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Đề thi kết thúc học phần học kì 2 môn Viết 5 năm 2023-2024 có đáp án

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi kết thúc học phần học kì 2 môn Viết 5 năm 2023-2024 có đáp án

  1. BM-004 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VĂN LANG KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ ĐỀ THI, ĐÁP ÁN/RUBRIC VÀ THANG ĐIỂM THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN Học kỳ 2, năm học 2023-2024 I. Thông tin chung Tên học phần: Viết 5 Mã học phần: 71ENGL30452 Số tín chỉ: 02 Mã nhóm lớp học phần: 71ENGL30452_05,06,07,08 Hình thức thi: Tự luận Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Thí sinh được tham khảo tài liệu: ☐ Có ☒ Không II. Các yêu cầu của đề thi nhằm đáp ứng CLO Lấy dữ Ký Hình Trọng số CLO Câu Điểm liệu đo hiệu Nội dung CLO thức trong thành phần hỏi số lường CLO đánh giá đánh giá (%) thi số tối đa mức đạt PLO/PI (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Phân biệt được hệ Tự luận thống trích dẫn APA và MLA, và sử dụng hệ thống trích dẫn APA 7 cho in-text PI 2.1 CLO2 citation (trích dẫn 20% 1 10 trong đoạn văn) và reference list (danh sách tài liệu tham khảo) để tránh đạo văn (plagiarism) Có khả năng tìm Tự luận kiếm độc lập thông tin qua các nguồn khác nhau: 1 CLO3 mạng, sách, tạp 40% 10 PI 7.1 chí, và phân biệt các nguồn thông tin đáng tin cậy, và chọn lọc thông Trang 1 / 6
  2. BM-004 tin đưa vào bài luận Có năng lực viết Tự luận lại câu văn, tóm tắt đoạn văn có tính học thuật CLO4 40% 1 10 PI 7.1 trong tiếng Anh (paraphrasing) và trích dẫn nguồn theo APA 7 III. Nội dung câu hỏi thi Write an essay about ONE of the following topics. Your essay must be at least 300 words long (10 điểm) Topic 1: Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to a university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use scholarly support to back up your points. Topic 2: Some people believe that we should accept unexpected situations that may happen in our live, such as an unsatisfactory job, unhappy marriage, or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use scholarly support to back up your points. ĐÁP ÁP VÀ THANG ĐIỂM Phần Nội dung đáp án Thang Ghi câu điểm chú hỏi I. Tự luận Câu Đánh giá theo Rubric 3: Đánh giá bài viết tiểu luận học thuật 10.0 1 Tiêu chí Trọng Tốt (9- Khá (7- Trung Kém (0-4) số 10) 8) bình (5-6) Content 20% - The - The - The essay - The (task essay essay may essay achievem fully addresses address a writes ent/ addresse the part of the within the support) s all writing writing topic, but aspects assignme assignment without Trang 2 / 6
  3. BM-004 of the nt but , or addressin writing may not generally g the assignme fully write about writing nt. develop the topic assignmen all parts but does t itself. - The not address - Central essay - the idea or presents Informati assignmentargument relevant on directly. is not informati provides clearly on that reasonab - identified. clearly le support Informatio Analysis supports for a n supports is vague a central central a central or not idea or idea or idea or evident. argumen argument argument t and and at times. shows a displays Analysis is thoughtf evidence basic or ul, in- of a basic general. depth analysis analysis of a of a significan significa t topic. nt topic. Organiza 20% - - - - tion Introduct Introducti Introductio Introducti (paragrap ion & on, n and/or on or hing/ conclusi conclusio conclusion conclusio coherence on are n & are n is & effective paragrap ineffective; missing. cohesion) ; h paragraphi paragraph paragrap developm ng s isare hing is ent are sometimes mostly effective mostly inadequate inadequat ; topic adequate; ; e. topic sentence topic sentences topic s are sentences are present sentences strong are but are and generally ineffective. missing or effective good. unfocused . - The . - The writing is - The ideas are generally - The ideas are arranged arranged writing is arranged logically logically, not logically and are although logically Trang 3 / 6
  4. BM-004 and flow usually occasionall organized. smoothly clearly y ideas fail Frequentl from one linked to to make y, ideas to each sense fail to another other. For together. make and are the most The reader sense clearly part, the is fairly together. linked to reader clear about The reader each can what writer cannot other. follow intends. identify a The the line of line of reader reasoning reasoning. can . follow the line of reasonin g. Language 30% - Broad - - Adequate - Narrow (grammar/ and Flexibilit range range vocabular fluent y in (word (word y range of range; choice); no choice); /tone) vocabula appropria precise use many ry; te use of subtle word form appropri (word meanings errors; ate word choice) of displayed; vocabular choices; vocabular vocabulary y often correct y in most sometimes used use of situations used inappropri word ; mostly inappropri ately; only forms. correct ately; often basic and use of incorrect elementar - Full word use of y range of forms. word meanings sentence forms. are patterns - Good - In conveyed. (simple, control of general, compoun sentence sentence - Simple d, patterns patterns and complex demonstr successfull complex ), ated; may y used; sentences effective have several attempted ly used; occasiona grammatic but often error- l al errors on unsuccess free grammati the ful; sentence cal errors sentence grammati -level on the level. cal errors Trang 4 / 6
  5. BM-004 grammar sentence distract . level. - The tone from is not meaning. - The consistentl tone is - The tone y - The tone consisten is profession is tly generally al or unprofessi professio professio appropriate onal. It nal and nal. For for an is not appropri the most academic appropriat ate for an part, it is research e for an academi appropria paper. academic c te for an research research academic paper. paper. research paper. Quality of 10% - - - Most of - There are reference Referenc Although the virtually s es are most of references no sources primarily the are from that are peer- reference sources profession reviewed s are that are not ally professio professio peer- reliable. nal nally reviewed journals legitimat and have or other e, a few uncertain- Sources approved are reliability. are sources. questiona seldom ble. - Many cited to - statements support Compelli - Sources seem statements ng and that unsubstanti . relevant support ated. sources claims The reader are given are is confused to generally about the support present source of claims. and informatio Attributi attributio n and on is n is, for ideas. clear and the fairly most part, represent clear and ed. fairly represent ed. Format 20% - APA 7 - APA 7 - There are - Format and format is format is frequent of the Trang 5 / 6
  6. BM-004 mechanic used used with errors in writing is s accuratel minor APA 7 not y and errors. format. recogniza consisten - ble as tly in the - Few Occasional APA 7. paper errors on errors in - Spelling, and on spelling, spelling, form, the form, form, indentatio "Referen indentati indentation ns, ces" ons, s, capitalizat page. capitaliza capitalizati ion, - Correct tion, on, punctuatio form for punctuati punctuatio n, and text type; on, and n, and citation spelling, citation; citation; errors are capitaliz errors not sometimes frequent ation, distractin distracting. and and g. distracting punctuati . on error- free. Điểm tổng 10.0 TP. Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 09 tháng 02 năm 2024 Người duyệt đề Giảng viên ra đề TS. Nguyễn Hòa Mai Phương Trần Thanh Phương Trang 6 / 6



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