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Hệ thống logistics tại Ba Lan và cạnh tranh toàn cầu

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Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là đánh giá tính hấp dẫn của hệ thống logistics tại Ba Lan cho các nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước trong môi trường cạnh tranh quốc gia, quốc tế và toàn cầu, tập trung vào việc tạo ra các trung tâm logistics. Các phân tích được thực hiện là cơ sở để xác định các khu vực cải tiến nhằm tăng hiệu quả của hệ thống logistics của Ba Lan đối với cạnh tranh toàn cầu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

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  1. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 HỆ THỐNG LOGISTICS TẠI BA LAN VÀ CẠNH TRANH TOÀN CẦU LOGISTICS SYSTEM IN POLAND AND GLOBAL COMPETITION Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tien Thu Dau Mot University Email: Tóm tắt Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là đánh giá tính hấp dẫn của hệ thống logistics tại Ba Lan cho các nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước trong môi trường cạnh tranh quốc gia, quốc tế và toàn cầu, tập trung vào việc tạo ra các trung tâm logistics. Các phân tích được thực hiện là cơ sở để xác định các khu vực cải tiến nhằm tăng hiệu quả của hệ thống logistics của Ba Lan đối với cạnh tranh toàn cầu. Trong cuộc cạnh tranh toàn cầu, Ba Lan đã được đánh giá là địa điểm hấp dẫn cho việc thực hiện cơ sở hạ tầng phân phối và thời gian giao hàng. Trong cuộc cạnh tranh ở châu Âu, Ba Lan là địa điểm hấp dẫn về thuê kho do các trung tâm hậu cần của nó có khả năng kết nối Đông Âu với Tây Âu. Từ khóa: hệ thống logistics, hiệu suất logistics, trung tâm logistics, LPI, KPI, outsourcing. Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the attractiveness of the Polish logistics system to internal and external investors in the national, international and global stage, with a focus on the creation of logistics centers. The analyses carried out were the basis for identifying areas for improvement in order to increase the efficiency of Polish logistics system against global competition. Against global competition, Poland has been evaluated as attractive for the implementation of distribution infrastructure and delivery times. Against European competition, Poland is the attractive location in terms of warehouse leasing due to its logistics centers being capable to connect the East of Europe with the West of Europe. Key words: logistics system, logistics performance, logistics centers, LPI, KPI, outsourcing. 1. Introduction The economic turbulence that has occurred in the last few years determines a particularly difficult period to take on new challenges and business decisions. This, in turn, forces the search for such geographic locations in which the execution of business processes is burdened with as little risk as possible at the lowest cost of logistics operations. "Logistics and supply chain performance is a vital aspect in the supply chain management of any organization today and with the age of globalization; competition has taken the world stage" (Sorooshian et al., 2013). Logistics centers are seen as a factor in the economic development of the region enabling efficient distribution of services, goods and information, marking crucial point of the development of modern logistics system. At the same time, the creation and improvement of centers of this type is conditioned by the location of the region, convenience of legal or economic regulations in the country, etc. This in turn affects the availability of logistics centers for external and internal entities, which is important to ensure continuity of flow in the supply chain on an international and global scale. The number of logistics centers in the distribution network has a direct impact on the cost of the final product (Tomić et al., 2014). Research conducted by Hilmola and Lorentz made it possible to specify the ten most important criteria for optimal location of logistics centers, including (Chen and Notteboom, 2012): - convenient road and railroad connection system, - low distribution and labor costs, - assembly/manufacturing plants near-by, 743
