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Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

  1. 器恕L龍藍 THE FIRST HND- TE則M EXAMINATION No 801 P鴫RIOD 53; TIM耽60 MINUTES Date: 22I1212023 CHOICE (7.4 points) Lお花n aJ!d choose幼e best answerfタr eaeh叩踏め玖 1. What do the family often do in血e evening? A. gathering round the open fire B・ WatChing TV C. going around a park D. gathering at血e communal house 2. Who tells stories or legends ofheroes for children? 全書霊譜誌n ,。l宝器mo血ers C. their fifers D.岨grandparents 霧藍。。S。器霊霊n加。xp震・蕊農芸 D. legends ofheroes 4. Minority children usually leam to wok at A. twelve B. ten C. six D. eight 5.G正Is A・ Weave CIothing B. do血e gardening C. catch宜sh D. do housework 6・ Boys_ A. grow crops B. raise livestock C. catch fish D. All are correct 丁R蘭NG 器誓Ieam謹書ugh -高。ri。S 。.則ms ていCS 8. The肌mber ofminority children going to school is 青緑両部 A. going up B. going down C. staying the same D. decreasmg M海部he h嬢rA,号C; Dめ加d短め脇e wo州7脇ose m謝協edpan脚力Om脇e Oiher !hree加pmnmcわめn加each q/協eゆ肋w暗q〃修めns. 9. A. monk B・ Offering C. 1qugevity D・ min餌ity M加重肋e h鋤日r4馬C Dめ加d短め脇e wo競れha/駒jわm肋e otherめne h高he 竿諸宗籍a耶嵩霊㌢帥号盈誓nS∫ 。.庇m Mark仙e Ietter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each ofthe question. 11, do血e cattle provide血e Tay? - Milk, meat and cIothing・ A・ What B・ Where C. When D. Why 12. Don,t d血k too CO鱒もe. A. many B. much C. a D. some M海部he h舶r 4 P, C or D on y0〃r a'nS'Wer Sheetめ加dわa細rhe word(りCLOSEST加 mm暗め肋e m虎n協ed word㈲加each qr脇e華的w加g卵跨錫on → 1 3. You’re訪加re垂d臆垂2 fashion so much, aren’t you? A・ looked forward B.suaprised at C.hated D. keen on 伽羅脇e佃舶r4,馬C; or D ony0〃r anS砂er弱eetめ加dわa細rhe wolrd砂OPPas′TE わman掲 14. Vy broke with血e family tradition and chose to be a singer iustead ofbeing a teacher. A・ united B・ followed C. comected D. joined Mね諦幼eわ飲Zr4 B, C D Io脇aお初e comct answerめeach q/協e g〃跨めn Page l〃一Cbね801
  2. 15.伍We`re gomg On a trip to Ha Long Bay next week・掴Rea11y? A・ Good luck B. Have anice time C. It’s yourpleas町e D. Take your time 1 6. I bought some bee亀vegetables and milk. beef is very good. A. A B. An C. The D. ④ 17. He was bom Januarv. 15th 2001. A. on B. at C. in D. of 18. We are talking about血e movie which shown on T.V last night. A. an B. the C. a D.② 19・ They canceled血e Huong it rained heavily. A. because of B・ because C・ a皿ough D. in spite of 20. If工 h紺d,工 my English. A. study/ improve B. studies/ will improve C. will study/ improve D. study/ will improve Read and chooseめe ”Ordめco〃印加細物epa′r鴫r呼h・ Spring is a time when血ere are many festivals in our country. Among血em, Hoa Ban Festival is血e most beautiful and interesting, and it takes place in Lai Chau. It is typical of the (21) life of the Thai people. In血e second lunar month of血e year, When it (22) Warmer and hoa ban - a kind of beautiful flower in the northwest mountainous area - blossoms, Hoa Ban Festival is (23) This is a great time for everyone, (24) for boys and girls. The boy picks the most beautrful flower and gives it to his girlfriend. This is not only a time for love but also for the Thai people to (25) for good crops, for happiness, and express their special 血anks to血e Gods and Ancestors. The festival is always fu11 of songs and prayers・ 21. A. minor B. cultural C. custom D. festival 22. A. gets B. goes C. comes D.皿s 23. A. seen B. arranged C. observed D. celebrated 24. A. langely B. especially C. generally D. typically 25. A. ask B. look C. pray D. call Read ond ma諦幼e best onstyerjbr肋e q#eSめns. 。慧悪i言霊器蒜謹書慧諾意霊霊諾薄豊豊。 