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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử anh văn – số 18', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – SỐ 18

  1. Teacher : Quynh Nhu ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – SỐ 18 Make the correct choice : 1/ Tom’s away ______ the moment. He is on holiday ______ France. a. in / in b. in / at c. at / at d. at / in 2/ She always goes for a walk with her dog ______ Sunday mornings. a. in b. on c. at d. during 3/ He arrived ______ Hanoi at 8.30 in the evening. a. to b. at c. in d. for 4/ In England, people drive ______ the left side of the road. a. in b. about c. at d. on 5/ We are leaving Hanoi ______ Ho Chi Minh City at 2 o’clock this afterno on. a. for b. in c. to d. at 6/ What was happening when he arrived ______ the airport ? a. to b. at c. in d. for 7/ It will be ready ______ two weeks. a. for b. in c. with d. during 8/ He lives in a flat ______ the fifth floor. a. on b. in c. at d. above 9/ We didn’t go ______ the party because some friends came to stay with us. a. to b. for c. at d. in 10/ A book _____ for my birthday. a. was given me b. was given to me c. gave me d. gave to me 11/ Your house is bigger than _____. a. me b. my c. mine d. I am 12/ The question was _____ difficult that we can’t answer it. a. very b. extremely c. too d. so 13/ I’m very grateful to him for _____. a. his help b. helping c. his helping d. a help 14/ If I ______ time. I would ha ve gone shopping. a. have had b. had c. had had d. would have 15/ I wish I ______ to type when I was a student. a. had learnt b. would learn c. would have learnt d. learnt 16/ ______ he quits smoking, he will die. a. If b. Unless c. Although d. Because 17/ He spent a whole day ______ the radio. a. repairing b. to repair c. repaired d. repair 18/ More newspapers ______ in this city. a. are selling b. are being sold c. sell d. sold 19/ She couldn’t accept the _____ to my birthday because she was busy. a. solution b. invitation c. problem d. question 20/ Peter felt very _____ because he didn’t pass the final examination. a. disappointment b. disappointing c. disappointed d. disappointedly 21/ The tea was ______ hot for her to drink. a. so b. enough c. too d. very 22/ If it doesn’t rain, they ______ for a picnic. a. would go b. have gone c. go d. will go 23/ It was such ______ that nobody believed it. a. crazy story b. crazy c. a crazy story d. story 1
  2. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 24/ Their crop was ______ good that they decided to give a party. a. very b. too c. such d. so 25/ She asked how long ______ us to get there. a. it would take b. it will take c. would it take d. will it take 26/ They have visited many _____ places in England. a. interesting b. interested c. interests d. interestingly 27/ She ______ to some music when she suddenly heard a siren. a. listening b. is listening c. was listening d. listened 28/ Jane doesn’t speak English as _____ as Betty. a. well b. good c. better d. fluent 29/ I wish John ______ here now. a. is b. was c. has been d. is being 30/ He would pass the examination if he ______ harder. a. worked b. would work c. works d. had worked 31/ I’m sorry _____ not accepting your invitation. a. for b. about c. with d. by 32/ This is the letter _____ Ann wrote to me last week. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 33/ He says he _____ for a foreign company. a. would be working b. had been working c. is working d. were working 34/ Dick told me that there was a good programme on T.V _____. a. tonight b. the night before c. that night d. tomorrow night 35/ Tom asks his friend where _____. a. does he live b. he lives c. lives he d. he does lives 36/ The driver often causes accidents. He drives _____. a. careful b. carefully c. careless d. carelessly 37/ They had a _____ seafood lunch in a restaurant. a. likely b. lovesick c. lovely d. unlikely 38/ Mrs Brown went _____ last Sunday. a. to shopping b. shopping c. for shopping d. by shopping 39/ The tone of his letter is _____. a. friendly b. quietly c. calmly d. gently 40/ These abbreviations are _____ used in writing letters. a. common b. commonly c. in common d. with common Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Fishkeeping is a (n) (41) _____ hobby concerned with keeping fish in the home (42) _____ or garden pond. Fishkeeping is one of the (43) _____ popular branch of the hobby, with (44) _____ small pet stores often selling a variety of freshwa ter fish, such as goldfish, suppies, and angelfish. While most freshwater aquaria are set up as community tanks (45) _____ a variety of peaceful species, many aquarists keep singel -species aquarin with a view to breeding. Live bearing fish, such as mollies and guppies, are (46) _____ the species that are most easily raised in captivity, but aquarists also regularly breed numerous other species, (47) _____ many types of cichlid, catfish, characin, and killifish. Garden (48) _____ are in some ways similar to freshwater tanks, but are usually (49) _____ larger and exposed to the ambient climatic conditions. In the tropics, tropical fish can be kept in garden ponds, but in the cooler regions temperate zone species such as goldfish 41. a. interested b. famous c. popular d. admired 2
