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Giáo trình hình thành quy trình điều khiển thiết bị bán dẫn chứa các mạch logic điện tử p6

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo trình hình thành quy trình điều khiển thiết bị bán dẫn chứa các mạch logic điện tử p6', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, điện - điện tử phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình hình thành quy trình điều khiển thiết bị bán dẫn chứa các mạch logic điện tử p6

  2. . 53 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP A.Chöông trình nhaän döõ lieäu ôû Kit thöïc taäp vi xöû lyù 8085. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Chuong trinh nhan du lieu tu may tinh goi xuong Thiet bi thuc tap ;vi xu li 8085. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Org 2500h MVI A,99h ;khoi tao 8255, Mode 0: PortA nhap du lieu, PortB xuat OUT RegCNT ;trang thai, PortC nhan lenh dieu khien. MVI A,80h ;bao cho may tinh biet thiet bi dang ban. OUT PortB MVI C,00h ;reset bien dem dia chi. CALL READY ;xuat chu "READY" ra hien thi tren 5 LED 7 doan. WaitGO: CALL KEYBRD ;doi nhan phim. CPI KeyGO ;chuong trinh chi thuc hien tiep khi nhan dung JNZ WaitGO ;phim "GO". CALL SENDING ;nhan dung phim "GO" se xuat hien "SENDING" tren 8 LED. MVI A,00h ;bao cho may tinh biet thiet bi da san sang tiep ;nhan OUT PortB ;du lieu. CkSTB1:IN PortC ;doc lenh dieu khien STROBE tai PortC. ANI 01h CPI 01h JNZ CkSTB1 ;neu STROBE # 1 thi doi tiep. MVI A,80h ;bao BUSY\ = 0, ACK = 0. OUT PortB IN PortA ;doc du lieu vao. MOV B,A ;tam cat du lieu vao thanh ghi B. MVI A,0C0h ;bao ACK = 1. OUT PortB ChkAF1: IN PortC ;doc lenh dieu khien AF. ANI 02h CPI 02h JNZ ChkAF1 ;neu AF # 1 thi doi tiep. MOV A,B ;hoan tra B lai cho A. ANI 0F0h ;che nibble thap va reset bit ERROR = 0. OUT PortB ;xuat nibble cao va bao ERROR = 0. ChkAF0: IN PortC ;doc lenh dieu khien AF. ANI 02h CPI 00h JNZ ChkAF0 ;neu AF # 0 thi doi tiep. MOV A,B ;hoan tra B lai cho A. RLC ;dich 4 bit thap thanh 4 bit cao tuong ung. RLC RLC RLC ANI 0F0h ;che nua byte thap thap. ORI 08h ;set bit ERROR = 1. OUT PortB ;xuat nibble thap va bao ERROR = 1. ChkSTB0:IN PortC ;doc lenh dieu khien STROBE. ANI 01h CPI 00h JNZ ChkSTB0 ;neu STROBE # 0 thi doi tiep. IN PortA ;doc du lieu. CPI 0FFh ;FFh la ma bao du lieu dung. JZ NoChk CALL PROCESS NoChk: MVI A,40h ;bao BUSY\ = 1. OUT PortB JMP ChkSTB1 ;chuan bi nhan byte ke tiep.
  3. . 54 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Chuong trinh con hien thi "READY" tren nam LED 7 doan. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ READY: PUSH PSW MVI A,10h ;khoi tao 8279: hien thi 8 ki tu,loi vao phai, STA CntI79 ;quet ban phim co lap ma, khoa ngoai 2 phim. MVI A,3Eh ;lap trinh xung Clock = 100 KHz. STA CntI79 MVI A,0C3h ;xoa hien thi va xoa FIFO. STA CntI79 MVI A,01h ;tri hoan 0.1 ms > 160 us. CALL DELAY MVI A,90h ;bat dau ghi vao tai LED dau tien ben phai, co STA CntI79 ;tang dia chi tu dong. MVI A,31h ;cho hien thi "R". STA DataI79 MVI A,79h ;cho hien thi "E". STA DataI79 MVI A,77h ;cho hien thi "A". STA DataI79 MVI A,5Eh ;cho hien thi "D". STA DataI79 MVI A,6Eh ;cho hien thi "Y". STA DataI79 POP PSW RET ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Chuong trinh con hien thi "SENDING" tren bay LED 7 doan. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SENDING:POP PSW MVI A,10h ;khoi tao 8279: hien thi 8 ki tu,loi vao phai, STA CntI79 ;quet ban phim co lap ma, khoa ngoai 2 phim. MVI A,3Eh ;lap trinh xung Clock = 100 KHz. STA CntI79 MVI A,0C3h ;xoa hien thi va xoa FIFO. STA CntI79 MVI A,01h ;tri hoan 0.1 ms > 160 us. CALL DELAY MVI A,90h ;bat dau ghi vao tai LED dau tien ben phai, co STA CntI79 ;tang dia chi tu dong. MVI A,6Dh ;cho hien thi "S". STA DataI79 MVI A,79h ;cho hien thi "E". STA DataI79 MVI A,37h ;cho hien thi "N". STA DataI79 MVI A,5Eh ;cho hien thi "D". STA DataI79 MVI A,06h ;cho hien thi "I". STA DataI79 MVI A,37h ;cho hien thi "N". STA DataI79 MVI A,6Fh ;cho hien thi "G". STA DataI79 POP PSW RET ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Chuong trinh con xu li du lieu: Chuong trinh nay se nhan dia chi bat ;dau va dia chi cham dut cua vung du lieu, cac ma may cua chuong trinh ;tren may tinh do xuong se duoc dat trong pham vi vung nay. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROCESS:MOV A,C ;kiem tra xem co phai day la byte thu nhat ;khong ?
