Báo cáo khoa học: "Influence of on cutting methods and dates stump sprouting in Holm oak (Quercus ilex L) coppice"
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo khoa học: "Influence of on cutting methods and dates stump sprouting in Holm oak (Quercus ilex L) coppice"
- Original article Influence of cutting methods and dates stump sprouting in Holm oak on (Quercus ilex L) coppice M M Turrel Ducrey INRA, Station de Sylviculture Méditerranéenne, Avenue A Vivaldi, F-84000 Avignon, France 10 11 (Received February 1992; accepted May 1992) Summary — The goals of this study were to compare height growth of stump sprouts in Quercus ilex stools cut by different methods at various times during the year. Four cutting methods were com- pared: chain saw at ground level and at 15 cm above ground, axe, and ’saut du piquet’ (’stump breaking’). Cuttings were carried out every 2 months for a period of 1 year. Several important results can be described 4 years after cutting. Cuttings performed during the dormant season resulted in minimum stool mortality, and maximum new sprout number, height and diameter growth. An excep- tion was cutting made during a winter frost period. Summer cuttings led to the poorest growth which, however, tended to be regained in subsequent years. Axe and chain saw cuttings yielded better re- sults than ’saut du piquet’ cutting. This last method resulted in high stool mortality and both fewer and smaller sprouts. Sprouts appeared to be more numerous and grew better when the stools initial- ly had large and numerous shoots. Quercus ilex L / coppice / stump sprout / cutting method / cutting date Résumé — Influence des méthodes et dates d’exploitation sur la régénération par rejets de souche des taillis de chêne vert (Quercus ilex L). L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer la croissance de cépées de chêne vert (Quercus ilex L) exploitées par différentes méthodes, à diffé- rentes époques de l’année. Quatre méthodes d’exploitation ont été comparées : tronçonneuse au ras du sol et à 15 cm au-dessus du sol, hache et «saut du piquet». Les exploitations ont été faites tous les 2 mois pendant une année entière. Les principaux résultats obtenus 4 années après exploi- tation sont les suivants. Les exploitations faites hors saison de végétation donnent les meilleurs ré- sultats du point de vue de la survie des cépées initiales, du nombre et de la croissance en hauteur et en diamètre des nouveaux rejets, à l’exception des exploitations faites en période de gel hivernal. Les exploitations pendant l’été donnent de moins bons résultats mais il semble y avoir un rattrapage les années suivantes. Les exploitations à la hache et à la tronçonneuse donnent de meilleurs résul- tats que la méthode du «saut du piquet» qui cumule une mortalité importante des cépées, et des re- jets plus petits et en nombre moins important. II apparaît enfin que les rejets sont d’autant plus nom- breux et vigoureux que les cépées initiales ont beaucoup de brins et que ceux-ci sont de grande dimension. rejets de souche / méthode de coupe / date d’exploitation Quercus ilex L / taillis /
- INTRODUCTION dur- bark used for tannin production -, was winter frosts ing droughts, summer were or and still and frequent. are numerous Coppice regeneration occurs through Few references appear in the literature stump sprouting rather than sexual repro- comparing cutting methods and these only duction. This is the basis for managing examine chestnut (Phillips, 1971; Caba- most of the Quercus ilex stands. It is thus nettes and Pagès, 1986, 1990) or poplars essential that clearcutting for coppice re- (Crist et al, 1983). Results being different generation be performed under the best from 1 species to another and with no in- conditions to optimize density and growth formation on Quercus ilex reaction, more of the new sprouts which will constitute the work is needed on that species. new forest. Referenceson cutting height are more A "coppice" is a forest stand composed Belanger (1979) for sycamore, numerous: of stools. A "stool" is the entire physiological De Bell and Alford (1972), Crist et al system comprised of a "clump" of 1 or sev- (1983) for poplar, Harrington (1984) for red eral "shoots" (= stems) and the attached un- alder, Cabanettes and Pagès (1990) for derground system. After coppicing, several chestnut, Piskoric (1963) for holm oak and "stubs" (the base of the cut shoots) remain Martinez and Martin (1985) for eucalyptus on the stump. The "stump" is the under- among others. Results vary from 1 species ground part of the stool remaining attached carefully stud- to the other and need to be to the roots