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Development of a user-friendly guideline for data analysis and sampling design strategy

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Within the H2020 INSIDER project, the main objective of work package 3 (WP3) is to draft a sampling guide for initial nuclear site characterization in constraint environments, before decommissioning, based on a statistical approach.

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  1. EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) Nuclear Sciences © Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers, published by EDP Sciences, 2020 & Technologies Available online at: REGULAR ARTICLE Development of a user-friendly guideline for data analysis and sampling design strategy Yvon Desnoyers1,* and Bart Rogiers2 1 Geovariances, 49bis avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 77210 Avon, France 2 SCK•CEN ǀ Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium Received: 23 October 2019 / Received in final form: 20 January 2020 / Accepted: 27 January 2020 Abstract. Within the H2020 INSIDER project, the main objective of work package 3 (WP3) is to draft a sampling guide for initial nuclear site characterization in constraint environments, before decommissioning, based on a statistical approach. The second task of WP3 aims at developing a strategy for sampling in the field of initial nuclear site characterization in view of decommissioning, with the most important goal to guide the end user to appropriate statistical methods (including, but not limited to those identified during the first overview task) to use for data analysis and sampling design. To aid the end user in applying this strategy, a user-friendly application for guiding the end user through the contents of the strategy and the initial characterization process is also developed. 1 Introduction and reviewing the feedback from overall uncertainty calculations. The process followed to meet the main The EURATOM work program project INSIDER was WP3 objective consists of four steps: launched in June 2017 (18 partners from 10 European – Status: provide an overview of the available sampling countries). It aims at improving the management of design methods and state-of-the-art statistical techniques. contaminated materials arising from decommissioning and – Development: develop a strategy/methodology that dismantling (D&D) operations by proposing an integrated makes use of state-of-the-art techniques, and present it methodology of characterization. The methodology is based in a user-friendly software application. on advanced statistical processing and modelling, coupled – Implementation: apply the methodology to the different with adapted and innovative analytical and measurement test cases considered in order to test its adequacy. methods, in line with sustainability and economic objectives. – Guidance: summarize all the findings in a comprehensive The overall objective of INSIDER is to develop and sampling strategy guide. validate a new and improved integrated characterization This paper aims to present and share the mid-term methodology and strategy during the D&D process, based outputs of WP3, in particular for the second task dealing on three main use cases: with the development of a user-friendly guideline for data – A nuclear R&D facility: radioactive liquid and sludge in analysis and sampling design strategy. tank at JRC Ispra (Italy) – A nuclear power plant: activated bio-shield concrete of 2 Sampling strategy development the BR3 reactor (Belgium) – A post accidental site remediation: contaminated soils This second task of WP3 aims at developing a strategy for beneath a CEA building (France). sampling in the field of initial nuclear site characterization INSIDER’s activities are divided into 7 Work Packages, in view of decommissioning, with the most important goal each targeting a specific objective (Fig. 1). to guide the end user to appropriate statistical methods The main objective of Work Package 3 (WP3) is to (including, but not limited to those identified during the draft a sampling guide for initial nuclear site characteriza- first task [1]) to use for data analysis and sampling design. tion in constraint environments before decommissioning, The first output of this second task is consequently a based on a statistical approach. This is done by selecting detailed report [2] that is summarised in the next sections. state-of-the-art techniques concerning sampling design optimization, using prior information and multiple iter- 2.1 Overall strategy ations, testing the approach through different case studies While the data analysis and sampling design methods that * e-mail: can be applied depend strongly on the situation and specific This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
  2. 2 Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) Fig. 1. INSIDER work package distribution. goals of initial nuclear site characterization, the overall procedure is continued until the objective is finally reached. strategy often takes the form of the generic workflow The entire process can then be repeated to tackle the illustrated in Figure 2. remaining objectives. Once all objectives have been The starting point considered here is the request for achieved, the initial characterization study should be initial nuclear site characterization to a radiological reported in a transparent way, making clear what has been characterization team. Such a request can come from measured, which results were obtained from the data different kinds of actors, and can come with different analysis, and how large the corresponding uncertainty is. amounts of detail. Following this request, a clear list of all objectives and identification of the constraints is absolutely 2.2 Data analysis required, and might ask for some iterations with the applicant to agree on the goals and priorities. The highest- For organizing the different data analysis techniques, the priority objective