  4. . 55 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP CPI 00h JNZ A1 MOV H,B ;neu dung thi cat byte thu nhat vao thanh ghi H. INR C ;tang bien dem byte dia chi len 1 don vi. RET A1: MOV A,C ;kiem tra xem co phai day la byte thu hai khong ? CPI 01h JNZ A2 MOV L,B ;neu dung thi cat byte thu hai vao thanh ghi L. INR C ;tang bien dem byte dia chi len 1 don vi. RET A2: MOV A,C ;kiem tra xem co phai day la byte thu ba khong ? CPI 02h JNZ A3 MOV D,B ;neu dung thi cat byte thu ba vao thanh ghi D. INR C ;tang bien dem byte dia chi len 1 don vi. RET A3: MOV A,C ;kiem tra xem day co phai la byte thu tu khong ? CPI 03h JNZ A4 MOV E,B ;neu dung thi cat byte thu tu vao thanh ghi E. INR C ;tang bien dem byte dia chi len 1 don vi. RET A4: MOV M,B ;ke tu byte thu nam tro di se duoc cat vao o nho co INX H ;dia chi do cap thanh ghi HL quan li. MOV A,D CPI H RNZ MOV A,E CMP L RNZ ;thoat neu HL tro den dia chi cham dut nam trong DE. CALL END ;cho hien thi "END." tren ba LED 7 doan. MVI A,40h ;bao BUSY\ = 1. OUT PortB HLT ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Chuong trinh con hien thi "END." tren ba LED 7 doan. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END: PUSH PSW MVI A,10h ;khoi tao 8279: hien thi 8 ki tu,loi vao phai, STA CntI79 ;quet ban phim co lap ma, khoa ngoai 2 phim. MVI A,3Eh ;lap trinh xung Clock = 100 KHz. STA CntI79 MVI A,0C3h ;xoa hien thi va xoa FIFO. STA CntI79 MVI A,01h ;tri hoan 0.1 ms > 160 us. CALL DELAY MVI A,90h ;bat dau ghi vao tai LED dau tien ben phai, co STA CntI79 ;tang dia chi tu dong. MVI A,79h ;cho hien thi "E". STA DataI79 MVI A,54h ;cho hien thi "N". STA DataI79 MVI A,0DEh ;cho hien thi "D.". STA DataI79 POP PSW RET ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Hai chuong trinh con sau day da co san trong thiet bi thuc tap Vi xu ;li 8085 ;nen nguoi thuc hien de tai nay thay khong can thiet phai viet lai va ;trinh bay ;ra. Do la 2 chuong trinh:
  5. . LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP 56 ;KeyKRB : Chuong trinh con quet ban phim. Ma cua phim an duoc cat ;trong thanh ; ghi A. ;DELAY : Chuong trinh con tri hoan theo thoi hang 0.1 ms. He so tri ;hoan duoc ; nap vao thanh ghi A. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ ;##################################################################### ;Khai bao cac nhan duoc su dung. ;##################################################################### RegCNT equ 03h PortA equ 00h PortB equ 01h PortC equ 02h CntI79 equ 0A001h DataI79 equ 0A000h KEYBRD equ 0216h DELAY equ 0310h KeyGO equ 17h ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End
  6. . 57 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP B.Module Demo.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "screen.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "button.hpp" #include "textbox.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "disklist.hpp" #include "send.hpp" #define NumBox 2 #define NumBut 2 LPEVENT lpEvent; //bien chua cac bien co chuot char szMessage[128]; BUTTON But[NumBut],NutKiem; TEXTBOX Box[NumBox],Port; char DiskName[27],DName; char ftype[15]="*.prn"; char inter_Path[100]=""; char RequF[100]; unsigned int St_address,End_address=0; char Sta_hex[5],End_hex[5]; //--------------------------------------------------------- int TestPressedButton(int x,LPEVENT lpEvent); int TestPressTexbox(int x,LPEVENT lpEvent,char layra[],unsigned *attribp); void MainProgram(); int TestPressList(LIST L,LPEVENT lpEvent,char s[],unsigned *attrib,char *typ);//nhap bang liet ke int SendFile(); //--------------------------------------------------------- void main(void) { InitGraphics(); InitValues("Download Program."); InitScreen(); if (!InitMouse(&MainWindow.rViewPort)) { OutMessage("Mouse driver not found. Init mouse and return"); getch(); closegraph(); exit(1); } ShowMouse(); MainProgram(); closegraph(); }
