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CFD results on hydrodynamic performances of a marine propeller

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In this work, the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ANSYS-Fluent V.14.5 has been used to illustrate the effects of rudder and blade pitch on hydrodynamic performances of a propeller. At first, the characteristic curves of a container ship propeller are computed. Then, effects of rudder on hydrodynamic performances of the propeller in the both cases of the propeller with and without rudder have been investigated.

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Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology; Vol. 19, No. 3; 2019: 435–447<br /> DOI:<br /><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances of a marine propeller<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi1, Nguyen Chi Cong1,2, Ngo Van He1,*<br /> 1<br /> Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam<br /> 2<br /> Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong, Vietnam<br /> *<br /> E-mail:<br /> <br /> Received: 31 October 2018; Accepted: 5 January 2019<br /> ©2019 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Abstract<br /> In this work, the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ANSYS-Fluent V.14.5 has been used to<br /> illustrate the effects of rudder and blade pitch on hydrodynamic performances of a propeller. At first, the<br /> characteristic curves of a container ship propeller are computed. Then, effects of rudder on hydrodynamic<br /> performances of the propeller in the both cases of the propeller with and without rudder have been<br /> investigated. The relationships between the blade pitch angle and the hydrodynamic performances of the<br /> selected referent propeller in this work having designed conditions as diameter of 3.65 m; speed of 200 rpm;<br /> average pitch of 2.459 m and the boss ratio of 0.1730. Using CFD, the characteristic curves of the marine<br /> propeller, pressure distribution, velocity distribution around propeller and the efficiency of the propeller have<br /> been shown. From the obtained results, the effects of rudder and blade pitch angle on hydrodynamic<br /> performances of the propeller have been evaluated.<br /> Keywords: CFD, rudder, blade pitch, propeller, hydrodynamic.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Citation: Luong Ngoc Loi, Nguyen Chi Cong, Ngo Van He. CFD results on hydrodynamic performances of a marine<br /> propeller. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(3), 435–447.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 435<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi et al.<br /> <br /> INTRODUCTION (BEM) with a vortex lattice method was<br /> At present, the Computational Fluid utilized to model the propeller [3]. Chen Z. et<br /> Dynamics (CFD) plays important role in al., (2015) used the RANS method to study the<br /> simulating flow fields around different effect of scale on hydrodynamic performances<br /> geometries using established algorithms. In of a propeller and the obtained results are<br /> recent years, considerable advance in the area relatively appropriate with experimental<br /> of computer science has donated to the outcomes [4]. RANS method combined with k-<br /> decrease of computational costs of CFD  turbulent viscous model was used to study<br /> simulations making it more accessible for the unsteady cavitation turbulent flow around<br /> practical applications, especially in the process full scale marine propeller [5]. Arnob B. et al.,<br /> of designing and optimizing ship and propeller. (2017) had got some results relating to<br /> Simulating the aforementioned experiments computation of hydrodynamic characteristic of<br /> provides the opportunity to obtain desired marine propeller using induction factor method<br /> results by analyzing the calculated flow based on normal induced velocity. The<br /> characteristics. It can be a practical way of significant results were that the normal induced<br /> obtaining valid results at relatively low costs velocity of a propeller can be obtained simply<br /> and in reasonable time compared with the real and accurately by means of the induction<br /> experiments. Since the self-propulsion test factor. The vertical theory based on Biot-Savart<br /> simulation is still quite expensive and time law was used to find the induction factor, then<br /> demanding, the common practice is to simulate the hydrodynamic characteristics of the<br /> only the open water test and to use its results to propeller were estimated [6]. In addition to this<br /> determine self-propulsion characteristics. It can area, the important results of simulating,<br /> be done without taking into account factors analyzing and optimizing the characteristics of<br /> including the