Web design html
Tại sao không nên dùng Table trong thiết kế website Cách thiết kế layout theo dạng table đã quá phổ biến với các thiết kế viên (designer) vì tính trực quan, thời gian thiết kế cũng được rút ngắn và khả năng tương thích trình duyệt cao. Nhưng việc lạm dụng thiết kế web theo table cũng dẫn đến một số rắc rối cho các designer. Vào cuối thập niên 90, W3C giới thiệu CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) cho phép tùy biến những kiểu thể hiện khác nhau cho tài liệu HTML. Các trình duyệt nhanh chóng hỗ trợ CSS,...
5p sunshine_8 25-07-2013 89 7 Download
Đối với một Web Designer không biết về CSS thì quả thực sẽ là một thiệt thòi rất lớn, nếu không muốn nói là kém. Vậy bài viết này sẽ trang bị cho các bạn những kiến thức cơ bản cần và đủ là thiết kế một temp cho website hoàn chỉnh. - Việc đầu tiên các bạn cần phải quan tâm đối với CSS đó chính là sự tương thích với các trình duyệt web. Trên thế giới hiện nay có rất nhiều trình duyệt khác nhau, nhưng có lẽ được tin dùng nhất chính là Mozila Firefox và...
12p bunmam_1 15-05-2013 109 9 Download
Mở đầu - HTML là gì, cấu tạo một trang web dưới dạng HTML, màu chữ, màu nền... Ðể viết HTML cho trang Web, hãy mở chương trình NotePad của Microsoft có đi kèm theo với Windows. Ðó là một ASCII Editor. Viết xong, bạn hãy save nó vào một folder nào đó dễ nhớ. Tên của file này bắt buộc phải có tận cùng là .htm hoặc .html Ví dụ: start.htm. Ðể thưởng thức thành quả của mình, bạn hãy open file đó bằng một Browser. Nhưng đó chỉ là cách dung cho những ai mới thử nghề Design Web thôi chứ nếu ai bước...
20p mquynh91 28-12-2012 258 86 Download
Dreamweaver 8 Insert ảnh BÀI 16 NGÀY 19.8.2006 SOẠN THEO SÁCH DREMWEAVER 8 CỦA KS TV AN I.TẠO FOLDER WEB SITE MỚI WEBSITE12 TRÊN DESKTOP : 1. Mở Dreamweaver Create From Samples Hàng Create From Samples chọn Page Designs (CSS) Ra bảng New Document Bên Phải chọn Mẫu TWO-COLUMN LEFT NAV Create .(H1). 2. Ra Bảng Save As Desktop Create New Folder Gỏ : website12 Nhấp Đúp lên File name gỏ : index.html Ra Bảng Copy Dependent Files Copy . Khung làm việc có Tab index.html.(H2). 1 3. Nhấp chọn Khung 280x200 Nhấp Nút Image (Hàng Thanh...
5p tengteng14 20-12-2011 95 7 Download
logos: Making a strong mark- P8:when it comes to creating strong logos, design and implementation are the last steps along a long patth.The design of a visual inentity essential to the maket-ing of any brand because logos are maketing tools
4p xmen246 27-09-2010 81 11 Download
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P7: You've just picked up another book on motors. You've seen many others, but they all assume that you know more about motors than you do. Phrases such as armature reaction, slot leakage, fractional pitch, and skew factor are used with little or no introduction. You keep looking for a book that is written from a more basic, yet rigorous, perspective and you're hoping this is it.
15p xmen246 25-09-2010 85 7 Download
Better Game Characters by Design- P13: The game industry is a powerful and driving force in the evolution of computer technology. As the capabilities of personal computers, peripheral hardware, and game consoles have grown, so has the demand for quality information about the algorithms, tools, and descriptions needed to take advantage of this new technology. To satisfy this demand and establish a new level of professional reference for the game developer, we created the Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology....
5p venus246 24-09-2010 88 5 Download
Adobe illustrator cs4- P21: Good designers have many tools at their disposal. Especially in an environment where most designers have other powerful graphics applications, it can be diffi cult to choose which one to use for a particular task. For example, a designer can apply soft drop shadows in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign—is one application any better than the others for this?
1p venus246 22-09-2010 64 15 Download
Introduction to AutoCAD 2011- P15: The purpose of writing this book is to produce a text suitable for students in Further and/or Higher Education who are required to learn how to use the computer-aided design (CAD) software package AutoCAD 2011. Students taking examinations based on CAD will find the contents of the book of great assistance.
19p camry246 17-09-2010 139 45 Download
The Non-Designer's Design Book- P7: So you have a great concept and all the fancy digital tools you could possibly require—what's stopping you from creating beautiful pages? Namely the training to pull all of these elements together into a cohesive design that effectively communicates your message. Not to worry: This book is the one place you can turn to find quick, non-intimidating, excellent design help. In The Non-Designer's Design Book, 2nd Edition, best-selling author Robin Williams turns her attention to the basic principles of good design and typography.
14p camry246 16-09-2010 88 12 Download
Great Web Typography- P12:When you design a page for print, you control the size of the paper and the placement of the elements. But on the Web, the size, resolution, fonts, and even the layout of your page can vary with the browser and the system used to view your site.
8p camry246 16-09-2010 75 8 Download
Game Design: Theory & Practice- P21: My earliest recollection of playing a computer game was when I stumbled upon a half-height Space Invaders at a tiny Mexican restaurant in my hometown. I was perhaps six, and Space Invaders was certainly the most marvelous thing I had ever seen, at least next to LegoLand.
9p camry246 16-09-2010 61 6 Download
Photoshop CS2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P26:Barbara Obermeier is principal of Obermeier Design, a graphic design studio in Ventura, California. She’s the author of Photoshop Album For Dummies, coauthor of Adobe Master Class: Illustrator Illuminated, Photoshop 7 For Dummies, and Illustrator 10 For Dummies. She has contributed as coauthor, technical editor, or layout designer for numerous books. Barb also teaches computer graphics at Brooks Institute; the University of California, Santa Barbara; and Ventura College....
20p camry246 16-09-2010 50 9 Download
Graphic Design for the 21st Century- P22: Covering a vast range of cutting-edge graphics, with politically charged anti-commercial work placed in the same context as Nike's latest ads, this book presents a sweeping look at today's most progressive graphic currents - from signage at packaging to branding and web design.
17p jupyter246 14-09-2010 110 15 Download
Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17: There are a lot of books about designing and building web pages, so thank you for picking up this one. Why do I think it is different? Well, the Web has been around for over a decade now, and during its life many technologies have been introduced to help you create web pages, some of which have lasted, others of which have disappeared. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did....
19p camry 14-08-2010 99 12 Download
Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P16: There are a lot of books about designing and building web pages, so thank you for picking up this one. Why do I think it is different? Well, the Web has been around for over a decade now, and during its life many technologies have been introduced to help you create web pages, some of which have lasted, others of which have disappeared. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did....
20p camry 14-08-2010 101 8 Download
For those of you who create logos, refine type, and enjoy drawing, the two most common drawing programs are Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand (shown in Figure 1-16). Vector-based images differ from bitmap graphics in that they contain the mathematical information necessary to allow them to be scaled without loss of quality
10p thachcotran 04-02-2010 129 35 Download