al)Out What a bride should wear or carry: “Some血ing old, SOmething new, SOmething borrowed, SOmething blue.” A bride wears something old to remind her ofher family and血e past. Some brides wear 血eir mo血er’s wedding dress or a pleCe Ofherjewelry. Something new means good luck and hope for a happy future wi血her new husband. Again, this item may be the dress, but Often it is a pair ofnew shoes. Something borrowed such as a friend’s handkerchief a married餓end’s bridal veil means血e bride has friends and family who are willing to help her. Some血ing blue is a symboI oftrust and faith between血e couple. These days, SOme brides are creative with this item by painting their血重gemails a light blue coIor or weamg a ga請er on血e血eir leg. Ano血er tradition says that the groom should take the garter after the ceremony and throw it to血e single men. The man who catches it will be血e next one to get married. 26.Which of血e following is a good title for the text? 壌e 2〃-のみ801
  3. A. Various types ofweddings.   C. What should be wom on your wedding day. B・ A wedding tradition and its D. How to plan a traditional wedding meanmg. 27. To remind her ofthe past, the bridge might A・ Wear a Pair ofnew shoes.      C. wear her mother’s wedding dress. B carry a friend’s handkerchief D. paint her fingemails a light blue color. 28. For good luck and hope for a good future with her pa競ner,血e bride might wear ….. … A. a piece ofnewjewelry or a new dress. C. a new dress and a pair ofnew shoes B' a bridal veil and a new dress D. a pair ofnew shoes or a new dress 29. The word ``it" refers to A. a pair ofshoes B. luck C. item D.餌ure 30. Why do some brides wear a blue garter on血e血eir leg? A. Because too many brides paint血eir fingemails a light blur coIor. B. Because it is a symboI oft則st and fai血between血e bride and the groom. C. To show how血e couple can be lucky in血eir mariage. D. To show bow popular some血ing blur is in a wedding. 胸諦肋e h放が4凡C or D ony0〃r anSWer勅eeiわhodわの細物e m謝協edp伽t !hat needs co〃eCめn ho each qf幼ejZ,妨w加g q樅鋤o狐 3 1. My sister聖l錨壁堅塾about wild animals and塑唾mysteries. A B C D 32.帥vi11ngers血ink型堅呈製tip車重型City-dwellers. A B C D 33.A皿o華中his leg was broken, !垂he mannged垣_g座Out Of gE Car. A B C D Mark the answer to indicate the best answer that is made from the word given. 34・ザ/1/mei/脇o /めm′γO明/J/め〃力om and st?e旬0〃 /瑚 A. IfI meet him tomorrow’I will tell him to come see you immediately. B. IfI met him tomorrow, I wi11 tell him to come and see you immediately. C. IfI meet him tomorrow, I would te11 him to come and see you immediately. D. IfI meet h血tomorrow, I wi11 te11 him to come and see you immediately・ 35. I/Iike lgo / beach,月/ can,t/ swim. A. I like to go to the beach, SO I can’t swim. B. I like to go to the beach, and I can’t swim. C. I like to go to血e beach, but I can’t swim. D. I like to go to血e beach, Or I can,t swim. Mark the answer to indicate the sentence that is c萱osest in meaning to the originaI SentenCe in each of the foIIowing question. 36. H〃〃y華p Or We,〃 be h細♪r幼e conce塙 A. Ifwe don’t hurry, We WOn’t be late for the con∞rt. B. Ifwe didn’t hurry, We’ll be late for the concert. C. Ifwe hu調y, We’11 be late for血e concert. D. Ifwe don’t hurry, We,ll be late for the concert. 堰e 3〃一α〔ね801
  4. 37. Ifhe doesn)t tell me the truthl I wi獲l never meet him again・ A. Unless he tells me the tI血, then I will never meet him again. B. Unless he tells me the truth, Or I will never meet him again. C. Unless he doesn,t tell me the tru血, I will never meet him again. D. Unless he tells me the tru血, I will never meet him agam・ II・ WRITING (0.6 points) Put the given words in good order to make meaningfu獲sentences. 38. mo血er / the / My / usua11y / news / reads / online/. => Combine 2 sentences to make one sentence, using connector. 39.Chu Dong Chu couldn’t buy any special food. He was very poor. (because) 二> M加わ幼e q〃跡めu可旬r脇eゆ肋wi喝sen/ences. 40.The e血nic minorities in Vie血am often live in mountainous areas. ⇒ - THE END- Page 4均- Cbゐ801



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