  2. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 - infrastructure support for intermodal transportation, - third party logistics solutions are widely available, - future expanding potential, - specific warehouse available for lease/rental. According to a report developed by Prologis in cooperation with Eye for transport (Logistics centers, 2016), central Poland is the most desirable location for the development of logistics centers in Central and Eastern Europe, where the main factor of attractiveness are low labor costs, availability of labor and low prices of land for investment (Ślusarczyk and Golnik, 2015). On the other hand, R. Krajewska and Z. Lukasik consider the attractiveness of Poland in the sector of TSL (Transport-Spedition-Logistics) services within the field of developing a marketing strategy. The authors, providing an assessment based on the M.E. Porter's five forces analysis and scoring for attractiveness of the sector, perceiving the logistics attractiveness as "the creation of a competitiveness which leads to increased investment in the sector by external capital inflows or by investments done by existing business entities" (Krajewska and Lukasik, 2013). The deliberations also include a report prepared by the Institute for Market Economics (Nowicki, 2015) which assessed the investment attractiveness of Polish regions by, inter alia, transport availability. The authors specify facilitating and reducing the cost of supplies and the provision of passenger transport as key determinants of the attractiveness of the country's logistics system. Favorable trends are also recorded in the growth in demand for storage real estate in the country. More than 680 thousand m² of warehouse and industrial space was leased in the first quarter of 2016, the best result in the last decade (Olszewski and Ciupek, 2016). Based on the above considerations, a country’s logistics attractiveness is perceived as ensuring proper technological, technical, legal and economic environment for business development (Kadłubek, 2011). Ensuring appropriate conditions for the implementation of logistics system, including the creation of logistic centers affects country’s economic development, at both national and local level (Kot, 2014). 2. Components of the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) The complexity of the logistics system, including logistics centers, cargo, warehousing, border checks, payment systems, and many other functions, requires the implementation of a range of research, analysis and calculations. The decision about the creation of another logistics center in the country seems to be difficult and long-term (Stević et al., 2015). In order to facilitate this process, it is possible to use the Logistics Performance Index (LPI), whose task is to measure the efficiency of the logistics system in the country based on a survey conducted among carriers and shippers operating on a global scale. The LPI includes an assessment of six areas affecting the level of logistics performance (The World Bank, 2015), i.e.: - infrastructure, - customs, - timeliness, - international shipments, - services quality, - tracking and trading. Cumulative results for individual areas enabled the division of the 160 countries studied into five groups of logistics performance (Figure 1). The first category of countries has the highest logistics 744
  3. Kỷ yyếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thư ương mại và phân phối” lần n 1 năm 20188 perrformance, and therefoore is perceeived as "log gistics frien ndly" and crreates the bbest conditioons for the devvelopment of logistics centers. Thhe second and a third gro oup is charaacterized byy "partial performers" or "consistentt performerrs". The laast category y of countriies reachedd the lowesst values of the LPI, theerefore, it iss seen as "loogistics unfrriendly". Figure 1: The scope off logistics peerformance of o countries based on thee distribution n of the LPI results Source: (Arvis et al., 2014) 2 3. Assessmen nt of Polish Logistics P Performancce against Global G Com mpetition B Based on the e LPI Accordding to a study conduucted in 201 14, Poland, for which the averagge value of the LPI is 3.4 49, is withinn the best loogistically aadapted gro oup of counttries, occuppying the finnal 31 place e. Ranking of the top-rateed countriess is presenteed in Table 1. Table 1: Ranking of countriess with the hig ghest logisticcs performan nce Coountry R Rank Score % o f highest peerformer Geermany 1 4.12 100 Neetherlands 2 4.05 97.6 Beelgium 3 4.04 97.5 Unnited Kingdoom 4 4.01 96.6 Sinngapore 5 4,00 96.2 Swweden 6 3.96 96.2 Noorway 7 3.96 94.8 Luuxembourg 8 3.95 94.4 Unnited States 9 3.92 93.5 Jappan 10 3.91 93.4 Pooland 31 3.49 79.9 Source: (Arviis at al., 2014)) Accordding to thhe LPI vallues, the best b logisticcally-adapteed countriees are Germany, the Neetherlands and a Belgium m, where inndividual co omponents of o the indiccator were rrated as at least l good. Po oland, againnst the best countries iin the world d, realizes almost a 80% % of highestt performan nce against wo orld leaderss. Accordingg to the Geerman Repo ort "Visionss of the futture; transpportation an nd logistics 2030", "Germ many is onee of the woorld's most important logistics cennters", whille the Polish logistics maarket is in thhe constructtion phase ((Clausen et al., a 2014). Beloww, the first ccategory of ccountries prresents the most m imporrtant indicattors characterizing the cou untries withh the greatesst logistics pperformance on a globaal scale, inccluding Polaand (Table 2). 