Actual Test 1 - Tapescript LC 1000
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- 10 (A) He’s turning on the stove. ACTUAL TEST 01 (B) He’s picking up a pot. PART 1 (C) He’s serving the soup. 1 (A) They’re boarding a train. (D) He's holding a ladle. (B) They’re waiting on a platform. PART 2 (C) They’re leaning on a rail. 11 Do you have time to attend the client meeting? (D) They’re opening a briefcase. (A) It’s 12:30 now. 2 (A) The TV is switched on. (B) I’ll check my schedule. (B) The room is being cleaned. (C) It’s time to make a change. (C) The bed has been made. 12 What do you think we should do with the old (D) The hotel is under repair. furniture? 3 (A) They’re facing the same direction. (A) Let's donate it to charity. (B) They’re installing a projector. (B) That’s what I would do. (C) They’re observing a computer screen. (C) The office is fully furnished. (D) They’re working around a table. 13 Do you know where I can find a pay phone? 4 (A) Some people are sitting in a field. (A) Yes, I already have one. (B) Some people are going hiking. (B) Look in the shopping malt (C) All of the people are setting up camp. (C) About 50 cents per minute. (D) All of the people are wearing hats. 14 Why is Henri working overtime tonight? 5 (A) The man is stacking books on the table. (A) Yes, he met his deadline. (B) The man is looking for a document. (B) Should t ask him to stay late? (C) The man is sitting in a library. (C) He’s covering Sally’s shift. (D) The man is relaxing on a sofa. 15 Has your team finished writing the report? 6 (A) The garbage has been placed in some (A) I support the other team. containers. (B) Have you read it? (B) All of the trash bins have been filled. (C) It’s almost ready. (C) The trash cans are being emptied. 16 Who should we get to handle the project? (D) Construction materials are piled in front of (A) I got there last week. the wall. (B) The handle is broken, 7 (A) They’re sitting in the clubhouse. (C) How about Jasmine? (B) They’re resting on a park bench. 17 I thought Ms. Gomez’s presentation was great. (C) They’re carrying their bags. (A) I enjoyed it, too. (D) They’re swinging their clubs. (B) I’ll join you later. 8 (A) Smoke is rising from the chimney. (C) I’ve already presented my talk. (B) The upstairs windows are being opened. 18 Who ordered these replacement parts? (C) The grass is being cut. (A) Mr. Dyson did. (D) The vehicle is parked in the driveway. (B) Would you like me to? 9 (A) The man is peeling the watermelon. (C) They’re arranged in order. (B) The woman is chopping some vegetables. 19 Do you want to leave a message for the (C) The people are enjoying a picnic outdoors manager? (D) The diners are eating some fruit. (A) Right, it is messy in here. (B) Tell him Bob Willis called. (C) I’ll try not to leave it behind. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- 20 Where is the bank manager? (C) Yes, I remember it. (A) I opened a bank account there. (B) Since June. (C) His office is through the corridor. 31 What did you talk about at lunch? 21 Where are you traveling next week? (A) There were cakes and biscuits. (A) I'm at home. (B) We will launch our new product next (B) Why don’t you call a travel agency? (C) Nothing special. (C) I'll be in Malaysia. 32 Ben used to work in sales, didn't he? 22 There’s heavy traffic this afternoon. (A) I haven't used it. (A) It was even worse this morning. (B) Yes, it was on sale. (B) That's a heavy load, (C) Why don't you ask him? (C) I take the car every day. 33 Would you like a coffee? 23 When do you need the report by? (A) I like it, too. (A) Monday at the latest. (B) I don't have any left. (B) On the news bulletin. (C) Do they serve decaf? (C) I don't know who wrote it. 34 What are you taking on vacation? 24 Should I leave the folders on the shelf or the (A) Just a small suitcase. desk? (B) In Thailand. (A) Could you file them in the cabinet, please? (C) At the beginning of next month. (B) Thanks, but you don't need to fold them. 35 How was the business conference? (C) Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea. (A) Really interesting. 25 How soon will the goods arrive? (B) I think it’s a good reference book. (A) I didn’t think it was very good. (C) By plane. (B) They should be here within 2 days. 36 You know Ms. Marks, don't you? (C) The white goods. (A) Thanks for letting me know. 26 Excuse me, is this seat taken? (B) Sorry about that. (A) No, you go ahead. (C) Yes, we met at the product launch. (B) Good excuse. 37 You need a swipe card to enter the building (C) Yes, I'll take two. now 27 What's the fastest way to the airport? (A) Yes, I wiped it clean. (A) It was very quick. (B) I'd better get one from Security. (B) To catch a 4 o'clock flight. (C) We both work on the fourth floor. (C) Take the express bus. 38 Why are you spending so much on advertising? 28 Didn't you go to the opera with your husband (A) Yes, it was very expensive. last night? (B) I think I saw that on television last night. (A) No, we couldn't get tickets. (C) We want to increase our brand recognition. (B) I'd love to meet him. 39 Did you present the proposal to the board? (C) It should be a lot of fun. (A) No, it's not boring. 29 Aren't Mark and Jenny coming to the party? (B) In the waste disposal unit. (A) They didn’t invite me. (C) I will at the next meeting. (B) Yes, I caught up with them. 40 Should we go to the employee lounge, or you (C) They'll be in Frankfurt then. rather eat in the office? 30 When does your gym membership expire? (A) It's nearly lunch time. (A) Actually I've already renewed it. (B) I don’t really mind. (B) The expiration date is on the packet. (C) He was employed as a data analyst. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- PART 3 Question 41-43 refer to the following conversation. W: (41) The stereo bought here last week broke already l'd like a refund, M: I'm afraid I can't give you your money back, as that’s against our store policy, Instead, you can get a replacement stereo or store credit. W: Well, I can't trust that stereo model, so I guess (42) I’ll take the credit. M: Okay, that means you have $240 to spend in the store. (43)It must be redeemed within the next 6 months. Question 44-46 refer to the following conversation. W: (44) The sales figures for last month are very disappointing. M: Yes, we need to make some changes. (45) Let’s get together at lunch today with the regional directors to discuss new strategies. W: That’s a good ideal. Should I book a table at one of the local restaurants? M: No, (46) let’s meet in my office. Perhaps you could just get some sandwiches from the café downstairs. Question 47-49 refer to the following conversation. M: Excuse me, do you know when bus number 7 is scheduled to stop here? W: Actually, (47) it should have gotten here 5 minutes ago. M: (47) Oh, that’s not good. I’m starting a new job at Varlaine Mall and (48) I need to get there by 9 