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Hướng dẫn sử dụng cụm động từ trong tiếng anh

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♥ Look through = to exmine sth quickly . e.g :We asked the teacher to look through our essays for mistakes . ♥ Look up =(in a dictionary , directory ….) . e.g : Could you look her telephone number up in the direction ? + Look up = to become better . e.g : Things seem to be looking up at long last . ♥ Look forward to = to expect . e.g :We are looking forward to your visit in September . ♥ Look out = to be careful . e.g :Look out ! There’s a car coming . ♥ Look into =to examine sth carefully in details...

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Hướng dẫn sử dụng cụm động từ trong tiếng anh

  1. PHRASAL VERBS WITH “LOOK” ♥ Look through = to exmine sth quickly . e.g :We asked the teacher to look through our essays for mistakes . ♥ Look up =(in a dictionary , directory ….) . e.g : Could you look her telephone number up in the direction ? + Look up = to become better . e.g : Things seem to be looking up at long last . ♥ Look forward to = to expect . e.g :We are looking forward to your visit in September . ♥ Look out = to be careful . e.g :Look out ! There’s a car coming . ♥ Look into =to examine sth carefully in details . e.g :I’d like to look into the possibility of buying a new car . + Look into = to investigate . e.g :The police looked into the crime . ♥ ♥ Look over = to examine sth one (part / chapter) by one (part/ chapter ). e.g :I need to look over your report , I’ll get back to you tomorrow . ♥ Look to (sb for sth ) = to rely on sb . e.g : He looks to his best friends for advice on business deals . ♥ Look back on (the past ) = to think about sth that has happened in the past . e.g : Angie doesn’t like to look back on her past . She keeps her on the future . ♥ Look around = to walk around and see sth . e.g : Fell free to look around the store . Let me know if you need any help . PHRASAL VERBS WITH “BRING” ♥ Bring round = to make sb conscious . e.g : They used some strong voolka to bring him round . ♥ Bring forward = to move sth to an earlier time . e.g : I’d like to bring the meeting forwards a few hours it that’s alright with you . ♥ Bring up = to look after a child until she / he is an adult to teach her / him how to behave = to raise . e.g : I was brought up in the ountryside by my aunt . + Bring up = to vomit = to mention a subject for . ( ☺ ) e.g : Could you bring up a new subject ? ( ☺ ) ♥ Bring back = to return sth . e.g : I need to bring these books back to the library this afternoon . + Bring back = to cause sth existed before being introduced again . e.g: Nobody wants to bring back the day of child labour . + Bring back = to cause sb remember sth .
  2. e.g : The photographs brought back memories of his childhood . ♥ Bring about = to make sth happen . e.g : The revolution was brought about by the regime’s lack of trust . ♥ Bring off = to manage to do sth succesfully . e.g : I was really happy when i finally brought that new contract off . ♥ Bring out = to produce / publish . e.g: Smithers brought her lastest book out last year . ♥ Bring in = to introduce sb/sth as an advister , a helper . e.g : The new computer expert was brought in to solve the problem . ♥ Bring down = to overthrow sth . ( đổ , hạ bệ ) = to make sb/sth move or fall to the ground .( đem ai/ gì từ trên cao xuống thấp) e.g : The policeman brought the criminal down but unfortunately , hurt himself in the act of doing sth . + Bring down the price of sth . ♥ Bring to = to make ( a boat ) stop . e.g : He brought the rowboat to and let his sister get off . ♥ Bring sth (on) upon sb = to make sth bad happen to sb . e.g : I’m afraid he brought his troubles upon himself . PHRASAL VERB WITH “PUT” ♥ Put on = to cover an area of your skin with sth .( che đậy , mặc lên) e.g: I think you’d better put the blue sweater on . It’s cold outside . = to switch on a piece of electrical equipment . e.g : could you please put the heating on . It’s cold here . = to become heavier, especially by the mount mentioned . e.g : I put on my weight very easily . ♥ Put up = to give sb food and place to stay . e.g : Do you think you could put my friend up for the night. = try to stop sb attacking you . e.g : The old lady put up a struggle against her attacker . = to lift or hold sth up ; to build sth . e.g : Put your hand up if you know the answer . = to suffer sb/sth unplesant and not complain about it. e.g : I don’t know how they put up this noise . ♥ Put away = to send sb to prison . = put sth in a box after using it .( ☺ ) e.g : Put the tools away if you’ve finished them . ( ☺ ) = to save money to spend later . e.g : I need to put some money away for hard times . ♥ Put off = to make sb/sth not like or not want to do sth . e.g : The accident put me off driving for a long time . = to say to a person that you can no longer do what you had agreed .