after coppicing. The sprouting ied. of adventitious or dormant proventitious buds on the stubs produces numerous Coppicing dates were sometimes stud- "stump sprouts" which will become the ied in relation either to stool physiology shoots of the new clump. This process is (Riedacker, 1973; Dubroca, 1983; Mac- repeated each time the stand is coppiced. It Donald and Powell, 1985), bud origin (Bar- is often impossible, when studying a stool, tet, 1890; Harmer, 1988), bud activity or to determine how many times it has been dormancy (Bartet, 1890; Warnier, 1931; coppiced, and the age of the underground Wenger, 1953; Riedacker, 1973), or photo- part of a stool is often unknown. periodic (Wenger, 1953; Wargo, 1979) or hormonal (Avery et al, 1937; Vogt and Cox Cutting tools and methods in Quercus 1970; Riedacker 1973) mechanisms con- ilex coppices have changed over the trolling bud activity. Some studies dealt years. Former techniques such as ’coupe with coppice yield in relation to coppicing entre deux terres’ (cutting just under date (Ciancio and Morandini, 1971; Cian- ground level) and ’saut du piquet’ (stump 1977). However, there are only a few breaking) (Regimbeau 1879, de Larminat co, using recent advances and tech- studies 1893), widely employed at the end of the of modern physiology (Blake and niques 19th century, along with the use of axes Raitanen, 1981; Ferm and Kauppi, 1990). and scythes, all but vanished 50 years ago; the use of chain saws is now com- In Quercus ilex, little is known of the mon. functioning of coppice and more particular- ly of stools which are the real biological Cutting dates may vary for coppice, even units for coppice. Only extremely old refer- though cuttings are usually performed dur- ences (Bedel 1866, Regimbeau 1879, de ing the dormant season. However, cuttings Larminat 1893) are available for this spe- made during the sap ascension period at cies. This is the reason why we started the beginning of the growing season - as studying the impact of partial cuttings (thin- was commonly done when the holm oak’s
- clear cuttings on coppices (Du- ning) Experimental design or 1988). The first results concerned crey, coppice behaviour when thinnings were The experimental design (Ducrey and Turrel, performed with variable intensity in differ- 1986) consisted of 6 adjacent plots where all stools with at least 1 shoot whose girth 50 cm ent age stands (Ducrey and Toth, 1992). above ground was at least 10 cm were recorded The aim of the present paper is to study shoot by shoot. Girth at 50 cm was measured the influence of both cutting methods and for all recorded shoots. Total number of shoots dates on number and growth of newly in each parent stool was used to distribute formed sprouts. Cutting methods compare stools according to shoot number classes, and mean girth of shoots in each stool was used to traditional methods such as ’saut du pi- distribute stools according to shoot girth class- quet’ (described in Materials and methods) es. Stools were comprised of 1-25 shoots. A and axe with the modern chain saw meth- histogram of distribution of the number of stools od. Chain saw cutting height was also con- according to their number of shoots showed an sidered. Cuttings were performed every 2 exponential decrease. Length of the longest months for a year. Our goal is not to rec- shoot of each stool was also measured. The six plots were shared among 2 relatively homoge- ommend 1 method over another because neous blocks. Their dendrometric characteristics chain saw coppicing is nowadays the only are shown in table I. method used. Our objective is to compare Each plot was divided into 2 sub-plots and these different methods and to determine each of the 12 sub-plots was a working unit: their short-term effect on coppice sprout- every 2 months for a year (from September ing. We will try to understand the influence 1985 to July 1986), 2 sub-plots (one in each they might have on the long term subsis- block) were cut. Figure 1 shows the climatic con- tence and vigour of holm oak coppice. ditions throughout the cutting period. For each cutting, 4 methods were used: chain at ground level (S0), chain saw at 15 cm saw MATERIAL AND METHODS height (S15), axe at ground level (A) and ’saut du piquet’ (SP). ’Saut du piquet’ is an old technique that combines cutting the shoot at 50 cm and hor- izontally knocking off the remaining part of the The stand shoot where it is attached to the stump with the flat end of an axe or sledge hammer to detach the shoot from the stump. The objective of this The studied stand is located in the communal for- method was to rejuvenate stools through individu- est