am. I don’t want to be late for my first day. W: Well, the number 11 bus also goes there. Here’s one coming now. (49)Why don’t you jump on board? Question 50-52 refer to the following conversation. W: (50) Tom, is everything ready for next week’s media open day at the laboratory? M: Nearly, Ms. Jones. (51)We just need to pre-pare their ID security cards. Everything else has been taken care of. W: That’s great, I’m Interested to see what you have scheduled for the event. M: in that case, (52) I’ll forward you a copy of the program. Question 53-55 refer to the following conversation. M: (53) I’m really looking forward to seeing Dos Barros with you this evening. I heard that it's a beautiful opera. W: Right, it’s so popular that the show sold out in just a few hours. How did you manage to get our tickets? M: (54) I bought them online the moment they went on sale. I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. That’s great. Before we go to the auditorium, we’d better grab a bite to eat. (55)Let’s try the new diner on Fort Street. Question 56-58 refer to the following conversation. M: The finance department manager has hired a couple of interns to help with administrative work, but (56) there’s no workspace for them on the fifth floor, W: The interns should work alongside the rest of the finance department, so we’ll need to move the other employees. M: Right. (57)How about asking Todd and Jeff to move to the third floor? They don’t really need to sit with the other Information Technology workers. W: That makes sense. (58)As IT support technicians, they spend most of their time dealing with computer problems around the building. Question 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W: Good afternoon, (59) Express Florists. You’re speaking with Marjorie. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- M: Hi, Marjorie. My name is Colin Graham and I work for CEA Insurance. We’re holding an Investors' conference at lunchtime tomorrow and (59) I completely forgot to order flowers for the event. Can you help me out? W: Sure. (60)There will be an additional charge, though, because this is a last-minute request. M: That’s fine. (61)I’ll fax the details of the order to you now. Question 62-64 refer to the following conversation. M: Hello, I’d like to make a call to a client in Singapore. Can you tell me how much that will cost? W: Well, (62) our hotel's policy is to charge guests (63) $5 per minute for all direct overseas calls. M: (63) Gosh, that's very expensive. Are there any other options? W: (64) You could purchase an international calling card from one of the local convenience stores. The charge would be more affordable. Question 65-67 refer to the following conversation. M: Hi, Julia. (65)Are you doing anything special this weekend? W: Well, I was planning on visiting the coast to do some fishing, but (66) my car has broken down. It’s at the service center, and it won’t be ready for another week. M: You can still head to the coast, though. (67) The express train goes through there at least twice a day. W: Great idea! That way, I won’t have to put up with traffic, either. Question 68-70 refer to the following conversation. W: Mike, (68) we need to arrange an urgent meeting of the hiring committee. M: Why, Mary? What’s happened? W: (69) Josephine Rose just contacted me to say she has received a job offer from Brookings Inc. If we’re going to make her a counter offer, we need to act within the next few hours. M: Right, I know a lot of the committee members were impressed with Josephine’s credentials, but Andrew Fowler was a strong candidate, too. (70)This will be a difficult decision. PART 4 Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone message. Hello, Adam. This is Yoko. (71) Pm calling to check that you’re all right. (72)1 heard that you had to go to the hospital last night for an emergency operation. I hope you’re recovering well. I want you to take at least a week off to make sure you get enough rest. If you need longer, I will under-stand. Please know that everyone in the office is thinking of you. (73)A small group of us will come and visit you at the hospital tomorrow to cheer you up. In the meantime, please take it easy. Question 74-76 refer to the following report. (74)l’m Mark Lo with World HBC’s daily Market Report. Most markets in Europe turned in strong performances. Investor confidence is increasing in the region due to the strong market regulations introduced by the European Union last month. In the major Asian economies, however, the news wasn’t so good. The Korean and Japanese markets were both down by 10 points, and Taiwan recorded a 20-point drop. (75)Trading has not closed yet in the US and Canada. (76)For more detailed information about the investment and currency markets, switch to HBC’s dedicated Business News programming on Channel 7. Next up is Mai Yeng with the day’s sports headlines. Question 74-76 refer to the following announcement. (77) Ladies and gentlemen, I need to inform you about a late change to tonight's concert program. Barnaby Watson, the headline act for tonight, will be performing at 9 pm rather than 10:30. That means that the Porter Women’s Choir will now provide the final performance of the evening. We apologize for any inconvenience. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (78) Mr. Watson has to catch an earlier flight tonight than first expected. The problem is that he’s so popular at the moment. (79)He’s due to appear on a breakfast television show ¡n Dublin tomorrow morning. We hope you understand the situation. Question 74-76 refer to the following introduction. (80)0ur next speaker is Jennifer Plummer, a world-renowned expert in the human mind. Throughout her career, she has published a number of groundbreaking books and articles on the impact of marketing messages on our psychology. (8l)She has just finished conducting research on the Impact of social marketing in campaigns on issues such as anti-smoking, safe driving and healthy eating. Based on her findings, (82) this talk may help governments and other organizations get messages through to the public more effectively. Questions 83-85 refer to the following advertisement. (83) Now you can have the same delicious meals with only half the fat content thanks to the TMP Electric Grill. With an ordinary pan, the food site in pools of fat and becomes greasy, oily and unhealthy. But the TMP Electric Grill is different. While the food cooks, the fat drips away into a separate container, making the meal much better for you. And, just as importantly, the food still tastes great. (84) lf you don't believe it, just take a look at the customer feedback on our website! The IMP Electric Grill will completely change the way you cook and eat. (85)Plus, tor a limited time only, you can get a free recipe book with over 100 delicious and easy-to- prepare meals. So what are you waiting