy.
30p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 18 5 Download
Identify the key components of total quality management; testing the mediating role of technology absorption capacity, innovative culture in the relationship between total quality management and quality outcomes; recommending governance implications in order to improve the quality performance through total quality management, technology absorption capacity, innovative culture...
29p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 28 3 Download
The study has tested the SEM structural model to consider the impact of proactive personality and value congruence (with organizations and direct managers) on active behavior (helping behavior and problem prevention) and moderating variable model to consider the regulatory impact of Perceived organizational support and Job autonomy on the relationship among the factors in the model.
31p kequaidan11 17-04-2021 34 5 Download
The content of the thesis presents the scale and concentration level of total assets of the industry that affect the financial performance of commercial banks; how the effect of equity on financial performance varies between scale thresholds; How does the role of marginal and non-marginal returns on financial performance vary across scale thresholds.
0p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 33 3 Download
The thesis's primary research objective is to identify the impacts of budgeting on the performance of Vietnamese SMEs. Specific research objectives include examining the impacts of business budget's different aspects on the performance of Vietnamese SMEs; evaluating the controlling and moderation role of firm size and the mediating role of managerial performance in the relationship between budgeting and business performance of Vietnamese SMEs.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 19 3 Download