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Tổng diện tích tại Việt Nam được sử dụng cho rau sản xuất là 643.970 ha (thống kê Cục trưởng, 2006) và là một sự gia tăng 5% trên diện tích đất sử dụng cho rau sản xuất vào năm 2001. Trong đó tổng số thực vật khu vực sản xuất, chỉ có 22.000 ha hoặc 5% phát triển bằng cách sử dụng sản xuất rau an toàn thực hành. Trồng rau ở Việt Nam là một nguồn thu nhập quan trọng cho đất nước và chiếm 9% tổng thu nhập cây trồng trong đó có gạo. Chính các loại rau sản xuất tại Việt Nam là KangKong, cải bắp của (bắp...

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  1. Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Program APPLYING GAP IN PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF SOME SAFE AND HIGH QUALITY VEGETABLES IN NGHE AN AND NORTHERN CENTRAL VIETNAM Project title: Reducing pesticide residues, improving yield, quality and marketing of vegetable crops in Northern Central Vietnam through improved varieties, GAP principles and farmer focused training Project code: CARD 021/06VIE Pham Hung Cuong1, Pham Van Chuong1, Gordon Rogers2 et al. Authors: Project implementing organizations: 1 Agricultural Science Institute for Northern Central Vietnam 2 Applied Horticultural Research Pty. Ltd. (AHR), Australia residues test of the 40 vegetables samples in 1. Introduction Nghe An showed that up to 14 tested samples The total area in Vietnam used for vegetable have pesticide residues in exceeding limit production is currently 643,970 ha (Statistical (accounting for 35%) with active ingredients Head Department, 2006) and is a 5% increase are mainly Permethrin and Fipronil (PPD Nghe over the area of land used for vegetable An. 2007). Despite the considerable amount of production in 2001. Of this total vegetable pesticide has been used for plant protection, production area, only 22,000 ha or 5% are significant proportions of crop yields are lost grown using safe vegetable production by pests and diseases e.g. 25% of leafy practices. Vegetable growing in Vietnam is an vegetables, 23% of cucurbits and 32% of important source of income for the country and brassicas (Anh, Ali et al. 2004). One factor accounts for 9% of the total cropping income which further complicates the pesticide residue including rice. The major vegetables produced issue, is that constant high humidity (>75%) in in Vietnam are KangKong, brassica’s many growing areas encourages foliage (cabbage, pak choi & kohlrabi) and various diseases and fungicide spraying to control cucurbits including melons and cucumbers these diseases (Anh, Ali et al. 2004). The (Anh, Ali et al. 2004). According to the widespread use of broad-spectrum insecticides Statistical Bureau of Nghe An, vegetable also kills beneficial predatory insects and this growing areas of the province is 24,374 ha in further encourages the use of pesticides to 2008 which increased 31.4% compared with control insects which were previously 2005, however, safe vegetable growing area is controlled by the beneficial, the phenomenon only 8.6%. (Statistical Bureau of Nghe An in of familiar pesticides of some pests have 2008; Science and Technology Department of caused the epidemic in many vegetables areas, Nghe An, 2009). variety is not resistant to pest and diseases, ... One of critical reasons to restrict the In addition nitrate content in vegetable development of vegetable growing in Vietnam products is higher than the allowed limit is due to residues of plant protection chemical, because the farmers use excessive amounts of nitrate and other toxic residues in vegetable nitrogen fertilizer. products. A recent study has shown that up to The second factor is the harvest stage such as 22% of the vegetables consumed in Vietnam temperature management, the exhaust of may be unsafe to eat because of pesticide ethylene, the packed techniques and shipment residues, heavy metal contamination and high to the consumer are not considerate, there can nitrosamine levels. The test of vegetable be a significant loss of quality of vegetable samples also detected list of residues of banned products in the supply chain, especially in pesticides (Anh, Ali et al. 2004). Pesticide retail. There are significant opportunities to 236