  3. e.g : They were coming to stay last weekend but I had to put them off at the last moment . = to make sb unable to give their attention to sth . e.g : Don’t stare at me , you’re putting me off . ♥ Put through =to make sb experience sth unpleasant . e.g : We put our son through college . It costs a lot of money . e.g : I didn’t want to put you through so much pain . e.g : Could you please put Mr. Thomson through ? ♥ Put down = to stop holding sth and put it on the floor , a table . e.g : The police persuaded him to put the gun down . = to write sth . e.g : I’ll put that down in my diary . = to pay part of the cost of sth . e.g : We put down a 10 % deposit on a car . = to stop sth by force . e.g : to put down a rebellion . + Put sth down to sth = to believe that sth is caused by sth . e.g : I put his bad exam results down to his laziness rather than lack of ability . ♥ Put in = to include a piece of information in sth that you write . = to ask for sth officially . e.g : to put in an invoice / request. = to spend time on sth . e.g : She puts all her time and energy in her business . PHRASAL VERBS WITH “TAKE” ♥ Take away = to remove sb/sth . e.g : She took the scissors away from the child ( take sb/sth away ( form sth )) . = to cause a feeling , to disappear . e.g : These aspirins will take the pain away . = to buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it out to eat somewhere else , for example at home . ♥ Take around = to show . e.g : Let me take you around the office . ♥ Take back = to return sth to the place that you got it from . e.g : He took his Christmas present back to Macy’s . = to admit that th you said was wrong . e.g : He never take what he said back . ♥ Take in = to deceive = to try to make sb believe sth that is not true .( đánh lừa ) e.g : I can’t believe how easy it is to take him in . = to enjoy . e.g : I’d love to take in a good movie tonight . ♥ Take to sb/sth = to start liking sb/sth . e.g: He’s really starting to take to Sheila . ♥ Take up = to start doing sth regularly (for example as a habbit ) .
  4. e.g : I think I’ll take up golf this year . ♥ Take out = to kill . e.g : The mob wants to take Tony out . = to go out with sb ( for a social occasion ) . e.g : I’m taking Michael out last week . ♥ Take after = to inherit character . e.g : She takes after her father . ♥ Take apart = to beat easily . e.g : They took apart the Polphins last week . = to criticize strongly . e.g : Be careful about what you say . He may take you apart . ♥ Take off = to remove sth , especially clothes . e.g : Coming and take your coat off . = to have a holiday . e.g : Has he taken off work recently ? ♥ Take aside = to speak to privately .(1 cách riêng tư ) . e.g : I had to take Tim aside . ♥ Take over = to get control of sth or responsibility for sth . e.g : The firm is being taken over by a large company . e.g : Who is going to take over as an assistant when tim leaves ? PHRASAL VERBS WITH “TURN” ♥ Turn out (to be sth ) = to be in the end . e.g : Michael turned out to be a good student . = to move the switch on the light or a source of heat to stop it . e.g : Make sure you turn out the light when you leave . ♥ Turn in = go to bed . e.g : I’m tired . I want to turn in . = to return sth e.g : The criminal decided to turn in the stolen money . ♥ Turn up = to arrive , to appear. e.g : I was looking for some old pictures when this turned up . = to increase the sound or heat that sth produces . e.g : Turn the heat up . I’m cold . ♥ Turn around = to return the way you came . e.g : I think we should turn around and go home . It’s getting dark . ♥ Turn down = to refuse an offer or the person who makes it . e.g : Why did you turn that job down . = to reduce the sound or heat that sth produces . e.g : Turn the television down . ♥ Turn against = to object to sb/sth or make sb/sth object sb/sth . e.g : The dog turned against its master and bit him . ♥ Turn away = to stop looking at sb/sth .
