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Development of approaches to intercultural business communication in the context of globalization

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The article is devoted to the development of approaches to intercultural business communication in the context of globalization. Intercultural business communication is an art that can be used to overcome the intercultural shock and achieve mutual understanding with a foreign business partner.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, pp. 449–456, Article ID: IJM_11_03_048 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed DEVELOPMENT OF APPROACHES TO INTERCULTURAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION Svetlana Nikolaevna Kurbakova Russian State Social University, V. Pika Street, 4/1, Moscow, 129226, Russia Elena Grigorievna Galizina Russian State Social University, V. Pika Street, 4/1, Moscow, 129226, Russia Anastasia Aleksandrovna Karnaukhova Russian State Social University, V. Pika Street, 4/1, Moscow, 129226, Russia Natalya Sergeevna Pletneva Russian State Social University, V. Pika Street, 4/1, Moscow, 129226, Russia Vitaly Alecsandrovich Kuzminov Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Obrazcova Street, 9B9, Moscow, 127994, Russia ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the development of approaches to intercultural business communication in the context of globalization. Intercultural business communication is an art that can be used to overcome the intercultural shock and achieve mutual understanding with a foreign business partner. Intercultural business communication is determined not only by social factors but also by stereotypical behavioral conditions of communicators' cultures. The development of a system of intercultural communication takes place in the context of the differences in standards, values, thinking, and behavior that characterize different cultures. In these conditions, harmonious intercultural communication, as well as business communication, requires understanding stereotypes of behavior contained in national traditions and their perception. Therefore, linguoculturology is called upon to reveal, with the help and based on language data, the basic cultural oppositions enshrined in the language. Keywords: intercultural business communication, globalization, communication, behavior, thinking, information, negotiation process, stereotype, tradition. Cite this Article: Svetlana Nikolaevna Kurbakova, Elena Grigorievna Galizina, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Karnaukhova, Natalya Sergeevna Pletneva and Vitaly Alecsandrovich Kuzminov, Development of Approaches to Intercultural Business Communication in the Context of Globalization, International Journal of Management (IJM), 11 (3), 2020, pp. 449–456. 449
  2. Svetlana Nikolaevna Kurbakova, Elena Grigorievna Galizina, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Karnaukhova, Natalya Sergeevna Pletneva and Vitaly Alecsandrovich Kuzminov, 1. INTRODUCTION Since business negotiation is a special type of social interaction that differs in its goals, relationships, and norms from other types of communication, it includes various ways of exchanging information, such as nonverbal signals, verbal messages, subtext, symbols, and meanings. Therefore, the main feature of business negotiation, namely ritualism, requires a strict sequence of stages and offers participants a set of standard phrases and speech stamps. With its help, they strategically and tactically guide the negotiation process. The effectiveness of business negotiations depends not only on the ability to ask questions but also on the ability to respond. Interrogative sentences allow the negotiator to manage the negotiation process and make the right decision. At the same time, hypothetical questions are used during negotiations to find out how a business partner would react if the other side agreed to make a concession. Questions are also important in other genres of intercultural business communication for clarifying the situation, better understanding of the communication partner and their intentions and interests, as well as traditional request for information. Therefore, the vocabulary used in intercultural business discourse is mostly neutral. Although the communication participants, in addition to neutral vocabulary, can also use emotional-evaluative and expressive figurative means to express the subjective attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech and the transmission of emotions. In this case, expressiveness, as a specific category of language in intercultural business communication, is a combination of several connotative aspects of assessment, emotionality, figurativeness, and intensity. The research of issues related to the development of approaches to intercultural business communication in the context of globalization is reflected in the works by N.N. Andreeva (2013), I.N. Baklan (2013), I.G. Gulyakova (2016), S.A. Mosevnina (2014), I.V. Chernyaeva (2016), L.S. Shuplyakova (2016), and others. The analysis of the literature on the topic under study allows identifying the contradictions that prove the necessity to study intercultural business communication, considering certain tactics of communication. 2. METHODS The theoretical and methodological basis of the research comprised the abstract-logical method, methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, and systematization ― to justify approaches to intercultural business communication, as well as graphic methods ― to study the level and trends of using intercultural business communication techniques. The information basis of the article consisted of the statistical data of state bodies and legislative and normative documents regulating the features of intercultural business communication in the context of globalization (Agamirova et al., 2017; Ganyushina et al., 2019; Shakhmametev, Strelets, Lebedev, 2018). In the research, we improved approaches to the use of intercultural business communication and developed measures to coordinate activities between the main participants in intercultural business communication and approaches to intercultural business communication in the context of globalization. 