The switch statement
This lecture introduce JavaScript Statements. In JavaScript we have the following conditional statements, that is If statement, if...else statement, if...else if...else statement, and switch statement. In this lecture, we will learn this four statements.
31p youcanletgo_02 07-01-2016 60 4 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Conditional Control Structures introduces content such as the if Statement , the if-else statement, nested statements, the if-else if statement, the switch statement, generating random number, compound boolean expressions, the math class.
11p lavender2022 22-04-2022 50 2 Download
HOW TO WRITE PHP SCRIPTS The main points to note about switch are as follows: • • • • • The expression following the case keyword must be a number or a string. You can t use comparison operators with case. So case 100: isn t allowed. Each block of statements should normally end with break, unless you specifically want to continue executing code within the switch statement. You can group several instances of the case keyword together to apply the same block of code to them. If no match is made, any statements following the default keyword are executed. If no...
10p yukogaru14 30-11-2010 135 28 Download