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A review of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression with applications in construction engineering

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The article "A review of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression with applications in construction engineering" aims at reviewing state-of-the-art research works involving the use of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression models. Recent research articles published in the time period of 2019-2021 are surveyed. Research areas of construction material, construction management, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, and structural health monitoring are taken into account.

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Nội dung Text: A review of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression with applications in construction engineering

  1. Hoang Nhat Duc, Ng. Quoc Lam, T. Văn Duc / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 5(54) (2022) 43-49 43 5(54) (2022) 43-49 A review of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression with applications in construction engineering Khảo sát các mô hình học máy được tối ưu hóa bởi các thuật toán tìm kiếm với ứng dụng cho phân tích hồi quy trong ngành xây dựng Hoang Nhat Duca,b*, Nguyen Quoc Lama,b, Tran Van Ducb,c Hoàng Nhật Đứca,b*, Nguyễn Quốc Lâma,b, Trần Văn Đứcb,c a Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam a Viện Nghiên cứu và Phát triển Công nghệ Cao, Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam b Faculty of Civil Engineering, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam b Khoa Xây dựng, Trường Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam c International School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam c Viện Đào tạo Quốc tế, Trường Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam (Ngày nhận bài: 09/12/2021, ngày phản biện xong: 25/5/2022, ngày chấp nhận đăng: 10/8/2022) Abstract Regression analysis is an essential task in construction engineering. This article aims at reviewing state-of-the-art research works involving the use of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression models. Recent research articles published in the time period of 2019-2021 are surveyed. Research areas of construction material, construction management, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, and structural health monitoring are taken into account. It is expected that the present review would enhance interest among the new users in the application of metaheuristic optimized machine learning regression approaches. Keywords: Machine learning; regression analysis; metaheuristics; hybrid intelligence; construction engineering. Tóm tắt Phân tích hồi quy là một nhiệm vụ quan trọng trong kỹ thuật xây dựng. Bài báo này khảo sát các công trình nghiên cứu liên quan đến việc sử dụng các mô hình hồi quy dựa trên máy học được tối ưu hóa bởi thuật toán tìm kiếm hiện đại. Các bài báo nghiên cứu gần đây được xuất bản trong khoảng thời gian 2019-2021 được khảo sát. Các lĩnh vực nghiên cứu về vật liệu xây dựng, quản lý xây dựng, kỹ thuật kết cấu, địa kỹ thuật, kỹ thuật thủy lực và giám sát sức khỏe kết cấu được xem xét. Bài khảo sát của chúng tôi có mục đích nâng cao sự quan tâm của những nhà nghiên cứu mới đối với việc áp dụng các phương pháp hồi quy máy học được tối ưu hóa bởi các thuật toán siêu tìm kiếm. Từ khóa: Máy học; Phân tích hồi quy; thuật toán tìm kiếm; trí tuệ lai ghép; kỹ thuật xây dựng. 1. Introduction interest. This mathematical relationship is then highly useful for various modeling tasks in Regression analysis is employed for construction engineering [1]. Recent works identifying the mathematical relationship involving machine learning (ML) applications between a set of predictors and a variable of * Corresponding Author: Hoang Nhat Duc, Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Vietnam Email:
  2. 44 Hoang Nhat Duc, Ng. Quoc Lam, T. Văn Duc / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 5(54) (2022) 43-49 have generated data-driven methods that are areas of construction material, construction shown to be more capable than traditional management, structural engineering, statistical approaches [2-5]. Accordingly, machine geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, learning methods such as artificial neural network and structural health monitoring is found to be 9, (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), least 4, 10, 14, 6, and 3 (refer to Fig. 1). squares SVM (LSSVM), extreme gradient boosting machine (XGBoost), adaptive neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), etc. have been extensively employed for regression analysis in construction engineering [6]. The effective applications