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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử đh – số 12', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH – SỐ 12

  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH – SỐ 12 PART I: PHONETICS Exercise I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation of the underlined letter. Identify your answer by circling either A, B, C or D. 1. A.fat B. any C. gas D. hat 2. B. there C. math D. than 3. A. glad B. geography C. glasses D. give 4. A. kitchen B. high C. price D. like 5. A. bread B. cheap C. tea D. season 6. A. help B. forget C. intelligent D. b elieve 7. A. chop B. more C. hot D. shopping 8. A. sugar B. sunny C. school D. seafood 9. A. house B. history C. help D. higher 10. A. well B. better C. semester D. wet PART II: VOCABULARY Exercise II: Questions 11-20 are incomplete sentences. Choose from the alternatives given ONE best way to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 11. In a __________ lesson, students learn how substances react when being put together. A. maths B. chemistry C. literature D. physics 12. __________ often visit famous places in London such as the Big Ben Tower, the Thames, etc. A. Workers B. Teachers C. Tourists D. Directors 13. Difficult questions were given in the test to pick out the most __________ pupils in the class. A. intelligent B. graceful C. interesting D. lazy 14. Every pupil has to __________ school regularly. A. attend B. play truant C. visit D. quit 15. Shop managers often categorize goods into different __________ in the supermarket.
  2. A. tables B. spaces C. piles D. sections 16. A warm and __________ house is said to give the owner the feeling of relaxation. A. interesting B. rich C. cheap D. well-furnished 17. Make sure that you mix all __________ in a bowl before making the cake. A. materials B. ingredients C. pieces D. segments 18. Keep the meat in the __________ so that tomorrow we can have fresh meat to cook. A. cupboard B. oven C. fridge D. box 19. Students often study harder when __________ for exams. A. passing B. preparing C. sitting D. taking 20. A: “This skirt does not seem to suit me”. B: “Well! __________ it __________ and you’ll see”. A. Try .... through B. Try... up C. Try ...... in D. Try ... on Exercise III: Questions 21-30 are incomplete sentences. Choose from the alternatives given ONE best way to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 21. The weather in __________ countries is generally hot and wet. A. tropical B. rainy C. mild D. extreme 22. The heavy rain caused __________ in many parts of the country. A. droughts B. floods C. tides D. downpour 23. The first episode of the TV __________ attracted a great number of audience. A. news B. film C. series D. talk 24. The __________ called Disneyland is the place where much of the entertainment is connected with the Disney cartoon characters. A. museum B. theme park C. gallery D. theatre 25. Tom is now at the twelfth grade and he is going to take the university __________ exam. A. entrance B. graduate C. bachelor D. certificate 26. Wearing __________ is not compulsory in this university; therefore, students can wear whatever clothes they want. 26
  3. A. uniforms B. hats C. shoes D. dress 27. In a shop you can use a credit card or you can pay in __________ . A. money B. cash C. coin D. bill 28. You can usually get cheaper goods if you buy them in an open-air __________. A. store B. street C. market D. shop 29. A large store may lose some of its stock as a result of theft or __________ . B. good picking A. robbery C. insecurity D. shoplifting 30. You can look for the instructions to cook this dish in a __________ book. A. cookery B. recipe C. meal D. menu PART III: GRAMMAR Exercise IV: Questions 31-40 are incomplete sentences. Choose from the alternatives given ONE best way to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 31. You should bring with you an umbrella if you want to go out now. It __________ at the moment. A. is raining B. rains C. rained D. will rain 32. In winter, most of the time the sun __________. A. isn’t shining B. doesn’t shine C. didn’t shine D. won’t shine 33. After the party, there wasn’t __________ left on the table. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 34. She is so hungry that she can eat __________ . A. something B. anything C. nothing D. every 35. Mr. Minh has just sold his old car. He __________ a new one. A. buys B. is going to buy C. will be buying D. bought 36. My bicycle __________ down yesterday so I have to take the bus to school today. A. breaks B. break C. is breaking D. broke 37. Boys often learn Mathematics __________ than girls. A. better B. good C. best D. well 38. Lan can speak English very __________ because she practices every day. 27