  2. CARD 021/06 VIE – GAP for safe vegetable production and marketing improve the quality of produce reaching produce direct from farmers who meet the consumers and for reducing losses in the Quality Assurance (QA requirements). supply chain by improving product handling From 2007 to 2009 years under the and temperature management. Through the sponsorship of the CARD program and survey in the wholesale markets, vegetables Ministry of Agriculture and Rural are mainly handled in cane baskets and not Development, Agricultural Science Institute of cartons or any form of purpose built container Northern Central Vietnam has conducted designed to support the weight of stacked research applying good agricultural practices produce. There is little use of well-established to produce cabbage and watermelon in Nghe post harvest technologies such as forced-air An and North Central. The main objective of cooling, refrigerated transport, and cool rooms this study is to apply good agricultural on farms or at market facilities. There is little practices to reduce pesticide residues; to help attempt to control ethylene emissions around farmers access new markets to sell safe and harvested products, which are well known to high quality vegetables; and to increase reduce the quality and storage life of fruits and farmers income through the production of vegetables. The current handling and higher yield and better quality of vegetable marketing system works well if fruit and products. vegetables are consumed within about 24h of 2. Research contents and methods harvest, but it severely limits any development of export markets and retail marketing through Synthetic methods including participatory stores or supermarkets where a longer shelf life skills are applied in the cultivation of new is required and consumers expect to purchase vegetable varieties which are resistant to pests high quality products. The post harvest and diseases; besides monitoring of pest and technology required to improve produce is disease levels regularly in the field will reduce available. pesticide quantity. Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and the manual practices used in Cultural practices of farmers are inadequate training to support for advanced methods of capacity which is limited vegetable pest and disease control. The supply chain productivity, contamination, harmful toxins includes post-harvest technology, sales system, and consumers are not confident about the safe and infrastructure for transportation and vegetable in market, and led to reduced income storage products. Training course in using of growers. The GAP manual for fresh produce common techniques of post-harvest packaging, in the ASEAN region which will be a useful compiling a handbook of good agricultural template for the development of a GAP manual practices for cabbage and watermelon relying for brassica’s and cucurbit crops in Vietnam. on ASEAN-GAP and VietGAP will be good Marketing is emerging as a key driver of models. Growers will be adaptable for the high profitability for small holder vegetable farmers value retail system through their participation in Vietnam. Low market prices and in supplying vegetables to famous unstableness was identified as a serious socio- supermarkets in Vietnam. economic constraint to vegetable production. Experiments on variety selection, density At the same time, there is a trend away from determination, sowing date and fertilizer were the traditional marketing system of crops being designed by standard method and located at purchased by collectors and sold in traditional Agricultural Science Institute of Northern wet markets to high quality produce being sold Central Vietnam, Vinh, Nghe An. The through supermarkets. A range of demonstration of varieties and cultivation supermarkets now sell produce including techniques in farmer communities is designed Metro Cash and Carry, BigC, Citimart, by the method of on-farm research. CoopMart, Hanoi Minimart, Western Canned Food và Star Bowl, v.v. The future will be for Introducing and evaluating new varieties with these supermarkets to introduce quality good pest and disease resistance, and standards and then buy high quality, clean agronomic characteristics in field trials. Some varieties with good resistant to pest and 237
