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  1. article Original Influence of decaying wood on chemical properties of forest floors and surface mineral soils: pilot study a MC Feller LM Lavkulich K Klinka Q Wang 1 Forest Sciences Department; V6T 1Z4 Department of Soil Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada 2 3 November 1994) February 1994; accepted 1 (Received Summary— Samples of forest floors and spodic horizons from pedons with and without a large accu- mulation of decaying wood were collected from 2 forest stands in southwestern British Columbia. The samples were analyzed to determine chemical properties which would be useful measures of the pos- sible influence of decaying wood on soil nutrient status and soil development in subsequent studies. There were several significant differences between chemical properties of forest floors and those of spodic horizons. The most distinguishing characteristic of decaying wood seemed to be high con- centrations of humic acids (> 14%). Relative to the pedons without decaying wood, 1) the forest floors with decaying wood and the spodic horizons beneath were more acidic; 2) the spodic horizon was lower in potassium, and in the case of the Douglas-fir stand, lower in calcium and magnesium as well; 3) greater accumulation of amorphous inorganic aluminum in the spodic horizon occurred beneath decaying wood in the western hemlock stand and 4) a greater tendency towards accumulation of amorphous organic aluminum and iron occurred beneath decaying wood in the Douglas-fir stand. It appears that the influence of decaying wood on soils is site-specific and related to forest floor properties, such as acidity and the level of lipids and humic and fulvic acids. Further comparative studies exam- ining the influence of decaying wood on soil nutrient status and soil development should be carried out using spatially independent replicated sampling and proposed soil chemical analyses over a wide range of stands and soils. nutrients / soil decaying wood / humus forms / soil development Résumé — Influence du bois en décomposition sur les propriétés chimiques de la couverture morte et des sols minéraux de surface : une étude pilote. Des échantillons de couverture morte et d’horizons spodiques prélevés dans des pédons recouverts ou non d’une importante couche de bois en décomposition ont été récoltés dans 2 peuplements forestiers du sud-ouest de la Colombie bri- tannique. Les échantillons ont été analysés afin de déterminer si certaines propriétés chimiques pour- raient être utilisées comme mesure de l’influence probable du bois en décomposition sur le statut
  2. nutritif du sol et la pédogenèse en vue d’études ultérieures. Plusieurs différences significatives ont été trouvées entre les propriétés chimiques de la couverture morte et celles des horizons spodiques. Les concentrations élevées en acides humiques (> 14%) (tableau II) semblent être la caractéristique la plus distinctive du bois en décomposition. En comparaison avec les pédons non recouverts de bois en décomposition, i) les couvertures mortes avec bois en décomposition et les horizons spodiques sous- jacents étaient plus acides (tableau II); ii) l’horizon spodique était faible en potassium, et dans le cas du peuplement de sapin de Douglas, plus faible en calcium et en magnésium (tableau III) ; iii) une plus grande accumulation d’aluminium inorganique amorphe dans l’horizon spodique sous la couche de bois en décomposition dans le peuplement de pruche de l’ouest (tableau V) ; et iv) une plus grande tendance à l’accumulation d’aluminium inorganique amorphe et de fer sous la couche de bois en décomposition dans le peuplement de sapin de Douglas (tableau V). Il semblerait que l’influence du bois en décom- position sur les sols est spécifique à chaque site et serait relié aux propriétés de la couverture morte, telles que l’acidité et le niveau de lipides et d’acides humiques et fulviques. Des études supplémentaires comparatives examinant l’influence du bois en décomposition sur le statut nutritif du sol et la pédogenèse devraient être entreprises en utilisant un échantillonnage répété et indépendant dans l’espace et cou- vrant une large étendue de peuplements et de sols. bois décomposition / type d’humus l élément nutritif l pédogenèse en INTRODUCTION Previous studies carried out in coastal British Columbia were based on unstrati- fied sampling designs and could not deter- The importance of coarse woody debris mine the influence of DW on tree growth (CWD) in a forest ecosystem has been (Lowe and Klinka, 1981; Kabzems and stressed by numerous authors, both for its Klinka, 1987; Carter and