Utilization of dietary local feed resources
To determine the effect of replacing ensiled taro foliage with ensiled banana pseudo stem as foliage based die for Moo Lath pigs in Laos; to investigate the effect of a low concentration of rice distillers’ byproduct or brewers’ grains as additive feed in the foliage based diet for Moo Lath pigs...
25p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 15 3 Download
The aims of present research was to investigate the utilization of local feed resources as forage-based diets and supplementation of grains’ fermentation by-products as additive feed to develop feed and feeding practical management with improving growth performance for native Moo Lath pigs in rural smallholder farms of Laos.
118p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 13 2 Download