Bài tập liên từ và thán từ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1
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Cuốn sách "Bài tập liên từ và thán từ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh" cung cấp những lý thuyết cơ bản về liên từ, thán từ và cách sử dụng, kèm theo đó là rất nhiều các bài tập khác nhau, được nâng dần trình độ để giúp người học nâng cao kiến thức, cuối sách bổ sung các dạng bài tổng hợp và đáp án để người tự học có thể kiểm tra lại, tự đối chiếu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 1 cuốn sách.
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Nội dung Text: Bài tập liên từ và thán từ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1
- CONJUNCTION - LIÊN TỪ E x e r c ise 1. R e w r ite th e s e s e n te n c e s w ith su ita b le c o n ju n c tio n s. (Viết lại những câu sau đây dùng liên từ thích hợp) 1. We know him. We know his íriends. 2. The coat was soft. The coat was warm. 3. It is stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary. 4. I wanted to go. He wanted to stay. 5. Your arguments are strong. They don’t convince me. 6. You can go there by bus. You can go there by train. 7. I was íeeling tired. I went to bed when I got home. E x e r c ise 2. F ill in e a c h gap w ith a su ỉta b le c o n ju n c tio n s. (Điền vào chỗ trống bằng những liên tù thích hợp) 1. 1*11 come and see you......... I leave for Moscow. 2. He will tell you........ you get home. 3. I can’t express my opinion........ I know the fact. 4. We started very early..... we should miss the train. 5. He will stay here........ you come. 6.............he tried hard, he wasn’t successíul. 7. He worked late last night........ he might be free to go away tomorrow. 8. The room i s ........ small.........we can’t all get in. 9.............you had left earlier, you would have caught the train. 3
- 10. The road seems longer.........I thought. 11 ........ it rained hard, we played the match. 12 ........ you may go, he won’t forget you. E x e r c is e 3. R e w r ite t h e s e s e n t e n c e s w ith g iv e n c o n n e c tiv e w o r d s. (Viết lại các câu sau đây sử dụng các từ nối cho sẵn) 1. They got married. They had to learn to manage th eir own home. (after) 2. He went crazy. His wife burnt his breakfast. (when) 3. You can hear what I’m saying. You keep quiet. (if) 4. I won’t invite my classmates to a party. I know them well. (until) 5. He arrived home. I had already cleaned the house. (by the tiroe) 6. The first quiz was easy. This one is extremelly dif- íĩcult. (whereas) 7. She’s snobbish. People like her. (yet) 8. We’re broke. We can’t buy anything. (since) 9. He failed. He won’t give up his ideals. (even though) 10. He fell asleep. He was watching the íilm. (while) E x e r c is e 4. F ill in th e b ỉa n k s w ith t h e s e w o r d s . (Điền vào chỗ trống các từ) a lth o u g h , a n d , b e c a u s e , b u t, o r, s in c e , so , u n le s s , n n til, w h e n . 1. Things were d iíĩe re n t____ I was young. 2. I do i t ____ I like it. 3. Let us wait h e re ____ the rain stops. 4. You cannot be a law y er____ you have a law degree. 4
- 5. That was y ears____ years ago. 6. She has not called____ she left last week. 7. I saw him leaving an hour____ two ago. 8. This is an expensive____ very useful book. 9. We were getting tire d ____ we stopped for a rest. 10. He was an g ry ____ he heard when happened. 11. Walk quickly____ you will be late. 12. He had to re tire ____ of ill health. 13. We will go swimming next Sunday____ it’s raining. 14. I heard a noise____ I turned the light on. 15. Would you like a coíĩee____ tea? 16. Do you know ____ she will arrive? 1 7 . ___ the car is old it still runs well. 18. Do you want a p e n ____ a bit of paper? 19. I would like to g o ____ I am too busy. 20. She will die___ the doctors operate immediately. E x e r c ise 5. P o in t o u t th e co n ju n ctio n s in th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s a n d State w h e th e r th e y are c o o r d in a tin g or su b o r d in a tin g . (Chỉ ra những liên từ trong các câu sau và xét xem chúng là loại liên từ kết hợp (coordinating) hay liên từ phụ thuộc (subordinating)) 1. You will succeed if you work harder. 2. We arrived after they left. 3. I waited till he returned from oữice. 4. Bread and milk is wholesome food. 5. You will not get the prize unless you deserve it.