of La Bruguière, 5 km north of Uzès (Gard, alization of shoots and roots of the same stool by France). This forest grows on a relatively flat stump division (Regimbeau, 1879). limestone plateau at 250-300 m elevation. It is In typical of Quercus ilex forests in this region (Gar- each cutting method was given sub-plot, a rigues du Gard): annual rainfall averages 1 000 9 stools selected for their shoot num- applied on mm and summer drought does not exceed 2 ber and mean shoot girth. Nine stool types were months. Since 1881, the harvest method used defined using 3 shoot classes (1 shoot, 2-3 has been simple coppicing with a 25-30 year ro- shoots, 4-7 shoots) and 3 girth classes (10-15 tation. Previously, rotations were shorter, less cm, 15-20 cm and 20-25 cm). In each of these than 20 years, and coppice was grazed from 10 types, 4 stools were randomly chosen and cut years after coppicing to the next coppicing time. using 1 of each the cutting methods. The studied stand is part of compartment 10 Additional stools, with higher shoot number or of this forest and has an area of 0.7 ha. In 1985, larger shoots, were selected and cut by S0 or the inventory revealed an average age of 30 S15 methods for a better study of initial stool in- years for the compartment. Preceding coppic- fluence on stump sprouting. They belonged to shoot classes 4 (8-10 shoots) and 5 (more than ings, around 1955 and 1930, were performed with a combination of ’axe’ and ’saut du piquet’ 10 shoots) and girth classes 4 (25-30 cm) and 5 (more than 30 cm). In each sub-plot, an average techniques.
- of 45 stools were identified. Five hundred and At the end of each of the first 2 growing sea- stools from a total of 1290 stools were importance of sprouting was estimated sons, the forty-six by measuring the space the new stools occupied. selected for the whole experimental design. Stool volume and crown area were estimated by measuring total stool height and diameter. Mean canopy height was estimated, and long- Observations and measurements est sprout length of each stool was measured for 4 consecutive years, in each stool. Each stool On half the plots (block 1), sprouting dates were was recorded at the end of 1989 by measuring di- noted every 15 days from May to October 1986; ameters at 50 cm above ground of all sprouts the first sprouts began to appear only at the be- with a diameter greater than or equal to 1 cm. All ginning of the1986 growing season. sprouts were inventoried on one sub-plot.
- RESULTS developed clumps appeared early as as the second half of May 1986 and 90% of all stools had reached this stage by the Data were analyzed using a 3-way analy- end of July 1986. Stools cut in May 1986, sis of variance: ’cutting method’, ’cutting ie when sprout growth usually begins for date’ and ’block’. Neither block nor interac- Quercus ilex, had reached the same devel- tion effects were significant. Thus, only the opmental stage 1 month later. Only 73% of results for ’cutting method’ and ’cutting stools cut in January produced well- date’ effects are described below. developed young clumps. This was due to climatic conditions during the first half of February where the mean of minimum tem- Dynamic study of coppice regeneration peratures was -2 °C and absolute mini- mum temperature was -15 °C. After the Sprouting was observed between May and July 1986 cutting, sprouts appeared as October 1986 because sprouting did not early as the beginning of September and start before the beginning of the 1986 54% of the stools were well-developed by growing season, even for stools cut in Sep- the end of October. tember 1985. Observations were only made within block 1. Sprouting dynamics measurements of stools showed Yearly were expressed by the percentage of new cutting dates in that differences among clumps with optimun development (ie more clump development during the first growing than 10 sprouts over 10 cm in length on for all measured the season were same each stub of a stool) at a given date (fig 2). and maximum variables (fig 3): mean height, stool and volume. No differences occurred during Septem- crown area Stools cut in July progressively regained ber, November and March cuttings: well-
- Influence of their initial growth loss in subsequent cutting methods years. However, general tendencies, par- ticularly those linked with February 1986 Cutting methods influenced the number of frosts, still persisted after 4 years. living stools 4 years after coppice regener- ation. Mortality was 3.6% for S0, 3.8% for Coppice behaviour was more thorough- ly studied during the winter of 1989-1990. S15, 1.6% for A and 14.8% for SP (fig 4).