2 In the study groupp, three facttors have grreater valuees than the m medium vallue of the overall LPI. Th he top assesssment in thhis group wwas the one of the timelliness of thhe executionn of logistic cs services, 745
  4. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 while the lowest assessment was the one of customs, which was related to the effectiveness of border checks and actions easily organize freight. Moreover, comparing the results of the logistics performance of individual areas to previous years, improvement of logistics conditions can be observed at least in almost every area under consideration. No significant improvement was only recorded in the case of logistics regulations. In the case of assessment of transport infrastructure elements, more than half of shippers highly or very highly assessed the level of water, rail and air infrastructure. Table 2: Selected indicators in the first category of logistics performance Deviation of the individual Customs Infrastructure International Services Tracking and Timeliness elements from the overall LPI in shipments quality trading the given category -0.15 0.05 - 0.22 0.00 0.02 0.32 Improvements of logistics Customs Other border Transport ICT Private logistics Logistics performance in specific areas procedures infrastructure infrastructure services regulation (% of responses) 63 50 53 65 66 39 Percentage of high or very high Ports Airports Roads Rail Warehousing Information and assessment of individual and communications infrastructure elements (% of transloading technology (ICT) responses) 61 66 57 29 68 81 High quality of logistics Customs Trade and Consignees or Rail transport Road transport Warehousing and distribution Maritime transport Air transport and ports transloading, Freight forwarders services (% of responses) brokers transport shippers associations 69 31 71 67 71 71 71 58 47 Source: (Arvis et al., 2014) Information infrastructure was especially often assessed highly. The least favorable was the assessment of railway infrastructure. Consequently, the quality of logistics services performed by individual branches and components of transport infrastructure has been mostly assessed as high, only in the case of rail transport and consignees and shippers, quality is was rarely assessed highly. Individual KPIs for Poland Poland, located within the first category of the LPI values, is characterized by high levels of efficiency of logistics system. Below, individual indices are presented enabling the assessment of Poland in the framework of logistical efficiency. Analyzing the LPI indicators for individual areas of logistics performance in Poland, a particularly high level of efficiency is recorded with respect to the frequency of deliveries on time. Transport infrastructure is assessed by shippers at the average level, which can result from the low level of development of railway transport. Table 3: Selected KPIs for Poland Customs Infrastructure International Services Tracking and Timeliness shipments quality tracing 3,26 3,08 3,46 3,47 3,54 4,13 Export time and cost Port or airport supply chain Land supply chain Distance Lead time Cost Distance Lead time Cost (kilometres) (days) (US$) (kilometres) (days) (US$) 301 1 707 3,500 46 2,000 Import time and cost Port or airport supply chain Land supply chain Distance Lead time Cost Distance Lead time Cost 746