for? Buy the TMP Electric Grill today. Questions 86-88 refer to the following announcement. (86) Can you all please put your equipment down and face me? Thanks. I have an announcement to make. (86)The safety engineers will be per-forming maintenance on some of the machinery today. (87)At 10 am this morning, the compressors, grinders and some of the other equipment will be switched off so that the engineers can begin their work. While normal operations are impossible, you will all take part in your annual health and safety training. So, at 10 am, please head to the workers’ lounge where (88) Kyle Bennett will instruct the session. Thanks. Questions 89-91 refer to the following advertisement. Get ready for some hot action! (89)The Hot and Spicy Set is back on Country Chicken’s menu. For less than $25, you can get 10 pieces of spicy chicken, 4 chili chicken burgers and 4 sodas. (90)You also get your choice of dipping sauces, including sour cream, mayo and tangy barbecue. That's a deal that can’t be beaten. What’s more, every time you buy a Hot and Spicy Set from Country Chicken, (89)(91)you will be entered in a draw to win a family trip for 4 to sunny Cancun, Mexico. But be quick, because this offer won’t last long. Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk. (92)l’d like to welcome you all to Veron Enterprises. My name is Fay Hernandez and I’m the vice president of operations. I’m in charge of showing you around today. (93)You should all have a packet with details about company policies and workplace guidelines. If you don’t have one, please let me know. For the first half hour, we will be discussing the corporate structure of Veron Enterprises so you can understand how the business is organized. (92) After that, Jean Rogers, the HR director, will talk to you about the resources and opportunities available to you as employees. (94)Then, in the afternoon, we’ll go for a walk around the office to show you the facilities. Questions 95-97 refer to the following telephone message. Hello, Ms. Graham. It’s Didier Dion. (95) l’m calling because the IT team’s workload is becoming overwhelming. The problem is that we’re preparing for (96) the launch of the new online ordering service next month, and we are currently behind schedule. We are all working around 60 hours a week or more. We desperately need additional help over the next few weeks. As a team manager, I don’t have any hiring authority, so (97) I need your permission to employ a couple of temps. I look forward to hearing back from you. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- Questions 98-100 refer to the following announcement. (98)Big Smile Cameras is proud to host the store’s annual Young Photographer Competition. This competition provides young people from around the area an opportunity to have fun and be creative. All entries will be posted on the wall in the Big Smile Cameras store on Hunt Lane. The contest will be judged by a panel of professional photographers, and (99) cash prizes will be awarded for the Most Original Photo, the Cutest Photo, and the Overall Best Photo. The competition is open to anyone under the age of 18. (100) To learn more about how to register and enter, visit our website today. ACTUAL TEST 02 PART 1 (D) They’re holding poles. 1 (A) The women are purchasing magazines. 9 (A) She’s checking the engine. (B) The women are adjusting the radio. (B) She's parking the car. (C) The women are sitting under an umbrella. (C) She’s using a hose. (D) The women are swimming on the beach. (D) She’s painting the garage. 2 (A) The desks have been placed against the 10 (A) The people are lining up for coffee. column. (B) The woman is gashing a cup. (B) The lamps have been arranged in rows. (C) The employees are on a break. (C) The books are being filed away. (D) The men are taking off their suits. (D) The library is full of patrons. PART 2 11 Who approved this purchase? 3 (A) They’re raising their hands. (A) Last night. (B) They’re exchanging business cards. (B) The general manager. (C) They’re examining a document. (C) Three crates of paint. (D) They’re wearing safety hats. 12 Will Ms. Le Blanc write the new safety 4 (A) The chairs are next to a hut. manual? (B) There is a garden behind the pool. (A) No, she’s busy working on a report. (C) The trees are surrounded by water. (B) Yes, it’s a safe-investment. (D) There are loungers on the grass. (C) She did a marvelous job. 5 (A) The woman is picking up a piece of cake. 13 How long will it take to get to the subway (B) The woman is viewing a menu. station? (C) The woman is entering a cafe. (A) At least 20 minutes. (D) The woman is leaning on the counter. (B) On the corner of 1st and 3rd. 6 (A) The tables are being removed. (C) It's 2 meters. (B) The chairs are stacked up. 14 Aren’t you in charge of organizing the confer© (C) The framed pictures are hung on the wall. (A) Only a small charge. (D) The windows are open. (B) I’m afraid I can’t go. 7 (A) Meals are being prepared. (C) No, Karen is. (B) The dishes are being cleaned. 15 When are you going home? (C) The plates have been cleared away. (A) At about 5 o’clock. (D) Groceries have been left on the box. (B) He has gone already. 8 (A) They’re padding a canoe. (C) I live uptown. (B) They’re cooking a fish. 16 Where was the seminar held? (C) They’re steering a boat. (A) Yesterday afternoon. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (B) In Meeting Room 2. (A) Fill out both sides. (C) By the IT manager. (B) You can talk to Marcus. 17 Would you like to order now, or are you still (C) I'll feed it. looking? 29 Do you have time to meet with Ms. Jones this (A) The steak was too rare. afternoon? (B) We’re ready now. (A) How long did it take? (C) I found it earlier. (B) Yes, I did. 18 Have all the invitations been sent out? (C) In she a new client? (A) I received it this morning. 30 His presentation was excellent. (B) Yes, and the venue has been booked. (A) The present was expensive. (C) Why haven't you responded? (B) The next one sounds interesting, too. 19 Can you give me a hand with this luggage? (C) I guess about 4 o'clock this afternoon. (A) In the overhead compartment. 31 Paolo has boon promoted to regional director of (B) Where should I put it? sales. (C) I don’t have any. (A) Good for him! 20 Why has the project been canceled? (B) No, I’ve never been there. (A) Yes, the product has been successful, (G) The promotion ends on Sunday. (B) At the end of last year. 32 Why don’t you assign the project to Ms. Wong? (C) It exceeded our budget. (A) The projector is in the storeroom. 21 When would you like us to submit the (B) I saw the sign outside. application form? (C) That's a great idea. (A) Yes, that’s right. 33 None of the actors has ever worked on (B) In the filing cabinet. Broadway before. (C) By the end of the week. (A) That's a surprise. 