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Hydrophobic property of (R)-3 Amidinophenylalanine inhibitors contributes to their inhibition constants with thrombin enzyme

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A database containing chemical structures of 60 inhibitors and their Ki values was put into molecular operating environment (MOE) 2008.10 software, and the two-dimensional (2D) physicochemical descriptors were numerically calculated. After removing the irrelevant descriptors, a QSAR modeling was developed from the 2D-descriptors and Ki values by using the partial least squares (PLS) regression method.

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Nội dung Text: Hydrophobic property of (R)-3 Amidinophenylalanine inhibitors contributes to their inhibition constants with thrombin enzyme

  1. Science & Technology Development Journal, 22(3):348- 352 Open Access Full Text Article Research Article Hydrophobic Property of (R)-3 Amidinophenylalanine Inhibitors Contributes to their Inhibition Constants with Thrombin Enzyme Nguyen Van Hien1 , Pham Thi Bich Van1 , Hoang Minh Hao2,* ABSTRACT Introduction: Thrombin is the key enzyme of fibrin formation in the blood coagulation cas- cade. Thrombin is released by the hydrolysis of prothrombinase which is generated from factor Use your smartphone to scan this Xa and factor Va in the presence of calcium ion and phospholipid. The inhibition of thrombin QR code and download this article is of therapeutic interest in blood clot treatment. Currently, potent thrombin inhibitors of (R)-3- amidinophenylalanine, derived from benzamidine-containing amino acid, have been developed so far. In order to quantitatively express a relationship between chemical structures and inhibition constants (Ki with thrombin enzyme in a data set of (R)-3-amidinophenylalanine inhibitors), we developed a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling from a group of 60 (R)-3- amidinophenylalanine inhibitors. Methods: A database containing chemical structures of 60 in- hibitors and their Ki values was put into molecular operating environment (MOE) 2008.10 software, and the two-dimensional (2D) physicochemical descriptors were numerically calculated. After re- moving the irrelevant descriptors, a QSAR modeling was developed from the 2D-descriptors and Ki values by using the partial least squares (PLS) regression method. Results: The results showed that the hydrophobic property, reflected through n-octanol/water partition coefficient (P) of a drug molecule, contributes mainly to Ki values with thrombin. The statistic parameters that give the in- formation about the goodness of fit of a 2D-QSAR model (such as squared correlation coefficient of 1 R2 = 0.791, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.443, cross-validated Q2 cv = 0.762, and cross-validated Department of Chemistry, Faculty of RMSEcv = 0.473) were statistically obtained for a training set (60 inhibitors). The R2 and RMSE values Sciences, Nong Lam University, Vietnam were obtained by using a developed model for the testing set (9 inhibitors) ; the total set has sta- 2 Department of Chemical Technology, tistically significant parameters. Furthermore, the 2D-QSAR modeling was also applied to predict Faculty of Chemical and Food the Ki values of the 69 inhibitors. A linear relationship was found between the experimental and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City predicted pKi values of the inhibitors. Conclusion: The results support the promising application University of Technology and Education, of established 2D-QSAR modeling in the prediction and design of new (R)-3-amidinophenylalanine Vietnam candidates in the pharmaceutical industry. Correspondence Key words: (R)-3-Amidinophenylalanine inhibitors, blood clot, thrombin, 2D-QSAR Hoang Minh Hao, Department of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and INTRODUCTION VIIa (a: activated). The activation of many factors, Education, Vietnam including factor V, VIII, IX and X, in sequence re- Fibrin clot formation is an important process that Email: heals a wound and stops any unwanted bleeding. sults in the generation and release of thrombin. When History However, an abnormal clot in the bloodstream leads thrombin is formed, it converts fibrinogen to fibrin by • Received: 2019-05-31 proteolysis. Finally, the cross-linking reactions were to pain and swelling because the blood gathers be- • Accepted: 2019-09-18 catalyzed by an activated factor XIIIa to form a very • Published: 2019-09-30 hind the clot. As a result, a heart attack can occur. There are pathways (mechanisms) which lead to fib- strong fibrin clot 2 . DOI : As discussed above, thrombin is a key enzyme in fib- rin formation. The intrinsic pathway was proposed in which fibrin formation resulted from a series of step- rin formation. Therefore, inhibitors selective toward wise reactions involving only proteins circulating in thrombin have been developed; these include pep- blood as precursors or inactive forms 1–3 . Proteins tide aldehydes 6 and boronic acid derivatives 7 . The were activated by proteolytic reactions and converted anticoagulants derived from 3-amidinophenylalanine Copyright to thrombin. The intrinsic mechanism can be trig- that are associated with their inhibition constants © VNU-HCM Press. This is an open- gered when thrombin is generated, leading to the ac- (Ki values) toward thrombin enzyme have been re- access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons tivation of factor XI 2 . The extrinsic pathway requires ported 8,9 . The inhibition constant is an equilibrium Attribution 4.0 International license. tissue factor VII in blood 2–5 . Initially, a complex in- constant of the reversible combination of the en- cluding factor VII was formed via calcium ion depen- zyme with a competitive inhibitor, I + E IE (Ki = dent reaction and then converted factor VII to factor [IE]/[I][E] ([I], [E] and [IE] are the equilibrium con- Cite this article : Van Hien N, Bich Van P T, Hao H M. Hydrophobic Property of (R)-3 Amidinopheny- lalanine Inhibitors Contributes to their Inhibition Constants with Thrombin Enzyme. Sci. Tech. Dev. J.; 22(3):348-352. 348
  2. Science & Technology Development Journal, 22(3):348-352 centrations of inhibitor (I), enzyme (E), and enzyme- to develop a 2D-QSAR model. This model was used inhibitor complex (IE)) 10 . The Ki value reflects the to predict the Ki values of 69 inhibitors and were pre- binding affinity of drug to target. The greater the bind- dicted via the QuaSAR Fit validation panel in MOE. ing affinity, the larger the Ki value is, i.e., the less amount of medication needed to inhibit the enzyme. RESULTS The design and synthesis of thrombin inhibitors 2D-QSAR modeling could be improved in several ways. The two The first goal of this work is to develop a 2D- dimensional-quantitative structure-activity relation- QSAR modeling which presents molecular descrip- ship (2D-QSAR) is one of the in silico drug discov- tors of (R)-3-amidinophenylalanine inhibitors which ery approaches due to its reliability and interpretabil- predominantly contribute to the inhibition constant, ity. In principle, the 2D-QSAR can be used to ex- Ki . The selected 2D-QSAR equation is given below: tract physicochemical properties (descriptors) which mainly contribute to the bioactivity of drug candi- pK i = 5.774 − 2.458 × SlogP_VSA0 + 1.318 (1) dates 11 . In the present work, in order to express the ×SlogP_VSA1 + 1.559 × SlogP− VSA3 2D-descriptors playing a crucial role on Ki of a se- ries of (R)-3-amidinophenylalanine inhibitors, we ap- Here, SlogP_VSA0, SlogP_VSA1, SlogP_VSA3 are plied 2D-QSAR method to develop a mathematical molecular descriptors associated with coefficients. QSAR equation from 60 inhibitors as a training set. The training set was randomly selected, we have ana- The modeling was then used to predict Ki values of lyzed to develop significant models by using different 69 inhibitors toward thrombin enzyme. training set with additional descriptors. The goal was to explain and search for other descriptors that relate METHODS to the inhibition constant. Unfortunately, other de- A data set of 69 inhibitors derived from (R)- 3- veloped models possessed poor R2 , Q2 cv and RMSE amidinophenylalanine and their logarithm of in- parameters. Therefore, those models could not be hibition constants, pKi = - logKi, toward throm- used for further analysis and discussion. bin enzyme was selected for the 2D-QSAR study 8 (Figure 1). Chemical structures of inhibitors were Statistical parameters drawn in molecular operating environment (MOE) The statistical parameters (such as R2 , Q2 cv and 2008.10 software and then optimized energetically RMSE) give information about the goodness of fit of prior to doing calculations. In order to develop a a model. The best model is selected when it pos- mathematical 2D-QSAR model, a training set con- sesses highest R2 values, Q2 cv (> 0.5) values, and low- taining 60 inhibitors was randomly selected in MOE. est RMSE (< 0.5) 11 . Table 1 shows the significantly The selection of a training set was done when all pa- statistical parameters of the internal, external (testing rameters such as squared