Voucher audit
THE USE OF INTENAL AUDIT FINDINGS IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY In modeling the effects of parental preferences on equilibrium outcomes under Tiebout choice, it is important to account for two key issues that do not arise under choice programs like vouchers. The first is that residential choice rations access to highlydemanded schools by willingness-to-pay for local housing.4 As a result, both schools and districts in high-choice markets (those with many competing school districts) are more stratified than in low-choice markets....
108p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 98 10 Download
INTERNAL CONTROL BASED ON THE COSO REPORT Objective To use COSO, the Corporate Governance model, and COBIT, the Information Technology Governance framework, to achieve compliance with the SARBANES-OXLEY law 1 .Scope New paradigms. Methodology concepts of COSO. MEYCOR COSO AG basics, a tool for implementing internal control based on the COSO report.
36p namson94 20-07-2012 125 32 Download
AccountingCoach.com is designed to help people without an accounting background easily understand accounting concepts at no cost. By investing thousands of hours, we have created clear and concise accounting information for both business people and students of all ages. We understand how difficult accounting can be. That's why we have ensured that each accounting topic includes a clear explanation, reinforcing drills, Q&A, puzzles, dictionary of terms, etc.
174p mayxanh1103 29-03-2010 491 240 Download