Klinka, 1990; Klinka beneficial effect on forest productivity and and Carter, 1990). Humus form studies in component of wildlife habitat. In a as a coastal forests did indicate that DW-domi- definitive review of the ecological role of nated forest floors were more acidic and CWD in forests, Harmon et al (1986) con- had lower nutrient content than forest floors cluded that CWD is an important functional derived from other materials, but did not component of temperate forest ecosystems determine the influence of DW on tree but that our understanding of its true impor- growth and underlying mineral soils (Klinka tance is rudimentary. et al, 1990). Thus, there are considerable Little attention has been paid to the rela- unknowns and uncertainties about the influ- tionship between CWD and forest soils. Har- ence of DW on mineral soils, as no quanti- vey et al (1981, 1989) emphasized the tative data are available. importance of decaying wood (DW) on drier Yet, forest management in British sites with respect to site productivity. Krajina Columbia is under increasing pressure to (1969) suggested that in the Coastal West- maintain long-term site productivity and bio- ern Hemlock and Mountain Hemlock bio- logical diversity by modifying harvesting and geoclimatic zones of British Columbia, slash treatment practices. Such practices increased podzolization and loss of soil nutri- affect DW, which, in turn, may affect long- ents could occur under the influence of DW. term site productivity and biological diver- Numerous field observations in these zones sity. Knowledge of the relationships between suggest that albic horizons are either thicker DW and soils, plants and animals is then or newly developed beneath accumulations critical to allow implementation of the best of DW. possible practices which do, in fact, maintain
  3. influence of a dry cool mesothermal climate (Klinka long-term site productivity and biological et al, 1991).The park has a mean annual precip- diversity. Poor knowledge of the relation- itation of 1 258 mm and a mean annual tempera- ship between DW and soils provided the ture of 9.8°C. Soils are typically coarse textured impetus for this pilot study. (loamy sand to sandy loam, with a clay content of The biotic factor is basically expressed 1 to 2%) Orthods (Soil Survey Staff, 1975) or Humo-Ferric Podzols (Canada Soil Survey Com- in the characteristics of forest floor materials, mittee, 1978) derived from glacial marine (beach) among which DW — the most ubiquitous deposits which overlie compacted glacial morainal plant debris in coastal western North Amer- (mainly granitic) materials, in gently undulating ican forests represents a large addition of — terrain. The cation exchange capacity and base ligneous materials to the forest floor. The saturation of the spodic horizon in the study area ecosystem concept implies that the influ- was in the range of 15 to 26 cmol kg and 3 to -1 ence of DW on soils, like that of any other 5%, respectively. organic materials, will be ecosystem-spe- Each site supported the growth of a naturally established, unmanaged, fully stocked, even-aged cific, that is 1) it will depend on the combi- stand, which developed following the cutting of nation of environmental and biotic factors the original old-growth forest in 1910 and a fire affecting a given site, 2) it will vary from one in 1919. The first stand was dominated by Tsuga type of forest ecosystem to another and 3) heterophylla (Raf) Sarg (western hemlock) and it may be positive or negative depending on had a well-developed moss layer dominated by one’s viewpoint. Therefore, it is necessary to Plagiothecium undulatum ([Hedw] BSG); the sec- ond stand was dominated by Pseudotsuga men- adopt an ecosystem-specific approach to ziesii (Mirb) Franco (Douglas-fir) and had a well- study the influence of DW on soils. developed herb layer, with abundant Polystichum The experimental approach adopted was munitum ([Kauf] Presl) and Dryopteris expansa a comparative analysis of paired pedons ([Presl] Fraser-Jenkins & Jermy). Using the meth- with each pair consisting of 1 pedon with ods described by Green and Klinka (1994), the western hemlock site was estimated to be slightly accumulation of DW and another without dry and nitrogen-poor, while the Douglas-fir site DW. The pedons were examined for the dif- was considered to be fresh and nitrogen-rich. ferences in morphological and chemical At each site,a well-decayed log of Douglas properties of forest floor and mineral soil, fir, which longer than 1 m, had a diameter was and each accumulation of DW was exam- larger than 30 cm, and showed approximately ined for the origin (species) and age of 50% (by volume) incorporation into the forest floor, decay. was located. A well-advanced stage of decay of the log was indicated by 1) the presence on the The objectives of the present study were log of a bryophyte community and regeneration of limited 1) to test the usefulness of the western hemlock; 2) a friable and soft consistency adopted experimental approach and 2) to of its wood, which allowed the entire length of a fin- determine which chemical properties would ger to be pushed into it; 3) barely recognizable measure the possible influence of DW on i) original structures and 4) disintegration of the the nutrient status of the forest floor and sur- material with only gentle pressure. As the selected logs as well as a great number of logs at a similar face mineral soil and ii) soil development. stage of decay in each stand were cut at one or both ends apparently at the time of cutting in 1910, we estimated that they had been decaying for MATERIALS AND METHODS approximately 85 years. At each site, a 2.50-m wide trench was dug Two study sites were located in Pacific Spirit Park, through the center of the decaying log deep Vancouver, British Columbia, 110 m above sea enough to expose an approximately 30-cm thick level. The park lies within the Dry Maritime layer of the underlying spodic horizon (a study Coastal Western Hemlock(CWHdm) biogeocli- pedon). As close as possible and where there matic subzone, which delineates the sphere of DW present in the forest floor, another was no
  4. 2.50-m wide trench was dug to the same depth as chloride-trietholamine method (Thomas, 1982). that with DW. Forest floors and mineral soils were Total C was determined using a Leco Induction described and identified according to Green et Furnace (Bremner and Tabatabai, 1971). Total al (1993) and Soil Survey Staff (1975), respec- N was determined by semimicro-kjeldahl digestion tively. Forest floors and the uppermost 10 cm followed by determination of NH using a Tech- -N 4 nicon Autoanalyzer (Anonymous, 1976). Miner- layer of the underlying spodic horizons were sam- alizable N was determined by an anaerobic incu- pled using five 10 x 10 cm discontinuous sam- bation procedure of Powers (1980) with released pling units taken 50 cm apart along the lateral NH determined colorimetrically using a Techni- 4 dimension of each pedon. Forest floor samples Analyzer. consisted of a uniform column of all organic mate- con rials (except recently shed litter) cut by knife from Extractable P was determined using 1) a Bray the ground surface to the boundary with mineral dilute acid ammonium fluoride extraction (Olsen soil. Samples of spodic horizons consisted of a and Sommers, 1982) and 2) the extraction pro- uniform column of soil cut by a trowel from the cedure of Mehlich (1978) followed by analyses top of the horizon to a depth of 10 cm. A total of of P using a Technicon Autoanalyzer. Extractable 10 samples per pedon and 20 samples per study SO was determined by ammonium acetate -S 4 site were collected. All samples were air-dried to extraction (Tabatabai, 1982) and turbidimetry. constant mass; forest floor samples were then Extractable Ca, Mg and K were determined by ground in a Wiley mill to pass through a 2-mm extraction with Morgan’s solution of sodium sieve, while mineral soil samples were sieved acetate at pH 4.8 (Lavkulich, 1981) and atomic through a 2-mm sieve to separate coarse frag- absorption spectrophotometry. Cation exchange ments. capacity was determined using 1 M NH OAc 4 adjusted to pH 7, followed by estimated of NH - 4 All chemical analyses were done by Pacific N using a Technicon Autoanalyzer (Rhoades, Soil Analysis Inc (Vancouver, BC) and the results 1982). Sodium pyrophosphate-extractable Fe were expressed per unit of soil mass (table I). and Al were extracted overnight at 25°C using Soil pH was measured with a pH meter and glass sodium pyrophosphate solution as described by plus reference electrode in water and 0.01 M Bascombe (1968). CaCl using a 1:5 suspension for forest floor 2 material and a 1:1 suspension for mineral soil. Forest floor samples were subjected to Exchange acidity was determined by the barium sequential fractionation with 1) 1:1 ethanol:ben-