3. RESULTS The studies show that in the oral intercultural business discourse, as well as in the written form, although to a slightly lesser degree, implicitness is present as a universal characteristic. Although the degree of emotional coloring of these phraseological units is not very high, they have an assessing character, i.e. they contain an implicit assessment. Moreover, in the oral intercultural business discourse, there are both unmarked cliche phrases and stylistically marked lexical units. 450
  3. Development of Approaches to Intercultural Business Communication in the Context of Globalization It would be a great mistake to think that the process of intercultural business communication is completely unemotional since the activities of any company impose restrictions on the speech behavior of its employees. It is connected with the strict regulation of the goals of communication. In this case, intercultural business discourse, as a rule, contains emotionally neutral vocabulary, as well as vocabulary where one can see an emotional semantic component that reflects the attitude of the addressee to the addresser, i.e. in such a discursive vocabulary there are all kinds of meanings. Moreover, in the speech of American business negotiations, the percentage of the use of emotionally marked vocabulary is much higher than in British. It happens because of less regulation of the American business community. In addition, the speech of communicants during business negotiations affects all participants in communication. Therefore, to make the influence of business partners’ speech on the participants of communication more open and effective, we built a general model of the speech situation of business communication (Figure 1). General model of the speech situation of business communication Setting Addressee Goal communication role relations notification number of unofficial attendees affection official Figure 1 The general model of the speech situation of business communication In this case, the speech should contain discursive vocabulary (introductory words, epenthetic constructions, homogeneous part of the sentence, comparative constructions, appeals, applications, phrases with nonpersonal verb forms) with the presence of meta- information to establish, maintain, and develop friendly relations. In these conditions, discursive vocabulary encourages business partners to watch how effective the communication process is. The use of discursive vocabulary is explained by the fact that it contains additional or alternative information that the speakers want to convey. Explicit discursive vocabulary is present in complicating constructions ― participial constructions. Such vocabulary is interesting for expressing socio-cultural characteristics because due to these features, it is possible to analyze national specifics in intercultural business communication. The vocabulary also reflects the national-cultural content of the discourse and often represents a divergence in the linguoculturological aspect. National-cultural features are expressed not only in the use of specific vocabulary but also in the complete absence of lexical meanings or denotations typical of other languages. Moreover, there are ethnocultural gaps at various levels ― lexical, grammatical, morphological, stylistic, verbal, etiquette, psychological, and nonverbal. For example, the absence of such an area as exchange trading in the recent past in Russia has led to the Russian language not having its own terms for such phenomena as securitization (transformation of slow assets into securities), factoring (purchase of debt obligations), default 451
  4. Svetlana Nikolaevna Kurbakova, Elena Grigorievna Galizina, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Karnaukhova, Natalya Sergeevna Pletneva and Vitaly Alecsandrovich Kuzminov, (a refusal to pay the debt), voucher (written certificate issued in exchange for money). Such gaps demonstrate the lack of linguocultural information for non-native speakers of language and culture. In these conditions, there is a distribution of gaps considering systemic-linguistic belonging (interlinguistic and intralinguistic), paradigmatic characteristics (general and special), degree of abstractness of content (subject and abstract), types of nomination (nominative and stylistic), belonging of the gap to a certain part of speech (part-speech). Although the language of intercultural business communication is formalized in the British version of the English language, there are various examples of metaphorical expressions, which is an extremely rare occurrence for an official business style. In this case, metaphorical expressions are vivid proof of both the unity of general thought, concept, and image and the qualitative uniqueness of the image. American English is characterized by the use of professional and corporate jargon. Knowledge of this lexical layer and sociocultural factors helps to eliminate typical mistakes and misunderstanding, that is why these areas have been the focus of attention lately. Language is a serious barrier in intercultural business communication for representatives of different ethnic cultures. In the conditions of multicultural communication to a non-native speaker, it is important to avoid slang expressions, idioms, and colloquialisms. Their use often causes