We have seen how in conducting efficiency benefit-cost analysis we often use market prices, either directly or indirectly, to value or cost project outputs or inputs. We use market prices directly when they are generated by perfectly competitive markets - markets that are not distorted by monopoly, monopsony, taxes or regulations.
26p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 68 9 Download
The two approaches to valuing common stocks using fundamental security analysis are: Discounted Cash flow techniques. Attempts to estimate the value of a stock today using a present value analysis. Relative valuation techniques. A stock is valued relative to other stocks based on the basis of ratios.
101p team4mvc02 12-06-2013 51 4 Download
Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 5 provides knowledge of bonds, bond valuation, and interest rates. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Key features of bonds, bond valuation, measuring yield, assessing risk.
46p abcxyz123_04 30-03-2020 21 2 Download
This thesis looks investigates the multi faceted problem of biotechnology valuation in Australia using a multi method approach designed to provide greater insight into the valuation challenges facing the industry and identify key value drivers. The approach incorporates a broad qualitative investigation, complimented by more focused quantitative studies into specific valuation issues surrounding IPO and project valuation.
240p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 4 Download
This thesis is the result of systemic research in an attempt to define the confusion that exists, resulting from the application of inappropriate economic theories in valuation. This research also attempts to find the reason for and the source of the confusion. This research supports that which has previously been advocated that valuation principles of valuation Practice must be underpinned by a working theory embedded in positive economics.
115p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
The objectives of this thesis are: To determine shareholder wealth effects in relation to the announcement of inclusion in a social index; to understand the determinants of the valuation effect due to inclusion in a social index; to investigate the mediating role of institutional investors; to address the endogeneity issue that is inherent in our study; to test whether CSR is a strategic engagement by firms to retain market value.
303p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
The major purpose of this dissertation is to test the practical applicability of RO theory through valuation of flexibility using selected case studies from the Australian residential property development market to either support or oppose the adoption of RO theory for property development decision making in practice.
371p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3 Download
The purpose of thesis is to propose a brand valuation model for Vietnam’s commercial banks based on financial data. Brand valuation for commercial banks is a process with many steps; however, the thesis will concentrate on researching and proposing brand valuation model for Vietnam’s commercial banks.
13p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 14 2 Download
Researching and proposing solutions to apply valuation model in fixed assets accounting in non-financial enterprises in Vietnam to provide useful information to users of information.
27p gaocaolon11 24-04-2021 25 4 Download
Based on theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes solutions to complete the discounted cash flow method of business valuation in Vietnam in the coming time.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 25 6 Download
Raw materials management can be defined as the function of business that is responsible for the coordination of planning, sourcing, purchasing, moving, storing and controlling raw materials in an optimum manner so as to provide services to customers at a minimum cost. Raw materials management enables companies to coordinate raw materials-related activities and control total raw materials costs through integrated systems. The raw materials management has the duties as follows: Purchasing; Selecting supplier; Valuation process; Reception process; Technical evaluation; Trade evaluation.
31p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 34 4 Download
This paper tries to suggest a comprehensive, easy to use and relatively limitation free valuation ratio model termed Intellectual Capital Value (ICV), which is modification of existing ratio based models available.
12p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 14 2 Download
This study examined the levels of satisfaction of employees with the major focus on the staff of estate surveying firms (ESFs) practicing in Lagos State, Nigeria.
14p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 18 4 Download
This paper proposes a framework to develop a deterministic model for the valuation, selection and grading (ranking) of e-suppliers by using Modified Distance Based Approach (MDBA), which has not been used earlier in e-supplier selection.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 9 1 Download
Apart from trying to shed sufficient light on the dominant capital structure in South Africa, this study attempts to answer the question of: what is the role of capital structure in firm valuation? In addition, the role of other market and economic variables like taxation will be assessed using a regression model and data drawn from financial markets. To consult more MBA essays, please see at: Bộ Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Quản Trị Kinh Doanh MBA
95p nguyenyenyn117 14-06-2019 61 3 Download
"The value of luxury brand names in the fashion industry" presentation of content: What is a Brand, brands in the fashion industry, valuation of brands, comparison of coach and hermès, valuation models, conclusion. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết
40p thangnamvoiva1 14-06-2016 77 5 Download
Purpose of research: systemize theories of calculating brand value; propose brand valution model for Vietnam's commercial banks; experiment the proposed brand valuation model on Bank for Investment and Developmemt of Vietnam (BIDV) to calculate its brand;...
0p luanan014 17-07-2014 56 5 Download
Hiểu biết giá cổ phiếu phụ thuộc vào cổ tức tương lai (dividends) và tăng trưởng cổ tức (dividend growth) như thế nào Có thể tính được giá chứng khoán bằng cách sử dụng mô hình tăng trưởng cổ tức (the dividend growth model) Hiểu biết các ủy viên hội đồng quản trị (corporate directors) được bổ nhiệm ra sao Hiểu biết giá chứng khoán được yết như thế nào.
13p xuka_12 18-12-2013 163 13 Download
Thẩm định giá – nghề mới ở Việt Nam Có thể định nghĩa thẩm định giá (Valuation hay Appraisement) là việc ước tính hay xác định giá trị của một tài sản, tại một thời điểm và một địa điểm nhất định. Để làm được việc này, ngoài việc xem xét những đặc điểm riêng biệt của từng tài sản (hình dạng của thửa đất, kích thước của ngôi nhà…) còn phải xem xét các yếu tố rủi ro vô hình (rủi ro gắn với khả năng sinh lời tương lai…) và những yếu tố luật pháp (quyền sở hữu, giấy phép…)...
3p bibocumi37 03-04-2013 71 6 Download
PUBLIC GOODS, PRIVATE INCENTIVES, AND AGRICULTURAL R&D: PRODUCTIVITY AND POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRY AGRICULTURE Like Baker, McMillan, and Reuben (2002), I identify parental valuations by the location of clusters of high income families: If parental preferences over communities depend exclusively on the effectiveness of the local schools, the most desirableand therefore wealthiestcommunities are necessarily those with the most effective schools.
261p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 66 11 Download