  3. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 42. a. tank b. pot c. bottle d. jar 43. a. most b. mostly c. almost d. more 44. a. ever b. event c. even d. even if 45. a. cantain b. contained c. to contain d. containing 46. a. of b. in c. between d. among 47. a. including b. consisting c. containing d. embracing 48. a. rivers b. seas c. canals d. ponds 49. a. more b. much c. many d. most TEST 2 Make the correct choice: 1/ Clean air provides us with a healthy supply of oxygen. a. supplies b. produces c. makes d. creates 2/ Smoking is _______ to our health. a. kind b. good c. harmful d. important 3/ Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in _________ form. a. nature b. natural c. naturally d. naturism 4/ No trees can _________ on that soil. It is treeless. a. grow b. plant c. dry d. die 5/ This is the school_________my father used to teach. a. that b. which c. where d. when 6/ If the weather _______ nice, we will come to see you on Sunday. a. will be b. were c. is d. are 7/ A football player is a person ______ plays foo tball. a. he b. whom c. whose d. who 8/ If She spoke English well, she_________ the job. a. could get b. will get c. gets d. got 9/ Life on the earth would be affected if wild plants and animals _______. a. had disappeared b. disappeared c. disappear d. would disappear 10/ Tom _______his test well if he had studied his lessons carefully. a. would have done b. would do c. had done d. did 11/ They had such a good crop _______ they decided to give a party. a. which b. where c. that d. so that 12/ He asked me if I _______ ready to carry out other assignments. a. were b. was c. am d. will be 13/ She talked to him _______ her travels in Africa. a. for b. about c. with d. in 14/ The _______ of this factory are widely consumed in the country. a. production b. products c. producers d. produce 15/ You are very different _______ your brother. a. with b. as c. from d. for 16/ Try to use your money as _________ as you can. a. economic b. economical c. economics d. economically 17/ The ________ to the problem will be difficult to find. a. pollution b. resolution c. solution d. population 18/ We started our trip on a beautiful ________ morning. a. sunny b. solar c. sun d. sunshine 19/ Nowadays, there are many _______ forms of entertainment everywhere. a. various b. variety c. varying d. variously 3
  4. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 20/ She is very _______ at cooking European dishes. a. interested b. fond c. good d. excited 21/ This car belongs _______ Mr. John. a. of b. to c. with d. for 22/ It’s quite an _______ game. a. excited b. excitement c. exciting d. excitedly 23/ The _______ of the moon for the earth causes the tides. a. attractive b. attractiveness c. attractively d. attraction 24/ Many children have given a great deal of_______ to their future work. a. thought b. thoughts c. thinking d. think 25/ The crops are late this year _______ the weather is cold. a. because b. if c. unless d. although 26/ They didn’t go to the movies _______ the bad weather. a. despite b. in spite of c. because of d. with 27/ He walked _______ because of his injured legs. a. slower b. slowly c. lively d. quiet 28/ He retired last month because of _______. a. he was ill b. being illness c. his illess d. very ill 29/ Would you mind _______ the door, please? a. opening b. open c. to open d. opened 30/ My teacher asked me where I had gone _______. a. last night b. the night last c. the night before d. before night 31/ My friend not only had excellent ideas, but he did a good job _______. a. too b. neither c. as well d. either 32/ I wish I ______ here now. a. would be b. am c. was d. am being Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 1. While my mother were going to the market, she dropped her purse. 2. After the police had stopped the fight, they arrested two man 3. While was living in France last year, I learned about French customs. 4. When I discovered I have lost my key, I phoned my father. 5. When these tables are made from steel, they are very heavy. 6. I didn’t understand the lesson although I didn’t go to school yesterday. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning 1. Her mother said, “Try to learn your lesson carefully, Lan”. a. Lan’s mother said her to try to learn her lesson carefully. b. Lan’s mother asked her to try to learn her lesson carefully. c. Lan’s mother told her that to try to learn her lesson carefully. d. Lan’s mother asked her if she tried to learn her lesson carefully. 2. Mary doesn’t have a modern calculator . a. Mary wishes she doesn’t have a modern calculator. b. Mary wishes she had had a modern calculator. c. Mary wishes she had a modern calculator. d. Mary wishes not to have a modern calculator. 3. He studied English at school. He succeeded in it. a. He succeeded to study English at school. b. He succeeded in studying English at school. 4