misunderstanding. Therefore, negotiations are a special branch of human knowledge and activity. In this case, every sane person should be able to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements so that public life does not break with every conflict but, on the contrary, is strengthened due to the growth of the ability to find and develop common interests. Indeed, in a broad sense, negotiations can include any situation in which two or more parties agree that there are differences in interests and values between them and in which they want or have to seek a compromise agreement. In a narrow sense, we consider negotiations to be a special form of social interaction in which at least two subjects are involved. It assumes that there is a common problem, differences in approach and assessment of solution methods, direct personal contact between participant, verbal communication, and a clear structure and protocol for negotiating activities. The practice has shown that negotiations, as a genre of intercultural business communication, differ from a simple exchange of opinions and discussion of issues by the presence of formalized structures, separation of the parties on the discussed issue, and focus on the development and adoption of joint solutions. They also involve time duration, stages, waiting for results (in the form of agreements, commitments, relationship development, etc.) and possible periodicity. Intercultural business communication is determined both by social factors and stereotypical behavioral conditions of communicators' cultures. Participants in business negotiations can use a foreign language with simultaneous accumulation of cultural knowledge and the ability to understand the mentality of native speakers of another language. We consider intercultural business communication to be a system that includes several variables of the communication process: - Communication participants (sender or recipient of information; carrier or non-carrier of the linguaculture; socio-psychological type of each communicator); - Relations between the communicators (official relations; correlation of value complexes); - Attitude towards intercultural business communication (experience of business communication; motive for joining business communication; level of communicative, linguistic, and cultural competence); - Form of business communication (mediated/nonmediated, direct/indirect); 452
  5. Development of Approaches to Intercultural Business Communication in the Context of Globalization - Channels of intercultural business communication (voice, facial expressions, and gestures); - Communication activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing, etc.); - Intercultural business communication tools (channels, cultural language code, communication strategies and tactics); - Context (place, time, sphere of communication, communication interferences); - Information content parameters (subject matter, dimensional characteristics, speech style, norms, and genre). In these conditions, the understanding of oneself as a participant in intercultural business communication and the experience of interaction between people of different nationalities are the prerequisites that set communicators up for effective communication. Therefore, the intention of the speaker as a social motive when entering into business contacts influences the nature of intercultural business communication. In this regard, the initial positions of the communicators can be classified as idealizing, neutral, or denying. Studies have shown how important a phatic function is to the success of the negotiation process. If the cognitive information concerning the content of linguistic structures in a phatic statement retreats to the background, it does not mean that the listener does not receive significant information of index character, i.e. information about the speaker's psychological contribution and their social status. Moreover, the assessment of the correlation between cognitive and phatic components of statements depends to a large extent on the specific situation. Phatic statements also influence the observance of the norms of speech etiquette, which is of fundamental importance for a foreigner, especially in such genre as business negotiations. Due to the intensive development of international cooperation, as well as the increased interest in professional issues, the speech impact appears in the foreground, which is realized through certain communication strategies and tactics. Therefore, a speech strategy covers the whole area of communication construction when it is aimed at achieving certain long-term results. A speech strategy involves planning the process of speech communication according to the specific conditions of communication and the communicators' personalities, as well as implementing this plan, i.e. a speech strategy is speech actions aimed at achieving a communicative goal (Figure 2). 453
  6. Svetlana Nikolaevna Kurbakova, Elena Grigorievna Galizina, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Karnaukhova, Natalya Sergeevna Pletneva and Vitaly Alecsandrovich Kuzminov, Communication as a complex systemic and multi-level phenomenon Substantive and meaningful Dynamic aspect aspect Cognitive component Process duration Emotional component Process intensity Behavioral component Subjects' activity Figure 2 The structure of communication in an intercultural business communication system in the context of globalization In these conditions, linguistic manipulation is such a communicative use of language expressions, in which the model of the world of a native speaker introduces new knowledge and modifies existing ones, i.e. the process of knowledge ontologization takes place. In addition, linguistic manipulation is related to the target setting of the speaker ― the subject of linguistic manipulation. It regulates the activity of the interlocutor, i.e. encourages the communication partner to start, change, or finish an activity and affects their decision-making or worldview. The success of business communication also depends on the chosen communication tactics, which are a set of means and techniques used to achieve the intended goal. Techniques aimed at forming communication actions in a communication situation depend on the tactics of intercultural business communication, which form the rules governing actions aimed at achieving specific communication objectives. 