- 6. Do not go before I return from the m arket. 7. I can’t lend you any money, for I have none. 8. Since you have apologized we will not take any fur- ther actions against you. 9. The thief íled lest he should be caught. 10. I will be upset if you don’t accept my invitation. 11. She didn’t come because you didn’t invite her. 12. He is sm arter than his boss. 13. My grandfather died when I was a child. 14. Please stay here till I return. 15. He asked whether he could go. 16. Give me something to drink, else I shall die of th irst. 17. He deserved the prize, for he worked really hard. 18. We can travel by land or air. 19. E ither you are wrong or I am. 20. I hear th a t you are working for a m ulti-national company. E x e r c is e 6. In th e s e n t e n c e s b e lo w , p ic k o u t th e C o o r d in a tin g C o n ju n c tio n s (th e fir s t One is d o n e fo r y o u ). (Trong các câu dưới đây, hãy chọn ra các liền từ kết nối (câu thứ nhất đã được làm)) 1. I liked the fried rice as well as the steamed rice. (as well as) 2. We were fully rested so we walked. (...........) 3. My íriend is strong but he cannot swim. (............) 4. I did not sleep last night but I am ready to hike down into the Grand Canyon. (................ ) 6
- 5. She better get the job done, otherwise her boss will íìre her. (....................) 6. Go to sleep while you have the chance. (...............) 7. I must go to work or I will not get paid. (.............. ) 8. The bananas as well as the mangoes do not taste good here in Thailand. (........................) 9. The dog wagged his tail yet he bit me on my leg. 7 ( ................ . ...................... ) 10. I usually sleep while my wife is at work. (.......... ) 11. You can take a bus or a bus to Bangkok. (.......... ) 12. Eat more fat, othenvise you will lose weight. (........... ) 13. He is slow thereíore he will not win the race. (............ ) 14. The kids were very loud during the class yet the teacher did not tell them to be quiet. (................. ) 15. He had a full plate of chicken but he still wanted more. (....................) E x e r c ise 7. In e a c h o f th e fo llo w in g se n te n c e s, id e n t iiy th e c o o r d in a tin g co n ju n ctio n . (Trong mỗi câu sau đây, hãy xác định các liên từ kết hợp) 1. The litter of puppies was calm yet noisy when I peered into the crate. 2. You or I should make sure the smoke alarm batteries are changed. 3. We took the local roads to the City for we knew the expressway would have traíĩìc. 4. The dancer moved with great fl ui di ty yet without passion. 5. Ken and Rona arrived early so they could get good seats for the symphony. 7
- 6. Rhonda wanted to go back to íínish her degree in nursing, so she freed up three evenings a week for her classes. 7. Last week’s w eather was rainy, but the íorecast is calling for sunny skies this week. 8. He shivered, for the pool w ater was cold. 9. For lunch you need a sandwich or salad, not just junk food. 10. The hikers were tired but eager to move on. E x e r c is e 8. In sert a c c e p ta b le c o r r e la t iv e c o n ju n c tỉo n s in to th e fo llo w in g s e n t e n c e s . (Điền liên từ kết hợp phù hợp vào các câu sau đây) 1. She h a s ___ s ix ____ seven years of Service with us. 2. _____S tan ley _____ Josh play drums. 3. _____ you decide on the red ____ choose the blue makes no diíTerence to me. 4. Caroline____ forgot where M att lives,_____ lost his cell phone number. ' 5. _______ Holly will have to try harder ______ she will have to move down to a diíĩerent level. 6. This lemon chiffon pie i s ___ creamy____ low-calorie. 7. ____ you call the hall to make the arrangem ents ____ you risk losing your $100 deposit. 8. It is u n c le a r____ the cable bill will come on time ____ I will have to go to the oíĩice to pay it. 9. The fee in clu d es____ d rin k s _____ gratuity at th is establishment. 10. At the birthday party, Kim serv ed ______ barbecued r i b s ________ steak. 8
- E x ercise 9. C reate a n e w sen te n c e w ith th e clau ses an d a su b ord in atin g conju nction. (Tạo một câu mới với một mệnh đề ưà một liên từ phụ thuộc) 1. Soccer is becoming popular. Baseball is all the rage. 2. The sailboat was stranded. There was not enough wind. 3. Louise will sleep soundly. Her alarm clock has gone off. 4. The horse won’t get out of its stall. You lock the door. 5. Dr. Kroger has high expectations of his students. They work hard. E x e r c ise 10. P u t co n ju n c tio n : and, bu t, or, so. Điền các liên từ: and, but, or, so. 1. I’m going to go shopping on Sun d a y ................... buy some new clothes. 2. I’ve just eaten d in n e r............... Fm not hungry. 3. Why don’t you ring Sue .................. íind out what time she’s Corning over tonight? 4. Don’t tell John about his birthday party ................. you’ll spoil the surprise. 5. I have been saving my money this y e a r.............. next year I plan to take a long holiday in Europe. 6........................... : Do you want anything else can I go home now? 7. I love to travel ............ I hate travelling by bus. 8. I like living in the City ....................my brother pre- fers living in the country. 9. Betty’s just got a promotion at w o rk ................ she’s very happy. 10. Father to Son: You’re thirty now. Don’t you think it’s time th at you settled dow n.............. got married? 9