  5. Teacher : Quynh Nhu c. He studied English at school successful. d. He studied English at school to succeed. 4. The children like to walk in the rain. a. The children enjoy walking in the rain. b. The children are interesting in walking in the rain. c. The children are bored with walking in the rain. d. The children enjoy to walk in the rain. 5. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was rough. a. The sea was too rough for the children couldn’t go swimming. b. The sea was rough enough for the children to go sw imming. c. The sea was so rough that the children could go swimming. d. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming. 6. We learned this after a long time. a. It took us to learn this for a long time. b. It’s a long time since we learned this. c. We spent a long time learning this. d. We have learned this for a long time. 7. I’ll lend you the book, but you must promise to return it next week. a. I’ll lend you the book unless you promise to return it next week. b. I’ll lend you the book if you promise to return it next week. c. I’ll lend you the book, othewise you promise to return it next week. d. If I’ll lend you the book, you must promise to return it next week. 8. The car is too expensive for him to buy. a. He isn’t rich enough to buy that expensive car. b. He is too rich to buy that expensive car. c. He is so poor that he can buy that expensive car. d. He is very rich; so he can buy that expensive car. 9. He is looking forward to hearing from her as soon as possible. a. He expects to hear from her . b. He hates hearing from her . c. He has no intention of hearing from her. d. He is tired of hearing from her. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 1. my mother’s 60th birthday / last Sunday a. It was my mother’s 60th birthday last Sunday. b.My mother’s 60th birthday was last Sunday. c.My mother’s 60th birthday which was on last Sunday d.My mother’s 60th birthday, it was last Sunday. 2. we / all / gather / living room / 6 o’clock / have dinner together We all gathered in the living room at 6 o’clock so that have dinner together. As we all gathered in the living roon at o’clock and to have dinner together. When we all gathered in the living room at 6 o’clock to have dinner together. We all gathered in the living room at o’clock to have dinner together. 3.we / buy / her / flowers / presents / a birthday cake We bought he flowers, presents, and especially a birthday cake. So, we bought her flowers and presents, with a birthday cake. We bought her flowers and presents, but a birthday cake. We bought her flowers and presents, such as especially a birthday cake. TEST 3 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently 5
  6. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 1. a. war b. work c. world d. whom 2. a. use b. umbrella c. under d. utter 3. a. winter b. answer c. award d. towards 4. a. lawn b. allow c. drawing d. swimmer 5. a. student b. education c. united d. truck Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest 1. a. celebration b. entertaiment c. traditional d.preparation 2. a. special b. polite c. happy d. really 3. a. postman b. envelope c. occasion d. everyone 4. a. lucky b. banner c.begin d. lunar 5. a. sometime b. between d.color 6. More and more young men are interested _____ collecting stamps. a. in b. at c. ove d. upon 7. My friends and i meet for lunch once _____ a while. a. for b. with c. at d. in 8. We would be glad _____ the chance to meet her. a. for b. over c. of d. in 9. Can you play any musical instrument? – I can play _____ guitar. d.  a. a b. an c. the 10. There is a large _____ of fish in his living room. a. jug b. bottle c. tank d. pot 11. _____ stamps from discarded envelopes is my hobby. a. Gathering b. Accompanying c. Collecting d.Accomplish 12. I would not call myself an avid stamp collector a. interesting b. exciting c. amateur d. enthusiastic 13. He got the stamps and threw away the envelopes. a. kept b. discarded c. gathered d. collected 14. I love champagne but I don’t often _____ myself. a. collect b. accompany c. accomplish d. indulge 15. I had forgotten all about it because I had been so _____ with other things. a. occupied b. interested c. accomplished d. successful 16. Today children have more _____ to decide their own future. a. free b. freedom c. freely d. freeing 17. Most city dwellers like to spend their weekend in the country to enjoy the fresh air and the _____ of nature. a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. beautify 18. The _____ of the town it self comes as something of a surprise. a. modest b. modesty c. modestly d. modesting 19. Our boss sometimes keeps us _____ overtime. a. work b. worked c. to work d. working 20. _____ I first met my girl friend. a. It was in London that b. It was in London where c. It was London that d. It was London which 21. It was _____ the wet and windy day that I drove over over the hill to Milland. a. in b. on c. at d for 22. It was my friend, Shona, _____. a. I was at school with whom b. I was at school with c. with who I was at school d. with that I was at school 23. _____ on the phone. a. It is his mother whom is b. It was his mother whom is c. It was his mother who is d. It is his mother who is 6