  3. Pham Hung Cuong, Pham Van Chuong & Gordon Rogers diseases traits were selected from famous seed New cabbage varieties with improved disease companies in Asia and Vietnam. The Green resistance and agronomic type are being Helmet cabbage variety is resistant to rot and evaluated at ASINCV, Quynh Luong black spots and other cabbage varieties. CS202 Commune and the Hung Dong Co-operative. and CN46 watermelon varieties have many There are 9 varieties in the experiment in advantages and other watermelon varieties winter crop condition of 2007 year. Results are were put to the comparing experiments in presented in Table 1. The variety Northern central. SVR11750311 showed the highest yield at 40.1 t/ha, fast growing and good appearance. Semi-production were conducted in farmers' In the pilot studies, despite the variety Green fields thanks to application of good Helmet variety has lower yields than the agricultural practice (GAP) and integrated pest control variety but in the large scale of management (IPM) to create safe vegetable production it was shown to be adaptable to products and distribute through supermarkets. local climate condition and met supermarket’s PRA survey methods and basic survey, the specifications. It also had are good resistant to FFS and TOT training courses were some pests and diseases, tolerance to black rot implemented based on field experiments. The disease especially and attractive medium size post-harvest research and sale sectors are heads weighing 1.2 - 1.4 kg. applied to consumer products. 3. Research results and discussions 3.1 Selection of suitable varieties for the production and modelling In company with the commercial plantings there were also trials planted at ASINCV (Vinh City) these aim to develop an integrated cultural practices. Fig 1. Trial on new cabbage varieties 3.1.1 Experiments for evaluation of new varieties Table 1. Yield and head characteristics of cabbage varieties Average head Leaf number Head size (cm) Yield (t/ ha) Saleable weight (kg) No Variety name part (%) Actual Outer Inner Whole Trimmed Height Diameter Potential Yield 1 BC76 10.3 40.8 1.90 1.30 0.68 15.2 17.7 47.3 34.4 2 SG129 15.4 37.7 1.20 0.76 0.58 11.5 14.4 26.2 19.2 3 SG130 19.5 36.2 1.56 0.94 0.62 13.5 16.2 34.9 24.6 4 Kilaherb 16.4 41.0 1.87 1.00 0.53 13.0 13.7 35.2 26.8 5 Gloria 16.2 41.7 2.00 1.27 0.63 14.9 15.8 42.8 33.6 KKcross 13.8 31.3 1.91 1.30 0.68 11.6 18.6 46.8 37.7 6 (control) 7 SVR11750311 16.4 42.7 2.00 1.50 0.75 12.9 20.2 48.6 40.1 8 PS11190 16.0 41.5 1.75 1.20 0.72 12.5 14.5 43.5 32.4 Green Helmet 16.4 41.0 1.57 1.00 0.64 13.9 16.7 40.8 35.3 9 (Sakata) LSDα=0.05 2.84 (Source: Comparison experiment of cabbage varieties in the winter season 2007 in Nghe An province) 238
  4. Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Program One standard experiment of 13 watermelon and VN38 with large fruit size and high yield. promising varieties was trailed to compare Few farmers selected CS202 and CN46, agronomic traits. The replicated experiments because their yields were lower than VN27 and were set up on two sites, Quynh Luong and VN38, however CS202 and CN46 fruit were of Hung Dong (Vinh city). Participatory methods good quality with high Brix (11.6) and fruit have been applied. Farmers and scientists characteristics which more closely matched the assessed varieties independently, most farmers customers’ preference (See Table 2). After preferred high yield, good resistance to pests discussion the farmers decided to use CS202 and diseases, but they did not really consider and CN46 varieties for the planned expansion the supermarket specifications and customer next season. preferences. E.g. some farmers selected VN27 Fig 2. Experiment of new water melon varieties Table 2. Yield and head characteristics of watermelon varieties TT Trait name Fruit weight Density Potential yield Actual yield (kg) (plant ha-1) (ton ha-1) (ton ha-1) Variety name / Location I. Hung Dong 1 HAPPYCN-46 2.6 7400 38.5 29.5 2 SWEET 16 4.2 7400 62.2 35.6 3 WD2503 3.7 7400 54.8 29.2 4 SWEETS 2.9 7400 42.9 31.3 ENORITA 5 CS - 202 2.4 7400 40.5 35.1 LSDα=0,05 3.77 II. Quynh Luong 6 VN26 3.47 7400 77.0 66.0 7 VN30 3.12 7400 69.3 66.3 8 VN27 4.09 7400 90.8 90.1 9 VN40 3.22 7400 74.5 71.0 10 VN31 2.85 7400 63.3 58.5 11 VN35 4.34 7400 96.3 73.9 12 VN38 4.77 7400 105.9 95.5 13 VN9 4.68 7400 103. 9 82.1 LSDα=0.05 4.42 Source: Comparison experiment of watermelon varieties in the spring season 2008 in Nghe An province 239