interaction between the ship hull a marine propeller were presented by Hu J. et<br /> and the propeller. al., (2017), Lin Y. et al., (2017) and Wang Z. et<br /> Takayuki W. et al., (2003) used the Ansys al., (2012), [7–9]. The obtained results in the<br /> fluent software to study unsteady cavitation on studies on effects of geometry configuration on<br /> a marine propeller. In his research, the hydrodynamic performances of a propeller<br /> Reynolds Averaged Navier Stockes (RANS) proposed the innovative way to design<br /> was solved to calculate and analyse the flow propeller including effects of wake flow and<br /> around a propeller with cavitation and non- skew angle on propeller’s features [10–13]. The<br /> cavitation. The obtained results of his research other authors got effects of the rudder shape on<br /> are that the CFD simulation results were in propeller’s hydrodynamic characteristics in the<br /> good agreement with the experiment [1]. propeller-rudder system [14, 15] from which<br /> Bosschers J. et al., (2008) also used RANS they suggested the useful way to improve<br /> method and a boundary element method in hydrodynamic performances of the propeller.<br /> which the acoustic wave equation is solved to Other authors used the same method with<br /> examine sheet cavitation of propeller and RANS and commercial CFD code to investigate<br /> propeller-ship interaction. The achievements of the ship hydrodynamics, [16, 17]. In this<br /> the research were that the computational research, the authors employed the CFD to<br /> procedure can give reasonable and good results investigate effect of two factors on the<br /> for the nominal wake field, the cavitation area propeller: The first one is effect of a rudder on<br /> and the pressure fluctuation on the ship hull. the propeller’s hydrodynamic performance, the<br /> The prediction of fluctuation on the ship hull second one is effect of the blade pitch on the<br /> for model scale was more accurate than for the hydrodynamic features of the propeller.<br /> full scale model [2]. Various numerical<br /> methods have been proposed based on potential THEORETICAL FOUNDATION<br /> flow theory for the analysis of propellers. For In this section, the basically theoretical<br /> instance, combination of a panel method which foundation which is applied for CFD<br /> is also known as Boundary Element Method computation is shown. These hydrodynamic<br /> <br /> <br /> 436<br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances<br /> <br /> coefficients of a free propeller without rudder As we know, a large number of problems<br /> can be defined as follows [18–20]: involving the fluid are addressed by solving<br /> the Navies - Stockes equations to find the field<br /> T Q<br /> KT  ; KQ  2 5 of pressure and velocity distribution and some<br /> n D2 4<br /> n D important parameters. In the paper, the<br /> (1)<br /> V K .J problem was dealt with by utilizing the finite<br /> J  a ; o  T<br /> nD KQ .2 volume method of the commercial CFD code<br /> ANSYS- Fluent in which the fundamental<br /> Where: J is the advanced ratio; Va is the axial equations are the continuity equation and the<br /> velocity; n is the rotating speed; D is the RANS equation in rotating coordinate system<br /> diameter of the propeller; T is the thrusts of written as follows [2]:<br /> propeller; Q is the torque of a propeller; ρ is the Conservation of mass:<br /> density of fluid; KT is the thrust coefficients of <br /> propeller; KQ is the torque coefficient of   vr  0 (2)<br /> propeller; and ηo is the efficiency of the ducted t<br /> propeller. Conservation of momentum:<br /> <br /> <br />   vr      vr .vr     2  vr      r  a  r  a   p    F (3)<br /> t<br /> <br /> d dv The first case: To cope with effects of blade<br /> Where: a  and a  t . pitch on the propeller’ hydrodynamic features, the<br /> dt dt<br /> team employed the calculation and simulation of<br /> The stress tensor  is given by: the free propeller with advance ratio J changing<br /> from 0.1 to 0.75 and attack angle of the blade in<br />  <br />     v  v T   v I <br /> 2 the range of -7 degree to 7 degrees.<br /> (4)<br />  3  The second case: To study effects of<br /> rudder on hydrodynamic characteristics of the<br /> The momentum equation contains four propeller, the authors executed the computation<br /> additional acceleration terms. The first two of the free propeller and propeller in the rudder<br /> terms are the Coriolis acceleration ( 2  vr ) propeller system with advance ratio J changing<br /> and the centripetal one (     r ), from 0.1 to 0.75.