of ML methods highly depend on the setting of their hyper- parameters. This task is generally known as Fig. 2.1. Percentages of application areas model selection. The problem of ML model selection is not trivial because each ML method may require its own appropriate setting of 2.1. Construction material multiple hyper-parameters. Moreover, these The application area of construction material hyper-parameters are often real-valued. This accounts for 19.6% of the reviewed papers. fact makes an exhaustive search for the best Herein, Chou and Nguyen [8] employs combination of hyper-parameters infeasible. forensic-based investigation optimization Conventional grid search method [7] can be algorithm, the radial basis function neural employed for parameter setting. However, this network, and the LSSVM to estimate the method also suffers from the difficulty of grid mechanical strength of reinforced concrete size selection and the found solution can be far materials. A LSSVM integrated with particle from optimality. Therefore, researchers have swarm optimization is proposed in [9] to resorted to metaheuristic algorithms such as predict interface yield stress and plastic particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic viscosity of fresh concrete. Golafshani, algorithm (GA), etc. to optimize the ML models. Behnood and Arashpour [10] predicts the 2. Application areas compressive strength of normal and high- performance concretes using ANN and ANFIS In this section, we survey the applications of optimized by grey wolf optimizer. Duan, MO optimized ML models in research areas of construction material, construction Asteris, Nguyen, Bui and Moayedi [11] relies management, structural engineering, on a meta-heuristic search of sociopolitical geotechnical engineering, hydraulic algorithm to optimize an XGBoost model used engineering, and structural health monitoring. for predicting the compressive strength of Our review focuses on research works recycled aggregate concrete. published in the time period of 2019-2021. A study in [12] resorts to MARS optimized Google scholar is the main search engine used by water cycle algorithm as a means to estimate to find studies within our scope. Accordingly, the compressive strength of foamed cellular 47 papers have been found by the employed lightweight concrete. Sadowski, Nikoo, Shariq, search engine. The number of papers within the Joker and Czarnecki [13] develops a firefly
  3. Hoang Nhat Duc, Ng. Quoc Lam, T. Văn Duc / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 5(54) (2022) 43-49 45 algorithm optimized ANN to predict the creep ultimate bearing capacity in concrete-filled strain of green concrete containing ground steel tube columns. granulated blast furnace slag. A model A model in [24] employs LSSVM and consisting of a differential evolution variant coupled simulated annealing to model behavior optimized SVM has been put forward to of reinforced concrete columns subjected to estimate the plastic viscosity of fresh concrete earthquake loads. Ben Seghier, Ouaer, Ghriga, [14]. Salp swarm algorithm coupled with SVM Menad and Thai [25] proposes a hybrid soft is utilized to estimate the strength of fiber- computational method for modeling the reinforced cemented paste [15]. Huang, Duan, maximum ultimate bond strength between the Zhang, Liu, Zhang and Lei [16] proposes an corroded steel reinforcement and surrounding integration of beetle antennae search algorithm concrete. A differential flower pollination and random forest model to predict optimized LSSVM model has been put forward permeability of pervious concrete. in [26] for estimate the ultimate bond strength 2.2. Construction management of corroded reinforcement and surrounding concrete. Hasanzade-Inallu, Zarfam and Nikoo A symbiotic organisms search-optimized [27] employs a modified imperialist LSSVM with dynamic feature selection has competitive algorithm-based ANN to determine been proposed in [17] to predict construction the shear strength of concrete beams reinforced productivity. Symbiotic organisms search with fiber-reinforced polymers. (SOS) has also been used in [18] to optimize a deep learning model used for forecasting Prayogo, Cheng, Wu and Tran [28] combines construction cash flow. Gaussian process different machine learning models via adaptive inference optimized by PSO has been proposed ensemble weighting and SOS for prediction of by Cheng, Wu and Huang [19] as a decision shear capacity of reinforced-concrete deep beams. support system in construction project The research work reported in [29] develops three management. Chen, Zhang, Zhao and Yang hybrid machine learning algorithms based on [20] puts forward a model for investment ANFIS optimized by simulated annealing, probabilistic interval estimation for cultural algorithm, and shuffled