VTP Pruning
After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Explain the role of VTP in a converged switched network. Describe the operation of VTP including domains, modes, advertisements, and pruning. Configure VTP on the switches in a converged network.
65p youcanletgo_01 04-01-2016 45 4 Download
Chapter 4 explain the role of VTP in a converged switched network; describe the operation of VTP: VTP domains, VTP Modes, VTP Advertisements, and VTP Pruning; configure VTP on the switches in a converged network.
14p youcanletgo_01 29-12-2015 47 2 Download
Explain the role of VTP in a converged switched network. Describe the operation of VTP including domains, modes, advertisements, and pruning. Configure VTP on the switches in a converged network.
39p kienk6e 05-04-2011 131 23 Download
Objectives: Explain the role of VTP in a converged switched network. Describe the operation of VTP including domains, modes, advertisements, and pruning. Configure VTP on the switches in a converged network.
39p thanhtung_hk 05-11-2010 183 53 Download