- 11. Tom got a great Christmas bonus from work this year ................he and his family can have a good vacation this year. 12. It’s late. You should go to bed now .................... you’ll be tired tomorrow. 13. The taxi stopped at the train s ta tio n ................... two men got out of it. 14. I was in the area ............ I thought I’d drop in and say hello. 15. I really hate to have to sell my c a r .................... I need the money. 16. My friend fell down the s ta ir s ................. sprained his ankle. 17. The departm ent store closed at six o’c lo c k ................ everyone went home. 18. I won’t be home for Christmas .................. I will be there for New Year’s. 19. Julia was very angry with T o m ......................she w ent for a long walk to cool down. 20. Can you stop at the shop .......................... get some milk on your way home from work? 21. Are you busy this w eekend............... do you have some free time? I need some help moving to my new house. 22. You’ve been working hard in the garden all day. Why don’t you sit d o w n ..........................r il bring you a nice cold drink. 23. Nobody was home when I rang Jenny .....................I left a message for her. 24. I’ve been d ietin g ................ I’m not losing any weight. 25. Will you eat th at last chocolate b isc u it................. will you leave it for me? 10
- 26. It’s raining. Wear your raincoat................. you don’t get wet. 27. 1’m sorry I missed your birthday party Alan, my car broke dow n............ took me hours to walk to a phone. 28. Bill graduated íirst in his class at University.............. his parents bought him a new car. 29. We left very early this morning for our holiday........... there was still a traíĩìc jam on the freeway. 30. I had a very boring weekend, I just sat around the house...................did nothing. 31. Can I help you with t h a t ................. are you all right? 32. Would you rather stay home to n ig h t.............. would you rather go out? 33. John may have built this house by him self................ he hired an architect to design it. 34. Is this Seat already ta k e n ................ can I sit there? 35. Your sister rang today.......she didn’t leave a message. 36. You had better h u rry ............. you’ll be late for work. E x e r c ise 11. P le a s e c o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s w ith th e a p p ro p ria te con ju n ction (s). (Hãy hoàn thành các câu sau đây với các liên từ thích hợp) 1. I want to go to the superm arket_____ buy milk, but I ean’t _____ my daughter took the car. 2. Can you come over and help me paint my house you finish class today? 3. I won’t tell you the answ er_______ you give it a try otherwise you will not leam anything. 4. _______ I watch romantic movies I will cry _______ I am a very emotional person. 11
- 5. Suzy can have a piece of c a k e _______ she can choose to have some pie. 6. Today Ron is b u sy ______ he will not be Corning to the hospital to visit you. 7. Robin has promised to take Jill o u t_______ he w ants to go to the basketball game with Cliff tonight. 8. _____ I would love to take you up on your offer, I think I will have to p a s s _______ I have other obliga- tions tonight. 9. Julie was a party girl ____ she was in U niveuity _______ she stayed out very late each night. 10. O il_____ water do not m ix ,______ the density of oil is lighter than water. 11. Kyle is skipping c la s s _______ he can line up to buy concert tickets. 12. I can help y o u_______ I íinish my own work. 1 3 . ____ I am driving I don’t like people disturbing me. 14. Johnny must pass his driving exam ination_______ to be able to drive by himself. E x e r c ise 12. C o m b in e th e s e n t e n c e s u s in g th e s u b o r d in a tỉn g c o n ju n c tio n s in p a r e n th e s e s . (Nối các cảu sau đây, sử dụng các liên từ phụ thuộc cho trong ngoặc) 1. I took my umbrella. It was raining. (as) 2. Some apples are red. Others are green. (while) 3. The boat could not move. There was no wind. (since) 4. Suríĩng is fun. It can be dangerous. (though) 5. You should stay away from bears. They are dangeròus. (because) 6. Deer are cute. They eat all your flowers. (although) 12
- E x e r c ise 13. C hoose th e b e st a n sw er. (Chọn câu trả lời chính xác nhất) 1. I like chicken____ not ílsh. A. And B. Since c. But D. For E. Or 2. ________it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. A. And B. Where c. Either D. If E. How 3. I like both dogs_____ cats. A. Also B. But c. And D. If E. ưntil 4. The items are on sale in the local store___ not Online. A. But B. And c. Though D. Or E. Nor 5. Neither my m o th er____ my father will be able to attend the party on Sunday. A. Or B. But not c. And D. Nor E. But also 6. Carrie didn’t know whether her bike would be íĩxed she would have to walk. A. But B. And c. Nor D. Or E. Either 7. Luke was late to the p a rty _____ his car broke down on the highway. A. If B. Because c. While D. Although E. Where 13