  5. Pham Hung Cuong, Pham Van Chuong & Gordon Rogers supermarkets, farmers' groups have discussed 3.1.2 Research on farming techniques and divided into small groups to carry out Trials on planting time, density and nutrition production with four seasons, farmers have been set up in experiment field of developed a planting schedule with Metro ASINCV using plants from the second seeding Cash and Carry and agreed to plant 4 times of Green Helmet. The result has shown mid from September to the ending December of the November yearly is optimum planting time year. The Green Helmet variety was selected with highest yield. But in order to spread for production because it has good disease harvest time to meet market demand cabbage resistance meets Metro’s specifications and has can be grown from 30 October to 20 December a good appearance. Cabbage heads being in Nghe An. Cabbage nutrition and planting delivered to Metro via the platform in Hanoi, density trials have also been conducted at and then to all other stores in Vietnam. The ASINCV and the results show that the best plants and harvested heads were in excellent planting in the Central coastal region, beds condition as the farmers were using Integrated should be 1.2 m wide, on 2 rows per bed Pest Management (IPM) for pest and disease (50cm apart) and 40 cm between seedlings control. produced the highest yield of 1.2 kg cabbage heads. Optimum fertilizer rate was 150kg The watermelon production pilots were N+100kg P2O5+50kg K2O ha-1. IPM resulted in conducted similar to cabbage in Dien Phong, adequate control of insects. For watermelon Quynh Luong Nghe An, and Thach Mon, Ha materials are CN46 and CS202 varieties and Tinh. The project team helps farmers in agronomic experiments had been conducted negotiating with supermarket before sowing the same technical package as cabbage. Trials season to achieve an output of about 100 tons on planting time, density and nutrition have of watermelons. The timetable of sowing date been set up in experiment field of ASINCV. and frequent quantity based on supermarket The result showed that fertilizer NPK13:13:13 consumption. According to the schedule are 7- such as Binh Dien fertilizer was recommended 10 tons per week within 10 - 12 weeks starting using; density is 0.4mx2.5m is optimum in late May. Two watermelon varieties are because of high yield and good income for CN46 and CS202 are being produced under grower. GAP condition in Nghe An, sowing date from end of February to May, this sowing season is 3.1.3 GAP production pilots suitable for climate condition in central region At the same time of conducting technical of Vietnam. The GAP and IPM were package experiments, production conducted in conjunction with the farmers’ demonstrations were carried out on semi- field day schools in the field. The result is commercial pilot plantings at Quynh Luong hundreds tons of safe cabbage and watermelon and Hung Dong. Based on orders from sold in supermarkets Fig 3. GAP production pilots on cabbage (left) and watermelon (right) 240
  6. Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Program activities in notebook, this is an important 3.2 Development of Good Agricultural initial step in preparation for the transfer of an Practice manual assurance system quality later. The manual The project uses a participatory approach to developed collaboratively between Vietnamese encourage the uptake of good agricultural and Australian teams for two major annual practices (GAP) by the collaborating crop groups: cucurbits and brassicas and a Vietnamese Institutes and the stakeholders practical guide included information on variety (farmers, extension staff and commercial selection and evaluation; water management; partners). The training was implemented at the crop nutrition; crop scheduling; effective pest same time with demonstrations on varieties and disease management including insect and good agricultural practice, this is the scouting; and, correct post harvest handling foundation of the practice sessions for farmers (i.e. harvest maturity, temperature in the entire of supply chain such as management, grading, transport and temperature control, harvesting, packing, packaging). By the end of 2009 the practice storage, transportation and consumption, this manual under VietGAP for watermelon and activities combined with intensive training for cabbage has been finalized and published in local extension staff on the vegetable industry. two languages: Vietnamese and English. Farmers also began recording their practice Fig 4. GAP Manual for cabbage Fig 5. GAP Manual for watermelon 241