  4. A. better B. good C. best D. well 39. When Fred went shopping yesterday, he __________ a lot of potatoes and eggs. A. buy B. is buying C. buys D. bought 40. When Mary was at high school, she __________ hamburgers and coffee for lunch. A. would have B. was having C. had D. has had Exercise V: In each of the following sentences, one of the four underlined parts is not grammatically correct. Find that mistake. Circle A, B, C or D to identify your answer. 41. Now, his son can read fast than other members in his group . A B C D 42. My mother is a famous singer and she can sing very good. A BC D 43. How is the weather like in Vietnam in summer? A B C D 44. His house is much far from the centre than mine. AB C D 45. Last year, Mary can’t do sums as quickly as she can this year. A B C D 46. Watching television is much interesting than listening to the radio. A B CD 47. According to the salesperson, Nescafe is very good as ground coffee. A B C D 48. Lan is a newcomer so she doesn’t know nobody in the class. A B C D 49. She dances more graceful than most of the girls at the party. A B C D 50. Let’s to go to the theatre and see the latest play. A B C D Exercise VI: Questions 51 - 60 are incomplete sentences. Choose from the alternatives given one best way to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 51. Autumn is the __________ season in a year. 28
  5. A. more beautiful B. most beautiful C. beautiful D. beautifully 52. He works __________ but he __________ earns enough money to support his family. A. hardly/hardly B. hard/hard C. hardly/hard D. hard/hardly 53. There’s __________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is? A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody 54. If you work harder, you __________ better. A. will learn B. are learning C. are going to learn D. learnt 55. She can type as __________ as an experienced typist. A. quickly B. quick C. quicker D. quicklier 56. Their parents give them a lot of money so that they can buy__________ they like. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. none 57. She has lived in Britain for five years so she speaks very __________ English. A. well B. good C. better D. best 58. Life in the countryside is __________ and __________ than life in cities. A. more healthier/more peaceful B. healthy/peaceful C. healthier/peacefuller D. healthier/more peaceful 59. Don’t walk so__________. Can’t you walk __________? A. fast/more slowly B. fastly/more slowly C. fast/more slow D. fast/slowlier 60. When she was cooking dinner, she __________ her finger. A. cuts B. cut C. was cutting D. is cutting Exercise VII: Choose the correct verb tense by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 61. Jane (take) the bus to work every day. She usually (wait) for the bus at the corner of this street. A. take/ wait B. takes/waits C. take/waits D. takes/wait 62. Why (you/wear) your coat today? It’s very warm and sunny. 29
  6. A. are you wearing B. do you wears C. will you wear D. are you going to wear 63. Yesterday afternoon, Susan (go) to the supermarket and (buy) a chicken and some cooking oil. A. goes/buys B. went/buyed C. went/bought D. goed/buyed 64. The department store (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 18.30 every day. A. opens/closes B. open/close C. opens/close D. open/closes 65. Look at those black clouds. It (rain). A. rain B. is going to rain C. will rain D. rains 66. Excuse me, I (look) for a telephone box. Is there one near here? A. look B. will look C. looked D. am looking 67. A: What are all these eggs for? You (cook) the omelette? B: No, I (boil) them. A. Do you cook/boil B. Will you cook/will boil C. Are you cooking/am boiling D. Are you going to cook/am going to boil 68. A: What (you/do)? B: I’m an electrical engineer. A. do you do B. are you doing C. are you going to do D. will you do 69. The river Nile (be) the longest river in the world. A. will be B. was C. is D. is going to be 70. According to the weather forecast, it (rain) tomorrow. A. rains B. is raining C. will rain D. is going to rain PART IV: READING Exercise VIII: The following passage has some blanks. Find ONE suitable word to fill in each blank. Circle A, B, C or D to identify your answer. Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping fit. It improves your body and mind and enables you to perform (71) __________ in the work place and at home. Proper breathing is essential if you want to get the (72) __________ from exercise and you should also take into account your heart rate. It can be (73) __________ to do too much at one time. That is why all good fitness instructors emphasize the importance of “listening to your body”. 30
  7. When you first start, you should use good judgments. It is easy to make mistakes of using the equip ment incorrectly or doing too much at one time. (74) __________ slowly and build up gradually. To increase your fitness (75) __________ you should exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week. Then you will see a difference both in your body and your mind in only a few weeks. 