- were found for diameters from 1 method to The method apparently disturbed stool axe the other. the least. Chain saw cuttings pro- activity duced somewhat poorer, but not signifi- For a more detailed analysis of sprout- cantly different results. No difference was ing dynamics within each stool, the diame- observed between the 2 cutting heights. ter of all shoots with a height over 50 cm The ’saut du piquet’ method resulted in the measured at the end of 1989 in one were greatest stool mortality. Data analysis sub-plot. For this analysis, 10 stools were showed that small stools cut in January measured for each cutting method (table were the most negatively affected by this III). The number of large sprouts (diameter method. over 1 cm) was comparable to that found Table II summarizes cutting method ef- for the whole experimental design, al- though there were differences in the total fects on stool growth, ie mean canopy height, longest sprout length, number of number of sprouts. Large sprouts repre- sented 1/3 of the total for ground level sprouts over 1 cm in diameter, mean diam- eter of these sprouts and largest sprout di- chain saw and axe cuttings, but only 1/4 for chain saw at 15 cm and ’saut du piquet’ ameter. cuttings. Number of sprouts per stool varied be- tween 7.6 and 8.2 for the S0, S15 and A Histograms in figure 5 specify these re- methods and was 4.4 for the ’saut du pi- sults and show the large number of small quet’ method, which was significantly dif- diameter sprouts in stools cut using the ferent from the first 3 methods. Heights S15 method as well as the negative effect slightly greater for S15 and slightly of the ’saut du piquet’ method on sprout were smaller for SP. No significant differences number and size.
- Influence of cutting dates in July and September, particularly season, average to poor. were Cutting dates did not directly influence stool mortality (fig 4). However, observed trends Influence of initial stool characteristics showed that mortality increased when cuttings were made in May, July and Sep- Individual stool characteristics prior to tember during the growing season and de- cutting were used to stratify the stool sam- creased when made in November and ple based on the following 2 criteria: mean March outside the growing season. Cuttings girth of shoots within a stool (girth class) in January were followed by frost and wind and number of shoots per stool (shoot which may have led to high mortality. class). Cutting dates generally had a highly sig- Mortality was significantly higher for ’1- nificant effect (1% level) for all the vari- shoot’ stools and aslo tended to be higher ables characterizing stool growth (table for stools with mean shoot girth between IV). Number of sprouts per stool was the 10 and 15 cm (fig 4). ’One-shoot’ stools highest for March (9.5) and November could be true coppice stools, or may have (8.4) cuttings and the lowest for July (5.6) grown from seeds, or may come from root cuttings. Mean and maximum height fol- suckers. In the latter cases, ’saut du pi- lowed similar trends: the highest for March quet’ cutting practically removed the stool cuttings followed by May and November from the ground and led to a high mortality. cuttings and the lowest for January and September cuttings. Results from the 2-way analysis of vari- (’shoot class’ and ’girth class’) con- ance Mean and maximum diameters were less ducted on data from stools cut using the variable, and significantly larger sprouts S0 method are given in table V. Except for were only observed for March cuttings. In mean diameter where no ’shoot class’ ef- conclusion, it seems that March and No- fect could be demonstrate, effects were vember cuttings were the most favourable significant in all other cases and no inter- for sprout growth. On the contrary, winter action was found between the 2 factors. cutting, in conjunction with frost, reduced both sprout number and height growth. Re- For each of the 5 studied variables, sults from cuttings made during the growing values per class increased regularly mean
- ducted on individual characteristics of ini- from class 1 to class 5 both for shoot classes and girth classes. Thus, when the tial stools. initial stool had more numerous and larger New-clump characteristics such as num- shoots, subsequent sprouts were more nu- ber of sprouts, mean and maximum sprout diameter, mean and maximum sprout merous and showed greater growth. This result is confirmed by the analysis length were correlated to individual charac- con-