22 Where should we meet our visitors? (B) I've been there several times. (A) Outside the front gate. (C) No, I can't work late tonight. (B) On the telephone. 34 lie sure to follow the directions on the bottle. (C) On Thursday night. (A) On Campbell Avenue. 23 You know where the public library is, don’t (B) I'll do that. you? (C) Ho assured me. (A) Two books and a DVD. 35 Why is the fax machine broken? (B) I wasn't there. (A) I haven’t received one. (C) It's beside Potter Park, right? (B) That's a fact. 24 I’ll call you when the doctor is ready to see you. (C) It's getting old. (A) Okay, I'll take a seat. 36 Which travel agency did you book the tickets (B) Thanks, but I don’t need one. through? (C) That was when I left. (A) I used Flight Fast. 25 How often should I attend training courses? (B) To Tokyo. (A) At least once a year. (C) Yes, two tickets, please. (B) The train leaves at 2. 37 Why don’t we rent a DVD tonight? (C) Yes, that's correct. (A) It's a new TV. 26 It's hot supposed to rain tonight, is It? (B) Thanks for returning it. (A) I saw a movie. (C) I’d rather read a book. (B) I get off at 6. 38 Will the new copier be ready by then, or will (C) I don’t know. we have to use a printing service? 27 What form of payment would you prefer? (A) It should be available. (A) I’ll write a check. (B) No, she lost rt. (B) I sent a card. (C) Of course we did. (C) Yes, I’d prefer that. 39 Did you see the email I sent you? 28 Who should I see about these customer (A) The post office is over there. feedback forms? (B) No, I've been out of the office. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (C) I haven't sent it yet (B) On the first Monday of every month. 40 Let's hold a staff meeting to explain the new (C) There are parking spaces in front of the parking procedure. building. (A) I think we can just send out a memo. PART 3 Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. M: Marina, (41) how was your break at Picnic Beach? W: It was very relaxing. (42) It’s a great place to unwind away from crowds of people. M: It sounds perfect. I hear the scuba diving there is fantastic. Did you try it? W: Yes, I enjoyed that. But (43) the highlight for me was learning how to surf. Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation. W: (44) I'd like two tickets to the afternoon showing of King Lear, please. M: (45) That'll be $70, please. W: Oh, that's expensive! Going to the theater used to be cheap. M: (46) Then perhaps you should think about joining our membership program. It only costs $50 to become a member, and then you can buy tickets for half the normal price. Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation. M: Excuse me. (47)Pm looking for a new power drill. I see you stock well-known brands like (48) the Excel 1 and the Sasta. Which would you recommend? W: Well, the Excel 1 is lighter so it’s easier to use for small jobs around the house. But if you want to use the drill regularly, you should go with the Sasta. M: I see. I’ll only need to use the drill infrequently, so (49) I'll get the Excel 1. Thanks for the advice. Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation. W: Mike, I feel awful. I have a terrible headache and I feel tired and sore all over. M: It sounds like you have the flu. (50)You need to go and see your doctor. W: The problem is that I'm new in town, so (50)(51)I don’t have a regular doctor yet. Is there anyone that you’d suggest? M: I go to Dr. Haywood, and she’s pretty good. (52) l’ll see if I can find her business card in my office. Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. M: Good afternoon, Marion Airlines. You’re speaking with Jordan. How may I help you? W: Hi. (54) I was on Marion Airlines flight MA103 from Seattle to Chicago last night. (53)I couldn’t find my briefcase this morning. I think I may have left it on the plane. M: Okay, madam. (55)I’ll put you through to our Lost Property department. Someone there will let you know if your briefcase has been recovered. W: Thank you for your help. Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. W. Have you seen Mr. Rodriguez this morning? M: No, but I am scheduled to have lunch with him later. Why? W: I need to talk to him about (57) our client meeting tomorrow. (56) l’m not sure exactly where the meeting is supposed to be held. I have to make sure the room is properly set up M: In that case, (58) I’ll tell him to send you an email about it this afternoon. Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. M: (59) Hello, I booked a table for 6 under the name “Hanson.” W: Let me see. We have the booking down for [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- 8 o'clock, but (60) it’s only 7:30. Is that our mistake? M: No, that’s right. We’re just a bit early. There wasn’t as much traffic as I expected. W: That's fine, Mr. Hanson. We can accommodate you now. (61)I’ll show you to your table. Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation. M: Sylvia, are you signed up for Mr. Jones's workshop this Friday? W: No, Mr. Burke. (62) l’m scheduled to work on the assembly line that day. M: Well, according to employee file, (63) you’re due to participate in your annual machinery operation training. I think it’s important that you attend on Friday. W: (64) Okay, but you’ll need to find someone to cover my shift. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation. M: (65) Are you ready for Wednesday’s presentation to the clients from Germany? W: No, Mr. Roberts. (66}Our visitors' trip has been delayed. They won’t be here until next week. M: Okay, that gives us more time. Then, why don’t you send me a copy of your proposal? That way, we can discuss it in detail beforehand. W: That's a good idea. (67)I’ll send it to you on Friday. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation. M: (68) Maggie, when will the new Hentium 3.6 MP3 player be on the market in Asia? W: Well, we were planning on releasing it across Singapore and Japan this month, before extending into the rest of Asia later on. But unfortunately, (69) we’ve had to delay the launch as we could not reach a deal yet with local M: Oh, that's a shame. So, when is the launch now set for? W: (70) We’ve just finished negotiations with a Chinese company, so the product should be on safe there in August. Hopefully, the other courses m the region won't be far behind. Part 4 Questions 71-73 refer to the following advertisement. Mother’s Day is on the 7th of next month. (71) Have you found the perfect present yet? Then visit a Godfrey’s store near you. At Godfrey's, we stock a wide range of fun, attractive and interesting items. From small and thoughtful to large and expensive, we have something for everyone. (72) But what really sets us apart is our wonderful customer service. Unlike big department stores, discount warehouses, or online shopping malls, (72 we offer personal advice to each and every customer. Our experienced and dedicated staff can help you choose something that will really