  5. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 (kilometres) (days) (US$) (kilometres) (days) (US$) 300 2 500 3,500 46 3,000 % of shipments Number of Clearance time Physical Multiple meeting quality agencies (days) Inspection Inspection (% of criteria (% of import shipments shipments) physically inspected) import export Without With physical physical inspection inspection 95 2 1 0 2 2 1 Source:(Arvis et al., 2014) Assessing the effectiveness of exports by sea and air and land, it is clearly observed that shipping costs are much lower in the first case as well as the waiting time for delivery is shorter. The same is the situation in the case of transport of imports. At the same time, 95% of the deliveries carried out on Polish territory meet all quality criteria. Consignments are accompanied by a low percentage of customs controls, thus increasing the capacity of the logistics system. Transport Infrastructure The transport infrastructure of a country and the availability of transport and air corridors are the natural focus of flows of goods and storage of goods, thus determining the location of logistics centers. Infrastructure development also provides the basic connectivity of international supply chains, facilitating the functioning and development of logistics centers. The level of use of infrastructure in the country against the background of the EU can be observed in the volume of cargo (Table 4). Table 4: The share of the freight volume of goods in Poland in relation to the total traffic realized in the European Union under the various modes of transport (%) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Participation of goods transport by rail in Poland to EU 13.5% 14.5% 15% 14.2% 14.1% Participation of goods transport by road in Poland to EU 8% 8.8% 8.9% 9.2% 9.1% Participation of goods transport by inland waterway in c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 1% Poland to EU Participation of goods air transport in Poland to EU c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% c.a. 0.5% Source: (Central Statistical Office, 2015; Eurostat) Analyzing the level of the transport of goods in Poland in relation to the level of transport across the Union, it is recorded that railway infrastructure is the most commonly used for the transport of an average of 14% of the total of all cargos. Slightly less, more than 8% of EU goods are transported by road in Poland. Water and air infrastructure is the least used by shippers in comparison to other EU countries. Assessment of the Outsourcing Business Potential in Poland and in EU Countries Improvement of the logistics performance in Poland is also recorded within the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector. The BPO Index and Shared Service Location Index enable the analysis of the following factors (Cushman and Wakefield, 2015): Customer Contact Centers, Shared Services Centers, Technical Support Centers, Sales, Marketing and Support, which should be considered when taking a decision on business processes outsourcing in the country. In terms of the attractiveness of outsourcing, Poland was ranked the 18th in 2015 among 36 countries selected from all over the world. Table 5 presents the ranking of leaders and the location of Poland in each category of the BPO Index and Shared Service Location Index, as compared to selected EU countries of similar economic development. 747
  6. Kỷ yyếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thư ương mại và phân phối” lần n 1 năm 20188 One of o the higheest growth rrates in outtsourcing haas been reccently recorrded by Vie etnam. The average level of the overrall BPO inndex places Poland furtther than H Hungary, thee Czech Republic and Roomania in teerms of the availabilityy of outsourrcing servicees. In the caategory of tthe best con nditions for ou utsourcing services, s Liithuania takkes the firstt position, Poland is rranked as the 17th, offering o an average levell of language skills, business environmen e nt, communnications aand IT infrrastructure. Annalyzing thee costs of ooutsourcing,, Poland is associated with relativvely high laabor, construction and ren ntal costs, this t categorry is dominaated by El Salvador which w deals with small changes in n exchange rattes. In the category oof outsourciing businesss risks, Po oland is buurdened witth one of the higher ecoonomic andd political risks. Table 5:: The BPO In Index and the Shared Serrvice Locatioon Index in 22015 Country O Overall Coonditions (in nclude Costs (incclude R Risk (include Taalent / Labouur Force, Cost of Laabour, E Economic Risk, Buusiness Enviironment, Building CCosts, C Corporate Rissk, Tiime to First Supply, S IT Inflation, Property E Energy Risk) Innfrastructure)) Costs) Top countriies VVietna Liithuania El Salvaddor C Canada m Romania 4 5 10 112 Hungary 9 9 20 115 Czech 117 122 8 221 Republic Poland 118 177 20 111 SSource: (Cushhman and Wak kefield, 2015) In commparison, otther EU couuntries, withh a similar economic ddevelopmennt to Poland, offer less fav vorable techhnical condiitions and hhigher costs of ordered activities, aaccompaniedd by a highe er business risk. A similaar indicatorr is suggesteed by the company c off A.T. Kearrney who, iin turn, ideentified