4. DISCUSSION The reliability of the presented approaches is confirmed by the fact that each tactic is aimed at expressing a separate communicative intention of the addressee. The essence of the application of a particular tactic is to change the parameters in the required direction, assessments, as well as the speech situation itself. If communication strategies outline the general development of dialogue, then the tactics show the implementation of this strategy at each stage of the development of the communication situation in the context of globalization (Fedulin et al., 2017; Seredina et al., 2017; Zavalko et al., 2018). Representatives of different nationalities not only take part in business negotiations in different ways but also treat each other differently. Participants in intercultural business communication are obliged to act according to the same norms of international communication. Thus, the emphasis on the language of intercultural business communication, and English in particular, at all levels of the global education system is driven by the linguistic unity of the business partners. We are referring to the common language of interaction in intercultural business communication. Through communication, the language reflects the mentality and behavior of communicators, as well as the development of culture and the formation of society and mutual 454
  7. Development of Approaches to Intercultural Business Communication in the Context of Globalization understanding between people. With the globalization of not only English but of all spheres of life, it is possible to speak about the emergence of global business communication between non- native speakers. The degree of emotional coloring, the use of metaphorical expressions, professional jargon, and other language and speech tools depends on the English skills of participants in intercultural business communication ― non-native speakers. In these conditions, business partners of different nationalities constantly communicate with each other, resolving issues related to their professional field. However, cultural differences represent an obstacle to business communication. Factors such as language, linguistic identity, gestures, traditions, and national character play a decisive role in intercultural business communication. Knowledge of socio-cultural factors helps to eliminate typical errors and misunderstandings in intercultural business communication. 5. CONCLUSIONS To sum up, intercultural business communication is an art that allows one to overcome the intercultural shock and achieve mutual understanding with a foreign business partner. At the same time, intercultural business communication is determined not only by social factors but also by stereotypical behavioral conditions of communicators' cultures. In these conditions, business partners can use a foreign language while accumulating cultural knowledge and forming the ability to understand the mentality of native speakers of another language. The development of a system of intercultural communication takes place in the context of the differences in standards, values, thinking, and behavior that characterize different cultures. In terms of multicultural reality, the process of communication of people from different linguistic and cultural communities leads to mutual influence and interpenetration of cultures of members of societies. In these conditions, harmonious intercultural communication, as well as business communication, requires an understanding of stereotypes of behavior contained in national traditions and their perception. Therefore, linguoculturology is called upon to reveal, with the help and based on language data, the basic cultural oppositions enshrined in the language and manifested in the discourse notions about cultural areas. REFERENCES [1] Andreeva, N.N., Nechaeva, Zh.A. Osobennosti delovogo obshcheniya kak aspekta mezhkulturnoi kommunikatsii [Features of business communication as an aspect of intercultural communication]. Sibirskii nauchnyi vestnik, 4(14), 2013, pp. 158-162. [2] Baklan, I.N. Pragmaticheskie aspekty perevoda delovogo diskursa v ramkakh mezhkulturnoi kommunikatsii [Pragmatic aspects of business discourse translation in intercultural communication]. Yazyk i sotsialnaya dinamika, 13(1), 2013, pp. 296-300. [3] Gulyakova, I.G., Konkov, V.I. Russkii delovoi etiket v mezhkulturnoi kommunikatsii: metodologiya izucheniya [Russian business etiquette in intercultural communication: methodology of study]. Rossiiskaya shkola svyazei s obshchestvennostyu, 8, 2016, pp. 169-179. [4] Mosevnina, S.A. Teoriya rechevykh aktov v rusle mezhkulturnoi delovoi kommunikatsii [Theory of speech acts in terms of intercultural business communication]. Ogarev-Online, 20(34), 2014, p. 2. [5] Chernyaeva, I.V. Kultura rechevogo obshcheniya v delovoi mezhkulturnoi kommunikatsii [Culture of speech in business intercultural communication]. Vestnik Nauki i Tvorchestva, 5(5), 2016, pp. 483-493. [6] Shuplyakova, L.S. Faktory, vliyayushchie na osobennosti mezhkulturnoi kommunikatsii v delovoi sfere [Factors that affect the features of intercultural communication in business]. 455
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