impress your friend or loved one. With over 20 stores across the state, (73) Godfrey’s has been an important part of Georgia's local communities for nearly half a century. Come in and visit a Godfrey's store today! Questions 74-76 refer to the following telephone message: Hello, Ms. Wells. It's Josh Perkins here from the personnel team at KPR Insurance. (75)I’m calling about the accounting position you applied for last week. We've had a look at your application materials, and (74)we’d like to ask you to come in for an interview. The interviews are being held on the 6th floor of our building on Stanner Street on Wednesday and Thursday. It should only take an hour or so. (76)Please call me back at 018- 587-098 to let me know what time on either of those days would suit you. Thanks. Questions 77-79 refer to the following announcement. Can I have your attention, please? My name is Catherine and (77)I'm going to be showing you around the Royal Gardens today. I’ll point out all of the different plant species on display, as well as tell you about some interesting historical events that have occurred here. Please make sure you stay with the group at all times. (78) You’re allowed to take as many photos as you like, but do not touch any of the flowers or trees. It’s important that we don’t cause any damage to the garden. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- me. The tour should take around half an hour and we'll start in a couple of minutes. (79)So, if you need to go to the bath-room, please do so now. Questions 80-82 refer to the following telephone message. Hi, Linda. It’s Rex from Johnson Building Supplies. I’m calling about the order you faxed me this morning. (80)Unfortunately, we won’t be able to send you the 12 sheets of extra-strength steel you requested. (81)The problem is that the manufacturer that we do business with no longer makes the sheets. If you return my call, (82) I’ll be able to take you through a range of other steel options to replace this item. I look forward to hearing back from you. Questions 83-85 refer to the following broadcast. It’s Amanda Wallace with your 5 pm traffic update. (83)There are long delays along Carter Drive due to maintenance work in the area. The traffic lights at the Carter Drive-Lincoln Road intersection are being repaired after damage from last night’s storm. Motorists are advised to take another route, if possible. All other parts of the traffic network are flowing freely. (84)If you are out on the roads and notice any delays, please call and let us know at 1800-drivefm. (85) Next, you’ll hear ail the latest headlines from the news desk with Shirley Holmes. Questions 86-88 refer to the following announcement. Good morning, everyone. After weeks of negotiations, we have finally reached an agreement about wage and salary increases for next year. (86) The good news is that everyone will receive a pay rise. There are also increased performance incentives for sales and marketing staff. (87) You should all receive extra money in your next paycheck, which is due at the end of this month. I will send out a memo outlining all of the details, so please check that. (88) If you’re still unsure about how the changes will affect you personally, contact Kirsty Gibson In the payroll department and ask her. Thanks. Questions 89-91 refer to the following recorded message. (89)Thank you for calling Teleport Communications Services. Please note that this call may be recorded for quality control purposes. To connect your telephone or Internet service, press one. (90) For information on billing and accounts, press two. For complaints about a problem with your service, press three. To hear this menu again, press the pound key. (91)Or, if you’d prefer to speak directly to a customer services operator, please stay on the line. Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk. I’m really excited about the role technology can play in university education. At the moment, most colleges offer a few online services. (92) For example, the colleges you all work at probably record lectures and post them on the Internet, right? But I think we can do so much more than that. (93)Imagine holding a truly interactive online class. (92)(93)As the professor, you could link to interesting news items and video clips, get feedback from students instantly, or encourage class discussion in chat rooms. These fantastic techniques and tools can be used to complement traditional face-to-face classroom teaching, not replace it. Now, if you think this is just a futuristic fantasy, you’re wrong. I’ve actually developed a website that shows how these things can all be achieved easily today. (94) I encourage you all to visit www.classonline.com today to see what university teaching in the 21st century can look like! Questions 95-97 refer to the following announcement. Hello, everyone. (95)1 want to take this opportunity to remind you about an important policy at this apartment complex. (96)Over the last few months, a lot of people have been leaving large items such as sofas and cabinets in the recycling and garbage area. This not only looks bad, but it is also potentially dangerous. The recycling and garbage area can be very slippery, so people transporting large items there are endangering their own safety. (97)ln the future, if you want to dispose of a large item, you should contact me and purchase a permit. Permits only cost between 1 and 5 dollars, depending on the size of the item. After that, I will arrange to have the item removed from your apartment by professionals. Thanks in advance for your compliance. (98)Thank you all for agreeing to stay behind tonight. (99)We’re going to show you the new product prototypes that our R&D team has been working on. What I want you all to do is examine them closely and tell us what you think. We are currently deciding which products to invest in, so your feedback as frontline staff will be very valuable. I expect the process will take a couple of hours. To ensure that you have plenty of energy to think and talk about the prototypes we’ve prepared some food for all of you. (100) The catering has kindly been provided [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- by the staff cafeteria, and it's available in the room next door. Please help yourself now, and then the presentation will begin in a few minutes. ACTUAL TEST 03 PART 1 1 (A) The man is opening the door to the vehicle. (B) The women are stuck in a traffic jam. (C) The women are crossing the road. (D) The man is approaching the women's car. 2 (A) He’s washing some vegetables. (B) He’s operating some machinery. (C) He’s planting some seeds. (D) He’s digging up some soil. 3 (A) They're viewing some menus. (B) They’re blowing out a candle. (C) They’re pouring some wine. (D) They’re eating a meal. 4 (A) They're crouching by the shelf. (B) They’re Installing cables. (C) They’re cutting wires. (D) They're taking down the display. 