UV degradation
While it is recognised that knitted fabrics may have their place in firefighting PPC, especially for undergarments, from the point of view of fire performance, strength and presentation, woven fabric constructions appear to be more suitable for work wear applications. Hence, this study is concerned with developing and testing a range of functional, woven Station Wear fabrics designed to enhance flame protection, durability and thermo-physiological comfort properties. In trying to improve all three aspects, a compromise in the properties of fabrics developed would be very likely.
184p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
Research objectives Study on the transformation and identification of Paracetamol byproducts by UV / HClO / ClO- in various environmental conditions. Study on the degradation of Paracetamol by UV, Chlorination and UV/HOCl/ClO-. Study on factors affecting the degradation of Paracetamol by UV irradiation-only, UV/NaClO oxidation.
27p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 58 6 Download