Well control principles
Lecture Well control present the content: well control principles, warning signs of kicks, secondary control, primary control, lost circulation, solids removal, excessive dilution of the mud (due to watering-back), gas cutting of the mud, reduced height of mud column, primary indicators of a kick, secondary indicators,...
141p bachkhinhdaluu 03-12-2021 17 2 Download
As one of the most important families of non-natural poly-mers with the propensity to form well-defined secondary structures, theb-peptides are attracting increasing attention. The compounds incorporatingb-amino acid residues have found various applications in medicinal chemistry and biochemistry.The conformational pool ofb-peptides com-prises several periodic folded conformations, which can be classified as helices, and nonpolar and polar strands.The latter two are prone to form pleated sheets.
10p tumor12 20-04-2013 30 4 Download