  7. Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Program ensure sufficient quantities for supermarket 3.3 Uniting smallholder farmers into a weekly or monthly. A simple tool, just type the group for safe vegetables production input data such as sowing date, the number of In order to have an overview of the current seeds, and the program will calculate and give status of production areas and site selection full results as the request about the area, yield, process, general survey in three sites of Nghe production, harvest time, and some inputs can An provinces has been conducted. Number of be quantified for farmers. households was surveyed 90 in Hung Dong - TP. Vinh, Quynh Luu and Hung Nguyen, Through several meetings, farmer groups set Nghe An province. The suitable sites based on their own rules, the activities plan and they a number of important criteria such as soil determine the advantages and disadvantages in conditions, climate suitable to grow terms of local production condition and find vegetables, farmers have traditionally grown out solutions to solve. Project team participate vegetables, vegetable products are being sold guidance and raise issues for discussion at the to market, the commercial vegetable quality farmer meetings. Because this group shares has problem and needs to be improved,... benefit from their product so that they have to show their best effort in producing safe and Based on the survey results and expert’s high quality vegetables under GAP process. evaluation two locations were selected to The farmers have been trained and practiced to conduct the project which are Quynh Luong improve their skills for cultivating cabbage and and Hung Dong communes. Quynh Luong watermelons on their field. commune located near the coast, 80 km from north to Vinh city where 140 ha of vegetables 3.4 Linking with supermarkets for are grown by 1000 farmer householders with product outputs plentiful fresh water from wells. Good soil and The link between Metro Cash and Carry climate conditions for vegetables. Local supermarket was developed with support from farmers are planting vegetables such as onion, Australian marketing experts and Vietnamese leafy cabbage, tomato, carrot, cucurbits. scientists, Metro buyer and farmers. In order to Hung Dong commune located closed with get more confidence the Metro fresh produce Vinh city, with 30 ha of vegetables production buyer from Hanoi has visited project sites at are provided directly to the city of Vinh Quynh Luong commune and Vinh city and was including sprouts vegetables, leafy cabbage, very impressed by the operations. These cucurbits. Local authorities are intending to meetings were very valuable in opening expand more vegetables areas production up to communication between Metro and the 100 ha in future. Farmers at both 2 sites have farmers. This project is to date, the only previously grown cabbage and watermelon, example of direct farmer-Metro but they are low income than others short communication in Vietnam. duration vegetables, therefore area of these vegetables are reduced recently. Produce has been sold to local markets or collectors with low return and unknown quality. Next, commune executive committee and preference farmer group were established. They held meeting to discuss activities that were needed achieve successful production of clean, high quality target vegetables crops. The farmers group called "voluntarily with the Fig 6. Sticker for cabbage produced in same interests" selected to do a pilot. Through project commune and marketed at Metro available data on crop, crop rotation during the year, the project team comes from ASINCV and Australia has developed computer tools to assist farmers on production and estimation to 242
  8. CARD 021/06 VIE – GAP for safe vegetable production and marketing practice conducted on the cabbage and watermelon fields. Cabbage varieties experiments were conducted as a demonstration at the local farmers. This is to be evaluated and concluded by farmers themselves. The workshop on integrated pest management and post-harvest techniques have been held. Farmers applied IPM, principles of good agricultural practice with cabbage, watermelon and the result is plant growth in favorable condition. Farmers also have notebook to keep Fig 7. Sticker for watermelon produced in records of planting, care, harvesting and project commune and marketed at Metro selling their products. This is the first step for developing a quality assurance system on the field. Farmer representatives have also visited Metro’s Hanoi operations to better understand how the cabbage and watermelon needs to be prepared for market. The farmer group and Metro buyer negotiated a supply contract, according to Metro specifications. The team also developed and agreed planting schedule. The