  5. where Sl is the spodic index calculated for each yielding fraction A or lipids; 2) cold 0.1 M zene, sample of spodic horizon and H, V and C are the H yielding fraction B, which was further ana- , 4 SO 2 numerical values of its Munsell hue, value and lyzed for carbon and hexose content and 3) cold chroma. 0.1 M NaOH extraction yielding an extract used for further fractionation into humic and fulvic acid Single factor analysis of variance and Tukey’s fractions, with each being analyzed for carbon (Zar, 1984) were used to determine differ- test content. The methods of sequential fractionation in soil chemical variables between ences sam- are described in detail in Lowe (1974) and Lowe ples stratified according to forest floor material and Klinka (1981). (presence or absence of DW) and stand type (western hemlock [WH] or Douglas fir [DF]). The Mineral soil samples were also analyzed for variables were examined for correlation, using oxalate Fe and Al and dithionite Fe, Al and Si. Pearson correlation coefficients, and tested for Oxalate Fe and Al were extracted using acid normality, using probability plots (Chambers et ammonium oxalate extraction, and dithionite Fe, al, 1983), and homogeneity of variance, using Al and Si were extracted using citrate-bicarbonate- Bartlett’s procedure (Zar, 1984). All data were dithionate extraction, with extracted Fe, Al and analyzed using the SYSTAT statistical package Si being determined by atomic absorption spec- (Wilkinson, 1990). trophotometry as described by McKeague et al (1971). To quantify visual differences in the develop- RESULTS ment of albic and spodic horizons between the study pedons, we devised the following formu- las for proposed albic and spodic indices: Morphological analysis Due to the design of the study, the thick- where Al is the albic index calculated for each ness of the forest floor was necessarily dif- sample of albic horizon; t is its thickness (cm) ferent between the pedons with and with- and Vand Care the numerical values of its Mun- out DW (table II). A 2-fold thicker forest floor sell value and chroma; and in the DF stand was due to selecting a larger decaying log. The thickest and lightest albic
  6. horizon that had the highest albic index was Univariate analysis found in the pedon beneath DW (Lignomor) in the WH stand, while all other pedons had In the WH stand, the only significant differ- a similar albic index (table II). One of the 5 found were for CH concentrations, ences sampling units beneath DW in the WH stand which were higher, and for SO concen- -S 4 had an atypically thick albic horizon, with trations, which were lower, in the forest floor an albic index of 70. Without this unit, the with DW (Lignomor) than in that without it mean albic index for this pedon would have (Hemimor) (table III). In the DF stand, there been 12.3 compared to 23.9 when this unit were many differences between the pedons was included. The darkest and reddest with and without DW (Lignomoder and Mor- spodic horizon that had the highest spodic moder, respectively). The Lignomoder was index was found in the pedon beneath DW more acid, had higher C/N and CH/CF (Lignomoder) in the DF stand, while the ratios, higher C, Mg and CH concentrations spodic horizons in all other pedons had sim- and higher EA and CEC but lower N, mN, K, ilar color.
  7. stand and between 39 (beneath the Mor- SO CB, sB, Fep, and -S, 4 Alp concentra- moder) and 46% (beneath the Lignomoder) tions than the Mormoder. in the DF stand (table IV). Thus, the spodic The spodic horizon beneath the Lignomor horizons beneath DW in both stands also in the WH stand had higher pH and Ca H tended to have higher Feo and Alo con- and Mg concentrations but lower K and centrations, which is indicative of a more S0 concentrations than that beneath the -S 4 strongly developed spodic horizon. Hemimor (table IV). In the DF stand, the McKeague et al (1971) reported that the spodic horizon beneath the Lignomoder was amount of Fe and Al extracted from spodic more acid and had lower Ca, Mg and K con- horizons increases from pyrophosphate to centrations but higher Alp concentrations oxalate to dithionite extraction. In this study, than that beneath the Mormoder. The similar amounts of Fe and Al from spodic amount of organically complexed (pyrophos- horizons were extracted by pyrophosphate phate-extractable) relative to poorly crys- and dithionite, but substantially larger talline (oxalate-extractable) forms of Al var- amounts were extracted by oxalate (table ied between 23 (beneath the Hemimor) and V). The ratio (Fep + Alp)/(Fed + Aid) was 34% (beneath the Lignomor) in the WH
