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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 07

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 07

  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 07 I. Pronunciation: 1. chemist b. chicken c. church d. century a 2. a. thought b. tough c. taught d. bought b 3. a. pleasure b. heat c. meat d. feed a 4. a. chalk b. ship c. machine d. champagne a 5. a. knit b. hide c. tide d. fly a 6. a. put b. could c. push d. moon d 7. a. how b. town c. power d. slow d II. Find the mistake: 8. What had you been do ing during the last few weeks? a. had b. been do ing c. during d. the last --> a 9. - Mary: How many t imes have you seen them so far? - Jim: A few time. a. How many b. have you seen
  2. c. so far d. time --> d 10. - S1: Had your brother enjo yed the party last night? - S2: I think so. He alwa ys enjo ys your parties. a. Had your brother enjo yed b. think c. always d. enjo ys --> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 11. If you see Tom, ........... you mind ........... him to get in touch with me? a. will / reminding b. will / to remind c. would / remind ing d. would / to remind --> c 12. Frenlink Inc has not taken control of Carrods Ltd. a. taken over b. taken into c. taken on d. taken off a 13. Your explanation ................... reasonable. a. is not sound b. does not sound c. is not sounded d. is not sounding --> b 14. If business doesn't get better, we will need a loan from the bank. a. pick at b. pick up c. pick out d. pick off b 15. Walt Whit man, ………………… in New York in 1819, was o ne of American’s unusual lit erary figures and individualists. a. was born b. born c. bearing d. to be born b 16. I'm sorry I haven't got any mo ney ......... you. W hy don't you try ........ Peter? a. to lend / to ask b. lending / asking
  3. c. to lend / asking d. lending / to ask c 17. They quarreled ........ the cho ice of a house. a. on b. over c. for d. t o -->b 18. They spent all day ........... and ............... on the beach. a. to swim / sunbathing b. to swim / to sunbathe c. swimming / to sunbathe d. swimming / sunbathing d 19. He left for Ho Chi Minh city last week. He doesn’t work here ……………. a. already b. yet c. still d. anymore -->d 20. He was in a state of ..................... waiting for his exam results. a. agony b. anxiety c. sickness d. sadness b 21. I thought you said she was going awa y this summer, .......………? a. didn’t I b. didn’t you c. wasn’t she d. wasn’t it -->b 22. He takes pleasure in .......................... his little sister. a. tease b. teases c. to tease d. teasing d 23. Who le-grain food products …………….. in most large supermarkets across the United States and Canada. a. now can purchase b. can now be purchased c. now to purchase d. the purchase of which b
  4. 24. It is used .......................... making desks and tables. a. to b. in c. for d. into c 25. He's suffered ....................... poor health all his life and that has made him irritable. a. from b. about c. with d. in a 26. “Let’s go to the new movie downtown.” “Thanks, but I .......... it already.” a. have seen b. was seeing c. had seen d. had see -->a 27. What ....... to see you at the stadium! a. the surprise b. surprise c. a surprise d. surprising -->c 28. That man, ……............ family is very poor, is standing in front of the hotel to ask for money. a. who b. who m c. whose d. which c 29. Lan learns better than .......... student. a. any b. any others c. any another d. any other -->d 30. You came in wit hout knocking and ................ me ju mp. You really startled me! a. making b. to make c. made d. being make c
  5. 31. War stole his youth and his ho me. Everything in his life changed .................... a. as a result b. moreover c. by no means d. therefore -->d 32. You can't communicate with her at the mo ment. She's in a real ................. a. situation b. state c. position d. condition b 33. Anyone who ........... his work cannot go. a. finished not b. not finish c. has not finished d. will not finish -->c 34. She works at a big hospital. She's .................... a. nurse b. a nurse c. the nurse d. an nurse b 35. Under no circumstances, ............ or exchanged. a. goods will be returned b. goods should be returned c. can goods be returned d. are goods being returned -->c 36. Thank you for waking me up. I was ............... a night mare! a. doing b. making c. seeing d. having d 37. “How will you be able to get to Rome in t ime for the meeting?” “I’ll fly, ........... will only take 50 minutes.” a. and such b. that c. and therefore d. which -->d 38. What t ime ........................ on TV? a. is the news b. are the news
  6. c. is news d. are news a 39. A dividend is …………….. the only benefit a corporation can offer its shareho lders. a. no b. nor c. none d. not d 40. My advice is: don't panic; stay ..................... a. calm b. tranquil c. peaceful d. quiet a 41. “I failed the test.” “Frankly, it’s ......... surprise to me.” a. none b. no c. any d. not -->b 42. Rice is a ……………… which is exported to other countries. a. consequence b. commodity c. pensio n d. category b 43. They will put up a new bridge next year. a. erect b. construct c. build d. all are correct d 44. She wasn't properly dressed for the party and felt ............... her appearance. a. ashamed for b. shy o f c. embarrassed about d. ashamed of c 45. Though you have been advised to talk less, you need not ....... your opinio n when asked. a. should reserve b. reserving c. to reserve d. reserve
  7. --> d 46. She always feels ............... if she hears footsteps behind her in a dark and empty street. a. s hy b. timid c. fearful d. sad c 47. It is high t ime we got going, .........? a. is not it b. didn’t it c. aren’t we d. isn’t it --> d 48. She works six hours ...................... day. a. in b. for c. a d. the c 49. We met Keith last night. He was very cheerful, …………… always. a. as b. like c. alike d. likely a 50. Could I have a ................. of matches, please? a. packet b. tin c. can d. box d



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