should be tackled first in most cases, and Venn diagram presented in Figure 3 is developed. The the cycle along the different objectives is started. different categories are based on four aspects of the data, All prior information that is available and relevant for studied in the exploratory data analysis step: the investigated case should be gathered as a first step. If some data would already be available, a first analysis to – the requirement for multivariate methods to account for check if the objective is achieved is probably very useful, correlations between variables, even if the results come with lots of uncertainty. In D&D, – the presence of spatial structure (non-randomness of such prior information is nearly always available. Work is spatial activity distribution), carried on historical installations and/or sites that have – the presence of spatial trends (to be prior modelled been shut down, or are going to be. Therefore, there is possibly), always a history of the exploitation phase, with available – and the requirement for robust methods (in case of small data, so this initial data-gathering step is of vital datasets). importance. The methods that are able to handle two, three or all The data analysis following the data collection consists, aspects, are listed in the corresponding intersections. It is in general, of the following steps: pre-processing, explor- also possible none of these aspects apply, in which case the atory data analysis, the actual data analysis, and methods are presented outside of the diagram. More details potentially a postprocessing step. If the objective is not on the individual methods are available in [2]. achieved, a sampling design should be proposed using the most appropriate method(s) given all prior information 2.3 Sampling design and the data analysis result. Following the design, the corresponding characterization campaign should be per- If the objective cannot be achieved with the available data, formed. Additional characterization can reveal unexpected more information is required, and a proper sampling design issues, and often revisiting the gathering of prior informa- should be made before collecting new data. There exists a tion is then useful. After the additional characterization, variety of different ways to approach this, and the main the updated dataset is again analysed, and the iterative drivers here are the available data, the type of problem at
  3. Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) 3 Fig. 2. Overall flowchart for sampling strategy and data analysis. hand (revealed by the exploratory data analysis), the – General optimisation: find the best set (number and outcome of the data analysis, and the reason why the location) of additional points using computer algorithms objective cannot be achieved. A similar Venn diagram (simulated annealing, genetic algorithm…) for a given organizes the selected sampling approaches according to objective function. their probabilistic or judgmental basis on the one hand, and an equal or unequal probability of selection on the other (Fig. 4). Note that the list of approaches provided 3 Implementation in a user-friendly interface here is non-limitative. Again, more details on the individual approaches are available in [2]. To aid the end user in applying this strategy, a user- It should be noted here however, that in practice, friendly application [3] for guiding the end user through sampling design consists most often of a combination of the contents of the strategy and the initial characteriza- these approaches, as objectives and/or sampling targets tion process is available online at https://insider-h2020. often have multiple facets in real life. It has the same objectives: – Define requirements for a statistical approach in the 2.4 Optimisation field of initial nuclear site characterisation in view of decommissioning combination of various non-destructive Sampling strategy sometimes evolves into an iterative or and destructive measurement results, sampling repre- adaptive approach. Based on a first sampling data set, it sentability, multi variate analysis, overall associated can be necessary to collect additional points in order to uncertainties, accounting for prior knowledge. improve the initial estimation and/or to reduce related – Help the user to select and develop an optimal statistical uncertainties. This sampling optimization is then strongly approach to be used in constraint environments. impacted by the characterization objective and can follow different rules. – Statistics: add random points to improve statistics. 3.1 Used tools – Spatial clustering: add points around initial values that exceed a threshold (or any other criterion) to improve This deliverable is developed using R [4] and RStudio [5] delineation. and the following contributed R packages:
  4. 4 Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) Fig. 3. Data analysis Venn diagram. Fig. 4. Sampling design Venn diagram.
  5. Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) 5 Fig. 5. File structure of the web-based interface. Fig. 6. Main *.Rmd file. — — pacman [9] and here [10] for more automated and R Markdown [6] ● Allows writing in the simple markdown format (almost reproducible setup. text files with specific header and easy formatting) ● Outputs are classical html files + JavaScript for an interactive website 3.2 Source files — Flexdashboard [7] ● Provides a specific output format for the rmarkdown The file structure is presented in Figure 5. Input files package (*.Rmd) and output files (*.html) are at the same ● Nice html + JavaScript dashboard for interactive apps level (both in the main project folder and the — svgPanZoom [8] “rmds” subfolder). Other JavaScript libraries, widgets ● Wrapper for svg-pan-zoom.js ( and figures are located in additional dedicated sub- ariutta/svg-pan-zoom) folders. ● Easily applied to SVGs from within R through the html An example of source file (*.rmd) is presented in widgets framework ( Figure 6.