frog leaping construction project; the authors rely on of algorithm to predict the critical buckling load of SVM and gray wolf optimization. I-shaped cellular steel beams with circular openings. A hybrid intelligent system relying on 2.3. Structural engineering Bayesian additive regression tree optimized by Structural engineering is the second largest GA, artificial bee colony, and PSO has been group which occupies 21.7% of the articles. reported in [30] to predict the ultimate axial Parsa and Naderpour [21] employs SVM capacity of axially loaded circular concrete-filled optimized by teaching–learning-based steel tube columns. optimization, PSO, and Harris hawks 2.4. Geotechnical engineering optimization algorithms to predict the shear strength of reinforced concrete walls. Nguyen, This research area contributes the highest Nguyen, Cao, Hoang and Tran [22] predicts proportion of reviewed articles with 30.4%. long-term deflections of reinforced-concrete Tunneling boring machine advance rate has members using a novel integration of PSO and been predicted with the uses of metaheuristic XGBoost. Ngo, Le and Pham [23] combines algorithms optimized machine learning models. SVM and grey wolf optimization to model the The SVM optimized by grey wolf optimization
  4. 46 Hoang Nhat Duc, Ng. Quoc Lam, T. Văn Duc / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 5(54) (2022) 43-49 whale optimization algorithm and moth flame basis function neural network optimized by optimization is used in [31] Meanwhile, grey gray wolf optimization and ant colony wolf optimization, PSO, social spider optimization algorithms in [41]. Ant lion optimization, sine cosine algorithm, multi verse optimization and spotted hyena optimizer are optimization and moth flame optimization are used to train ANN based bearing capacity employed to optimize XGBoost in [32]. prediction; shallow circular footing is the Chou, Truong, Le and Thu Ha Truong [33] research subject [42]. A study in [43] employs proposed a bio-inspired optimization of dragonfly algorithm and Harris hawks weighted-feature machine learning for strength optimization to predict the bearing capacity of property prediction of fiber-reinforced soil; footings over two-layer foundation soils. Pham, weighted-feature LSSVM optimized by Tran and Vu [44] develops a deep neural jellyfish search algorithm is employed. network architecture trained by particle swarm Kardani, Zhou, Nazem and Shen [34] estimate optimization to enhance the performance in the bearing capacity of piles in cohesionless determining the friction angle of soil. soil based on decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, 2.5. Hydraulic engineering ANN, random forest, SVM and extremely gradient boosting optimized by PSO. Gholami, Yaseen, Faris and Al-Ansari [45] relies on Seyedali and Ansari [35] estimates shear wave salp swarm algorithm and extreme learning velocity from post-stack seismic data through machine to forecast monthly river flow time committee machine with cuckoo search series. Scour depth around bridge piers has optimized intelligence models; neural network, been modeling with ANFIS coupled with support vector regression, and fuzzy inference particle swarm optimization and genetic system are employed. Chou, Truong and Che algorithm [46]. A study reported in [47] [36] proposes an optimized multi-output employs support vector regression and PSO for machine learning system for assessing natural modeling scouring depth of submerged weir; an hazards related to geotechnical engineering. integration of extreme gradient boosting machine and genetic algorithm has been put Back-propagation neural network, extreme forward in [48] for dealing with the same task. learning machine, SVM, random forest and PSO optimized equation-based regression evolutionary polynomial regression in models [49] have been used to predict the scour predicting soil compressibility is proposed in depth around a bridge pier. In addition, wavelet [37] and [38]; genetic algorithm and bee colony kernel extreme learning machine and meta- are the employed metaheuristic approaches. heuristic method of particle swarm optimization Tien Bui, Hoang and Nhu [39] and Moayedi, has been proposed to predict bed load in gravel- Gör, Khari, Foong, Bahiraei and Bui [40] bed rivers [50]. proposes data-driven models for predicting the soil shear strength. LSSVM and the Cuckoo 2.6. Structural health monitoring Search Optimization are used by the former. This application area accounts for only 6.5% Elephant herding optimization, shuffled frog of the reviewed papers. Within this group, leaping algorithm, salp swarm algorithm, and adaptive time-dependent evolutionary LSSVM wind-driven optimization are employed in the model optimized by SOS has been used to later to optimize a neural network. predict dam body displacements in [51]. A Effective prediction of the peak shear SOS-optimized least squares support vector strength of a rock slope is predicted with radial regression has been proposed in [52] to