correlation coefficient (R2 ), set), and total validations. cross-validated correlation coefficient of Q2 cv, and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of internal and ex- Predicted pKi values using a developed 2D- ternal validations were statistically significant. In our QSAR model study, this was repeated 8 times to obtain a satisfied Lastly, the pKi values of 69 inhibitors were predicted training set. The remaining 9 inhibitors were used as a using the established 2D-QSAR modeling. The pKi testing set to evaluate the reliability of the model. The values of all molecules are listed in Figure 1. A plot of input data were chemical structures and pKi values of experimental vs. predicted pKi is shown in Figure 2. inhibitors. The 2D-molecular physicochemical prop- erties (descriptors) are numerical values and calcu- Table 1: Statistically significant parameters of the lated by using MOE. The inhibition constants, Ki , de- established 2D-QSAR model pended on 184 2D-molecular descriptors. However, Training Cross- Testing the irrelevant descriptors which showed a zero value, set validation set a low correlation (< 0.07) with Ki ,and high intercor- No 60 60 9 69 relation (> 0.7) between themselves were discarded. These descriptors were screened out using the Rapid- R2 0.791 0.962 0.771 miner 5 software. In addition, QuaSAR-Contigency Q2 cv 0.762 and Principle Components in MOE 2008.10 were also RMSE 0.443 0.473 0.161 0.460 used to screen the most relevant descriptors. The par- tial least squares (PLS) regression method was used 349
  3. Science & Technology Development Journal, 22(3):348-352 Figure 1: Chemical structures, experimental (Exp) pKi 8,9 and predicted (Pred) pKi values toward thrombin of (R)-3-amidinophenylalanine inhibitors. R1 and R2 are the substituted groups in (R)-3- amidinophenylalanine skeleton 350
  4. Science & Technology Development Journal, 22(3):348-352 pKi (i.e., Ki -binding affinity decreases) with decreas- ing values of the descriptors. The higher the abso- lute coefficient value is, the more crucial the contri- bution of the descriptor on the binding affinity. The modeling indicates that inhibitors possessing higher SlogP_VSA1 and SlogP_VSA3 properties will result in a decrease in Ki values, i.e., binding affinities decrease while an increase in SlogP_VSA0 property would in- duce a better binding affinity. Table 2: Molecular descriptors in 2D-QSAR modeling Descriptor Description Figure 2: The plot of correlations representing Code the experimental vs. predicted pKi values for 69 SlogP_VSA0 Sum of ai such that pi 0.5 and is a ratio between the concentrations of a solute in RMSE< 0.5 (Table 1) further supported the reliabil- lipid phase (n-octanol) and in aqueous phase (P = ity and interpretability of the modeling. The pKi val- Cn−octanol /Caqueous) . Compounds possessing P > 1 ues of inhibitors were predicted by applying an estab- are lipophilic or hydrophobic while compounds for lished 2D-QSAR modeling on a total set. By plotting which P < 1 are hydrophilic. LogP of a molecule the predicted pKi values vs. the experimental ones was calculated from fragmental or atomic contribu- (Figure 2), there is a linear relationship between the tions (surface area, molecular properties, and solva- predicted and experimental pKi values of inhibitors, tochromic parameters) and various correction factors i.e., both pKi values are high (a low inhibitory activ- (electronic, steric, or hydrogen-bonding effects) 11,13 . ity) or low (a good inhibitory activity). These results Each atom has an accessible van der Waals surface show that the modeling is reliable to predict the pKi area (VSA), ai , along with an atomic property, pi . This values of the inhibitors. property is in a specified range (a, b) and contributes to the descriptor. Slog P_VSA is the sum of ai of CONCLUSIONS all atoms, such that pi value of each atom i is in a The 2D-QSAR modeling has been successfully range of (a, b) (Table 2) ; pi contributes to descriptor developed from 2D-descriptors of 60 (R)-3- logP 13 . The sign and magnitude of the descriptors co- amidinophenylalanine inhibitors associated with efficients re present the contribution of each descrip- their inhibition constants, Ki . The established QSAR tor to pKi . Positive coefficients imply that pKi values modeling was internally, externally, and totally of molecules increase with increasing SlogP_VSA val- validated, demonstrating satisfactory statistical pa- ues, while negative values demonstrate an increase in rameters. Hydrophobicity is an important descriptor 351
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