- E x e r c is e 14. C h o o se th e c o iý u n c t io n t h a t fits b e s t . (Chọn liên từ thích hợp nhất) 1. I will go to the concert, b u t_______ you go as well. only if unless only but 2. I brought along a sandw ich,_____ I get hungry. therefore in case only if 3. _______ she calls me, I feel very happy. Thereíore So th at Whenever 4. Take this photo,______ you can remember me. while so th at although 5. I will not talk to h im _______ he apologizes for w hat he did. until while because 6. 1*11 íínd you,_____ _ you are. where wherever thereíore 14
- 7. She sp o k e_______ she knew what she was talking about, but she didn’t. until although as if 8. _____ the police arrived, we had to end the party. Until Once Although 9. I couldn’t íĩgure o u t_____ he said what he said. why once because 10. I bought you a birthday c ard _______ I like you. while because why E x ercise 15. C hoose th e b est conjunction for each se n te n c e . (Chọn liến từ thích hợp nhất cho mỗi câu sau đây) 1. _______ it was raining, I didn’t get wet. A. Although B. Because 2. Jun couldn’t buy any Christmas presents,_______ he didn’t have any money. A. even though B.because 3. _______ my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at home for my vacations. A. Whereas B. Since 15
- 4. Jerry passed the exam íìrst time, _______ I had to retake it three times. A. as B. while 5. I will be late today,_______ my car has broken down. A. because B. though 6. _______ Mei Li doesn’t speak English, she can’t go to university in Canada. A. Whereas B. Since 7. Paula got the jo b ,_____ she had no experience. A. as B. even though 8. I don’t drink coíĩee,_____ it makes me nervous. A. as B. although E x e r c is e 16. C h o o se th e b e s t a n s w e r . (Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp) 1. Karen is ric h ;____ , her cousin Kate is poor. A. thereíòre B. however c. otherwise 2. You’d better take a ta x i.____ , you’ll arrive late. A. Consequently B. Furthermore c. Otherwise 3. I enjoy reading this new m agazine.____ , it has good articles. A. Moreover B. Nevertheless c. However 16
- 4. Jack wasn’t tire d .____ , he took a nap. A. Othervvise B. Hence c. Nevertheless 5. Phil was not thirsty; ___ , he drank fìve glasses of water. A. however B. moreover c. furthermore 6. The kids didn’t study.____ , they failed the course. A. Thereíore B. Nonetheless c. Otherwise 7. The weather was terrib le.____ , we decided to delay our trip. A. Furthermore B. Besides c. Thereíore 8. You must buy the tick ets;____ , we won’t be able to see that play. A. otherwise B. although c. besides 9. The neighborhood isn’t very interesting. I like the house,____ . A. moreover B :thus c. though 17
- 10. We live in the same building;_____ , we hardly see each other. A. however B. therefore c. íurthermore 11. He didn’t earn enough money. _________ his wife decided to get a job. A. Moreover B. Thereíòre c. Although 12. T hat house isn’t big enough for us, a n d __ , it’s too expensive. A. íurthermore B. hence c. although 13. We have plenty of money and w orkers;__ , we hope to finish the house remodeling soon. A. nevertheless B. unless c. thus 14. She’s extremely ric h ;__ , she’s not snobbish. A. hence B. however c. othenvise 15. It was a windy and rainy n ig h t._____ , I decided to go out. A. nevertheless 18
- B. othervvise c. hence E x e r c ise 17. C h oose th e c o n n e c tin g w ord th at c o m p le te s th e s e n te n c e s m ea n ỉn g fu lỉy . (Chọn từ nối để hoàn thành các câu sau sao cho có nghĩa) 1. I don’t k n o w __ you want to meet that lady. She’s such a snob. that why when 2. He looks__ he were sick. even if even though as if as though 3. He ask ed __ he could smoke a cigarette. whether if what that 4. He in sists__ I be there. if that as if 5. He punished the little boy____ put salt in his coíĩee. who which whenever 6. It was raining h a rd ____ we left the oíĩìce. where when although 7. He’ll have the work done____ that you arrive. when after by the time 8. _____ I was saying, how many of you want to attend the conference? As So For 9. He must be ric h ,____ he spends a lot of money on giíts for his girlíriend. but for in order to 19
- 10. We have been having problems with the h e a te r_____ we bought it. when while since 1 1 . __ he said did not please us. That Which W hat 12. I liked the c a r ,__ I bought it. so for even so 13. The p ictu re___ is hanging over my bed was painted by an a rt student. which who whom 14. Her parents will be very h a p p y ___ she passes with ílying colors. so th at if though E x e r c is e 18. C h o o se t h e b e s t a n s w e r . (Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp) 1. Do you think this is som ething__ can be successful? A. who B. th at c .__ 2. Don’t go o u t__ you’ve combed your h a ir. A. as B. while c. until 3. Make sure you close all the w indow s___ it starts to rain. A. after B. beíòre c. for 20
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