  5. Hoang Nhat Duc, Ng. Quoc Lam, T. Văn Duc / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 5(54) (2022) 43-49 47 estimate the load on ground anchor. Cheng, High Performance Concrete with Gaussian Process Regression Model. Advances in Civil Engineering:8. Prayogo and Wu [53] also combines these two doi:10.1155/2016/2861380 methods for estimating the permanent [5] D.-K. Bui, T. Nguyen, J.-S. Chou, H. Nguyen-Xuan, T.D. Ngo (2018), A modified firefly algorithm- deformation in asphalt pavements. artificial neural network expert system for predicting 3. Conclusion compressive and tensile strength of high-performance concrete. Construction and Building Materials This article has reviewed research works 180:320-333. involving the use of metaheuristic optimized doi: [6] M. Mirrashid, H. Naderpour (2020), Recent Trends in machine learning regression models. Prediction of Concrete Elements Behavior Using Soft Construction material, construction Computing (2010–2020). Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. doi:10.1007/s11831-020- management, structural engineering, 09500-7 geotechnical engineering, hydraulic [7] N.-D. Hoang, D.T. Bui (2018), Predicting engineering, and structural health monitoring earthquake-induced soil liquefaction based on a hybridization of kernel Fisher discriminant analysis are the research areas of interest. With a focus and a least squares support vector machine: a multi- on articles published in the time period of dataset study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and 2019-2021, it has been shown that ANN, SVM, the Environment 77 (1):191-204. doi:10.1007/s10064-016-0924-0 LSSVM, and XGBoost are the dominant ML [8] J.-S. Chou, N.-M. Nguyen (2021), Metaheuristics- approaches. Meanwhile, conventional PSO and optimized ensemble system for predicting mechanical strength of reinforced concrete materials. Structural GA are still widely employed for optimize ML Control and Health Monitoring n/a (n/a):e2706. regression models. Recently proposed doi: metaheuristic algorithms such as SOS, Harris [9] T.-D. Nguyen, T.-H. Tran, N.-D. Hoang (2020), Prediction of interface yield stress and plastic hawks optimization, gray wolf optimization, viscosity of fresh concrete using a hybrid machine etc. have gained an increasing attention from learning approach. Advanced Engineering researchers. The present survey work is Informatics 44:101057. doi: expected to generate interest among the new [10] E.M. Golafshani, A. Behnood, M. Arashpour researchers in using metaheuristic optimized (2020), Predicting the compressive strength of normal and High-Performance Concretes using machine learning regression models and their ANN and ANFIS hybridized with Grey Wolf applications in construction engineering. Optimizer. Construction and Building Materials 232:117266. References doi: [1] N.-D. Hoang, K.-W. Liao, X.-L. Tran (2018), [11] J. Duan, P.G. Asteris, H. Nguyen, X.-N. Bui, H. Estimation of scour depth at bridges with complex Moayedi (2020), A novel artificial intelligence pier foundations using support vector regression technique to predict compressive strength of recycled integrated with feature selection. Journal of Civil aggregate concrete using ICA-XGBoost model. Structural Health Monitoring. doi:10.1007/s13349- Engineering with Computers. doi:10.1007/s00366-020- 018-0287-2 01003-0 [2] M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang, Y.-W. Wu (2015), Cash [12] A. Ashrafian, F. Shokri, M.J. Taheri Amiri, Z.M. flow prediction for construction project using a novel Yaseen, M. Rezaie-Balf (2020), Compressive adaptive time-dependent least squares support vector strength of Foamed Cellular Lightweight Concrete machine inference model. Journal of Civil simulation: New development of hybrid artificial Engineering and Management 21 (6):679-688. intelligence model. Construction and Building doi:10.3846/13923730.2014.893906 Materials 230:117048. [3] N.-D. Hoang, D.-T. Vu, X.-L. Tran, V.-D. Tran doi: (2017), Modeling Punching Shear Capacity of Fiber- [13] Ł. Sadowski, M. Nikoo, M. Shariq, E. Joker, S. Reinforced Polymer Concrete Slabs: A Comparative Czarnecki (2019), The Nature-Inspired Study of Instance-Based and Neural Network Metaheuristic Method for Predicting the Creep Learning. Applied Computational Intelligence and Strain of Green Concrete Containing Ground Soft Computing 2017:11. doi:10.1155/2017/9897078 Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. Materials 12 [4] N.-D. Hoang, A.-D. Pham, Q.-L. Nguyen, Q.-N. (2):293 Pham (2016), Estimating Compressive Strength of
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