5 (A) The automobiles are being loaded with freight. (B) The buses are stopped at an intersection. (C) The bus terminal Is under renovation. (D) The vehicles are lined up In a row. 6 (A) She’s arranging some flowers. (B) She's watering the garden. (C) She’s washing a vase. (D) She’s picking some plants. 7 (A) The boys are swimming in the lake. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (B) The boys are bending over. (C) The boys are leaning against the wall. (D) The boys are holding the bird. 8 (Ạ) The man is looking under the hood. (B) The man is opening the trunk. (C) The man is assembling the engine. (D) The man is taking the car to the garage. 9 (A) One man is putting on a tie. (B) Both men are working outside. (C) One man is pointing at the wall. (D) Both men are wearing safety vests. 10 (A) There is a rail along the harbor. (B) There are passengers in the ships. (C) The paddles have been stacked in piles. (D) The boats have been left at the dock. PART 2 11 Who approved this loan? (A) Mr. Jackson is alone now. (B) The branch manager. (C) Yes, it’s a big improvement. 12 Would you like to see our brochure? (A) Yes, that’d be nice. (B) It's very unlikely. (C) He says he’s sure. 13 Do you want a ride back to the office? (A) I’ve been riding for 10 years. (B) No, I'll walk. (C) That was quick. 14 Why isn’t there anyone at the front desk? (A) I'll do it later this afternoon. (B) I don't feel like it. (C) The receptionist must have gone to the bathroom. 15 What form of identification is required? (A) I filled out the form yesterday. (B) A passport or driver's license. (C) No, it's too quiet around here. 16 When will we get the food from the caterers? (A) A special catering service. (B) Yes, it tasted delicious. (C) It should be here by 4. 17 When should we hold the committee meeting? (A) It's a big commitment. (B) What about tomorrow? (C) In the conference room. 18 Do you have a paperback copy of this book? (A) Sorry, it’s out of stock. (B) I left my papers on my desk. (C) The coffee machine is in the kitchen. 19 Where can I get a nice meal around here? (A) I'm not feeling hungry. (B) The diner on Black Street. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (C) Yes, you sure can. 20 I'd like you to come up with a new marketing campaign. (A) It comes with spare parts. (B) That sounds challenging. (C) I don’t like camping. 21 How long is the flight to San Francisco? (A) 10 hours, I think. (B) On Tuesday evening. (C) With West Coast Airlines. 22 Can you cover the phone this afternoon? (A) No, it was a woman. (B) I’m afraid I have an appointment. (C) Can I take a message? 23 How do customers file complaints? (A) The file is in the cabinet over there. (B) They can do so online. (C) About once a week or so. 24 Why did the board reject the proposal? (A) It would have been too expensive. (B) With Mr. King’s project. (C) Because they couldn't board on time. 25 When did you find out about the deal? (A) From Toby in Accounting. (B) Yes, it's ideal. (C) Just before it was agreed on. 26 Why did you get here so early? (A) Were you late? (B) That’s what I hear, too. (C) I wanted to get a good seat. 27 Haven’t you been introduced to Tom before? (A) Yes, I’m looking forward to it. (B) Not officially. (C) How have you been? 28 This is the malfunctioning printer, isn’t it? (A) A number of functions. (B) No. It’s the one in the corner. (C) How do you print out documents? 29 Those tiles look very dirty. (A) Thanks for taking care of it. (B) Let’s clean them later. (C) Yes, that style is out of fashion. 30 We need to email the clients soon. (A) I’m pleased you emailed me. (B) I’ve already checked the mail. (C) Could you do that? 31 Are you coming to Mark’s party? (A) I'll take it apart. (B) It was a blast. .. (C) Actually, I have to work. 32 You saw that finance report, didn’t you? (A) How was it? [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (B) Which one? (C) It's portable. 33 How many times have you been to Thailand? (A) More than 10. (B) Sorry, I don’t have the time. (C) Yes, in Bangkok. 34 Should we eat at your place or mine? (A) That’s what I had in mind. (B) What a great idea! (C) I’d prefer to go out. 35 Valerie, aren’t you supposed to be at a conference? (A) Actually, I changed my schedule. (B) Yes, you’d better go. (C) The poster is over there. 36 It’s snowing outside. (A) Did you bring your coat? (B) In the middle of winter. (C) I'm on your side. 37 Where are the visitors staying? (A) Some executives from Singapore. (B) Until next week. (C) At the Fairlane Hotel. 38 Are you going to assign the task to Henry or give it to someone else? (A) No, I’m not going there today. ? (B) Yes, it’s a difficult assignment. (C) I’m still thinking it over. 39 What color wallpaper should I put in the bedroom? (A) Try light green. (B) It’s just through there. (C) It was very colorful. 40 Do you want me to show you how to assemble the equipment? (A) I haven't seen that show yet. (B) Yes, please. I need some help. (C) Yes, he resembles someone I know. PART 3 Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. M: Hi. (41)1 purchased this laptop here this morning. Now I want to return it. W: Okay, sir. What seems to be the problem? M: (42)Well, when I got home and opened the box, I discovered that the screen had a crack in it. W: Oh, that’s too bad. In that case, we’ll replace the item. (43) I’II go and find another one in our storeroom. W: Keiran, have you made a restaurant booking for lunchtime? (44)Some important clients are visiting from Ecuador to discuss their next advertising contract. M: (45)No, I haven’t made a booking yet because I wasn’t sure how many people to expect. W: Well, there will be the two of us, plus Mr. Guillermo, Ms. Nadal, and their assistants. So, you’d better make it a table for 6. M: Okay, I’ll book it at Reggie’s Bistro. (46)That's near the office, so it should be convenient to get to. Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation. W: Excuse me. (47)l’d like a ticket for the express service to Dunhitl. M: Okay, that'll be $4.50. (47)The next train leaves at 7 pm. W: (48)Which platform should I catch it from? M: It will stop at platform 7. (49)That’s down the stairs and to the right. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- W: Hi, Dustin. I didn’t expect to see you here! M: (50)I love coming to the theater, Darlene. (51) It's one of my favorite pastimes. W: Great. I heard that this production is really good. M: Yes, the main actor is a star on Broadway. (52) I can’t wait to see how he performs. Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. (53) The latest sales figures are out, and unfortunately they show a decline over the last few weeks. What can we do to turn this situation around? Well, I think we need to promote our brand and our products more strongly. (54) Let’s invest an extra 30% in TV and radio advertisements. Are you sure we can afford that? Our budget is very tight this quarter. (55) I’ll look over the accounting documents to see if we can spare the money. