Using digital signatures
Like paper-based signatures, digital signatures intend to respect a number of security assumptions. Methods of digital signature apposed by a single user have been defined and are widely used. But is it sufficient? What if a legal document requires witnesses and notarization, or a contract needs the signatures of several officers?This paper will first show the basics to understand digital signatures and how the a security properties of integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation are respected.
11p dunglh2013 02-04-2014 59 2 Download
Using Digital Signatures When email is signed with a digital signature, it provides a level of proof that the person using the email address sent the message.
8p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 159 7 Download
[ Team LiB ] Using Digital Signatures When email is signed with a digital signature, it provides a level of proof that the person using the email address sent the message. More importantly, it also ensures that no one tampered with the message. A digital signature is a digital code that can be attached to an email message to uniquely identify the sender. Like a written signature, the purpose of a digital signature is to guarantee that the individual sending the message really is who he claims to be. To be effective, we need to be assured that a digital...
8p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 111 21 Download
[ Team LiB ] Understanding Information Rights Management New to Outlook 2003, Information Rights Management (IRM) enables you to secure a message, including any attachments, to prevent the recipient from printing, forwarding, or copying the message or attachment. The recipient can open the message only after she confirms her identity by logging on to her Passport account. Although there are similarities between digital signatures and IRM, they're two distinct methods you can use to secure your messages. You can digitally sign and encrypt IRM-protected messages.
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 83 7 Download