  7. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 24. _____ those books on the desk? a. Were it you who put b. It was you who put c. Was it you that put d. It is you that put 25. _____ we have to wait. a. It is a long time that b. It is a long time for that c. it is for a long time that d. It is for a long t ime when 26. It is _____ they are going to, not Russian. a. Spain b. Spain that c. Spain where Spain that 27. _____ he heard the news. a. It was three-week later that b. It was three weeks later when c. It was three-week later when d. It was three weeks later that 28. _____ a high level of blood cholesterol. a. It is eggs that contain b. Those are eggs it contains c. It is eggs that contains d. It is eggs contain 29. _____ I first met him in that resort. a. It was last winter when b. It was last winter that c. It was in last winter when d. It was the last winter which 30. _____ disappeared when I arrived at the airport. a. My passport b. It was my passport c. It is my passport that d. it is my passport 31/ It took him only ten minutes to get there. a. He spent on ten minute to get there. b. He got there in ten minute . c. He spent on ten minute getting there. c. He needed ten minute getting there. 32/ I didn’t meet him yesterday so I couldn’t tell him about that. a. If I had met him yesterday, I could have told him about that. b. If I hadn’t met him yesterday, I couldn’t have told him about that. c. I could tell him about that because I met him yesterday. d. I met him yesterday so that I could tell him about that. 33/ Could you turn the radio down, please? a. Would you mind to turn down the radio? b. Would you like turning down the radio? c. Would you mind turning down the radio? d. Would you please turning down the radio? 34/ The man was very tired , so he didn’t answer m y question. a. The man was so tired that he could answer my question. b. The man was too tired for him to answer my question. c. The man was tired enough to answer my question. d. The man was too tired to answer my question. 35/ Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy. a. It was such a heavy piano that everybody could move it. b. It was such a heavy piano that nobody couldn’t move it. c. The piano was so heavy that nobody could move . d. The piano was too heavy to be moved. 36/ You’d better apologize to Sally. a. I advise you should apologize to Sally. b. I advise you apologize to Sally. c. I advise you to apologize to Sally. d. I advise you had better to apologize to Sally. 46. She is a faster and more careless driver than I am. a. She drives faster and more carelessly than I am. b. She doesn’t drive as faster and carelessly as I do. c. She drives faster and more careless than I do. d. She drives faster and more carelessly than I do. TEST 4 7
  8. Teacher : Quynh Nhu Chosse the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently 1. a. admire b. avid c. variety d. while 2. a. occupy b. simply c. accompany d. hobby 3. a. practised b. stamped c. indulged d. accomplished 4. a. collect b. common c. modest d. accomplish 5. a. friends b. tunes c. clubs d. stamps 6. My father never indulges _________ drinking. a. on b. in c. with d. to 7. I love watching the small fish swimming ________ in the tank. a. through b. up c. towards d. about 8. He wasn’t able to cope _______ the stresses and strains of the job. a. with b. to c. in d. on 9. My friend Dave was really interested in my best stamp, so I __ it away to him. a. gave b. threw c. brought d. put 10. These ideas have now been completely discarded. a.come up with b. got rid of c. put forward d. put into practice 11. This vase is quite rare and is almost a ____________’s item. a. collect b. collective c. collection d. collector 12. The singer was ________ on the piano by her sister. a. played b. performed c. accompanied d. helped 13. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. a. busy b. relaxed c. comfortable d. free 14. My parents lent me the money. _____________, I couldn’t have afforded the trip. a. Only if b. Otherwise c. However d. Therefore 15. I don’t know the title but I recognize the _________ of this song. a. sound b. rhyme c. tune d. theme 16. ____ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. a. What the woman was b. That the woman was c. The woman was d. What was the woman 17. Marta Graham, ________ of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until she was 21. a. who as one b. she was c. one d. was one 18. Many communities are dependent on groundwater __ from wells for their water supply. a. that obtained b. obtained c. is obtained d. obtain it 19. ____ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. a. It was Jane Byrne b. Jane Byrne c. That Jane Byrne d. When Jane Byrne 20. The first American novelist to have a major impact on world literature’_________a. who was James Fenimore Cooper b. James Fenimore Cooper was c. it was James Fenimore Cooper d. was James Fenimore Cooper 21. ___ important railroad tunnel in the US was cut through the Hoosac Mountains in Massachuset. a. At first b. It was the first c. The first d. As the first of 22. It was in 1875 _________ joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvad University. a. that Anna Winlock b. Anna Winlock,who c. as Anna Winlock d. Anna Winlock then 23. _________ t he dollar as its monetary unit in 1878. a. Adopted by Canada, b. Canada adopted c. It was adopted by Canada d. The Canada adoption of 24. _____ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia. a. In 1790 was b. There was in 1790 c. In 1790 d. It was in 1790 8
  9. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 25. It was Mr. Harding ________ the bill to yesterday. a. who sent my secretary b. to whom my secretary sent c. that my secretary sent d. my secretary sent 26. He built _________ his collection over a period of ten years. a. in b. on c. into d. up 27. My brother takes photograph ___________ a hobby. a. as b. for c. in d. with 28. Any stamps that were common I gave ___________ to my friends. a. up b. back c. away d. out 29. I keep stamps. However, I would not call myself an avid stamp collector. a. private b. keen c. major d. complete 30. There are some hobbies that I ________________ in for a while besides reading and collecting. a. occupy b. accomplish c. fascinate d. indulge 31. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play. a. skilful b. famous c. perfect d. modest 32. He is a great _________________ of Picasso’s early paintings. a. admire b. admiration c. admirer d. admiring 33. I don’t have much money, so I bought the camera ________________ a. newly b. second-hand c. immediately d. profitably 34. Cycling and karate are among her hobbies. a. pursuit b. entertainment c. amusement d. pastime 35. Some of his pictures are quite ______________ now. a. collected b. collection c. collective d. collectable 36. _____ my parents gave me the fish tank. a.It was on my birthday when b. It was my birthday on that c. It was my birthday that d. It was on my birthday that TEST 5 Make the correct choice : 1.Where’s Harry ? I think he’s gone ______ bed. c.on 2.She was a university professor ______ the age of 26. a.with 3. I’ll meet you ______ ten minutes. a.for b.about c.with 4. Jack was late because he wasn’t aware ______ the time. a.of b.about c.with 5.Please turn down the radio ______ get to sleep. to that I can c.that I can that I could 6.He took off his shoes ______ make any noise. that as to order not to 7.I sent my son to the U.S.A ______ study electronics there. that I could order to that he could as not to 8.Mr Fox is saving money ______ buying a helicopter. that the hope of c.he hopes d.with the hope of 9.She will make rapid progress ______ she studies hard. a.unless b.if that d.although 10.While ______dinner, she heard the phone ring. 9
  10. Teacher : Quynh Nhu a.cooked b.was cooking c.she cooking 11.He is ______ in listening to music at night. a.fond b.interested c.excited d.tired 12. ______ by my younger sister, the essays are always interesting. a.Written b.Writing c.To write d.To be written 13.We had already finished our homework ______ we came to class. a.after that c.since d.before 14.Young pupils usually enjoy ______ picture books. read c.reading d.being read 15.When I first ______ him, he was working in a restaurant. b.meeting c.met d.was meeting 16.It ______ for two days now. There will be a flood soon. raining b.has been raining c.rains d.will be raining 17.If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I ______. a.stopped b.had stopped c.would stop d.would have stopped 18.Everyone ______ in class by the time you came . a.has been b.had been c.was d.would have been 19.The man about ______ we are talking is a famous writer. a.whom b.who c.that d.him 20.The trees from ______ we picked these fruits are in this garden. a.them b.those c.that d.which 21.The city in ______ we were born is very small. a.where c.which d.that 22.They got ______ with the long meeting. a.tired b.interested c.fond d.bored 23. It was such ______ news that she decided to have a celebration. a.wonderful b.a wonderful c.wonderfully d.the wonderful 24. We had no _______ of going for a walk with them. a.decision b.tension c.tendency d.intention 25.He _______ a lot;but now he doesn’t anymore. a.used to smoking b.used to smoke c.was used to smoke d.was