Studying for exams TOEIC
To help you have more learning materials and prep English, invite you to consult the document content "Actual Test 1 - Tapescript LC 1000" below. The material includes homework questions in the exam TOIEC, hopefully useful documents for the learning needs and studying for exams.
64p dat93prohn 11-04-2016 396 151 Download
Actual Test 1 - Finish TOEIC 1000 LC thread is great preparation materials for you to do before participating in the TOEIC exam. In addition the document also sets out the types of questions corresponding to the actual TOEIC questions, meet the needs and qualifications of beginner students through the explanation of the main content and the presentation of the section important stepwise.
177p dat93prohn 11-04-2016 483 99 Download
Lesson 25 "Financial Statements" give you questions prep English exercises TOIEC invite you to consult with your studying English and studying for exams, this is useful references.
8p umy_banglam 07-04-2016 66 6 Download
The study An investigation on studying English grammar for TOEIC exam by Dong Thap University students is carried out: To find out the problems in the way of learning English grammar for Toeic exam by Dong Thap University students; to suggest some possible solutions for these problems.
52p nickluvik123 03-07-2014 109 10 Download