  8. (from tables IV and V), which is >0.5 ent status. Of particular concern was the required for the spodic horizon by Soil Sur- need to restrict the number of laboratory vey Staff (1975). Based on the different con- measurements as much as possible centrations of extractable Fe and Al and because of cost and time constraints. It must their interpretations by McKeague et al also be recognized that relationships (1971the spodic horizons beneath DW between chemical properties of DW and had either a higher accumulation of amor- underlying mineral horizons are not yet fully phous metal inorganic complexes (in the understood. Against this background, the WH stand) or amorphous metal-organic present result will be briefly discussed in an complexes (in the DF stand) compared to attempt to assess on the basis of current those beneath the forest floors without DW. knowledge 1) what kind of data should be Due to the presence of relatively low con- collected in future comparative studies and centrations of Fed and Ald, the values of 2) what potentially significant hypotheses (Fed - Feo) and (Ald - Alo) were negative, could provide foci for future investigations indicating that dithionite extraction included on a more appropriate sample basis. predominantely amorphous metal-organic Based acidity, C/N and mN on concen- complexes, and that the concentrations or trations, there was a trend of increasing for- stability of crystalline oxides were low. est floor nutrient status from Lignomoder to Lignomor and Hemimor to Mormoder. Except for S0 the nutrient status of the -S, 4 DISCUSSION Lignomor and the Hemimor was considered similar, while that of the Lignomoder was The primary objective of this pilot study was considered to be different from that of the to determine which of the many possible Mormoder. Based on Ca and Mg concen- measurements of forest floor and mineral trations, the spodic horizon beneath the Lig- soil samples were most likely to be of value nomor was considered base-richer relative in future studies, whether in relation to to that beneath the Hemimor, and the spodic humus form or soil development or soil nutri- horizon beneath the Lignomoder was con-
  9. horizons should give insight into the influ- sidered base-poorer relative to that beneath of DW on Spodosol development. the Mormoder. ence McKeague et al (1983) stated that thicker This simplistic interpretation suggests and deeply tongued albic horizons develop that the influence of DW on soil nutrient sta- beneath a decaying log under conditions tus varies with site. In very acid and rela- which include an above average surface tively base-low Spodosols, such as in the stability, supply of leaching water or source WH stand, the influence appears to be very of soluble organic matter. Lipids are known slight, perhaps slightly favorable, while in to accumulate in strongly acidic, poorly less-acid and relatively base-high Spo- decomposing forests floors (eg Lowe, 1974; dosols, such as in the DF stand, this influ- Lowe and Klinka, 1981). ence appears to be negative due to increased soil acidity and depletion of bases spodic index appeared to have Albic and from spodic horizons. A strong acidity of useful provided single composite mea- a DW microsites apparently does not inhibit sure of the strength in the morphological vigorous growth of acidiphilous plants in development of albic and spodic horizon. coastal British Columbia (Klinka etal, 1989, Comparison of albic and spodic indices sug- 1990). Even under marginal light conditions, gested that morphological characteristics very strongly acid DW provided more favor- of surface mineral soil horizons may be influ- able substrates for abundant growth of west- enced by DW, and that this influence may ern hemlock seedlings, Dryopteris expansa, vary with site. In the WH stand, DW appar- Plagiothecium undulatum and Vaccinium ently promoted eluviation whereas in the parvifolium than similarly very strongly acid DF stand, illuviation. The presence of an Hemimors, probably due to a high water- inverse relationship between albic and holding capacity. No acidiphilous plants were spodic indices (r=-0.22, P< 0.05) indi- found on friable and less-acid Mormoders. cated that DW does not necessarily pro- mote the simultaneous development of albic Spodosols (or Podzols) are defined by and spodic horizons in the same pedon. the presence of a spodic horizon charac- Increased podzolization, expressed in an terized by the accumulation of active amor- increased spodic index and accumulation phous, organic-sesquioxide material (eg of Al (without a significant accumulation of Buol etal, 1973; Birkeland, 1974; Soil Sur- organic matter), seems to have occurred in vey Staff, 1975; Peterson, 1976; Mac- the pedons with DW in both stands (tables Keague et al, 1983). This material consists II and IV); however, not all differences were essentially of organic matter and Al with or statistically significant so the data must be without Fe. Thus, the amount of organic- considered as suggestive rather than con- sesquioxide material in the spodic horizon clusive. can be