- teristics of initial stools: number of shoots, longest shoot of the stool (table VI). the Only data from chain saw at ground level mean shoot girth, mean shoot basal area, total basal area of the stool and length of cuttings were investigated due to large var-
- study, however, there was a 1-month iability of the 156 stools cut by this meth- this lag for the May cutting and a one and a od. half month lag for the July cutting. Harmer Number of sprouts was correlated to to- (1988) referred to a bud dormancy for tal basal area and shoot number (r > 0.8). summer cutting, which only cold winter Sprout length and maximum sprout diame- temperatures could remove. Late summer ter appeared to be correlated with basal sprouting may be dependent upon summer area and height of the initial stool, ie with climatic conditions as well, particularly soil site fertility, but correlation coefficients, drought can increase water reserves, since were relatively low. Low variability of mean bud dormancy. Riedacker (1973) reacher sprout diameter could explain low correla- similar conclusions for eucalyptus. tion with initial stool characteristics. in agree- This results of this study were ment with results obtained by other au- growth: when DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION thors for sprout number and performed during the growing cutting was season, fewer sprouts with weaker growth Impact of cutting date appeared per stool; the most favourable cutting period for sprouting and sprout de- velopment was right before the beginning Cutting date affected sprouting date, of the growing season (March cutting in sprout numbers, and sprout growth. These this study). results are comparable to those obtained However, except for the January cutting by others (Bartet, 1890; Warnier, 1931; where climatic conditions could be respon- Wenger, 1953; Riedacker, 1973). They ob- sible for the observed differences, cuttings served that when stools cut in late were performed outside the growing season summer or fall, they resprouted only the satisfactory. were following year. When cutting was per- formed earlier, even the beginning of sum- Measurements of stool height, volume, mer, sprouting followed immediately. In and crown area conducted in previous
- years demonstrated that discrepancies be- The ’saut du piquet’ technique differed tween cutting dates appeared immediately significantly from the other methods. in the first growing season and were still Sprout number, height and diameter were visible during the following years regard- smaller than with other cutting methods. less of cutting method. Exceptions were One of the goals of this method was to de- May and July cuttings where a positive sprout numbers within stools in or- crease compensation occurred the following year. der to decrease sprout competition (Re- gimbeau, 1879; Des Chesnes, 1892). Our The negative effect of winter cutting results did not support this expectation. must certainly be related to sensitivity of Sprout height growth decreased along with holm oak to cold temperatures which has sprout number, and stool mortality was already been mentioned by Bedel in 1866 higher in the ’saut du piquet’ treatment. and by Regimbeau in 1879. Desiccation by This technique may be harmful to stool frost of the stump’s uppermost section and physiology and weaken the stool. The neg- destruction of various tissues could explain ative effect seemed to be accentuated by the differences observed between January unfavourable climatic conditions: among cuttings and other cuttings outside the the 8 stools cut in January that died the growing season. first year, 6 had been cut using the ’saut In July cuttings, summer drought was du piquet’ method. probably a limiting factor, since the best re- sults (November and March cuttings) were this technique was used to Historically, obtained when cutting was followed by stools through individualization rejuvenate rain. However, strong sunlight and high of shoots and related roots by stump divi- temperatues could also induce desiccation sion. Regimbeau (1879) concluded that of the uppermost stump tissues and de- this