<br /> respectively. These terms appear for both The studied propeller and rudder are<br /> steadily moving reference frames (that are equipped in the Tan Cang Foundation container<br /> constant) and accelerating reference frames ship. The dimension parameters of the propeller<br /> (that are functions of time). The third and and rudder are given in tables 1–2. The rudder<br /> fourth terms are due to the unsteady change of is installed after propeller and the position<br /> the rotational speed and linear velocity, between rudder and propeller is shown in fig. 1.<br /> respectively. These terms vanish for constant<br /> translation and/or rotational speeds. Table 1. Principal parameters of propeller<br /> Parameter Value Unit<br /> MODELS AND CONDITIONS Diameter 3.65 m<br /> In this section, to investigate the effects of Pitch 2.459 m<br /> the rudder and blade pitch angle on Revolution 200 rpm<br /> Number of blades 4<br /> hydrodynamic performance of the propeller, Cross section Naca 66, a = 0.8<br /> the authors carried out the specific cases as Rake 10 Deg<br /> follows: Screw 25 Deg<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 437<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi et al.<br /> <br /> Table 2. Principal dimension of duct fluid domain. In this research, the domain is a<br /> Parameter Value Unit<br /> cylinder, with the length of thirteen times of the<br /> Rudder height 4.8 m<br /> propeller’s diameter (13D) and the diameter of<br /> Chord length of top section 3.45 m seven times (7D) of the propeller’s diameter,<br /> Chord length of bottom section 2.45 m divided by the two components: The static<br /> Rudder area 12 m2 domain and rotating domain. In the third step,<br /> Rudder profile NaCa 0018 the domain is imported, meshed, and refined in<br /> the Ansys meshing ICEM-CFD tool. All<br /> Characteristic curves of a propeller consist domains are meshed by using tetra unstructured<br /> of the three curves, that are thrust, torque and mesh in which the rotating domain is modeled<br /> efficient curves corresponding to the different with smooth mesh, and the static domain takes<br /> advance velocities. To construct those curves of the coarse one, then they are converted into<br /> the investigated propeller by the CFD, the first polyhedral mesh to save calculation time and<br /> step in process is to build the suitable computed improve accuracy for simulation results.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 1. Computational fluid domain<br /> <br /> The quality of computational grid plays without rudder and the propeller with rudder in<br /> important role and directly affects the one system as shown in the fig. 1. We can see<br /> convergence and results of numerical analysis. that the mesh number for all the computations<br /> To determine mesh independence on calculation has to be larger than 325000 polyhedral<br /> results, the team employed calculations for nine elements to ensure the accuracy, so the authors<br /> different numbers of mesh to specify the suitable finally selected the five cases in which the mesh<br /> number of mesh. These calculations are carried element number in the two cases is 631646 and<br /> out at the advance ratio J of 0.2 and the 682736 elements respectively for all<br /> dependence of mesh number with the calculation calculations. The geometry, investigated domain<br /> results in the two cases, the free propeller and mesh are shown in fig. 2.<br /> <br /> <br /> 438<br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 2. Mesh independence for computation<br /> <br /> Table 3. Detailed mesh for computation<br /> Domain Nodes Elements Polyhedral mesh<br /> Free propeller - without rudder<br /> Dynamic fluid 326437 326437 326437<br /> Static fluid 305209 305209 305209<br /> All domain 631646 631646 631646<br /> Propeller - rudder system<br /> Dynamic fluid 326437 326437 326437<br /> Static fluid 356299 356299 356299<br /> All domain 682736 682736 682736<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 3. Mesh of the free propeller case<br /> <br /> <br /> 439<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi et al.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 4. Mesh of the propeller - rudder system<br /> <br /> In computation, the turbulent viscous model CFD RESULTS AND ANALYSIS<br /> RNG k­ε is used. Velocity inlet, which is axially In this section, the CFD results of<br /> uniform and has magnitude equal to the ship’s hydrodynamic performances of the propeller<br /> advance velocity, is selected as the inlet. are shown. Fig. 5 shows the pressure<br /> Pressure outlet is specified as the outlet and distribution on the back and pressure face of<br /> gauge pressure on the outlet is set to be 0 Pa. the propeller at the different advance ratios J<br /> With wall boundary condition, no slip condition from 0.1 to 0.6. The principle of pressure<br /> is enforced on wall surface and standard wall distribution on the two faces of the blade<br /> function is also applied to adjacent region of the satisfies the theoretical law of the axial turbo<br /> walls. Moving reference frame (MRF) is used to