  5. e.g : She turned away in horror at the sight of the blood . = to refuse to allow a person to go into a place . e.g : He had to turn away more than 200 visiters to the exhibit . ♥ Turn to = to go to sb/sth to get help / advice . e.g : When you don’t know what to do , turn to Michael for advice . ♥ Turn over = to change position so that the other side is facing out or upwards . (nhường ) e.g : He turned over and went back to sleep . ♥ Turn back = to return the same way that you came .( Turn around ) . e.g :We’ve come so far already , we can’t turn back now . ☻☻☻ TRANSFORMATION ☻☻☻ ♥ To be prey to sth = to suffer from sth . e.g : I suffered from obsessive and agonising thoughts .  I was prey to obsessive and agonising thoughts . By surprise ♥ To take sb { } làm ai ngạc nhiên . Aback e.g : His arrival was completely unexpected .  His arrival took us completely by surprise ( aback ). ♥ The onset (Noun) of sth = the beginning of sth . e.g: The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness .  The onset of the disease is shown a feeling of faintness . ♥ At the outset (Adverb) = in the beginning =at the beginning of sth . e.g : He began by giving us a summary of his grogress so far .  At the outset , he gave us a summary of his grogress so far . ♥ To offset = to compensate for sth = bù đắp . e.g : As an antidote to their disappointment , he bought them ice-cream .  In order to offset their disappointment , he bought them ice-cream . ♥ To make out = discern = nhận dạng . e.g : We could just discern the bulding through the fog .  We could just make out the building . ♥ To turn out for ( a meeting , a conference )= to attend ( a meeting …) . e.g : The meeting was well attended .  A lot of people turned out for the meeting . seen ♥ To have { better days } Đã qua rồi thời hòang kim (prime) . known e.g : It was obvious that the old house was past its prime .  It was obvious that the old house has seen better days . ♥ Tell ………from……… . e.g :She doesn’t know the difference between margarine and butter .  She can’t tell margarine from butter .
  6. ♥ An authority on sth =an expert at sth . e.g : He is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive religion .  He is an authority on primitive religion . ♥ Account ( verb ) for = explain . e.g : How do you explain the difference between the two witnesses’ stories ?  How do you account for the difference between the two witnesses’ stories ? ♥ By no means ( adjective phrase ) = certainly not / no . e.g : He is certainly not stupid .  He is by no means stupid . ♥ To take sb/sth for granted = coi là đương nhiên , bình thường . e.g : “ you don’t appreciate me”, she complained .  “ you take me for granted” , she complained . ♥ Look down on ( verb phrase ) = to despise ( khinh thường , khinh miệt ) e.g :Anne was afraid the neighbours would despise her for not having a washing machine .  Anne was afraid the neighbours would look down on her for not having a washing machine . ♥ Put sth1 down to sth2 = owe sth to sth = có được là nhờ . e.g : Bill rekoned that his success was due to incredible luck .  Bill put his success down to incredible luck . ♥ Get sth over with = to finish = to get sth off one’s chest . e.g : Why not tell him the truth and be finished with it ?  Why not tell him the truth and be gotten over with ? ♥ To pester sb for sth = to keep sb for sth . e.g : Children pestered us for sweets .  Children kept asking us for sweets . ♥ To fall short of sth = not come up to sth (expectations ) . e.g : The film didn’t come up to my expectations .  The film fell short of my expectations . ♥ To have had enough of sth = can’t stand sth = tired of sth . e.g : I can’t stand that dreadful noise any longer .  I have had enough of the dreadful noise . ♥ As a last resort = như một cách cuối cùng . e.g : I travel by bus only when I have no alternative .  I travel by bus as a last resort . ♥ To be to blame for sth = be responsible for . e.g : The accident wasn’t his fault .  He wasn’t to blame for the accident . ♥ To be bound to do sth = to be certain to do sth . e.g : It is certain that the new cuts will worry the staff .  The new cuts are bound to worry the staff . *** Note : He is bound / certain to come .  It’s certain that he will come . It’s bound that he will come . (sai) ♥ To put the blame on sb for sth = đổ lỗi .
  7. e.g : They accused me of causing the accident .  They put the blame on me for causing the accident . It is common knowledge that … ♥{ Every one (most people) know that … e.g : Most people know that Britain’s economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil .  It’s common knowledge that Britain’s economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil . ♥ Charge sb with sth = bắt ai chịu tội . ♥ To coax sb into doing sth = persuade .



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