was difficult to accomplish, as we dis- struction of dormant buds. covered ourselves, and could not be used too often. Our study failed to demonstrate the 1 supposedly interesting by-product of Impact of cutting method this method: the appearance of root suck- ers. No significant difference in sprout number, height or diameter could be demonstrated between ’axe’ and ’chain saw at ground Impact of cutting height level’ methods. Crist et al (1983) reached similar conclusions when comparing the ef- The number of small-diameter sprouts ap- fects of cutting methods using saw or prun- peared to be higher on stools cut with a ing shear on sprout number and growth in chain saw 15 cm above ground than at poplars. Cabanettes and Pagès (1990) ob- ground level, although large sprouts ap- served a positive effect of the axe method peared in equal quantities. Thus, cutting the chain saw method on sprout over had an effect on sprout type rather height in chestnut, but this effect could be growth than the number of dominant sprouts. on the result of a higher cutting position in the Several authors have observed a posi- axe method. Phillips (1971) observed a tive correlation between sprout number significant positive effect of the axe meth- and cutting height: Belanger (1979) on sy- od for the same species. Our study camore, de Bell and Alford (1972) and showed that stool mortality was nominally Crist et al (1983) on poplar, Harrington but non-significantly reduced when stools (1984) on red alder, Cabanettes and were cut with the axe.
- may be found in the literature even if the Pagès (1990) on chestnut and Martinez and Martin (1985) on eucalyptus. Howev- authors generally worked at a stub level and not a whole-stool level. Sprouting is er, results in oaks differ. Piskoric (1963) linked to stub size and age (Blake and Rai- observed that sprouting intensity on Quer- tanen, 1981). In some cases and for some cus ilex was not dependent on cutting species, this relationship is positive as height. Roth and Hepting (1943) demon- found by Wenger (1953) for sweetgum or strated that cutting height had little influ- Belanger (1979) for sycamore. In other ence on sprouting in several oak species cases, a negative relationship was found since most sprouts appeared at the base by Roth and Hepting (1943) for 5 oak spe- of cut shoots. cies or Johnson (1975) for red oak. Similarly, our study showed that mean Moreover, stub size is often positively sprout length was not significantly greater aging negatively affects for stools cut at 15 cm above ground related to age, and (118 cm) than for stools cut at ground level sprouting (Blake 1981).So, it may be con- (111 cm), 4 years after cutting. These con- cluded in some cases that, for a given stub clusions are similar to those of Piskoric age, sprouting is positively related to stub (1963) on holm oak, de Bell and Alford size, and that sprouting usually decreases with stub age after a given species- (1972) on poplar, Belanger (1979) on sy- camore and Cabanettes and Pagès (1986) dependant age. on dominant sprouts of chestnut. Howev- In our study, coppicing rotations being er, Khan and Tripathi (1989) found that 30 years, shoots were still young at coppic- sprout growth of 4 species from an Hima- ing time and stub size had a positive effect layan tropical wet forest increased with on number and growth of stump sprouts. cutting height. However a negative additional effect could be due to aging and senescence of the stool root system. Impact of initial stool characteristics Silvicultural consequences The originality of our work was to consider stubs not as individuals but as a part of a whole stool. It was sometimes difficult to Current results only covered 4 growing determine what stool a shoot belong to. after cutting. Future observations seasons This may explain great data variability in will be necessary for greater accuracy. the 2-way variance analysis (table V) and Particularly, long term response of coppice low correlation coefficients between char- to different coppicing methods should be acteristics of parent stools and young analyzed during a whole rotation. The clumps (table VI). However, it appeared same studied stand should also be cop- that when the initial stool had more numer- piced with the same techniques for two or ous and larger shoots, subsequent sprouts more rotations. were more numerous and showed grater Several observations are already possi- growth. ble. Since very few differences were Cabanettes and Pagès (1986, 1990), shown between ’axe’ and ’chain saw at who also worked at a whole-stool level, ground level’ cutting methods, holm oak found that growth of new sprouts was posi- coppice development was probably very lit- tively related to size and number of stubs tle affected by using chain saws rather of the initial stool. Other similar results than axes for coppice regeneration. On the