71. A. good B. badly C. better D. worse 72. A. less B. most C. more D. much 73. A. harm B. harmless C. harmfully D. harmful 74. A. Start B. Starting C. Starts D. Started 75. A. steadily B. badly C. wrongly D. difficultly Exercisse IX: Read the following passage and use the information provided in the passage to decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D that best describes London. The majority of London’s inhabitants live in its suburbs. Many of them travel to the city to work every day by train, bus, tube or car. These people are called “commuters”. Commuters may spend as much as two hours every morning getting to work and another two hours getting home again. The cost of living in London is higher than that in most other parts of Britain. Millions of visitors come to London every year from all over the world to see the famous sights here such as Buckingham Palace and many other historic buildings. London is also very famous for its theatres, red buses and black taxis. Some people find it a noisy and dirty place but it has many large, pleasant parks. Here, everyone can enjoy some peaceful and quiet moments. London has many attractions both for people from other parts of Britain and people from overseas. 76. In London __________ A. more people live in the suburbs than in the city center. B.most people live in the suburbs than in the city center. C.less people live in the suburbs than in the city center. D. many people live in the suburbs than in the city center. 77. Commuters __________ A. live in the city center. in the suburbs and travel to work in the city. in the suburbs and work there. D. live in the city center and work there. 78. Living in London is __________ A. cheaper than in most other parts of Britain. 31
  8. B.more expensive than in most other parts of Britain. C.most expensive than in most other parts of Britain. D. more cheap than in most other parts of Britain. 79. London is famous for__________ A. its delicious food. C. its theatres, red buses and black taxis. B.its theatres but not for its red buses. D. its inhabitants. 80. The attractions of London are __________ A. for the Londoners only. B.only for people from other parts in Britain. C.just for foreigners. D. both for foreigners and for people from other parts in Britain. PART IV: WRITING Exercise X: The words in the original sentence have been rearranged. Choose from the alternatives A, B, C, and D the ONE best way to rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 80. to/school/homework/or/do/at/I/don’t/have/weekend/to/go. A. I don’t go to school or do to have homework at weekend. B.I don’t have to go to school or do homework at weekend. C.I don’t have to go to school at weekend or do homework. D. At weekend I don’t have school to go or homework to do. 81. I/on/music/always/MTV/Asia/Saturday/channel/o’clock/watch/every/at/9. A. I always watch MTV Asia on channel music at 9 o’clock every Saturday. B.I watch always MTV Asia on channel music at 9 o’clock every Saturday. C.I always watch every MTV Asia on music channel at 9 o’clock Saturday. D. I always watch MTV Asia on music channel at 9 o’clock every Saturday. 82. she/beautifully/friend/dances/than/her/more/much. A. She dances much more beautifully than her friend. B.She dances much beautifully more than her friend. C.She dances more beautifully much than her friend. D. She dances beautifully much more than her friend. 83. than/I/better/today/I/did/last/feel/much/week. A. I feel much better today than I did last week. B.I feel much better last week than I did today. C.I feel better today much than I did last week. D. I did feel much better today than I last week. 84. professor/Hanh/are/never/lectures/that/gives/interesting/his/such/classes/boring. A. Professor Hanh gives interesting lectures such that his classes are never boring. B.Professor Hanh gives such interesting lectures that his classes are never boring. C.Professor Hanh gives interesting lectures that his classes are never such boring. 32
  9. D. Professor Hanh gives interesting such lectures that his classes are never boring. 85. delicious/ice/time/cream/have/I/this/is/most/had/for/the/a/long. A. This is the ice cream most delicious I have had for a long time. B.This is the ice cream most delicious for a long time I have had. C.This is the most delicious ice cream I have had for a long time. D. I have had for a long time this is the most delicious ice cream. 86. but/usually/morning/I/woke/this/at/7:30/I /up/wake/earlier/up. A. I woke up at 7:30, but I usually wake up earlier this morning. B.This morning I wake up at 7:30, but I usually woke up earlier. C.This morning I usually woke up at 7:30, but I wake up earlier. D. I usually wake up earlier but this morning I woke up at 7:30. 87. records/Vinh/as/many/now/as/I /had/last/has/half/year. A. Vinh has as half many records now as I had last year. B.Vinh has as many records now as I had half last year. C.Vinh has half as many records now as I had last year. D. Vinh has as many half records now as I had last year. 88. not/as/it/last/because/there/winter/is/winter/cold/as/is/no/snow/this/. A. It is not as cold as this winter because last winter there is no snow. B.It is no snow there because this winter is not as cold as last winter. C.There is not snow this winter because it is no as cold as last winter. D. There is no snow this winter because it is not as cold as last winter. 89. he/English/speaks/fluently/Spanish/much/than/he/more/does. A. He speaks English much more fluently than he does Spanish. B.He speaks English more fluently much than he does Spanish. C.He does English much more fluently than he speaks Spanish. D. He speaks English much fluently more than he does Spanish. 33



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