machinery. There is the pressure difference<br /> establish the moving coordinate system rotating between the pressure face and the back face of<br /> with the propeller synchronously and the the propeller in operation, and that difference<br /> stationary coordinate system fixed on static shaft makes the propeller thrust overcome the ship<br /> of the propeller, respectively. The first order hull resistance. The pressure distribution on the<br /> upwind scheme with numerical under-relaxation two faces of the blade mainly depends on the<br /> is applied for the discretization of the convection advance ratio J or velocity inlet, the smaller the<br /> term and the central difference scheme is advance ratio, the higher the thrust. At the<br /> employed for the diffusion term. The pressure - operating condition of the ship J = 0.6, on the<br /> velocity coupling is solved through the PISO pressure face, almost all the area of the blade<br /> algorithm [21, 22]. The detailed conditions are has the pressure value of about 2.4×104 Pa,<br /> shown in table 4. while almost all area of the suction face has the<br /> pressure in the range of -4×104 Pa. This means<br /> Table 4. Computed condition setup for simulation that the fluid accelerates as it approaches the<br /> propeller due to low pressure in the front of the<br /> Name Conditions Value Unit<br /> Inlet Velocity inlet 1.22-9.15 m/s<br /> propeller and the water continues to accelerate<br /> Outlet Pressure inlet 0 pa when it leaves the propeller.<br /> Wall Static wall - - Fig. 6 shows CFD results of hydrodynamic<br /> Static domain Static fluid - - performance curves of the propeller<br /> Dynamic domain Rotating 200 rpm corresponding to the different advance ratios J.<br /> <br /> <br /> 440<br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances<br /> <br /> As we can be seen from the figure, the efficiency curve is slightly different in which it<br /> changing principle of thrust and torque conforms to the linear principle with small<br /> coefficient decreases gradually when the advance ratio in range of 0.1–0.4, and the<br /> advance ratio J raises, and the maximum thrust maximum efficiency is 0.66 with advance ratio<br /> and torque coefficients are 0.283, 0.032 J of 0.6 at the initially designed optimal point.<br /> respectively at the advance ratio J of 0.1. The<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 5. Pressure distribution over blades surface of propeller at J of 0.1 and 0.6<br /> <br /> In this section, the effects of rudder in the are computed in the same condition to compare<br /> rudder-propeller system on hydrodynamic the hydrodynamic performances. Fig. 6 shows<br /> performances of the propeller are investigated the CFD results of pressure distribution on the<br /> by using the numerical method. The two propeller’s faces at advance ratio J of 0.6.<br /> models of the propeller with and without rudder<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 6. The characteristic curves of the propeller<br /> <br /> <br /> 441<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi et al.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 7. Pressure distribution over blade surface of the propeller in both cases at J = 0.6<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 8. The characteristic curves of the propeller with and without rudder<br /> <br /> Fig. 7 reveals the pressure distribution on on the pressure face of the propeller in the<br /> the back face and pressure face of the propeller propeller-rudder system and the open-water<br /> in the both cases at the advance ratio J of 0.6. propeller is slightly different especially at the<br /> As can be seen, the pressure distribution on the region of the propeller hub. In the propeller-<br /> back face of the propeller in both cases is rudder system, the propeller thrust goes up<br /> relatively similar while the pressure distribution compared with the open-water propeller<br /> <br /> <br /> 442<br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances<br /> <br /> because the low-pressure area on the hub CFD. Fig. 9 presents the vector velocity going<br /> decreases and the pressure face’s high-pressure out the propeller and pressure distribution of<br /> area near the blade’s tip increases. The pressure the rudder’s faces. It can be seen from the<br /> value at this region is about -1.2×10-4 Pa. The figure that velocity field after the propeller is<br /> propeller’s thrust in this case also increases, not uniform, and flow’s vector inclines with the<br /> however the raise of the propeller thrust is rudder’s symmetry plane with any angle. This<br /> higher than the increase of the torque acting on makes pressure distribution of rudder faces<br /> the propeller. As the result, the propeller asymmetric and the maximum pressure gets<br /> efficiency in the propeller - rudder goes up about 