- Bedel Le chêne vert. Revue des Eaux et (1866) contrary, the formerly widespread ’saut du Forêts 5, 6-15 piquet’ method might have caused a dete- RP (1979) Stump management in- rioration of holm oak stands especially Belanger coppice yield of sycamore. South. creases when over used. J Appl For 3, 101-103 Cuttings performed during the growing Blake TJ (1981) Growth related problems of ag- season for bark harvest were probably ing and senescence in fast growing trees partly responsible for low coppice produc- grown on short rotations. International Ener- tivity at the end of the 19th century. A 25- gy Agency, Report NE-21, 43 p year-old coppice with total height averag- Blake TJ, Raitanen WE (1981) A summary of ing 2 meters was considered as a standard factors influencing coppicing. International Energy Agency, Report NE-22, 24 p (Des Chesnes, 1892). Cabanettes A, Pagès L (1986) Effet des tech- Traditional cutting methods in holm oak niques de coupe sur la hauteur des cépées coppice are responsible for maintaining nu- dans un taillis de châtaignier (Castanea sati- merous stands in a degraded state charac- va Mill). Can J For Res 16, 1278-1282 terized by semi-open or stunted stands. Cabanettes A, Pagès L (1990) Effets des tech- Modern cutting methods lead to better niques de coupe sur la croissance et le nom- stump sprouting conditions and thus to bet- bre des rejets dans un taillis de châtaignier ter long term survival of the coppice. How- (Castanea sativa Mill). Ann Sci For 47, 75-86 ever, stump sprouting is only a ’half- Ciancio O, Morandini R (1971) Esperienze regeneration’ as the root system is but part- di ceduazione negli eucalitteti di sull’epoca Piazza Armerina. Annali dell’Istituto Speri- ly renewed. Thus, when holm oak coppice mentale per la Selvicoltura, Arezzo. II, 71- regeneration is studied, other features than 162 stump sprouting should be considered, Ciancio O (1977) Sull’epoca di taglio e sulla pro- such as natural seed regeneration, appear- duttività dei cedui di Eucalyptus camaldulen- ance of root suckers and stump age. sis ed Eucalyptus globulus di Piazza Armeri- na. Annali dell’Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura, Arezzo. VIII, 43-96 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Crist JB, Mattson JA, Winsauer SA (1983) Effect of severing method and stump height on cop- pice growth. In: Intensive Plantation Culture: The authors gratefully acknowledge the Techni- 12 Years Research (Hansen EA, ed), US Dep cal staff of the Station de Sylviculture méditerra- Agric For Serv Gen Tech Rep NC-91, 58-63 néenne for their assistance, and D Auclair for De Bell DS, Alford L (1972) Sprouting character- his helpful comments on the manuscript and val- istics and cutting practices evaluated for cot- uable criticism of coppice terminology. tonwood. Tree Planter’s Notes 23 (4), 1-3 de Des Chesnes (1892) Une exploitation Provence. Rev Eaux Forêts chênes verts en REFERENCES 31, 49-59 Dubroca E (1983) Évolution saisonnière des ré- serves dans un taillis de châtaignier, Castan- Avery GS Jr, Burkholder PR, Creighton HB ea sativa Mill, avant et après la coupe. Thèse (1937) Production and distribution of growth de 3 cycle, Orsay, 209 p e hormone in shoots of Aesculus and Malus and its probable role in stimulating cambial Ducrey M (1988) Sylviculture des taillis de activity. Am J Bot 24, 51-58 chêne vert. Pratiques traditionnelles et pro- blématique des recherches récentes. Rev Bartet E (1890) Influence excercée par l’époque For Franç 40 (4), 302-313 de l’abattage sur la production et le déve- Ducrey M, Toth J (1992) Effect of cleaning and loppement des rejets des souches dans les taillis. Rev Eaux Forêts 29, 310-313 thinning on height growth and girth increment
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