regarded as an index of the degree, and perhaps the intensity, of Spodosol The selection of recommended mea- development (Lowe and Klinka, 1981). surements is based on the following criteria: 1) significance in differentiating the pedons Translocation of organic matter and with and without DW and 2) rapid, inex- sesquioxides must be influenced by condi- pensive and reliable analytical procedure. tions and processes in the forest floor, par- Accepting these criteria, we concluded that ticularly with respect to the production, the following properties might be omitted release and persistence of organic acids from the properties listed in table I: pH PB, , c (ligands) capable of mobilizing Fe and Al. PM, CB, sB and forest floor Fep and Alp. Consequently, the study of relationships Because of the relatively small number of between forest floor properties and the samples and sites sampled, the relation- degree of development of albic and spodic
  10. ships discussed in this pilot study should beneath tended to be acidic and the more be viewed as hypotheses requiring testing spodic horizons lower in potassium. Relative (see later). To examine these questions, to pedons without decaying wood, a thicker additional experimental studies may be albic horizon and greater accumulation of needed each with specific requirements to amorphous inorganic aluminum in the confirm the findings of comparative studies spodic horizon occurred beneath decaying either in relation to the soil nutrient status wood in the western hemlock stand, and a to soil development. tendency towards greater accumulation of or amorphous inorganic aluminum and dithion- 1) DW influences properties of the forest ite aluminum and iron occurred beneath floor and the underlying mineral soil by decaying wood in the Douglas-fir stand. inhibiting N mineralization and increasing acidity, loss of nutrients, eluviation and illu- viation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2) The influence of DW on vegetation and soil is site-specific, that is, it varies with cli- The authors would like to thank R Brant and V mate (biogeoclimatic zone), humus form, Breij of the Department of Physical Geography soil (soil particle size, base status, moisture and Soil Science, University of Amsterdam, for regime, nutrient regime) and vegetation. the assistance in field work and initial data anal- ysis. Financial support for the study was provided 3) High concentrations of lipids, humic acids by the Natural Science and Engineering Council and fulvic acids are the forest floor con- of Canada. stituents responsible for eluviation and illu- viation. 4) The spatial pattern of DW on a site cor- REFERENCES responds to that of understory vegetation and humus form and accounts for much of Anonymous (1976) Technicon Autoanalyzer. II. Method- the variation in the chemical properties of ology: industrial individuallsimultaneous determina- the surface mineral soil. tion of nitrogen and/or phosphorus in BD acid digests. Industrial method no 329/4W/A, Technicon Corp, Tarrytown, New York, USA Bascombe CL (1968) Distribution of pyrophosphate CONCLUSION extractable iron and organic carbon in soils of various groups. J Soil Sci 19, 251-268 Birkeland PW (1976) Pedology, weathering, and geo- to have affected wood Decaying appeared morphological research. Oxford Univ Press, New properties of the forest floor and/or some York, NY, USA surface mineral soil in each of the 2 stands Bremner J, Tabatabai MA (1971) Use of automated studied. In the western hemlock stand, combustion techniques for total carbon, total nitrogen decaying wood seemed to have no signifi- and total sulfur analysis of soils. In: Instrumental methods for analysis of soils and plant tissues (LM cant influence on soil nutrient status, but Walsh, ed), Soil Sci, Soc Amer, Madison, WI, USA, negatively affected this status in the less- 1-16 acid, base-richer soil in the Douglas-fir Buol SW, Hole FD, McCracken RJ (1973) Soil genesis stand. In the Douglas-fir stand, the pres- and classification. The Iowa State Univ Press, Ames, ence of decaying wood seemed to inhibit N IO, USA mineralization and increase forest floor acid- Canada Soil Survey Committee (1978) The Canadian system of soil classification. Can Dept Agric Publ ity, C/N ratio, and particularly, humic acid 1646, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, ON, concentrations. Compared to the pedons Canada without decaying wood, the forest floors with Carter RE, Klinka K (1990) Relationships between sea- decaying wood and the spodic horizons sonal water deficit, mineralizable soil nitrogen, and
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