used for smoking 26. I can’t cook _______ my mother does. good as well as better as d.very well as 27. Unless it stops _______,we won’t go out. a.raining rain c.and rains d.rained 28. Unless someone _______ a key,we can’t get into the house. a.have b.had c.has d.having 29. Because of _______, she didn’t make any mistakes in her answers. a.carefully b.carelessly c.being careful d.being careless 30. She said that she _______ her holiday in Italy the following year. a.spent b.had spent c.has spent d.would spend 31. She didn’t buy it _______ the price was too high. a.because that spite of d.although 32. The question was _______ difficult that we couldn’t answer it. a.very b.too c.extremely 33. _______ you don’t hurry, you’ll be late. a.If b.Unless c.After d.Before 10
  11. Teacher : Quynh Nhu 34.Jane is a _______ cook than Mary. a.good b.well c.better 35.I tried ______ the bus, but I missed it. a.catching catch catching d.catch 36.She told ______ afraid. that she was b.that she was being d.for being 37. “Did you enjoy the play?” – “Yes, but I don’t think the actors performed as well as they ______.” b.have done c.did d.had 38. “The temperature has really risen today.” –“Yes, it is ______ that I can’t work.” a.too hot b.very hot hot d.extremely hot 39. -“How long have you been married?” -“We ______ married for twenty years on our next wedding anniversary.” a.will have been b.have been c.had been d.will be 40. It’s over a year ______ I visited the dentist. a.since b.when c.however d.until 41.I told them about it, but ______ listened. a.somebody b.anybody c.nobody d.nothing 42.Hugh Rolan is a wealthy businessman. b.famous c.healthy d.poor 43.He told me not to worry and came home at once. a.soon b.immediately noon d.sharply 44.On holiday I ______ always on the beach when the weather is fine. a.lie b.was c.sunbathe 45.My parents got up very early this morning ______ pack the car for our journey. that case order to d.and 46.After going for a long walk this morning, everyone ______ very angry at lunch time. a.had b.was c.made d.were 47.The supervisor was asked ______ with his employees. a.met meet d.meeting 48.By the time I ______ to bed tonight, I will have finished my work for the day. a.go b.will go c.went d.had gone 49.Too much exercise can be harmful, but walking is good ______ you. a.with d.for 50.His first novel was much more exciting ______ any he has written since. c.than 51/ I must thank the people _______ I got a present a. from whom b. from that c. from who d. who 52/ The people _______ house we visited were nice. a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 53/ The town _______ I grew up is small. a. in which b. where c. in where d. a&b are correct 54/ Yesterday I ran across an old friend _______ I hadn’t seen for years. a. with whom b. whom c. for whom d. to whom 55/ 1960 is the year _______ the revolution took place. a. when b. on which c. in that d. where Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning 1. She has studied French for five years. 11
  12. Teacher : Quynh Nhu a. She began to study French five years ago. b. She began to study French was five years ago. c. She began studied French five years ago. d. She began to study French in five years ago. 2. He collects old coins. He likes it. a. He is fond of liking old coins. b. He is fond of he collects old coins. c. He is fond of collecting old coins. d. He is like fond of collecting old coins. 3. She said, “ Have you got a new car, Jack ?” a. She asked Jack that he had got a new car. b. She asked Jack if she had got a new car. c. She asked Jack if he has got a new car. d. She asked if he had got a new car. 4. He said to her, “ Give my regards to your parents.” a. He told her to give her regards to his parents. b. He told her to give my regards to her parents. c. He told her to give his regards to her parents. d. He told her to give his regards to your parents. 5. “Don’t talk to that man”, she said. a. She told me don’t to talk to that man. b. She told me not to talk to that man. c. She told not to talk to that man. d. She said me not to talk to that man. 6. Jane didn’t go to your party because you didn’t invite her. a. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party. b. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she would have gone to your party. c. If you had invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party. d. If you had invited Jane, she would have gone to your party. 7. They haven’t finished their homework yet. a. Their homework haven’t been finished yet. b. Their homework hasn’t to be finished yet. c. Their homework hasn’t been finished yet. d. Their homework hasn’t finished yet. 8. Jim was absent because he was ill. a. Because of his being illness, Jim was absent. b. Because of his ill, Jim was absent. c. Because of being his illness, Jim was absent. d. Because of his illness, Jim was absent. 12



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