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Bài giảng Quản trị công: Chapter 1 - PGS.TS. Sử Đình Thành

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Chapter 1 introduction to public management and governance. Learning objectives of this chapter include: To be aware of the different meanings of "public", to understand the main differences between public management and public governance, to understand the motives for studying public management and public governance.

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Quản trị công: Chapter 1 - PGS.TS. Sử Đình Thành

  2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES „ To be aware of the different meanings of ‘public’ public „ To understand the main differences between public managementt andd public bli governance „ To understand the motives for studying public management and public governance
  3. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘PUBLIC’? WHAT IS THE PUBLIC DOMAIN? You can read following the text: The essential task of the public domain can now be interpreted as enabling authoritative public choice about collective activity and purpose. In short, it is about clarifying, constituting and achieving a public purpose. The government has the ultimate responsibility for constit ting a society constituting societ as a political community comm nit which hich has the capacity to make public choices. Producing a ‘public’ which is able to enter into dialogue and decide about the needs of the community . . . is the uniquely demanding challenge facing the public domain. (Source: Ranson and Stewart (1989) => Do you understand the public what is?
  4. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘PUBLIC’? PUBLIC ? „ This short passage explains how the public domain is the arena in which public choice is exercised in order to achieve a collective purpose. „ Ranson and Stewart also introduce another meaning of the word ‘public’ – the group (or groups) of people who inhabit the public domain.
  5. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘PUBLIC’? PUBLIC ? „ Another common usage of ‘public’ is to distinguish between the ‘public sector’ and the ‘private sector’, which essentially revolves around differences of ownership (collective ownership, in the name of all citizens, versus individual ownership) and motive (social purpose versus profit).
  6. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘PUBLIC’? PUBLIC ? „ However, there are other, wider meanings to ‘public’. „ For example, ‘public services’ are sometimes delivered by private utilities or contractors, rather than public agencies. Here, the concept of ‘public’ generally means that the providers have to observe and d satisfy ti f some form f off ‘public ‘ bli service i obligation’
  7. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE: SOME KEY ISSUES „ what is public management? And what is public governance? „ While most people assume that they have a ggeneral ggrasp p of what ppublic management g entails, fewer have a feel for what is meant by public governance.
  8. Public management „ Public P bli management is i an approachh which hi h uses managerial techniques (often originating in the private sector) to increase the value for money achieved by public services. „ To conduct and controll the course of affairs. affairs „ It therefore covers the set of activities undertaken by managers in two very different contexts followings: „ in public sector organizations; „ in public service organizations, whether in public, voluntary or private sectors.
  9. Public management „ This Thi raises i a number b off issues i which hi h we will ill consider id later: „ Whatt distinguishes Wh di ti i h ‘ bli management’ ‘public t’ from f ‘ bli ‘public administration’? „ What is ‘public’ public about public services? „ Are ‘public services’ always in the ‘public sector’? „ Is ppublic management g onlyy about ppublic services?
  10. Public governance „ Public P bli governance means “the “th way in i which hi h stakeholders interact with each other in order to influence the outcomes of public policies policies”.. „ The concept of public governance raises a different set of qquestions, such as: „ Who has the right to make and influence decisions in the public sector? „ What principles should be followed in making decisions in the public sector? „ How can we ensure that collective activities in the public sector result l in i improved i d welfare lf f those for h stakeholders k h ld to whom we accord the highest priority?
  11. Is ‘public management’ different from public administration? „ The study of the work of civil servants and other public officials (including their interface with politicians who were involved in legislation and setting public policy) was usually labelled ‘public administration’. „ Public administration conjures up an image of bureaucracy.
  12. Is ‘public management’ different from public administration? „ From the 1980s onward, this was interpreted to mean different things by different authors, but it was almost always characterized by a different set of symbols from those associated with public administration (Clarke and Newman, 1997) – it was thought to be about budget management, a contract culture, including contracts with private sector providers of services and employment contracts for staff…
  13. Differences between managerial and governance approaches
  14. Differences between managerial and governance approaches „ “Good /Sound governance” raises such issues as: „ stakeholder engagement; „ transparency; „ the equalities q agenda g (g (gender,, ethnic groups, g p , age, g , religion, etc.); „ ethical and honest behaviour; „ Accountability/responsibility; „ Sustainability/stability Sustainability/stability.
  15. Recap „ Public management „ Public Governance „ Public administration



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