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Analysis of the effect of public relation and sales promotion on decision making processes for buying water refills in Merauke

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This study aims to analyze the relationship between public relations and sales promotion to the decision-making process of buying refill water. The population and sample in this study were 41 respondents.

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Nội dung Text: Analysis of the effect of public relation and sales promotion on decision making processes for buying water refills in Merauke

  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 759-765. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_079 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF PUBLIC RELATION AND SALES PROMOTION ON DECISION MAKING PROCESSES FOR BUYING WATER REFILLS IN MERAUKE Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the relationship between public relations and sales promotion to the decision-making process of buying refill water. The population and sample in this study were 41 respondents. Observations, questionnaires, interviews, data analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis. Then the data is processed using SPPS version 23. From the results of the analysis of the research obtained, it shows that public relations has a significant effect on the decision-making process of buying refill water, which is proven by a significant value of 0,000
  2. Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke and technology is increasingly expanding free trade as if trade has become unlimited in space and time. Public relations is the process of interaction where public relations creates public opinion as an input that benefits both parties, and instills understanding, fosters motivation and public participation, aims to instill good wishes, trust mutual understanding, and a good image of the public. Public relations is a special function of management that helps build and maintain joint communication, understanding, support, and collaboration between organizations and the public, involves management problems, helps management to know and respond to public opinion, explains and emphasizes management's responsibility to serve public interest, helps management to keep abreast of and utilize change effectively, useful as an early warning system to help anticipate trends, and use sound research and sound techniques in communication as the main tools (Maria, 2002). Public Relations and Publicity are various programs that are directed internally to employees of companies or outside consumers, other companies, governments, and the media to promote, build relationships between companies and the public, protect and build a company image or positive individual communication products. Public Relations. Management comes from managing words which means leading, handling, managing, or guiding (Ruslan, 2014: 1). Management in the context of strategy has a role to help companies adjust to changes in the business environment. Environmental changes certainly affect the company's performance in gaining profits or contributing to the parties involved. Sales promotion is one element of the marketing mix, in addition to selling prices, products, and distribution. Promotion is very influential on the company's efforts to achieve maximum sales volume, because even though the product offered is good, relatively cheap and easy to obtain, if it is not accompanied by good promotion, then the level of sales will not be enough. According to Lupiyoadi (2014: 178) promotional devices that we know include advertising, individual sales, promotion promotion, public relations, word of mouth information, direct marketing, and marketing publications. A certain type of product requires certain forms of sales promotion and other types of promotions must also be used in other forms of sales promotion. In other words, not all forms of sales promotion can match and guarantee the success of the promotion if it is not in accordance with the conditions of a product. Therefore, a form of sales promotion must be sought that is in accordance with the conditions of the product to be promoted. Promotion according to Kotler and Armstrong (2014: 77): Promotion is an activity that communicates product excellence and persuades customers to buy the product. Process Decision making is an event that is often experienced in human life. The process of decision making is a logical consequence in human life that is always changing and experiencing improvement. The decision making process is one form of human response to the environment (Samudro & Mangkoedihardjo, 2012). Decisions taken by humans will be the beginning of the determination of the next life. And so there is a connection between the decision making process and human life. The level model of the process of making consumer purchasing decisions through five stages, namely: Introduction to the Problem, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase Decision for Post-Purchase Behavior. Kotler and Keller (2012: 189). According to U.S. Munandar (2010), the decision-making process starts based on the existence of a problem between the desired condition and the conditions in which 25 desired conditions are usually influenced by: 1) Culture 2) Reference groups, changes in groups can change desired things 3). Family characteristics 4). Status or financial expectations 5). Previous decisions affect the introduction of problems. 6). Individual development can affect 760