  6. 6 Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) Fig. 7. General view of the user-friendly interface to the strategy for data analysis and sampling design. Fig. 8. Example of a detailed page for data analysis (Wilks method), with the overview of methods in the Venn diagram. 3.3 Overview of the resulting website 4 Conclusions and ongoing work The work consisted of the following actions: In WP3 of the H2020 INSIDER project, the second task – Convert text and tables of previous WP3 report [2] into R outlined a generic strategy for handling problem defini- Markdown files tion, data analysis and sampling design in the field of – Add links and targets to the different elements on the initial nuclear site characterization. Additionally, an flow charts and Venn diagrams overview of commonly used data analysis and sampling – Knit/Render/Compile the *.Rmd files to get *.html design methods, applicable in this field has been provided. output This work served as a blueprint for the web-based – Possibly tweak some things in the resulting html files to application presenting the strategy in a more user-friendly get the desired behaviour (in particular additional way. JavaScript). Furthermore, this approach is currently and thoroughly Example snapshots are presented in Figures 7 and 8. tested in practice within different use cases:
  7. Y. Desnoyers and B. Rogiers: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020) 7 – Use case 1: decommissioning of a back/end fuel cycle strategy Report on the state of the art, Deliverable and/or research facility: radioactive liquid and sludge in 3.1, 2017 tank at JRC Ispra (Italy). 2. B. Rogiers, S. Boden, N. Perot, Y. Desnoyers, O. Sevbo, O. – Use case 2: decommissioning of a nuclear reactor: Nitzsche, INSIDER WP3–Sampling strategy Report on activated bio-shield concrete of the BR3 reactor statistical approach, Deliverable D3.2, 2018 (Belgium). 3. Y. Desnoyers, B. Rogiers, INSIDER WP3–Sampling – Use case 3: post accidental land remediation: contami- strategy Software of statistical approach, Deliverable nated soils beneath a CEA building (France). D3.3, 2018 4. R Core Team, R: A language and environment for The return-of-experience will allow refining the overall statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Comput- methodology for the final guideline developed within ing, Vienna, Austria, 2019, available at https://www.R- INSIDER WP3, describing the statistical approach and taking the uncertainty budget into consideration, poten- 5. RStudio Team, RStudio: Integrated Development for R. tially allowing further refinement of the web-based RStudio, Inc., Boston, MA, 2018, available at http://www. application in the final stage. The INSIDER project received funding from the 6. Y. Xie, J.J. Allaire, G. Grolemund, R Markdown: The Euratom Research and Training Programme 2014-2018 Definitive Guide (Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York, 2018) under grant agreement No 755554. 7. R. Iannone, J.J. Allaire, B. Borges, flexdashboard: R Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards. R package Author contribution statement version, 2018, available at https://CRAN.R-project. org/package=flexdashboard The task leader within the INSIDER project is Bart 8. A. Riutta, J. Tangelder, K. Russell, svgPanZoom: R Rodgiers. In particular, he worked on the global architec- ‘Htmlwidget’ to Add Pan and Zoom to Almost any R ture of the interface and on the workflow diagrams. Yvon Graphic. R package version 0.3.3, 2016, available at https:// Desnoyers was mainly involved in the production of the different interface pages as well as the final compilation 9. T.W. Rinker, D. Kurkiewicz, pacman: Package Management with javascript encapsulation. for R. version 0.5.0. Buffalo, New York, 2017, available at References 10. K. Müller, here: A Simpler Way to Find Your Files. R 1. N. Pérot, Y. Desnoyers, G. Augé, F. Aspe, S. Boden, B. package version 0.1, 2017, available at https://CRAN.R- Rogiers, O. Sevbo, O. Nitsche, INSIDER WP3-Sampling Cite this article as: Yvon Desnoyers, Bart Rogiers, Development of a user-friendly guideline for data analysis and sampling design strategy, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 16 (2020)



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