the Gllobal Servicces Locatioon Index foor assessing g the attracctiveness off using offsfshoring bassed on the ecoonomic attrractiveness of the couuntry, the av vailability of o adequatee human reesources and business connditions (reesearch by A A. T. Kearneey, 2016). According A to o the rankinng of 2016, Poland is ra anked 10th in the world, gaining ann advantagee primarily over Germ many or Brittain. Figuree 2 shows thet size of waarehouse spaace and the investmentts made in itts developm ment in Polaand and seleected EU cou untries. Figure F 2: Thee size and levvel of investm ment in wareehouse spacee in 2012-20014 in selecteed European n countries Sourrce: (Poland and the leader in CEE, 20155) In receent years, Poland has hhad the largeest warehou use area, as ccompared too the Czech h Republic, Roomania and Hungary. A At the sam me time, as a result of the growth of the leasse index, th he value of inv vestments has h increasedd, inter alia,, for the con nstruction off new logisttics centers.. 748
  7. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 4. Summary The study showed that the high flow performance in the supply chain in Poland stems from its geographical location which provides access to sea and rivers. The high value of the LPI also highlights the dynamic development of road infrastructure and the reduction of customs procedures, thus affecting greater transport scalability. The static analysis points to the fact that a significant participation of the total goods transported in the EU is transported in Poland by rail. The assessment of the implementation of Polish outsourcing business takes an average location in terms of locations for outsourcing services both in terms of technical and related costs. Definitely, the high economic, corporate and political risks affect the limitations of the BPO sector in Poland. To sum it up, worldwide, Poland is one of the most attractive countries for national and international shippers and carriers. Simultaneously, striving for further development and catching up with the logistics of the most developed countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, requires taking up actions in the modernization of railway infrastructure, legal regulations in the field of construction law and better preparation of technological information facilities for the use of outsourcing. A major limiting factor conducting business in Poland is also its political situation that confuses potential investors. In order to increase the logistics attractiveness of Poland, there is the need for exploration and development of new forms of facilities for the current and potential shippers in line with internal country regulations, customs and standards. REFERENCES 1. Arvis J., Saslavsky, Ojala L., Shepherd B., Busch C., Raj A. (2014), Connecting to Compete, Trade Logistics in the Global Economy, The Logistics Performance Index and Its Indicators, Report. 2. Chen L., Notteboom T. (2012), Determinants For Assigning Value-added Logistics Services To Logistics Centers Within A Supply Chain Configuration, “Journal of International Logistics and Trade”, 10(1). 3. Central Statistic Office (2015), GUS, Transport - wyniki działalności w 2014 roku. 4. Clausen U., Holloh K., Kadow M. (2014), Visions of the future: Transportation and Logistics 2030. Examining the potential for the development of road and rail transportation to 2030, Fraunhofer – Insitiut fur Materialfluss und Logistik, Daumler Ag, DB Mobility Logistics AG, Germany. 5. Cushman and Wakefield’s comprehensive global report – Where in the World? Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Shared Service Location Index 2015. 6. Eurostat, en&pcode=ttr00007&plugin=1, Access on: 12.07.2016. 7. Kadłubek M. (2011), Transportation and logistics services in Poland, “Advanced Logistic Systems. Theory and Practice”, 5. 8. Kearney A.T. (2016), Global Services Location Index (GSLI), On the Eve of Disruption, 9. Kot S., 2014, Knowledge and Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility, “Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics", 5/2(10). 10. Krajewska R., Łukasik Z., Ocena atrakcyjności sektora usług TSL w Polsce, LOGITRANS – VII 11. Logistics Centres (2016), Centra logistyczne: Polska bardziej atrakcyjna, niż Czechy czy Węgry, atrakcyjna-niz-,5600. 12. Nowicki M. (red.) (2015), Atrakcyjność inwestycyjna województw i podregionów Polski 2012, Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Gdańsk. 13. Olszewski T., Ciupek P., Rynek powierzchni magazynowych w Polsce I kw. 2016 r. 749
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