  3. Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons the desired condition, one's maturity affects the choice. 7). The current individual situation. One example of decision making is when people choose Omega Water Brands. So the choice of society is CV. Sion Merauke with the brand name Omega Water packaging that is engaged in replenishing drinking water has moved from 2016 to 2019 is a new business and competes with other competitors who have long been in Merauke. Like aqua, and many more. And as a consideration of CV sales data. Zion last 3 years like the table 1 below: Table 1. Sales Data For The Last 3 Years No Year Data sales Percentage 1 2016 2425 31% 2 2017 2880 36% 3 2018 2599 33% TOTAL 7904 100% Data processed:2019 Based on table 1 above the sales data of the last 3 years up and down, in 2016 decreased by 31% and in 2018 it decreased by 33% while in 2017 it increased by 36%. Due to various problems encountered, namely CV. Zion with the brand name Omega Water packaging, like in 2016/2018 CV. Sion does not build good relations with the community, does not provide promotions either through Bhalio, brochures, word of mouth, home-to-home. but in 2017 CV. Sion brings promotional sales personnel from outside the region to carry out promotions from house to house and the results are very good, namely a 36% increase in sales. But it was inconsistent so he experienced deterioration the following year. In the case we know that sales promotion is one form of activity using props such as: demonstrations, exhibitions, demonstrations, gifts, examples of goods and so on to influence the community to buy Omega Water Brands. According to Malau, Herman (2017: 103), "Sales promotion is a form of direct persuasion through the use of various incentives that can be arranged to stimulate product purchases immediately and / or increase the amount of goods purchased by customers". Through sales promotion, companies can attract new customers, encourage customers to buy more, attack competitors' promotional activities, increase impulse buying (purchases without prior plans), or strive for closer cooperation with retailers. The results of research conducted by Desi Novita Sari et al. (2018) that the influence of public relations and advertising strategies on purchasing decisions with the results of the study showed that: (1) public relations purchasing decisions are influenced positively by the significance value of the t-test is smaller than the level determined significance (2) advertising strategy is positively influenced by purchasing decisions with a significant value of t-test smaller than the specified level of significance (3) public relations and strategic advertising together with positively-influenced purchasing decisions with a significant value of f-test smaller than specified level of significance. So that this study aims to determine the Analysis of the Effect of Puplic Relations and Sales Promotion on the Decision Making Process of Buying Water Refill the Brand of Omega Water in Merauke. 2. METHODOLOGY The time needed to carry out this research is for 2 months, the research site at CV. Zion Merauke. Types and sources of data: Observations, Questionnaires, interviews and Bibliography, Populations and samples 41 respondents. According to Suharsimi Arikunto (20013: 108) "Samples are partially or representative of the population studied. If the subject is less than 100 it's better to take everything. incidental technique is to determine based on coincidence, that is, anyone who accidentally met with the researcher. Data analysis 761
  4. Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke technique: multiple regression analysis. Operational definition: Pulic relation variable (X1), Sales Promotion variable (X2), Decision-making process variable (Y) and then the data is processed using SPPS version 23. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Linear regression analysis Based on the calculation of multiple regression between Public relations (X1), Sales Promotion (X2) to the Decision of students choosing school (Y) with the help of SPSS 23 program in the calculation table 2 results can be obtained as follows. Based on the table, the regression equation formed in this regression test uses the formula Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e. So the regression equation is Y = 1.338 + 0.446X1 + 0.458X2 + e. Table 2. Multiple regression coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized T Sig. Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.338 3.334 .401 .690 Prtotal Sptotal .446 .100 .518 4.462 .000 .458 .140 .381 3.280 .002 a. Dependent Variable: kstotal 3.2. Test t Analysis of the effect of Public relations on the decision-making process of buying omega water brand refill water. From the calculation results obtained by the value of t arithmetic for public relations variable is equal to 4.462 and by using lavel significance (significant level) of 5% obtained by t table of 1.684 which means that the value of t count is greater than the table namely 4.462> 1.684. While the sig value in table B is 0,000 because sig is smaller than 0.05, which indicates that public relations (X1) has a positive and significant influence on the process of buying water refills for omega water brands. People choose the brand omega water (Y). Analysis of the influence of sales promotion on the process of deciding to buy water refill on omega water brands. From the calculation results obtained by the value of t count for Sales Promotion variable is 3.280 and by using lavel significance (significant level) of 5% obtained t table of 1.684 which means that the value of t count is greater than the table, namely 3.280> 1.684. While the sig value in table B is 0.002 because sig is smaller than 0.05, which indicates that (X1) can have a sales promotion that has a positive and significant influence on the process of deciding to buy water refill for omega water brands. (Y). Thus it can be concluded that Ho and Ha are accepted so that the hypothesis that the Sales Promotion has a positive influence on the process of deciding to buy refill water brand omega water is accepted. 3.3. Test f To find out the magnitude of the analysis of the influence of public relations and sales promotions on the decision process of buying refilled water from the omega water brand together can be seen from the magnitude of the value of f as follows. 762
