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Tham khảo tài liệu '50 sentences of certificate', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. 50 SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE C. FIND THE MISTAKES -PART A. 1. The main office of the facto ry can be fo und in Maple Street in New York City. A. The main B. be fo und C. in D. in 2. Becau se th ere are less members presen t tonight than there were last n igh t, we must wait un til th e n ext meetin g to vote. A. less B. th an C. were D. to vote 3. David is p articularly fon d o f coo king, an d h e o ften coo ks really d elicious meals. A. particu larly B. fond of C. often cooks D. really 4. The pro gress made in space travel fo r the early 1960 s is remarkable. A. progress B. mad e C. in sp ace D. fo r 5. Sandra has n ot rarely missed a play or con cert since she was seventeen years old . A. not rarely B. a p lay C. since D. was seven teen years o ld 6. The governo r has not decided how to d eal with the n ew p roblems alread y. A. The B. has C. ho w to d eal with D. alread y 7. There was a very interestin g n ews o n th e rad io this morning ab out the earthquake in Italy. A. There was B. a C. on the D. about 8. The pro fessor had alread y give th e h omewo rk assignment when he h ad rememb ered that Monday was a holiday. A. the ho mework assignmen t B. had remembered C. Monday D. was 9. Having been beaten b y th e police for striking an o fficer, the man will cry o ut in p ain . A. b y B. for strikin g an officer C. the man D. will cry ou t 10 . This tab le is not stud y enough to suppo rt a television , and that one p robably isn ’t neither. A. not study eno ugh B. to support C. that one D. n either 11 . The b ridge was hitting by a large ship du ring a sudden storm last week. A. was hitting B. during C. sudden D. last 12 . The compan y represen tative sold to the man ager a sewing mach ine fo r forty do llars. A. The co mp any B. to the manager C. sewin g D. fo r 13 . The taxi driver told the man to don’t allo w his d isob ed ient son to hang out th e windo w. A. taxi driver B. to ld the man C. to don ’t allow D. to hang o ut 14 . These televisions are quite popular in Eu rope, but those ones are not. A. quite B. in C. tho se ones D. are 15 . Harvey seldom p ays his b ills on time, and his b roth er does too. A. pays his bills B. on time C. his D. d oes too 16 . The p rice o f crude o il used to b e a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it?
  2. A. price of B. great C. lower D. wasn ’t it 17 . When an university formulates new regulation s, it must relay its decision to the stud en ts and faculty. A. an B. new regulati ons C. it D. must relay its 18 . Jim was up set last night b ecause he had to do too man y ho meworks. A. upset B. becau se C. had to do D. man y homewo rks 19 . There is some scissors in the d esk drawer in th e b edroo m if yo u n eed them. A. is B. scisso rs C. in D. in 20 . The Board of Realtors d oesn’t h ave an y in formations ab out the in crease in rent fo r this area. A. information s B. about C. increase D. in rent fo r 21 . Geo rge is not enough intelligent to pass this eco no mics class without help. A. enough intelligen t B. to p ass C. this D. econo mics 22 . There were so mu ch peop le tryin g to leave the burning buildin g that the police had a great d eal o f trouble con trolling them. A. There were B. much C. the burning D. th at 23 . John lived in New Yo rk since 1960 to 1975, bu t he is now living in Detro il. A. in B. since C. is no w livin g D. in 24 . The fire b egan in the fifth floo r of the hotel, but it soon spread to adjacen t floo rs. A. in B. fifth C. o f D. soon sp read 25 . Mrs. Anderson bough t last week a n ew sports car; however, sh e h as yet to learn how to operate the manu al gearsh ift. A. last week a new sports car B. ho wever C. has yet to learn D. how to operate 26 . Sh e wishes that we d idn ’t send her the candy yesterday b ecau se she’s on a d iet. A. didn’t send B. her th e cand y C. because D. o n 27 . They are p lannin g on attending th e convention next month , and so I am. A. planning on B. attending C. next D. so I am 28 . Today was su ch beautifu l d ay that I couldn’t b ring myself to complete all my chores. A. su ch beautifu l B. myself C. to co mp lete D. my chores 29 . While they were away at th e beach, they allowed their n eighbors u se their barbecu e grill. A. While B. were C. their n eighbors D. u se 30 . The artist tried stimulate interest in p aintin g b y t alking his students to th e mu seums. A. sti mu late B. in terest in C. by talkin g D. to th e 31 . Mu mp s are a very co mmon disease which usually affects ch ildren. A. are B. common d isease C. which D. u sually
  3. 32 . Nan cy said th at she wen t to the sup ermarket before coming home. A. that B. went C. to D. b efo re comin g 33 . Befo re she mo ved h ere, Arlene h ad been p residen t of the organ ization sin ce four years. A. Before B. been C. o f th e D. sin ce 34 . Each of the nu rses repo rt to the operatin g room when his o r her name is called. A. of th e B. repo rt C. his o r her n ame D. is called 35 . The athlete, togeth er with his coach an d several relatives, are traveling to the Olymp ic Games. A. ath lete B. with C. his coach D. are 36 . Pro fessor Duncan teaches both an thropology as well as sociology each fall. A. teaches B. both C. an thropo logy D. each fall 37 . My bro ther is in California on vacation, but I wish h e was here so that he could help me repair my car. A. in B. o n C. was D. me repair my car 38 . I certain ly ap preciate him tellin g u s about the delay in deliverin g th e materials b ecause we h ad p lanned to b egin wo rk tomorrow. A. certainly B. h im C. telling us D. d elivering 39 . The chemist ry in structor explained the experimen t in such o f a way that it was easily understood. A. in B. such of a way C. was D. easily u nderstood 40 . Rudolph Nu reyev has become o ne of the greatest dancer that th e b allet wo rld has ever kno wn. A. has beco me B. greatest C. dancer D. ever known 41 . He has less friend s in his classes now th an he h ad last year. A. less B. his C. than D. last year 42 . The to wn we visited was a fou r-days journey from ou r hotel, so we took the train instead of the b u s. A. was B. fou r-days C. too k D. o f the 43 . The in fluence of the nation’s literature, art, and science have captured widesp read attention . A. nation ’s B. scien ce C. have D. widespread 44 . The leader emp hasized th e need for justice and equality between h is people. A. the need B. for justice C. between D. p eople 45 . Many of the popu lation in the rural areas is compo sed of manual laborers. A. Man y B. rural areas C. co mposed o f D. labo rers 46 . Several peop le have apparent tried to ch an ge th e man’s mind , but h e refu ses to listen . A. have B. apparent C. the man ’s mind D. to listen 47 . Keith is one of the most in telligent bo ys o f the scien ce class. A. the B. most C. o f D. scien ce 48 . The girls were sorr y to had missed the singers when th ey arrived at th e airport. A. were sorry B. had missed C. when D. arrived at 49 . When Keith visit ed Alask a, he lived in a igloo in the win ter month s as well as in the sprin g. A. lived B. a C. mo nth s D. as well as 50 . The h arder he tried, the worst h e d anced before th e large audience. A. tried B. worst C. danced D. large



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