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation. M: (65)My winter vacation is coming up soon. Where do you think I should go? W: Well, you could try heading to the mountains. The skiing is great at this time of year. M: That might be fun, but (66)I’d prefer to go some place warmer. W: In that case, you should go to a tropical beach. (67) Package tours to places like Mexico or the Caribbean are very reasonably priced these days. Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. M: Wow, this mid-year sale has been successful. (56) We’re nearly out of gym shoes. W: Right. When will that shipment from the shoe distributor arrive? M: (57)It should be here by tomorrow. (56)Later today, I’ll also order some additional beach hats and sports jackets because we’re running low on those items, too. W: That’s good. (58) We need to replenish our stock before the weekend rush. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation. M: Sandra, how was the directors’ meeting? Did you come to a decision on the XCD Smartphone? W: (68)Yes, it will go on sale next month. M: Really? I expected the launch to be delayed. (69)Our trials showed that customers found the product somewhat confusing and difficult to use. W: Right, but the R&D team has used that feedback to improve the product. (70)You should take a look at the latest prototype. Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W: Hello, is this the Johnson Center? (59) I’d like to book a dental appointment. I need to get this toothache looked at right away. M: Okay. (60)There’s an opening at 4 pm today, and another at 9 am tomorrow. W: Great, (60)I’II take the earlier one. My name is Hunter. M: Thanks, Hunter. (61)The clinic is on the third floor of the Jamieson Building, which is right by Uptown Station. Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation. M: Laura, where’s the new color printer? (52)It was supposed to have come last night. W: That’s strange. I’d better call the supplier to find out what the problem is. (63) Do you remember the number of the order? M: I'm afraid not. (64) I’ll take a look at the invoice and then let you know. Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement. Attention, passengers on Flight 431 to Hastings. (7t)There has been a change in the departure gate for this flight. (72)Due to a schedule conflict with an incoming flight from Blenheim, Flight 431 cannot leave from Gate 4. We [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. (73) Flight 431 will now depart from Gate 17 at the eastern end of the terminal. The boarding time of 5:20 pm will remain the same. Thank you. Questions 74-76 refer to the following announcement. Hi, Lisa. It's Jane. (74)I’m calling to let you know that I’ll be late. I left home 10 minutes ago because I thought there wouldn’t be much traffic on a Sunday. Unfortunately, though, (75)there’s been an accident on the Barton Bridge, so there is quite a lot of congestion. At this rate, I guess it might take me at least another hour to get to your place. I’m really sorry about this. (76)1 think you and Mark should just go to the art gallery without me, and I’ll meet you there. Questions 77-79 refer to the following announcement. Is your office a little tired-looking? Don’t send out the wrong message to important clients. (77) Instead, relocate to the Goldman Tower on Langstock Street. The Goldman Tower is a brand -new office block. The lobby has a view of Lake Park which is bound to impress your clients. (78) It’s also fully equipped with modern features such as interactive conference rooms and seminar facilities. (79)Check out photos and floor plans on its website at www.thegoldmantower. com. To inquire about a lease, call Herb Forlane at 021-300-409. But hurry, because the Goldman Tower is filling up fast! Questions 86-88 refer to the following conversation. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. (86)Having led MV Bikes for more than a decade, I am still amazed by how innovative and creative my team can be. I’m proud to introduce our latest product. The MV Utopia is the most exciting bike on the market. (87)It is perfectly designed for modern city life. It features a single gear for easy pedaling and maintenance. (88) Best of all, it has a large basket on the front and a carrier on the back. That means cyclists can do their shopping and take their suit to work without having to hop in a car or bus. The MV Utopia will retail for around $250, and it will be available in most bike stores from Monday. Questions 89-91 refer to the following speech. (89)Our next guest will present the award for Best Design. She is a world-famous architect who has led over 20 projects in Asia and the Pacific. She was a partner at Kirby and Watts for over 5 years, (90) before breaking away to start her own consulting firm called Streetwise. Some of her most famous works include the Singapore Tower, the X-Cube in Shanghai, and the Metropolis Building on Australia's Gold Coast. (91) She has won the Premier Architecture Award 3 times. Please put your hands together for Anna Jordan! Questions 80-82 refer to the following conversation. You’ve called the Greensboro Medical Center. (80) We are currently closed. Our opening hours are from 8:30 to 6:30 on weekdays, and 9 to 12 on Saturdays. (81) If you have an urgent condition or problem, please hang up now and call the Greensboro After- Hours Clinic at 0511-908. To book a routine appointment or to lodge an inquiry about a recent test or service, (82) please leave your name and a contact number after the tone. One of our employees will endeavor to get back to you on the next working day. Thank you for calling the Greensboro Medical Center. Questions 83-85 refer to the following talk. (83) If you run a business, then you know how important information security is. So, what precautions is your business taking to keep your data safe? You need to think carefully about this issue. Businesses rely on the safe and accurate retention of financial reports, employment records, and customer details, among many other things. (84) Don’t just store it all on your file server. What if there'8 a fire or Wood? Instead, you need to keep multiple back-ups of this information and store them in different places. Fortunately, with modern technology, this is relatively easy to do. (85)Next, I'll explain some practical steps you can take to protect your information securely. Questions 92-94 refer to the following announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, (92)please note that the library will close in 5 minutes. You will need to exit through the northern entrance at the front of the building, (93)as the western entrance has already been locked and secured. If you would like to check out any books or other materials, please do so now. (94)Also, be sure to gather all [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- your personal belongings before leaving. Thank you for visiting the Wilson Library. We hope to see you again in the near future. Questions 98-100 refer to the following announcement. (98)This is the conductor with an important announcement. Please listen carefully. (98)(99) In about half an hour, this train will cross into Belgium. At the border, the train will stop and Belgian immigration officials will come on board to check the details of all of the passengers. This process can slow down the journey, so (100) please make sure that you have your passport and entry card ready to show them. If you need help filling out the entry card, please press the cabin assistance button next to your seat. Thank you. ACTUAL TEST 04 PART 1 1 (A) She’s using an appliance. (B) She’s eating some food. (C) She’s cleaning the kitchen. (O) She’s buying some groceries. 