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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 021

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi tham khảo môn: anh văn – mã đề 021', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 021

  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 021 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. plum b. mum c. triumph d. unique --> d 2. a. school b. sing c. island d. bus --> c 3. a. buffalo b. butter c. jury d. shut --> c 4. a. murmur b. sure c. further d. fur --> b 5. a. beach b. search c. preach d. teach --> b 6. a. foot b. book c. stood d. flood --> d II. Find the mistake: 7. Mary pretended not having been hurt when her younger brother bit her. a. pretended not b. having been c. hurt d. bit -->b 8. How beaut iful the painting was! I stood there being admired it for a long time. a. How beaut iful b. was c. stood d. being admired --> d 9. I’m sure it’s not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don’t remember being told anyone about it. a. sure b. found out c. being told d. about --> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. I wish that we ................ swimming when we spent our holidays at the seaside. a. could go b. had gone c. will go d. are going
  2. b 11. ............................ all our money, we have to return from our vacation early. a. Losing b. To lose c. Lose d. Having lost --> a 12. He’s int erested ....................... studying plant life. a. with b. to c. for d. in d 13. The teacher asked those who (complete) ………… their test (turn) ……………. in their papers. a. have co mpleted / to turn b. had co mpleted / to turn c. completed / turning d. had co mpleted / turn --> b 14. He is seen ................. every morning. a. jog b. to jog c. jogs d. is jogging b 15. If we (know) ................. who he was, we (invit e) ................. him to speak at our meet ing. a. know / will invite b. knew / would invite c. had known / would have invited d. known / would have invited --> c 16. I haven't seen my sister ................. three years ago. a. since b. for c. from d. before a 17. Since he (buy) ................. a new car, he (drive) ................. to work every day. a. bought / drives b. bought / will drive c. has bought / has been driving d. bought / has been driving -->d
  3. 18. "They must have a lot of chickens." "I don't know how many ................., but it sounds like they have a hundred." a. chickens do they have b. do they have chickens c. chickens they have d. they have chickens c 19. This room (paint) ................. since the last time I (be) ................. here. a. has been painted / was b. painted / have been c. had been painted / was d. has painted / was -->a 20. "May I help you?" "Yes. I need so meone ................. my car." a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. to be repaired b 21. You (be) ................. disappo inted if there (be) ................. no snow for this wint er ho liday? a. Would ........ be / was b. W ill ....... be / is c. W ill ....... be / are d. Could ...... be / is -->b 22. Mai should seriously consider ................. an actress. She is good at performing. a. to become b. beco me c. beco ming d. will beco me c 23. While I (go) ................. through my drawers, I (find) ................. these old lo ve letters. a. went / found b. went / had found c. was go ing / found d. is going / find -->c 24. "Where is the sofa?" "I got my son ................. it to the sitting room." a. take b. to take c. taken d. taking b
  4. 25. She really (hurt) ................. when she found that her son (forget) ................ her birthday. a. hurts / forget b. hurt / forgotten c. was ... hurt / forget d. was ... hurt / had forgotten -->d 26. We could ................ fly or take the train. a. not only b. neit her c. either d. but c 27. Just off the Massachusetts coast ……………………, a popular summer resort area. a. Martha’s Vineyard is b. is where Martha’s Vineyard c. Martha’s Vineyard d. is Martha’s Vineyard --> d 28. "What is wood used for?" "It is used for ................. chairs and tables. a. make b. to make c. making d. made c 29. Davis has .......... many patients .......... he is alwa ys busy. a. too / that b. very / until c. such / that d. so / that -->d 30. "Did you order copies of your wedding pictures?" "I only ordered one copy, but now I wish I ................. two." a. had ordered b. order c. have ordered d. would ordered a 31. If so meone fastens his seat-belt, he …………. a. ties it tightly b. makes it loose c. will lose it d. makes it larger a 32. We haven't met him .........................
  5. a. for the past few days b. since few days c. last few days d. few days ago a 33. His ............ knowledge is very poor. He thinks Paris is in Italy. a. geography b. geographically c. geographical d. geographer -->c 34. I would have paid ................. for my bag if the salesman had ins isted, because I really wanted it. a. as much twice b. much twice c. twice as much d. times two c 35. I’ll always remember that journey - it was an .............. experience. a. forget b. forgettable c. forgetting d. unforgettable -->d 36. The day was ................. that we had a shower four times a day. a. such a hot b. so hot c. very hot d. hot b 37. Quick .......... are important if you are an airline pilot, a motorist, or even a cyclist. a. reaction b. react ions c. reactive d. react -->b 38. I regret ................. you that I can't attend your party tomorrow. a. to tell b. telling c. tell d. told a 39. People who overeat often beco me ..................... a. weightless b. weight
  6. c. overweight d. wide -->c 40. "What happened to your new car?" "No sooner ................. it than someone ran into it." a. had I bought b. I bought c. did I bought d. I had bought a 41. She got very angry but later she apo logized for her ................ a. patient b. patience c. impatient d. impatience -->d 42. "What musical instrument does she play?" "She's famous ................. her vio lin playing." a. by b. about c. for d. t o c 43. Playing the piano well is o ne of his greatest ................... a. satisfaction b. satisfactions c. satisfactory d. satisfy -->b 44. The tourist ............... the heat because he had been living there for a long time. a. used to b. was used of c. get used to d. was used to d 45. Until last year, the government …………….. itself with the problem o f une mplo yment. a. hadn’t concerned b. haven’t concerned c. didn’t concern d. wasn’t concerning -->a 46. Many famous auto mobiles ................. in America. a. manufacture b. have manufactured
  7. c. are manufactured d. are manufacturing c 47. He (drive) ……………… his car to school because he (miss) ……………… the bus. a. drives / misses b. drove / missed c. drove / had missed d. drove / has missed -->c 48. Direct speech: She said, "Don't sit on my bed, Jimmy". (Change into Indirect speech) a. She sa id Jimmy not to sit on her bed. b. She told J immy not to sit on her bed. c. She told Jimmy not to sit on his bed. d. She told Jimmy don't sit on my bed. b 49. The president did not begin the news conference until the room (beco me) ……………… quiet. a. had beco me b. became c. has beco me d. has been beco ming --> a 50. The news which we heard................. good. a. were b. are c. had d. was d



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