  5. Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons Table 3. Simultaneous Model Sum of Squares D Mean Square F Sig. 217.997 2 108.999 23.744 b .000 1 Regression Residual Total 174.442 38 4.591 392.439 40 a. Dependent Variable: kstotal b. Predictors: (Constant), pptotal, prtotal By using the level of significance (significance level) of 5% obtained F-table 2.85. Where F-table is obtained from dfl = k-1 (3-1) = 2 with df2 = n-k (41-2) = 39 which means that the calculated F value is greater than F-table which is 23,744> 2,85. While the sig value in the table of 0,000 is smaller than 0.05 indicating that the public relation variable (X1) and sales promotion (X2) have a simultaneous or joint effect on the variables of the decision process to buy water refill for omega water brands. Thus it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is accepted so that the hypothesis which states Public relations and sales promotion together have a positive and significant effect on the process of deciding to buy water refill for omega water brands. be accepted. Table 4 : Determination Coeficients Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of the Model R R Square R Estimate 1 .745a .555 .532 2.143 a. Predictors: (Constant), pptotal, prtotal b. Dependent Variable: kstotal Based on table 4 above, it can be seen that the magnitude of the determination coefficient is indicated by the adjusted R Square value which is equal to 0.532 which means that variations of all independent variables namely public relations and sales promotion can explain the variable decision process to buy water refill brand Omega water by 53, The remaining 2% 46.8% is explained in other variables that were not submitted in this study. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1. Analysis of the influence of public relations Based on the results of hypothesis testing and regression analysis shows that the public relations variable has a significant influence on purchasing decisions and the effect is positive. This shows that an increase in public relations in a company's strategy will encourage consumers to decide to buy the products offered. Research shows that Public Relations have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that any increase in Public Relations, the decision to purchase Samsung S5 Mobile products will increase. And vice versa if the Public Relations has decreased then consumer purchasing decisions will decline as well. This 763
  6. Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke study can be explained that specifically for product purchases it turns out consumers consider the Public Relations in making product purchase decisions. So the hypothesis that says the influence of the Public Relation on the process of deciding to buy refill water for Omega Water, is accepted. 4.2. Analysis of the influence of sales promotions Based on the results of hypothesis testing and regression analysis shows that the sales promotion variable has a positive and significant influence on the process of deciding to buy water refill brand omega water (Y). The results showed that the results of the regression equation analysis were Y = 6.073 + 0.459X. The direction of the relationship is in the direction of being positive so that when the sales promotion variable rises, the process of consumer purchasing decisions will also rise. Pearson product moment correlation, obtained r value of 0.574 because rs is between 0.40 - 0.599, the relationship between sales promotion and the process of purchasing decisions can be said to be moderate and in the same direction. So that the results of the hypothesis test which says that there is an effect of sales promotion on the process of deciding to buy water refill with the brand Omega Water, are accepted. 4.3. Analysis of the influence of public relations and sales promotion Based on the results of testing the hypothesis that the variables Public Relation and Sales Promotion have a significant effect on the process of deciding to buy water refill the brand of Merauke Omega Water. Test results (F Test) with a significant level (Sig) is 0.05 with Fcount 355.109 greater than Ftable 0.197 with significant level of 0.000 then Ha is accepted. This means that public relations and advertising have an influence on purchasing decisions. So that the results of the hypothesis test which states the influence of public relations and sales promotion have a positive and significant effect on the process of deciding to buy water refill the brand of Omega Water Merauke. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. 5. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of analysis and testing of data and hypothesis testing about the analysis of the effect of puplic relations and sales promotion on the decision making process of buying water refill Omega brand Merauke Water, conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1). Public Relation partially has a positive and significant effect. This is evidenced by the value of t count greater than t table which is 4.462> 1.684 with a significance level of 0.000 1.684 with a significance level of 0.002 2.85 and with a significance level of 0.000
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