2 (A) The basket is sitting In front of the door. (B) The bookshelves are facing each other. (C) The cushions are falling off the sofa. (D) The picture frame is on the wall. 3 (A) Some people are seated around a table. (B) All of the seats are occupied. (C) Pieces of furniture are stacked up. (D) The chairs are arranged in rows. 4 (A) A woman is stacking the shelves. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (B) A woman is looking at a clerk. (C) A woman is holding up an Item. (D) A woman is standing on the sidewalk. 5 (A) He’s walking along a path. (B) He’s sitting on top of a bench. (C) He’s exercising In the park. (D) He’s swimming in the lake. 6 (A) A man is carrying a potted plant. (B) Both the people are holding bags. (C) A woman is putting something in a bag. (D) All of the patrons are purchasing items. 7 (A) The fence goes around the pond. (B) The house is being constructed. (C) The building is surrounded by water. (D) The ramp leads down to the lake. 8 (A) They’re holding musical instruments. (B) They’re listening to a record. (C) They’re examining a score. (D) They’re assembling some equipment. 9 (A) Jars have been stored on the shelves. (B) Cups are placed on the counter. (C) Plates have been set out to dry. (D) Pots are left in the cupboard. 10 (A) Carts are being filled with goods. (B) The people are leaning against the rail. (C) Strollers are being pushed along a path. (D) The walkers are taking a rest. PART 2 11 Who will buy the office supplies? (A) By 3:30. (B) Yes, a nice surprise. (C) Jack can do it. 12 Do you have any business cards with you? (A) Yes. Please have one. (B) The business is very successful. (C) Yes, it was a credit card. 13 The bus was supposed to arrive 20 minutes ago. (A) I guess it’s stuck in traffic. (B) Why were you late? (C) Actually it took about 10 minutes. 14 Would you do me a favor and have a look at my report? (A) Yes, it’s my favorite, too. (B) What did you think of it? (C) Not right now. 15 You haven’t met Barbara Curtis yet, have you? (A) Yes, we met all our targets. (B) Thanks for introducing Alice last time. (C) Is she the new purchasing manager? 16 How many copies have you printed out? (A) A dozen. (B) I'd prefer a cold drink. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (C) I hope so. 17 How do you know Japanese? (A) Yes, a little bit. (B) I lived in Tokyo for 2 years. (C) Sorry, you’ll need to hire a translator. 18 You should see a doctor about that cut. (A) I cut it in two. (B) At Mercy Hospital. (C) Maybe you’re right. 19 Would you like to go for a walk outside? (A) It’s too cold, isn’t it? (B) No, I don’t like him. (C) It’s actually on the other side. 20 When are you leaving for the conference in Dallas? (A) With city officials and local business leaders. (B) That's in Texas. (C) As soon as this meeting is finished. 21 Do you want to have Chinese or Indian? (A) Actually, I’m not in the mood for either. (B) Yes, i’ve traveled extensively. (C) Working hard makes me hungry. 22 Where can I get this permit validated? (A) At the parking office on Fort Street. (B) No, it's not permanent. (C) Sometime this week. 23 Would you be interested in attending the dinner? (A) I’d love to come. (B) The interest rate is too high. (C) What did you eat? 24 Where is Luke going on vacation? (A) To a ski resort. (B) Next week. (C) It’s a special occasion. 25 Is it better to drive or catch a bus to the downtown theater? (A) Yes, in the parking lot. (B) In about 20 minutes or so. (C) We might as well walk there. 26 What’s the procedure for reporting a workplace hazard? (A) Right. He’s a reporter. (B) It’s in the employee manual. (C) I haven’t read the report yet. 27 Let’s get some new equipment for the seminar room. (A) Yes, fully-equipped. (B) I haven’t seen the news lately. (C) Can we afford that? 28 You’re going to the bank this afternoon, aren’t you? (A) No, I’ve never been before. (B) Yes, I saw you inside. (C) Actually, I just got back from there. 29 What’s the name of the new restaurant on High Street? (A) It was a great pasta salad. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com
- (B) Why don’t you ask Gavin? (C) I think his name is Paul. 30 Haven’t you finished reviewing the report? (A) Yes, the view is amazing. (B) Thanks for letting me know. (C) No, but I should be done soon. 31 This lemonade is nice, isn’t it? (A) I’m not thirsty. (B) And two oranges. (C) Yes, very refreshing. 32 Didn’t you sign the contract last night? (A) I gave it to my lawyer to look over. (B) My contact number is 0424-990-876. (C) Yes, I certainly will. 33 Customers can pay their bills online. (A) Right, it is customary. (B) That sounds convenient. (C) How much Is it? 34 Could you give me a ride to the airport? (A) How was your trip? (B) Yes, Flight 312 to Miami. (C) When should we leave? 35 How is Mr. Johnson getting to the conference venue? (A) 2 PM at the lastest. (B) By taxi. (c) The Hawthorne Hotel. 36 Who's working on the advertising proposal? (A) Yes, I proposed it. (B) That’s Mark's responsibility. (C) It belongs to Jenny. 37 When's Mr. Gomez returning from his trip to Latvia? (A) To meet some clients. (B) I can't find him. (C) On Monday. 38 When are they planning on fixing the fax machine? (A) I don't think so. (B) I saw the plans last week. (C) After the weekend. 39 I’d like to apply for a membership card. (A) You'll need to fill out a form. (B) I bought the card at a stationery store. (C) That rule doesn't apply. 40 Why did Ms. Williams drop by earlier? (A) Yes, I dropped her off. (B) No, she’ll do it later. (C) She wanted to pick up a file. PART 3 Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. W: Hello, sir. Is there something I can help you with? M: (41)Yes, I want to get a Bernovislon HD TV. I heard it advertised on the radio this morning for just $450. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com

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