marketing strategy developed for the cabbages involved the promotion in the Metro Hình 8. Farmer Field School - Theory and field Cash and Carry magazine as well as in in-store practice (Quynh Luong commune) posters and promotions. In addition, each cabbage had a sticker attached which indicated it was produced under the guidelines of safe 4. Conclusions and recommendations vegetable production. There was also information provided to Metro staff on how to The on-farm trials at the Quynh Luong handle the product in the store, and how the commune and Hung Dong co-operative have crops were produced. On completion of the helped facilitate the uptake of new farming first season of cabbage an articles was prepare practices. This has continued with subsequent for local newspapers to promote the potential seasons and more growers have participated in success of this type of supply chain and the commercial plantings from the beginning production system. to the end of the project. The successful marketing strategy and Production processes of high quality cabbage production strategy has resulted in thousands and watermelons in Quynh Luong and Vinh tones of cabbage and watermelons delivered to City, Nghe An under GAP principles has Metro supermarket. formed a very tight linkage to sales through Metro Cash and Carry in Hanoi. This is a very 3.5 Training for farmers and local agro- positive step for developing an alternative extensionist. supply chain for these farmers which could be Many training courses for farmers on the field more reliable and profitable than the existing called "no school classes" were held in Hung ones they use. The use of IPM and the Dong and Quynh Luong communes, Nghe An agronomic record books has also been an province. The agro-extensionist and nodal important first steps for the adoption of a QA farmers were trained directly by experts from system for the growers. Australia and Vietnam, then these trainees At present, the Vietnamese vegetable industry transfer learned techniques to other farmers in often fails to meet the requirements of many the village through agro-extension club. Basic 243
  9. Pham Hung Cuong, Pham Van Chuong & Gordon Rogers QA systems such as ASEAN-GAP or EURO- sustainable food production. Technical GAP. The practices introduced for the Bulletin No 32, AVRDC: World Vegetable cabbages and watermelon in Nghe An Centre and CIRAD. province are the first step for farmers in 2. Thi, T. K. (1999). Study on the learning what is required to meet ASEAN environmental factors and solutions on safe GAP or VietGAP standards. These QA vegetable development. National Workshop systems will only be adopted if there is a on Safe and Year-round Vegetable financial benefit for the increased effort. Production in Peri Urban Areas, Hanoi, the linkage with supermarket will provide the CIRAC/RIFAV. financial incentive for the farmers to produce 3. Thi, T. K. (2000) "Safe vegetable clean vegetables to meet ASEAN or VietGAP development to supply Hanoi (Vietnam)." standards. Background paper for FAO seminar, One other important success is sustainability, Feeding Asian Cities Volume, DOI. existing linkages of production and 4. P.H. Cuong. (2008). Real status of applying consumption of vegetables among the farmers GAP in Northern central Vietnam. and supermarkets continue to be strengthened Document of Training workshop on and expanded when no support, farmers are ASEAN-GAP distribution. April 2008. running safe vegetable production very well in MARD. addition other vegetables, some other well- 5. Report of testing pesticide residual in known supermarkets have also signed the safe vegetables by Plant Protection Department vegetable production contracts. The project of Nghe An 2007-2008. result has been transferred and extended to Thua Thien Hue and Ha Tinh provinces 6. Statistical Bureau of Nghe An. Statistical effectively. report in 2005-2009. The initial successful achievements of project 7. Tran Thi Uyen (2009). Report on actual this CARD project (021/06VIE) should be status of production, consumption publicized widely to vegetable producers, not management of safe vegetables in Nghe An. only cucurbits and brassicas but also other Workshop of the VIE021/CARD. vegetables crops in central coastal part Vietnam. References 1. Anh, M. T., M. Ali, et al. (2004). Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Hanoi: Opportunities and constraints for safe and 244



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