6×104 Pa at the region corresponding to<br /> slightly. Fig. 8 reveals the characteristic curves the propeller’s blade tips. As the results, not<br /> of the propeller in the cases. From the figure, only the drag acts on the rudder but also the<br /> we can recognize that the efficiency of the vertical force appears on the rudder. The<br /> propeller in the propeller - rudder system is rudder’s drag changes in a nearly linear<br /> slightly higher than the efficiency of the free function of advance ratio J, and the maximum<br /> propeller. The higher advance ratio the vessel drag of the rudder is 16 kN at the advance ratio<br /> gets, the higher efficiency the propeller obtains. J of 0.75. On the other hand, the vertical force<br /> At the designed optimal point of the propeller is a curve of advance ratio J, it gets the<br /> corresponding to the exploited velocity of the maximum value about 4 kN corresponding to J<br /> vessel, the propeller’s efficiency in the of 0.5. At the small velocity, it increases<br /> propeller-rudder system increases by about 4.8 dramatically, while at the advance ratio J in the<br /> percentages. range of 0.5–0.75, it decreases slightly. The<br /> Effects of propeller on the rudder’s changing principle of forces is given in fig. 10.<br /> hydrodynamic features are investigated by the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 9. Pressure distribution over rudder surface and flow around rudder<br /> <br /> <br /> 443<br /> Luong Ngoc Loi et al.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 10. Hydrodynamic force acting on the rudder<br /> <br /> In this paper, the numerical method is used condition is the same for all the models. Fig. 11<br /> to investigate effects of blade pitch on shows the results of pressure distribution on<br /> hydrodynamic performances of the propeller. faces with different blade pitches at the<br /> The blade pitch angle is changing from -7 advance ratio J of 0.4.<br /> degree to 7 degrees. The computational<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 11. Pressure distribution over blade surface of propeller with different blade pitch angles<br /> <br /> As we can see in the fig. 11, the blade In the investigated pitches, the propeller<br /> pitch has a significant impact on pressure efficiency goes up dramatically when the<br /> distribution of the propeller blade’s surfaces. blade pitch increases. The maximum<br /> Consequently, the propeller thrust increases efficiency of the propeller is 0.724<br /> steadily when the blade pitch rises. Fig. 12 corresponding to the advance ratio J of 0.8 at<br /> shows propeller efficiency at the different the blade pitch of 7 degrees. However, at the<br /> blade pitch angles. We can see from the figure specific pitch, the propeller efficiency always<br /> that the propeller efficiency changes to the has the extremum corresponding to the<br /> principle of the axial turbomachinery and it is specific advance ratio J. This is meaningful<br /> a function of the advance ratio J at each pitch. with the controllable pitch propellers in which<br /> <br /> <br /> 444<br /> CFD results on hydrodynamic performances<br /> <br /> its blade pitch can change to adjust to load so in each specific operating condition of a<br /> acting on a vessel in the operation. With a ship, the propeller can change the blade pitch<br /> propeller of this type, the general to get high efficiency without altering the<br /> characteristic curve is a set of the revolution of the engine shaft.<br /> characteristic curves at different pitch ratios,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 12. Efficiency of the propeller with the different blade pitch angles<br /> <br /> CONCLUSIONS open-water propeller. On the contrary, the<br /> In this paper, the propeller and rudder of propeller also has significant impact on the<br /> the Tan Cang Foundation ship are analyzed at hydrodynamic features of the rudder. The<br /> different advance ratios to construct the interaction between the propeller and the<br /> hydrodynamic performance curves. The effects rudder makes the horizontal force on the rudder<br /> of rudder and blade pitch angle of the propeller in the ship operation, this force reaches the<br /> are investigated and these are some obtained maximum value of 4.5 kN at corresponding to<br /> results in the paper. the advance ratio J = 0.4. The force generating<br /> The characteristic propeller curves are on this interaction reduces the stability of the<br /> constructed by using MRF and RNG k-ε model ship’s maneuvering.<br /> in the Ansys Fluent 14.5. The maximum The blade pitch also has important effects<br /> efficiency of the propeller is 0.66 with open on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the<br /> water propeller and is 0.689 with the rudder - propeller. 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