  7. . 58 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP //--------------------------------------------------------- void MainProgram() { char Name[20],buffer[MAXPATH]; unsigned attrib,Attribp; SEND Send; LIST L; But[0].InitButton(200,380,250,400,LIGHTGRAY,"Send"); But[1].InitButton(400,380,450,400,LIGHTGRAY,"Exit"); Box[0].InitTextBox(50,70,477,90,GREEN,LIGHTGREEN,"Open File"); Port.InitTextBox(50,270,250,290,GREEN,LIGHTGREEN,"Out port"); Port.GetS_in("LPT1"); L.InitList(480,70,500,90,LIGHTGRAY); But[0].OutButton();//xuat nut lenh But[1].OutButton();//xuat nut lenh Box[0].OutTextBox();//xuat hop nhap text Port.OutTextBox(); L.Show(); setcolor(BLACK); line(50,150,250,150); line(50,150,50,215); setcolor(WHITE); line(50,215,250,215); line(250,150,250,215); outtextxy(50,130,"Free memory request"); outtextxy(55,158,"Start ad :"); outtextxy(55,178,"End ad :"); outtextxy(55,198,"Total :"); OutMessage("Click mouse to chose action"); int kkkk; char RequestFile[15]=""; do//kiem tra nhap chuot chon cong viec { ShowMouse(); lpEvent = GetEvent();//lay bien co chuot if(TestPressedButton(2,lpEvent)==0)//kiem tra xem da click vao nut nao //0:nhan OK { char InName[100],OutName[100]; Box[0].GetS(InName); if(InName[strlen(InName)-1]=='\\') InName[strlen(InName)-1]='\0'; _dos_getfileattr(InName,&attrib); if(attrib==16) { OutMessage(""); OutError("Please enter a file name"); OutMessage("Click mouse to chose action"); } else//la file { if(End_address!=0) { if(OutError("Are you sure ?")) { OutMessage("Sending... Press Esc to stop if time is over."); Send.CatFile(Sta_hex,End_hex,inter_Path);
  8. . 59 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP Send.Out(); HideMouse(); if(Send.Out()!=-1) { HideMouse(); OutMessage(""); OutError("Task is complete."); OutMessage("Click mouse to choose action"); } else { HideMouse(); OutMessage("Click mouse to choose action"); } } } } }//if(TestPressedButton if(TestPressList(L,lpEvent,Name,&attrib,ftype)==1) //chon OK { switch (attrib) { case 16:chdir(Name); getcwd(buffer, MAXPATH);//lay duong dan hien thoi vao buffer strcpy(inter_Path,buffer); Box[0].GetS_in(inter_Path); Box[0].OutTextBox(); break; default: getcwd(buffer, MAXPATH);//lay duong dan hien thoi vao buffer strcpy(inter_Path,buffer); if(inter_Path[strlen(inter_Path)-1]!='\\') strcat(inter_Path,"\\"); strcat(inter_Path,Name); Box[0].GetS_in(inter_Path); Box[0].DuongDan(inter_Path); Box[0].OutTextBox(); break; }//end switch }//if(TestPressList( //chon Cancel TestPressTexbox(NumBox,lpEvent,inter_Path,&Attribp);//Path lay ra duong dan cho file nhap vao //ShowMouse(); if(kbhit()) { kkkk=getch(); if(kkkk==0)kkkk=getch(); } Box[0].GetS(RequF); { int n=strlen(RequF); if(n>5)//?.??? if(RequF[n-1]!='\\') { while(n>0&&RequF[n-1]!='\\') { n--; } char *strtemp=RequF;
  9. . 60 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP for(int m=0;m
  10. . 61 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP do { fread(&c,1,1,f); end = clock(); }while(c!='m'&&c!='M'&&(period=(end - start) / CLK_TCK)=10) goto Error; fseek(f,-1,SEEK_CUR); fread(buf,7,1,f); buf[7]='\0'; end = clock(); if(!strcmp(buf,"Macros:")||!strcmp(buf,"MACROS:")||!strcmp(buf," macros:")) thoat=0; }while(thoat&&(period=(end - start) / CLK_TCK)=15) goto Error; fseek(f,-1,SEEK_CUR); start = clock(); do { dem=0; do { fread(&c,1,1,f); if(c=='\n') fseek(f,-3,SEEK_CUR); else fseek(f,-2,SEEK_CUR); end = clock(); }while(c!='\''&&(period=(end - start) / CLK_TCK)=10) goto Error; do { dem++; fread(&c,1,1,f); if(c=='\n') dem=20; fseek(f,-2,SEEK_CUR); end = clock(); }while(dem



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